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Aspectos biológicos y ecológicos de Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz, 1849) (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) en bancos de ostra de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano OceanDocs
Puyana, Mónica.
Mytilopsis sallei es una especie que se encuentra ampliamente distribuida sobre sustratos duros en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, siendo particularmente abundante sobre bancos de ostra de mangle (Crassostrea rhizophorae), donde alcanza densidades de hasta 5000 indiv/m2. Aunque posee una amplia tolerancia a variaciones en la salinidad y temperatura, prefiere aquellos lugares donde la afluencia de aguas dulces es constante. Puede además tolerar aguas turbias con un alto contenido de sedimentos, como en la desembocadura de los ríos. M. sallei no parece aparentemente, competir con la ostra, incluso en aquellos bancos sometidos a intensa explotación. Esto se debe a las preferencias ambientales de cada especie y a la alta productividad de las aguas de la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ecology; Population structure; Salinity effects; Temperature effects; Density; Condition factor; Turbidity; Interspecific relationships; Population dynamics; Coastal lagoons; Estuaries; Ecology; Population structure; Turbidity; Estuaries; Density; Population dynamics; Coastal lagoons; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Assessment of mercury contamination in Brycon falcatus (Characiformes: Bryconidae) and human health risk by consumption of this fish from the Teles Pires River, Southern Amazonia Neotropical Ichthyology
Matos,Liliane S. de; Silva,João Otávio S.; Kasper,Daniele; Carvalho,Lucélia N..
ABSTRACT Brycon falcatus is one of the most highly consumed species of fish within the region in the Teles Pires basin, and has great commercial importance in sport and professional artisanal fishing. The objective of this study was to analyze the presence and concentration of total mercury (THg) in the muscle, liver and gills of B. falcatus, and calculate the risk to human health of THg contamination from ingestion of the fish. THg concentrations were similar in the liver (0.076 mg kg-1) and muscle (0.052 mg kg-1), and higher than in the gills (0.009 mg kg-1). The levels of HgT present in B. falcatus tissues did not influence weight gain and nutritional status. Based on the condition factor, weight and length ratio and hepatosomatic index, it seems that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Condition factor; Hepatosomatic index; Matrinxã; Tapajós basin; Weight-length relationship.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Benthic communities and geomorphology of the Tesoro Island Coral Reef, Colombian Caribbean OceanDocs
Sánchez-M., Juan M..
The benthic communities distribution in Tesoro Island (Colombian Caribbean) coral reef was determinad by cartography of reef morphology and functional groups from aerial photographs, theodolite triangulation, and bottom transects over depths ranging from O to 30 m. Tesoro Island is a sand cay reef developed over an emerged reef platform whose basal cone possibly originated by mud diapirism on the continental shelf. The benthic communities are distributed as subzones of the geomorphologic units. The reef crest lies along the breaker zone, formed by Millepora spp. buttresses covered on their tops by Palythoa spp. and seawardly by a turf of Dictyota spp. The rear reef (varying from 0.5-1.5 m ¡n depth) is composed of pavement and grooves with live Porites...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ecology; Benthos; Outer continental shelf; Coral; Algae; Surf; Cartography; Condition factor; Aerial photography; Geomorphology; Coral reefs; Ecology; Benthos; Aerial photography; Coral reefs; Algae; Cartography; Geomorphology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Biologia populacional de Imparfinis minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) na microbacia do Ribeirão Grande, serra da Mantiqueira oriental, Estado de São Paulo - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i3.6591 Biological Sciences
Moraes, Mariana Bissoli de; UNESP- Campus de Rio Claro; Braga, Francisco Manoel de Souza; UNESP- Campus de Rio Claro.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a biologia e distribuição de Imparfinis minutus na microbacia do Ribeirão Grande (22º47´08´´S, 45º28´17´´W), serra da Mantiqueira oriental, nos períodos de julho e outubro de 2001 e janeiro e abril de 2002. Dentre as 37 espécies amostradas, I. minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) distribuiu-se desde o pediplano, até a planície do Vale do Paraíba, e esteve associada a ambientes pouco profundos, com substrato constituído principalmente por pedra, cascalho e matacão. O comprimento total dos indivíduos na população variou de 4,75 a 12,75 cm. A curva ajustada da relação peso-comprimento para a população foi p = 0,0052 C3,13. Os fatores de condição alométrico (Ka) e relativo (Kr) apresentaram tendências semelhantes,...
Tipo: Relação peso-comprimento; Aspectos reprodutivos e alimentares Palavras-chave:; Alimentação; Reprodução; Fator de condição; Imparfinis minutus Zoologia Feeding; Reproduction; Condition factor; Imparfinis minutus.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Consideraciones sobre el crecimiento de la caballa (Scomber japonicus marplatensis)durante su primer año de vida OceanDocs
Sánchez, R.P..
