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Harrison, R. Wes; Ozayan, Aylin; Meyers, Samuel P..
Attributes for two value-added seafood products derived from underutilized crawfish are analyzed using conjoint data from seafood restaurants in the southern region of the United States. Preferences for the products' form, price, and flavor attributes were tested. Statistical tests revealed that the attribute interactions were not significant, and part-worth utilities for all main effects were estimated using an additive preference model. Results indicate that the new crawfish products should be marketed as a high-quality fresh soup base or seafood stuffing, priced between 30% and 50% of the cost of fresh crawfish tail meat.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Seafood; Value added; Marketing.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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A Conjoint Analysis of the U.S. Broiler Complex Location Decision AgEcon
Harrison, R. Wes; Sambidi, Pramod R..
A national survey of broiler industry executives is conducted to analyze site-specific factors related to the broiler-complex location problem. Conjoint analysis is used to analyze the broiler complex location decision. Feed costs, community attitude toward the broiler industry, availability of geographically concentrated growers, unemployment rates, and wage rates were found to be the top five factors affecting broiler company location decisions. The quality of roads between feed mill and growers; electricity, heating, water, and sewage costs; and the number of potential growers in the region were also found to be important.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Broilers; Conjoint analysis; Location; Poultry industry; R12; O18.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Gan, Christopher E.C.; Luzar, E. Jane.
Conjoint analysis, widely used in marketing research, offers an alternative resource valuation approach suited to outdoor recreation activities characterized as multiattribute. Design, implementation, and interpretation of conjoint analysis are reviewed in the context of recreation applications. Conjoint analysis is used in an analysis of waterfowl hunting in Louisiana. Using primary data collected from a survey of waterfowl hunters, ordered logit is used to estimate willingness-to-pay for recreation experience attributes.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Recreation demand; Waterfowl hunting; Valuation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Acceptance of Transgenic Milk in La Araucania Region,Chile Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Schnettler M,Berta; Sepúlveda B,Oriana; Ruiz F,Danilo.
Considering the high level of concern caused by genetically modified foods (GMF) in developed countries, the relevance of this variable in decision-making about the purchase of fluid milk among consumers in Temuco (La Araucanía Region, Chile) was determined. By means of a personal survey of 400 people and using conjoint analysis, it was determined that the presence of genetic modifications in food was more important (44.7%) than brand (29.5%) and price (25.5%) in the decision-making process. By cluster analysis three segments were identified; the largest group (46.5%) gave similar relevance to food production and brand, preferring genetically modified milk. For the second group (41.5%), the presence or absence of genetic modification was the most important...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Genetically modified foods (GMF); Fluid milk; Cluster analysis; Conjoint analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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An Application of Conjoint Analysis in Agricultural Sustainability Assessment AgEcon
Sydorovych, Olha; Wossink, Ada.
Increasing public interest in the concept of sustainable agriculture has resulted in the development of a number of methods that could be used for the assessment of sustainability of various agricultural production systems. Because of its complex, multi-dimensional nature, sustainability is most often assessed using numerous indicators, which make aggregate comparisons among systems difficult. In this paper we propose a methodology that could be beneficial in aggregate sustainability assessment. We apply conjoint analysis to identify economic, social, and ecological attributes that are perceived as important for agricultural sustainability by different stakeholders and to assess their relative impact on the overall sustainability measure.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Choice experiments; Sustainability assessment; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Analysis of Cardinal and Ordinal Assumptions in Conjoint Analysis AgEcon
Harrison, R. Wes; Gillespie, Jeffrey M.; Fields, Deacue.
Of twenty-three agricultural economics conjoint analyses conducted between 1990 and 2001, seventeen used interval-rating scales, with estimation procedures varying widely. This study tests cardinality assumptions in conjoint analysis when interval-rating scales are used, and tests whether the ordered probit or two-limit tobit model is the most valid. Results indicate that cardinality assumptions are invalid, but estimates of the underlying utility scale for the two models do not differ. Thus, while the ordered probit model is theoretically more appealing, the two-limit tobit model may be more useful in practice, especially in cases with limited degrees of freedom, such as with individual-level conjoint models.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Ordered probit; Two-limit probit; Conjoint analysis; Cardinality; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Ansätze für ein produktspezifisches Marketing für Öko-Produkte im konventionellen Handel - Eine Verbraucheranalyse im Elbetal AgEcon
Wirthgen, Antje.
Against the background of increasing political importance of organic farming combined with market potential for organic food, especially concerning conventional retailers, this article aims to improve organic marketing for retailers by means of product-specific analysis of consumers’ purchase behaviour. The main research aspects based on a consumer survey are preference testing and attitude measuring to explain consumers’ purchase behaviour concerning selected products. The preference test furthermore offered the possibility to examine the impact of substitutes produced by other environmentally friendly production methods and to estimate the market potential for organic food. The findings of this research are firstly hints on market potential for organic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Organic food; Consumer behaviour; Product-specific analysis; Attitude measuring; Conjoint analysis; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Applying Geographically Weighted Regression to Conjoint Analysis: Empirical Findings from Urban Park Amenities AgEcon
Tanaka, Katsuya; Yoshida, Kentaro; Kawase, Yasushi.
