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Building aggregate timber supply models from individual harvest choice AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Wear, David N.; Huggett, Robert.
Timber supply has traditionally been modelled using aggregate data. In this paper, we build aggregate supply models for four roundwood products for the US state of North Carolina from a stand-level harvest choice model applied to detailed forest inventory. The simulated elasticities of pulpwood supply are much lower than reported by previous studies. Cross price elasticities indicate a dominant influence of sawtimber markets on pulpwood supply. This approach allows predicting the supply consequences of exogenous factors and supports regular updating of supply models.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Timber supply; Harvest choice; Conditional logit; Elasticity; Expectations; Simulation..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estimating Mixed Logit Recreation Demand Models With Large Choice Sets AgEcon
Domanski, Adam.
Discrete choice models are widely used in studies of recreation demand. They have proven valuable when modeling situations where decision makers face large choice sets and site substitution is important. However, when the choice set faced by the individual becomes very large (on the order of hundreds or thousands of alternatives), computational limitations make estimation with the full choice set intractable. Sampling of alternatives in a conditional logit framework is an effective method to limit computational burdens while still producing consistent estimates. This method is allowed by the existence of the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) assumption. More advanced mixed logit models account for unobserved preference heterogeneity and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sampling of alternatives; Discrete choice; Mixed logit; Conditional logit; Recreational demand; Wisconsin; Fishing; Microeconometrics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Forest Amenities and Location Choice in the Southwest AgEcon
Hand, Michael S.; Thacher, Jennifer A.; McCollum, Daniel W.; Berrens, Robert P..
Locations with natural characteristics, such as forest, are thought to be attractive residential locations. This proposition is tested in the Southwest United States, composed of Arizona and New Mexico. This paper presents a conditional logit model of location choice estimated with household observations from the U.S census, geographic information system (GIS) data, and county-level data. Results suggest that forest area, both in one's own location and nearby, increases the probability of choosing a location. But significant heterogeneity in location choices exists; an income effect and life-cycle effects on the demand for forest amenities appear to determine location choices.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Amenities; Conditional logit; Forest; Location choice; Southwest; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Location Choices of Multinational Firms: The Case of Mergers and Acquisitions AgEcon
Bertrand, Olivier; Mucchielli, Jean-Louis; Zitouna, Habib.
This article examines the location choices of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) between OECD members´ firms in the 1990`s. In addition to traditional determinants of FDI, we estimate the impact of specific factors affecting the M&A location pattern. Two distinct econometric methods are implemented: the conditional logit and the count model (Poisson or negative binomial model). In spite of the use of alternative econometric methods, we find that the supply of target firms (captured by market capitalization and privatization activity) constrains the location of M&A. However, is it not the only determinant of location: market size, labor costs, market access and financial openness play a positive and significant role on the M&A...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Foreign Direct Investment; Merger and Acquisition; Location; Conditional logit; Count model; Industrial Organization; International Relations/Trade; F23; L1; R3.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Population Growth and Land Use Dynamics along Urban–Rural Gradient AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Zhang, Daowei.
In this study we apply a spatial conditional logit model to determine factors influencing land cover change in three contiguous counties in West Georgia between 1992 and 2001 using point (pixel) based observations of land characteristics. We found that accessibility to population and population growth affect not only development of rural lands and transition between agricultural and forestry uses, but also influence changes between forest types. The model could be used to project land use–land cover change at watershed or subwatershed level and thus serve as a valuable tool for county and city planners.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conditional logit; Land use change; Population gravity index; Spatial lag; Agribusiness; Labor and Human Capital; Land Economics/Use; Q15; Q23; R14.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Rider Preferences and Values of Equestrian Trail Characteristics in Kentucky AgEcon
Pelton, Marie E.; Hu, Wuyang; Pagoulatos, Angelos.
A conjoint analysis of equestrian trail characteristics (trail length, scenic views, open land, bathroom/shower facilities, restricted use, distance, and entrance fee) is conducted for the state of Kentucky. The conditional logit results show location is an important determiner of willingness to pay. In particular, scenic views and restricted use are highly valued (WTP above $20). However, increased distance from home to the trail results in a negative willingness to pay.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Equestrian trail characteristics; Conditional logit; Conjoint analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Smallholder Dairy Farmer Access to Alternative Milk Market Channels in Gujarat, India AgEcon
Kariuki, E.; Staal, Steven J.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Njoroge, L.; Patil, B.R.; Ibrahim, Mohammed Nawaz Mohammed.
Although India is already the worlds largest milk producer, dairy production particularly among smallholder and even landless farmers continues to grow with growing demand. Currently over 80% of that milk marketed passes through traditional channels handling raw milk and traditionally processed products, in spite of the high profile given to cooperative dairy development through the Operation Flood programs. However, the growing middle class is likely to increase the demand for the more formal processed and pasteurized products, which the traditional market generally cannot deliver. This may shift opportunities for market participation and development away from smallholder dairy producers towards larger farmers who can deliver larger daily quantities of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Smallholder dairy; Conditional logit; McFaddens; Milk markets; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing; D1; Q12; Q13; C21.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Understanding the multinomial-Poisson transformation AgEcon
Guimaraes, Paulo de Freitas.
There is a known connection between the multinomial and the Poisson likelihoods. This, in turn, means that a Poisson regression may be transformed into a logit model and vice versa. In this paper, I show the data transformations required to implement this transformation. Several examples are used as illustrations.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Poisson regression; Logit; Conditional logit; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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