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2輪駆動トラクタのけん引効率予測 19
大友, 功一; 岸本, 正; OHTOMO, Koichi; KISHIMOTO, Tadashi.
トラクタのけん引性能を評価するための一つの方法として, 2輪駆動トラクタのけん引効率の予測を行なった。予測精度を検討するために, トラクタの機体条件ならびに平均円すい指数からけん引効率等を予測すると共に, 土壌密度を変えた圃場でけん引性能試験を行ない実測データを収集した。けん引力およびけん引効率の実測値の予測値に対する偏差と予測最大値との比を偏差率として定義し求め, 予測精度を検討した。その結果, 全データの偏差率の平均値は, けん引力で0.07%, けん引効率で-0.29%となり, 提案モデルは高い精度で予測できることを示した。 A prediction of the tractive efficiency of a two-wheel drive tractor was conducted with tractor dimensions and average cone indexes. Experimental data in a field for the discussion of the prediction accuracy were obtained through tractor drawbar pull tests. The deviations of the measured data to the predicted one of drawbar pull and tractive efficiency were calculated,and the deviation rates which were defined as the ratio of the deviation to the predicted maximums of the drawbar pull and the...
Palavras-chave: トラクタ; けん引力; けん引効率; 円すい指数; 予測モデル; Tractor; Drawbar pull; Tractive effciency; Cone index; Prediction model.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Development of an automated bench top electronic penetrometer 70
Bianchini,Aloísio; Roque,Márcio W.; Rosa,Rodrigo P..
The aim of this study was to develop a an automated bench top electronic penetrometer (ABEP) that allows performing tests with high rate of data acquisition (up to 19,600 Hz) and with variation of the displacement velocity and of the base area of cone penetration. The mechanical components of the ABEP are: a supporting structure, stepper motor, velocity reducer, double nut ball screw and six penetration probes. The electronic components of ABEP are: a "driver" to control rotation and displacement, power supply, three load cells, two software programs for running and storing data, and a data acquisition module. This penetrometer presented in compact size, portable and in 32 validation tests it proved easy to operate, and showed high resolution, high...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil compaction; Soil resistance to penetration; Velocity test; Cone index.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Evaluation of corn planter under travel speed, working depth, pressure wheel and cone index 111
Khodaei, Mehdi.
Compaction is one of the restricting factors in desirable seed germination and root growth. As a sign for soil compaction can be a criterion for optimal seed germination. Seeds require some compression of the surrounding soil at planting for optimum growth, which it is made by pressure wheels in planters. Travel speed and working depth affect the soil cone index. A field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of the speed and working depth in the beginning of the autumn season. Experiments were performed in the form of factorial split-plot based on a randomized complete block design with two factors, the travel speed (3, 4, and 6 km/h) and working depth (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 cm) in three replication. Digital cone Penetrometer was used for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compaction; Cone index; Corn planter; Depth; Moving speed; Pressure wheel.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Modeling and correction of soil penetration resistance for variations in soil moisture and soil bulk density 70
Silva,Wininton M. da; Bianchini,Aloísio; Cunha,Cesar A. da.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the behavior of models for adjusting data of soil penetration resistance for variations in soil moisture and soil bulk density. The study was carried out in Lucas do Rio Verde, MT, Brazil in a typic dystrophic red-yellow Latosol (Oxisol) containing 0.366 kg kg−1 of clay. Soil penetration resistance measurements were conducted in the soil moistures of 0.33 kg kg−1, 0.28 kg kg−1, 0.25 kg kg−1 and 0.22 kg kg−1. Soil penetration resistance behavior due to variations in soil moisture and soil bulk density was assessed by estimating the soil resistance values by non-linear models. There was an increase of the soil penetration resistance values as soil was losing moisture. For the same edaphic condition studied, small...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil compaction; Pedotransfer functions; Cone index.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Soil resistance to penetration in cotton rows and interrows 91
Baio,Fábio H. R.; Scarpin,Igor M.; Roque,Cassiano G.; Neves,Danilo C..
ABSTRACT The soil physical quality is one of the most determinant factors for the development of any crop. This study aimed to assess the sample representativeness in soil resistance to penetration mappings taken in rows and interrows of the cotton crop, under two soil moisture conditions. Thirty control points were sampled in a cotton field of 91 ha. Soil resistance to penetration and soil moisture were measured at these georeferenced points. Regardless of soil moisture, the sampling position of soil resistance to penetration is indifferent (row, interrow, or in both positions) when the analysed depth is greater than 0.20 m in the cotton crop. The decrease of soil moisture causes the increment of soil resistance to penetration, regardless of the sampling...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cone index; Penetrometer; Soil compaction.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Soybean root growth and crop yield in reponse to liming at the beginning of a no-tillage system 90
Bortoluzzi,Edson Campanhola; Parize,Guilherme Luis; Korchagin,Jackson; Silva,Vanderlei Rodrigues da; Rheinheimer,Danilo dos Santos; Kaminski,João.
Analyzing the soil near crop roots may reveal limitations to growth and yield even in a no-tillage system. The purpose of the present study was to relate the chemical and physical properties of soil under a no-tillage system to soybean root growth and plant yield after five years of use of different types of limestone and forms of application. A clayey Oxisol received application of dolomitic and calcitic limestones and their 1:1 combination in two forms: surface application, maintained on the soil surface; and incorporated, applied on the surface and incorporated mechanically. Soil physical properties (resistance to mechanical penetration, soil bulk density and soil aggregation), soil chemical properties (pH, exchangeable cations, H+Al, and cation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dolomitic limestone; Calcitic limestone; Soil physical resilience; Cone index.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Spatial variability of soil penetration resistance influenced by season of sampling 53
Bonnin,Juan José; Mirás-Avalos,José Manuel; Lanças,Kléber Pereira; González,Antonio Paz; Vieira,Sidney Rosa.
The aim of this work was to analyze the spatial distribution of soil compaction and the influence of soil water content on the resistance to penetration. The latter variable was described by the cone index. The soil at the study site was a Nitisol and the cone index data were obtained using a penetrometer. Soil resistance was assessed at 5 different depths, i.e. 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm and deeper than 40 cm, whereas soil water content was measured at 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm. Soil water conditions varied during the different samplings. Coefficients of variation for cone index ranged from 16.5% to 45.8% while those for soil water content varied from 8.96% to 21.38%. Results suggested a high correlation between soil resistance, as assessed by the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cone index; Indicator kriging; Soil compaction; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cortez,Jorge W.; Cavassini,Victor H.; Motomiya,Anamari V. de A.; Orlando,Roberto C.; Valente,Igor Q. M..
ABSTRACT Soil resistance to penetration is an indicator of easy measurement which can be used to make scarification / subsoiling recommendations in areas that work with localized management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil resistance to penetration (RP) in the area of direct sowing system, and to carry out the recommendation of scarification / subsoiling in a localized way through precision agriculture. The research was conducted in commercial area, in a field of 49.12 ha. The RP collection was with an electronic penetrometer in a sample mesh of 47 points distributed regularly in the area, with georeferenced points. The data were analyzed every 0.10 m being collected up to 0.40 m depth, in addition to obtaining...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compaction; Cone index; Decompaction.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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