Through the analysis of the morphological changes ocurring in the process of growth, it was possible to identify three stages (primary juvenile: 25-75 mm; secondary juvenile: 76-160 mm; and juvenile preadult: 161-250 mm)during the first year of the species life. Regression equations for the different relations studied: body weight/body lenght, body surface/body lenght, body surface/body weight, and metabolic rate/body lenght, have been calculated for each stage. The variation of the number of gill rakers, mean distance between adjacent rakers and mean values of gill rakers lenght in reference to body growth was studied, and the relation between filtering area and body length was established.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Length-weight relationships; Condition factor; Gills; Juveniles; Mackerel fisheries; Gills; Http://
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Crecimiento de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) del Atlántico sudoccidental entre 1993-2003 al norte y sur de 41º S OceanDocs
Renzi, M.A.; Santos, B.A.; Abachian, V..
The reading of otoliths sagittae collected during the INIDEP (National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development, Argentina) assessment cruises carried out in the 1993-2003 period allowed to estimate length and weight growth parameters and the condition factor of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and to prospect the two management units of the species north and south of 41ºS (Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic). A great variability in total length and weight in each age group was observed; nevertheless, stable mean length and weight values per age group were observed in the period analyzed. Besides, the values estimated to determine possible growth variations in each and between both management units north and south of 41ºS were compared. The comparison of growth...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth curves; Stock identification; Condition factor; Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dieta do tucunaré-amarelo Cichla monoculus (Bloch & Schneider) (Osteichthyes, Cichlidae), no Reservatório de Lajes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Zoologia
Santos,Luciano Neves dos; Gonzalez,Alejandra Filippo; Araújo,Francisco Gerson.
The diet of Cichla monoculus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in Lajes's Reservoir, a major impoundment in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, was assessed, from fishes collected in 1994,1996 and 1999/2000. Gut contents in individuals was analyzed by the index of relative importance (IRI) which deals with numerical, gravimetrical and frequency of occurrence. Cichla monoculus showed a strong piscivorous habits feeding on Cichlidae, Characidae and Pimelodidae, in decreasing order of importance, with a remarkable cannibalism on young-of-the-year. Others minor items in the diet were Macrobrachium sp. and Odonata. Changes in feeding composition varied with reservoir's zones and seasons, with higher diversity in Autumn and peaks of cannibalism in lower zone during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cichla; Trofic ecology; Diet; Reservoirs; Freshwater fish; Condition factor; Feeding habits.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Difference in reproduction energy content in muscles on fish from reservoirs in Paraná State, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Espínola,Luis Alberto; Dourado,Elãine Christine dos Santos; Benedito,Evanilde.
The variation in energy in the muscles of the most representative fish species from three Neotropical Reservoirs was investigated to determine the effect of the reproductive process on the amount of energy allocated and a possible relationship between the general welfare of the species and their caloric content. Significant differences were detected between the sexes and among the stages of gonad maturity. In general, the variation in energy in the muscles indicate to be a function of the reproductive cycle. In most examined species, females presented the highest caloric values, reflecting physiological differences in their use of energy, relative to the reproductive process. However, there was no significant correlation between caloric values and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calorimetry; Condition factor; Freshwater fish; Paraná River basin; Trophic groups.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Distribution and growth in adults of Macrobrachium acanthurus Wiegmann, (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in a tropical coastal lagoon, Brazil Zoologia
Albertoni,Edélti Faria; Palma-Silva,Cleber; Esteves,Francisco de Assis.
Macrobrachium acanthurus Wiegmann, 1836 is a Palaemonidae commonly found in Brazilian coastal environments. At Imboassica lagoon, located in the north of the State of Rio de Janeiro, it is found in two stages of its life cycle: as larvae and as reproductive adults. This work had as its goal the evaluation of adults distribution, estimating the weight/length relationship and the condition factor of these adults. After sampling in two regions of the lagoon, one interior and another closer to the ocean, we verified that females are found in a greater proportion close to the ocean, and males are found in greater number in the innermost region, amidst the aquatic macrophytes, suggesting that the fecundation takes place in this last area and the females then...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Palaemonidae; Macrobrachium acanthurus; Coastal lagoon; Weight/length relationship; Condition factor.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Ecología trófica de la anchoíta (Engraulidae, Engraulis anchoita)del Mar Argentino. Parte III. Requerimiento trófico individual en relación con el crecimiento, ciclo sexual y las migraciones estacionales OceanDocs
Angelescu, V.A.; Anganuzzi, A..
