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3DMCAP documentation: release 1.0. Infoteca-e
This document is the user manual of a tool, 3DMCAP, developed by our Automation Group for photogrammetry using a single camera and a notebook computer. Our staff was able to use it to recover the three-dimensional structure of plants in greenhouses and in open fields, including vines, coffee trees, maize, sunflower, soybean eucalyptus trunks.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Manual do usuário; Ferramenta 3DMCAP; Imagem digital; Visão computacional; Fotogrametria; Photogrammetry; Digital images; Image analysis; Computer vision.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Comparison of shape analysis methods for Guinardia citricarpa ascospore characterization Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Pazoti,Mário Augusto; Garcia,Rogério Eduardo; Cruz Pessoa,José Dalton; Martinez Bruno,Odemir.
Among the diseases affecting the commercial citrus production, the citrus black spot (CBS) is considered to cause substantial losses. The analyses of particles in suspension in the orchards and collected into a disc have been applied as a preventive action trying to identify the presence of fungus spores before symptom appearance. In this paper, we show the results of several shape analysis methods applied to the fungus, the first step to the aimed computer aided vision system, capable to assist the identification process. Experiments and comparative results among the methods are presented in this paper, showing that better results were obtained applying the curvature method
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Computer vision; Curvature; Pattern recognition; Shape analysis; Shape signature and projection.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Rodrigues,Tatiana P. N. da S.; Pandorfi,Héliton; Stosic,Borko; Lucena,Aline C. de; Rodrigues,Diogo F. B..
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to develop a software based on image processing and computer vision techniques for monitoring the feeding/collective behavior of broilers (Cobb) and validate it based on the results obtained from the visual analysis of an expert. The visual analysis was performed based on the observation and quantification of behaviors in the interval of 10 min at each hour of the day, in the period of 24 hours, totaling 1728 frames/day, for males and females. The software was developed using the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm, for labeling clusters, which would basically be the grouping of similar pixels. This software is written in the 1999 standard of the C language. After this stage of programming, the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler farming; Image processing; Lighting system; Computer vision.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Genetic Parameters and Genome-Wide Association Studies of Quality Traits Characterised Using Imaging Technologies in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss ArchiMer
Blay, Carole; Haffray, Pierrick; Bugeon, Jérôme; D’ambrosio, Jonathan; Dechamp, Nicolas; Collewet, Guylaine; Enez, Florian; Petit, Vincent; Cousin, Xavier; Corraze, Geneviève; Phocas, Florence; Dupont-nivet, Mathilde.
One of the top priorities of the aquaculture industry is the genetic improvement of economically important traits in fish, such as those related to processing and quality. However, the accuracy of genetic evaluations has been hindered by a lack of data on such traits from a sufficiently large population of animals. The objectives of this study were thus threefold: (i) to estimate genetic parameters of growth-, yield-, and quality-related traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using three different phenotyping technologies [invasive and non-invasive: microwave-based, digital image analysis, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)], (ii) to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits, and (iii) to identify candidate genes present...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Fat content; Flesh colour; Magnetic resonance imaging; Fatmeter; Computer vision; Genetic correlations; QTL.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Introdução à visão computacional e ao processamento de imagens com OpenCV: Módulo I - processamento de imagens. Infoteca-e
Objetivo. Programação. Público-alvo e requisitos. Ministrante. Organização.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Visão computacional; Biblioteca de software de código aberto OpenCV; Processamento de imagens; Image processing; Computer vision.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Métrologie 3D par vision active sur des objets naturels sous-marins ArchiMer
Espiau, Francois-xavier.
This PhD Thesis concerns the application of computer vision techniques to natural underwater images. Recently, advances in projective geometry have given a strong formalism to computer vision reconstruction algorithms and has allowed real improvements. Nevertheless, many algorithms may have problems with natural scenes. We present here a complete methodology to make a projective reconstruction of natural scenes from underwater images taken with one uncalibrated camera. In the first step, we are interested in extracting robust features which is a necessary step of image processing. Due to the particular scenes we observe (no geometric simple forms, high noise, no knowledge of the environment), we choose a robust implementation of a point detector based...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Underwater images; Robust matching; Multi scale approach; Interest points; Projective reconstruction; Computer vision; Images sous marines; Appariement robuste; Approche multi échelles; Points d'intérêt; Reconstruction projective; Vision par ordinateur.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Prediction of Girolando cattle weight by means of body measurements extracted from images R. Bras. Zootec.
Weber,Vanessa Aparecida de Moraes; Weber,Fabricio de Lima; Gomes,Rodrigo da Costa; Oliveira Junior,Adair da Silva; Menezes,Geazy Vilharva; Abreu,Urbano Gomes Pinto de; Belete,Nícolas Alessandro de Souza; Pistori,Hemerson.
