Al-lihaibi, Ss; Al-sofyani, Aa; Niaz, Gr. |
Three species of corals Stylophora pistillata, Lobophyllia corymbosa and Echinopora gemmacea were collected from Sharm Obhur to study their chemical composition. This information was important in the investigation of their metabolic pathways and their mode of feeding. The concentrations of amino acids in these species were 9.37, 21.35 and 3.09 mg.g(-1) dry weight of coral respectively. Plant pigments were highest in E. gemmacea followed by S. pistillata and then by L. corymbosa. Lipid concentrations in S. pistillata, L. corymbosa and E. gemmacea were 1.90, 8.58 and 1.32 mg.g(-1) of total coral respectively. The fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed in these species and the most abundant saturated acids were 16:0 and 18:0, while unsaturated acids included... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Corail; Composition chimique; Nutrition; Reef coral; Chemical composition; Nutrition. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00326/43671/43199.pdf |
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Dufour, P.; Cremoux, Jl.; Slepoukha, M.. |
"In vitro" enrichment experiments on natural populations have been used to determine the nutrients controlling the potential biomass of phytoplancton in the Ebrié coastal lagoon. The limiting nutrients were generally nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon, in this order ; in three cases out of eleven, P and N act simultaneously ; in an extreme eutrophication case, N, P and C were all limiting. No effect was observed following addition of metals, vitamins or chelators. The limitations deduced from the enrichment experiments show a. good agreement with the elementary composition of the external medium ; in waters potentially limited by N alone, the dissolved inorganic nutrients have a N : P ratio lower than 25. The agreement is poorer when the sestonic N : P ratio... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Lagune; Estuaire; Zone tropicale; Phytoplancton; Biomasse; Eléments limitants; Tests biologiques; Composition chimique; Coastal lagoon; Estuary tropical zone; Phytoplankton; Biomass; Limiting nutrients; Bioassay; Chemlcal composition. |
Ano: 1979 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00306/41689/40898.pdf |
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Hinard, Gustave. |
Le développement plus ou moins rapide de l'huître, sur un banc naturel ou dans un parc,dépend en premier lieu de la nourriture qui lui est fournie. Or, celte nourriture est très variable, en qualité comme en quantité. suivant les lieux. de telle sorte que certains endroits du littoral sont impropres à l'ostréiculture, d'autres spécialement propres à l'élevage, ou à la pousse, ou à l'engraissement. Il est de règle qu'une huître s'engraisse mal dans les emplacements ou elle fut élevée; inversement, les centres d'engraissement les plus réputés conviennent peu, en général, à la reproduction et au demi-élevage. L'étude des divers facteurs qui peuvent agir sur la nutrition de l'huître, en particulier de ceux qui conditionnent les apports alimentaires, cette... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecologie; Composition chimique; Fonds ostréicoles; Ostréiculture; Seudre; Charente-Maritime; Bélon; Finistère; Diatomées; Vase. |
Ano: 1923 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00002/11318/7834.pdf |
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