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ICT and Typical Products: An Analysis of Italian Farms 31
Platania, Marco; Privitera, Donatella.
The paper discusses the final results of research into the use and impact of ICT on a sample of firms in the Calabria region of southern Italy processing typical food products (salami, citrus fruits, oil, cheese) certified as PDO or PGI. The specific sample was chosen for two reasons: on the one hand to assess the compatibility of ICT in firms where production follows historic and territorial traditions, and on the other to test the hypothesis that the use of ICT in firms processing food products of certified quality should ideally present a greater, more significant impact. The results let us know some characteristics concerning with the introduction and usage of new technology in the examined farms.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Computer use; Typical Italian products; Intensity of innovation; Agricultural software use; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q12; Q16; O33.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms, 1995: 20th Annual Family Farm Report to Congress 31
Sommer, Judith E.; Hoppe, Robert A.; Green, Robert C.; Korb, Penelope J..
National average statistics related to farm production mask the diversity in the Nation's 2 million farms and the people who operate them. Farms in the United States differ not only by size (sales and acres) and type of production, but also by organizational characteristics (land ownership, legal organization, contracting arrangements) and financial characteristics (debt, assets, income, expenditures). Farm operators and their households vary with respect to demographic characteristics (occupation, age, education), financial characteristics (dependence on farm income, operator/spouse labor allocation), and management characteristics (information sources, business goals).
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm structure; Farm income; Financial performance; Farm management; Farm business; Government payments; Farm loans; Computer use; Minority farmers; Female farm operators; Farm operator household; Family farm; Small farm; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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