The objective of this study is to develop spatially-explicit choice model and investigate its validity and applicability in CA studies. This objective is achieved by applying locally-regressed geographically weighted regression (GWR) and GIS to survey data on hypothetical dogrun facilities (off-leash dog area) in urban recreational parks in Tokyo, Japan. Our results show that spatially-explicit conditional logit model developed in this study outperforms traditional model in terms of data fit and prediction accuracy. Our results also show that marginal willingness-to-pay for various attributes of dogrun facilities has significant spatial variation. Analytical procedure developed in this study can reveal spatially-varying individual preferences on attributes...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Choice experiments; Conjoint analysis; Dogrun; Geographically weighted regression; Spatial econometrics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Are Consumers in Developing Countries Willing-to-Pay More for Micronutrient-Dense Biofortified Foods? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda AgEcon
Chowdhury, Shyamal K.; Meenakshi, J.V.; Tomlins, Keith; Owori, Constance.
Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem in Africa and in many other developing countries. Biofortified staple crops that are high in pro vitamins A and adapted to local growing environment have the potential to reduce the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency. One such example is the orange-fleshed sweetpotato. However because of its distinctive orange color, which is in contrast to the white varieties that are typically consumed in Africa, it is important to assess whether consumers will accept it. It is this question that this paper attempts to address, using a choice experiment with the real product to quantify the magnitude of the premium or discount in consumers’ willingness to pay that may be associated with it. In addition, it also considers...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cheap talk; Field experiments; Hypothetical bias; Conjoint analysis; Universal logit; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; C35; C93; D 83; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of food in the absence of official standards: the case of beef in Ethiopia AgEcon
Jabbar, Mohammad A.; Admassu, Samuel A..
Conjoint analysis was applied to asses the part worth of beef quality and safety attributes using a cross sectional data from a stratified sample of 300 households in Addis Ababa city collected in June 2007. Due to the absence of official standards for quality and safety in the domestic market for beef, information on consumer perception on quality and safety attributes were derived from a rapid appraisal. These were then used for defining product profiles in the detailed survey. Results show that, freshness, abattoir stamp, fat content, hygiene of meat shop and staff, and price are significant quality and safety attributes that consumers use, in the order mentioned, in their beef purchase decisions. There are differences in the relative importance of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Beef; Quality and safety attributes; Conjoint analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing Food Safety Concepts on the Dairy Farm: The Case of Chemical Hazards AgEcon
Valeeva, Natasha I.; Meuwissen, Miranda P.M.; Oude Lansink, Alfons G.J.M.; Bergevoet, Ron H.M.; Huirne, Ruud B.M..
Adaptive conjoint analysis was used to elicit farmers' and experts' preferences for attributes of improving food safety with respect to chemical hazards on the dairy farm. Groups of respondents were determined by cluster analysis based on similar farmers' and experts' perceptions of food safety improvement. Results show differences in priority of the more important attributes. However, respondents in all groups valued "identification of treated cows" as one of the most important attributes. The results provide the processing industry and extension service with a better understanding of aspects that may form farmers' perceptions of improving food safety, and thus help to define the message for targeting different farmer groups.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food safety; Dairy farm; Conjoint analysis; Cluster analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Avaliação da intenção de compra de couve minimamente processada Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Dantas,Maria I. S.; Deliza,Rosires; Minim,Valéria P.R.; Hedderley,Duncan.
Vários fatores influenciam a percepção do produto pelo consumidor e, conseqüentemente, sua intenção de compra. Dentre tais fatores pode estar a expectativa criada pelas características da embalagem e do rótulo, pois representam o primeiro contato entre o indivíduo e o produto. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das características da embalagem na intenção de compra de couve minimamente processada, considerando as diferenças individuais dos consumidores para processar as informações. Cinco características da embalagem de couve minimamente processada (informação, tipo de produção, cor, preço e visibilidade do produto) foram manipuladas e 12 embalagens criadas seguindo delineamento fatorial incompleto. A intenção de compra para o produto foi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Consumidor; Intenção de compra; Conjoint analysis; Embalagem.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Beef Consumer Preferences in Chile: Importance of Quality Attribute Differentiators on the Purchase Decision Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Villalobos,Pablo; Padilla,Carlos; Ponce,Cristian; Rojas,Álvaro.