The paper was developed in order to arrange the data gathered on this subject and to generate new hypotheses in connection with the trophic strategy of the northern stock of anchovy in the area between latitudes 35°-42°S. Such estimates were finally compared with the values of the gravimetric determinations of stomach contents- as converted to caloric values - of individuals grouped by total-length amd age classes, ecological areas, and seasons of the year. The set of results as obtained conforms the initial basis for developing Part IV of the Trophic Ecology of the Argentine anchovy as related to food consumption estimates, by stock biomass and annual classes, with back-calculations to age class 0, and for applying "regional patterns" that result from the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth curves; Bioenergetics; Migrations; Length-weight relationships; Condition factor.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Ecología trófica de la caballa del Mar Argentino (Scombridae, Scomber japonicus marplatensis). Parte I. Alimentación y crecimiento OceanDocs
Angelescu, V.A..
The present study describes the morphology of the digestive system, the feeding and feeding behaviour, and the trophic relationships of the mackerel in the coastal waters regions, pelagic zone, along the Province of Buenol Aires. At the same time, this study is completed with a bioestatistical analysis on growth rhythm of body length and body weight of secondary juveniles, pre-adults and adults. All the biological information and statistical data correspond, only to the period november-march and the summer trophic habitat area.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trophic relationships; Ecological distribution; Digestive system; Feeding; Growth curves; Condition factor; Mackerel fisheries; Feeding; Digestive system; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Effects of river damming in Neotropical piscivorous and omnivorous fish: feeding, body condition and abundances Neotropical Ichthyology
Pereira,Larissa Strictar; Agostinho,Angelo Antonio; Delariva,Rosilene Luciana.
ABSTRACT The increase in abundance of small-sized fishes is common after a reservoir is formed. There is an increase in the consumption of fish, from typically piscivorous fish to opportunistic species that take advantage of abundant resources. This study aims to evaluate the effects of diet changes induced by damming on the feeding activity and condition factor of typically piscivorous (Hoplias aff. malabaricus and Oligosarcus longirostris ) and opportunistic (Astyanax lacustris (ex Astyanax altiparanae ) and Pimelodus britskii ). Sampling was conducted before and after the impoundment in the Iguaçu River in the region of Salto Caxias, Paraná State, Brazil. Stomach contents were analysed by the volumetric method. Feeding activity and body condition were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Condition factor; Feeding activity; Opportunist diet; Piscivory; Reservoir.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Estructura del manglar en el Delta exterior del Río Magdalena-Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, una zona tensionada por alteraciones del equilibrio hídrico OceanDocs
Serrano-Díaz, L.A.; Botero, L.; Cardona, P.; Mancera-Pineda, J.E..
La estructura de los bosques de manglar del Delta Exterior del Río Magdalena-Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (DERM-CGSM) y algunas variables abióticas de sus suelos fueron cuantificadas con el objeto principal de proveer una línea de base para evaluaciones futuras de cambios en el ecosistema, como consecuencia de la reapertura de caños de agua dulce provenientes del Río Magdalena. Se encontró que los bosques que rodean el complejo lagunar exhiben diferentes grados de desarrollo estructural, desde casi ningún desarrollo (completamente muertos) hasta bosques complejos. El mejor desarrollo estructural se encontró en las estaciones localizadas sobre el Caño El Jobo (JOB) y sobre la Ciénaga de la Aguja (AGU) en la zona suroccidental del área de estudio. La...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoons; Estuaries; Mangroves; Ecology; Population structure; Salinity effects; Lethal limits; Habitat; Redox potential; Condition factor; Redox potential; Estuaries; Ecology; Population structure; Coastal lagoons; Mangroves; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Estudio sobre el crecimiento en peso y factor de condición en larvas de anchoíta, Engraulis anchoita Hubbs & Marini. Variaciones regionales, estacionales y anuales OceanDocs
de Ciechomski, J.D.; Sánchez, R.P.; Alespeiti, G.; Regidor, H..
The equation log W=a+bL (where W=dry weight in ug, and L=total length in mm)was used to describe the growth in weight of larval anchovy collected in two areas of the Argentine sea, sampled in different months and several years. Regression lines were compared by covariance analysis applied to two size groups, namely larvae less and over 10 mm total length, as an evident break in the slopes indicated the existence of a chenge of rythm in the trajectory of larval growth in length. Significant differences between the slopes of the growth lines were observed within the smaller size group. No regional or yearly differences could be established fo larvae larger than 10 mm.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Length-weight relationships; Fish larvae; Condition factor; Fish larvae; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Etude comparative de différents indices de condition chez l'huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas) ArchiMer
Bodoy, Alain; Prou, Jean; Berthome, Jean-paul.