Abstract The objective with this study was to analyze the body measurements of Girolando cattle, as well as measurements extracted from their images, to generate a model to understand which measures further explain the cattle body weight. Therefore, the experiment physically measured 34 Girolando cattle (two males and 32 females), for the following traits: heart girth (HGP), circumference of the abdomen, body length, occipito-ischial length, wither height, and hip height. In addition, images of the dorsum and the body lateral area of these animals allowed measurements of hip width (HWI), body length, tail distance to the neck, dorsum area (DAI), dorsum perimeter, wither height, hip height, body lateral area, perimeter of the lateral area, and rib height....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cattle; Computer vision; Livestock precision; Machine learning; Mass estimation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Produção de ortomapas com VANTs e OpenDroneMap. Infoteca-e
Introdução. Princípios de fotogrametria. Correspondências entre imagens. Captura de imagens com multirrotores. Legislação. Planejamento da missão. Configurações. GCPs. Checklist. Utilização do OpenDroneMap. Instalação. Execução. Resultados produzidos. Outras opções e configurações do ODM. Interrupção do ODM. Algoritmos empregados pelo OpenDroneMap. Conclusões.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Veículos Aéreos Não-Tripulados; Ortomapas; OpenDroneMap; Software de visão estéreo múltipla; Visão computacional; Fotogrametria; Photogrammetry; Computer vision.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Stéréovision Locale et Reconstruction 3D/4D ArchiMer
Brandou, Vincent.
The aim of this study is to propose a complete 3-dimension reconstruction method of natural submarine objects improved by a new acquisition method for quantitative measures, which can be used in operational conditions. First, it was necessary to take into account the various problems connected with the deep sea environment; the main constraint is that the system used to collect images must be manipulated at very important depths, up to 6000 meters by an underwater vehicle positioned on the sea floor. Thus, a method allowing the automatic acquisition of images was developed, adapted to any type of small-scale submarine object (approximately 1m3). The image acquisition is performed with a stereovision system operated by a manipulator arm. The method that we...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: 3D reconstruction; Camera trajectory; Visual servoing; Stereovision system; Computer vision; 3D metrology; Reconstruction 3D; Trajectoire d'acquisition; Asservissement visuel; Stéréovision; Vision par ordinateur; Métrologie 3D.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Swingle citrumelo seed vigor and storability associated with fruit maturity classes based on RGB parameters Scientia Agricola
Gomes-Junior,Francisco Guilhien; Arruda,Natália; Marcos-Filho,Julio.
ABSTRACT: Citrus seeds normally have low storability. Identifying an optimal fruit harvest time for production of high vigor seeds is important for nurseries; however, identifying this stage for Swingle citrumelo fruits has been based only on visual color examination, and research related to this parameter has been inconsistent. The main objective of this study was to evaluate a red-green-blue (RGB) color measurement system for successful identification of Swingle citrumelo fruits possessing seeds with maximum physiological potential and storability. Fruits were harvested at three ripening stages identified as green (G), greenish-yellow (GY), and yellow (Y) pericarp, photographed, and the images processed using ImageJ software. Data were expressed as the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Image analysis; Computer vision; Fruit maturation; Citrus rootstock; Seedling vigor.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The circlet transform: A robust tool for detecting features with circular shapes ArchiMer
Chauris, H.; Karoui, Imen; Garreau, Pierre; Wackernagel, H.; Craneguy, Philippe; Bertino, L..
We present a novel method for detecting circles on digital images. This transform is called the circlet transform and can be seen as an extension of classical 1D wavelets to 2D; each basic element is a circle convolved by a 1D oscillating function. In comparison with other circle-detector methods, mainly the Hough transform, the circlet transform takes into account the finite frequency aspect of the data; a circular shape is not restricted to a circle but has a certain width. The transform operates directly on image gradient and does not need further binary segmentation. The implementation is efficient as it consists of a few fast Fourier transforms. The circlet transform is coupled with a soft-thresholding process and applied to a series of real images...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circlet transform; Circle detection; Image processing; Multi-scale representation; Computer vision.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Vide-omics: A Genomics-inspired Paradigm for Video Analysis ArchiMer
Kazantzidis, Ioannis; Florez-revuelta, Francisco; Dequidt, Mickael; Hill, Natasha; Nebel, Jean-christophe.
With the development of applications associated to ego-vision systems, smart-phones, and autonomous cars, automated analysis of videos generated by freely moving cameras has become a major challenge for the computer vision community. Current techniques are still not suitable to deal with real-life situations due to, in particular, wide scene variability and the large range of camera motions. Whereas most approaches attempt to control those parameters, this paper introduces a novel video analysis paradigm, ‘vide-omics’, inspired by the principles of genomics where variability is the expected norm. Validation of this new concept is performed by designing an implementation addressing foreground extraction from videos captured by freely moving cameras....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Computer vision; Freely moving camera; Genomics; Foreground detection; Segmentation; Scanlines.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Vigor-S, a new system for evaluating the physiological potential of maize seeds Scientia Agricola
Castan,Danielle Otte Carrara; Gomes-Junior,Francisco Guilhien; Marcos-Filho,Julio.
ABSTRACT: The refinement of vigor tests and the possibility of utilizing computer resources for the effective evaluation of the seed physiological potential have attracted considerable interest from research and seed technologists. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological potential of maize seeds using the newly-created Automated Analysis of Seed Vigor System (Vigor-S) compared with other recommended seed vigor tests; two maize hybrids were used, each represented by seven seed lots. Germination and vigor (cold test, saturated salt accelerated aging, and field seedling emergence) evaluations were conducted. For the evaluation of seed vigor with the use of seedling image analysis resources, two systems were compared: the Seed Vigor Imaging...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays L.; Image analysis; Computer vision; Seedling vigor.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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