Agrifood markets worldwide have focused on searching for new quality attribute differentiators, which capture the attention of consumers and meet their needs. The purpose of this research was to determine the importance of a set of quality attribute differentiators associated with a beef cut on the choice behavior of the Chilean consumer. The evaluated differentiating characteristics were: price, origin, production method, and quality assurance. A total of 750 subjects were surveyed in the following cities: Talca, Rancagua, and Santiago. Conjoint analysis was carried out to estimate the impact of the assessed attributes on the purchase decision of the consumers polled. Findings point out that the quality attribute differentiators significantly influence...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Country of origin; Animal welfare; Quality assurance; Differentiation; Marketing.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Caracterización del proceso de decisión de compra de leche en la Región de La Araucanía, Chile AgEcon
Vinuela, Juan Manuel; Schnettler, Berta; Sepulveda, Nestor; Catalan, Patricia.
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chile
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Fluid milk; Purchase behavior.; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Halbrendt, Catherine K.; Pesek, John D., Jr.; Parsons, April; Lindner, Robert K..
This book was originally published by Westview Press, Boulder CO, 1995.
Tipo: Book Chapter Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Pork products; Conjoint analysis; Willingness to buy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Chicken nuggets packaging attributes impact on consumer purchase intention Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
SCHUCH,Alexia Francielli; SILVA,Ana Carla da; KALSCHNE,Daneysa Lahis; SILVA-BUZANELLO,Rosana Aparecida da; CORSO,Marinês Paula; CANAN,Cristiane.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chicken nuggets packaging attributes on Brazilian consumer purchase intention. Focus group technique was employed in order to identify the relevant packaging characteristics. Forty consumers were interviewed in six sessions where five different types of chicken nuggets packaging were evaluated. After identifying the most relevant parameters for the study (color, picture, brand, and price), the impact of each characteristic (factor) on the purchase intent was evaluated. The conjoint analysis technique was applied to 100 consumers data. Eight stimuli (labels) were prepared by combining two levels for each factor using a fractional factorial design 24-1. The price significantly influences at the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Breaded chicken; Label; Consumer perception; Focus group; Conjoint analysis.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Conocimiento y aceptación de leche genéticamente modificada en consumidores de la Región del Maule, Chile AgEcon
Schnettler, Berta; Sepulveda, Oriana; Ruiz, Danilo; Catalan, Patricia; Sepulveda, Nestor.
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chile
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Genetically modified foods; Conjoint analysis; Cluster analysis; Fluid milk.; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Consumer Interest in Environmentally Beneficial Chicken Feeds: Comparing High Available Phosphorus Corn and Other Varieties AgEcon
Pesek, John D., Jr.; Bernard, John C.; Gupta, Meeta.
One source of phosphorous pollution in areas of high chicken production is runoff from fields using fertilizer from these operations. A potential solution is to feed chicken high available phosphorus (HAP) corn, reducing phosphorus in manure. This study examined consumer purchase likelihood of chickens fed HAP, created traditionally or through genetic modification, and other genetically modified (GM) corn including Bt and Roundup-ready. Survey results from the Delmarva Peninsula found considerable interest in non-GM HAP corn, although GM HAP corn was not typically viewed as more acceptable than other GM varieties. Overall, the marketplace appears open to products geared toward environmental benefits.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Chicken; Conjoint analysis; Corn; Genetically modified; Heteroscedastic; Phosphorus pollution; Tobit; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q13; D12; C24.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Consumer Likelihood to Purchase Chickens with Novel Production Attributes AgEcon
Bernard, John C.; Pesek, John D., Jr.; Pan, Xiqian.
Typical supermarket chickens are produced with novel or controversial attributes. This continues despite contrasting growth in consumer interest in organic and natural foods. This study surveyed Delaware consumers’ likelihood to purchase chicken given different attributes: free range, given antibiotics, irradiated, fed genetically modified (GM) fee, GM chicken, and price. Examining conjoint analysis data with a heteroskedastic two-limit tobit model, GM chicken and other novel attributes were found to lower purchase likelihood significantly. Understanding these results should help the industry meet consumer preferences while aiding its continued expansion to benefit workers and growers across the South.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Antibiotics; Chicken; Conjoint analysis; Genetically modified; Heteroskedastic; Irradiated; Tobit; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q13; D12; C24.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consumer Perception of Sorghum Variety Attributes in the Lake Zone Tanzania AgEcon
Mafuru, January M.; Norman, David W.; Fox, J.S.
Many sorghum varieties have been developed by research institutes in an effort to address food security problems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania. Although sorghum is better adapted to drier areas than maize, farmer adoption rates for sorghum varieties are always lower than that of maize. In addition, maize based food is more acceptable to urban consumers than sorghum based food. In this study consumer evaluated quality attributes of sorghum ugali based on different varieties in order to determine marketing potential relating to the different improved sorghum varieties. A total of 231 consumers, randomly selected from urban and rural areas participated in a food panel to evaluate ugali prepared from five sorghum varieties (three improved, two local)....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adoption; Consumer perception; Conjoint analysis; Sorghum varieties; Tanzania; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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