Among the different condition indices, some of them were compared on a population of the japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The follow-up of experimental racks was performed monthly during four years. The use of dry weight in condition indices gave a more precise and more reliable representation for the condition of the oysters than the fresh weight. The sensitivity of these indices, which corresponds to their ability in revealing small changes in the physiological condition, was calculated for each indice. Those exhibiting the best sensitivity were ranked as follow: dry weight on the difference between total weight and shell weight, dry weight on intervalve volume. Other indices including the ratio between dry weight and various assessments of the volume...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalve; Crassostrea gigas; Indice de qualité; Indice de condition; Crassostrea gigas; Bivalve; Condition factor; Condition index.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Etude des variations de la biomasse du thiof (<Epinephelus aeneus>) sur les côtes de Mauritanie. Influence de facteurs hydrodynamiques et climatiques OceanDocs
Ould Telmidi, M..
Mémoire de DEA (Spécialité Océanographie et Environnements marins)
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Biomass; Condition factor; Distribution; Environmental factors; Seasonal variations; Upwelling; Biomass; Distribution; Environmental factors; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evidence of a relationship between weight and total length of marine fish in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean: physiological, spatial and temporal variations ArchiMer
Mahe, Kelig; Bellamy, Elise; Delpech, Jean-paul; Lazard, Coline; Salaun, Michele; Verin, Yves; Coppin, Franck; Travers-trolet, Morgane.
Weight–Body Length relationships (WLR) of 45 fish species (37 Actinopterygii and eight Elasmobranchii) were investigated. A total of 31,167 individuals were caught and their biological parameters measured during the four quarters from 2013 to 2015, on five scientific surveys sampling the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean from the North Sea to the Bay of Biscay (ICES Divisions IVb, IVc, VIId, VIIe, VIIg, VIIh, VIIj, VIIIa and VIIIb). Among 45 tested species, all showed a significant correlation between total length (L) and total weight (W). The influence of sex on WLR was estimated for 39 species and presented a significant sexual dimorphism for 18 species. Condition factor (K) of females was always higher than for males. Moreover, a spatial effect on the WLR...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Weight-length relationship; Condition factor; Bay of Biscay; Celtic Sea; English Channel; North Sea; Sexual dimorphism; Seasonality.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Experiences on importance of diet for shrimp postlarval quality OMA
Lavens, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
This paper gives an overview of own experiences with respect to the impact of dietary conditions on the quality of postlarval penaeid shirmp. Direct nutrient-specific effects are documented for highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA), phosphatidyl choline (PC) and ascorbic acid (AA). Specific immunostimulants may also contribute to an improved stress resistance of the shrimp fry. Last, but not least, some emphasis is placed on the role of the microflora during the hatchery rearing, the possible reduction of bacteria in the live food adminstered, and the use of probionts through the diet.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal nutrition; Condition factor; Diets; Disease resistance; Feed composition; Microorganisms; Polyunsaturated fatty acids; Rearing; Shrimp culture; Vitamin C; Artemia; Penaeidae [Penaeid shrimps].
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Growth performances of juvenile sole Solea solea under environmental constraints of embayed nursery areas ArchiMer
Laffargue, Pascal; Lagardere, Francoise; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Fillon, Alain; Amara, Rachid.
Les baies du golfe de Gascogne (France) hébergent des habitats où la sole, Solea solea, est le plus abondant des poissons plats. Cette étude vise à évaluer le fonctionnement des habitats pour leur rôle de nourriceries, en analysant la croissance et la condition des juvéniles de sole pendant leur première année. Les données de deux séries, 1999 et 2000, de chalutages mensuels sont comparées à celles acquises lors d'une expérience de 6 mois en mésocosme impliquant l'élevage de poissons originaires de la même nourricerie. La croissance observée est comparée à la croissance potentielle, en utilisant un modèle expérimental décrivant la croissance en fonction de la température. Les soles du groupe d'âge 0 capturées dans la nourricerie atteignent une taille...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Solea solea; Flatfish; Mesocosm experiment; Condition factor; Growth; 0 group fish; Habitat quality; Coastal nursery.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Importance des saisons de transition hydrologique et impact des anomalies climatiques sur l'activité d’une flottille pélagique en ZEE mauritanienne 1985 – 1987 OceanDocs
Chavance, P.; Loktionov, Y.; Mahfoudh, M..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Condition factor; Environmental effects; Environmental impact; Fishery resources; Fishing fleet; Pelagic fisheries; Seasonal distribution; Seasonal variations; Temperature effects; Temporal variations; Upwelling; Environmental impact; Fishery resources; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1989 URL:
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