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Carbon indices to assess quality of management systems in a Subtropical Acrisol Scientia Agricola
Zanatta,Josiléia Acordi; Vieira,Frederico Costa Beber; Briedis,Clever; Dieckow,Jeferson; Bayer,Cimélio.
ABSTRACT: Management systems to improve soil quality are essential for agricultural and environmental sustainability. We assessed the quality of soil management systems applied to a subtropical Acrisol in terms of the carbon management index (CMI), the stratification ratio for total organic carbon (SR-TOC) and light fraction of organic matter (SR-LF). In addition, we examined their relationship to chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators, as well as to maize yield. The study was conducted on a long-term experiment (18 years) in southern Brazil involving two different systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], two cropping systems [black oat/maize (O/M) and black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and two nitrogen fertilizer...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation agriculture; Cropping systems; No-till; Quality indicators.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Comparative Economic and Gender, Labor Analysis of Conservation Agriculture Practices in Tribal Villages in India AgEcon
Lai, Cynthia; Chan, Catherine; Halbrendt, Jacqueline; Shariq, Linsey; Roul, Pravat; Idol, Travis; Ray, Chittanrajan; Evensen, Carl.
The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review is published quarterly by IFAMA.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: India; Conservation agriculture; Gender; Labor; Maize; Cowpea; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Productivity Analysis; Q.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Consecuencias de la agricultura de conservación en la eficiencia del uso de agua bajo condiciones de riego Colegio de Postgraduados
Kienle, Fabian.
Esta investigación se realizó en un experimento a largo plazo establecido en 1992 para evaluar el suelo sometido a diferentes prácticas de labranza y manejos de rastrojo del Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), en la estación experimental en el Centro de Investigaciones Agrícola del Noroeste (CIANO) en Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, México, en el invierno 2008. Se evaluaron cinco diferentes sistemas agrícolas respecto a su eficiencia en el uso de agua (EUA) en el cultivo de trigo, y un sistema de riego por tubería con compuerta. Los cinco diferentes sistemas incluyeron camas convencionales (CAC) con incorporación de paja y camas permanentes (CAP) con cuatro diferentes manejos de paja (paja incorporada, paja quemada, paja...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Agricultura de conservación; Calidad de suelo; Vertedor de cresta triangular; Riego por surcos; Maestría; Hidrociencias; Conservation agriculture; Soil quality; V-notch weir; Furrow-irrigation.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Conservation Agriculture Practices and Adoption by Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe AgEcon
Mazvimavi, Kizito; Ndlovu, Patrick V.; Nyathi, Putso; Minde, Isaac J..
This study is based on a panel survey interviewing 416 farmers practising conservation agriculture for at least five cropping seasons. Farmers obtained higher yields on conservation agriculture plots than on nonconservation agriculture ones. The mean maize yield on conservation agriculture was 1546 kg/ha compared to 970 kg/ha for non-conventional draft tillage plots across all 15 districts. However, the contribution of conservation agriculture to total household food security requirements was limited due to small plot sizes. Labor and land still remains a major challenge that limits the expansion of conservation agriculture area. Winter weeding remains a challenge, with 63% of farmers practicing it. Application of residues is still limited (56% of farmers...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation agriculture; Planting basins; Yield gains; Adoption labor; And fertilizer; Farm Management; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Conservation tillage and controlled traffic AgEcon
The following review is an financial assessment of an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) conservation tillage and controlled traffic research project which was conducted in China (for the conservation tillage component) and Australia (for the controlled traffic component) during the period 1993–1996, inclusive. The project—No. 9209—was implemented by staff from the Beijing Agricultural and Engineering University and the Shanxi Agricultural Machinery Bureau (in China) and the University of Queensland (in Australia). The overall aim of the joint project was to develop and evaluate conservation and zone (controlled traffic) tillage techniques for sustainable dryland grain production in China and Australia. Australian dryland...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Controlled traffic; Conservation agriculture; China; Australia; Grain production; Dryland; Crop; Soil conservation; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; International Development.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Design, fabrication and assessment of direct seeder in Benin Republic CIGR Journal
DAYOU, Ephrème Dossavi.
The need for efficient agricultural equipment that is compatible with the characteristics of farms remains a crucial issue in Africa. The aim of the work was to design, fabricate and test a seeder for direct seeding. The method used consisted in collecting the farmers’ needs and the weakness of some direct seeders in literature review. Then, the design of the planter components was carried out based on the characteristics of soil types and seeds in Benin Republic. Finally, a  technical drawing of the seeder was made on the computer. The seeder was manufactured in a mechanical workshop and tested in the field. This equipment is capable of sowing on unplowed soil, with an average capacity of 0.90 ha/h for two rows, a working speed of 5.76 km/h and a seed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Planter; Local design; Agricultural mechanization; Conservation agriculture; Benin.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Economic profitability of crop rotation systems in the Caiuá sandstone area Ciência Rural
Volsi,Bruno; Bordin,Ivan; Higashi,Gabriel Eiji; Telles,Tiago Santos.
ABSTRACT: Even in areas of predominance of Caiuá sandstone, with soils of low natural fertility that are highly susceptible to erosion and degradation processes, farmers have adopted systems with little diversification, because they believe that they provide a greater economic return. However, agricultural practices such as crop rotation can bring agronomic benefits in terms of conservation agriculture, in addition to economic gains, circumventing edaphoclimatic difficulties in the region. In this context, the objective of this study is to verify whether no-till crop rotation systems are economically profitable, in a Caiuá sandstone area in the northwest region of the Brazilian state of Paraná. To this end, an experiment was conducted in the municipality...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cost analysis; Agricultural production; Agricultural economy; Rural administration; Conservation agriculture.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Efecto de labranza, manejo de rastrojo y fertilización de nitrógeno sobre el contenido de humedad y desarrollo del cultivo de trigo. Colegio de Postgraduados
Osorio Hernández, Victorino.
Se estudió la influencia que ejercen los residuos, el efecto de los diferentes tipos de labranza y la fertilización, sobre el contenido de humedad, desarrollo y rendimiento de trigo. Se incluyen resultados de dos ensayos, localizados en la parte noroeste de México, en el Centro Experimental Norman E. Borlaug en un suelo Chromic Haplotorrert (Hyposodic Vertisol (Calcaric, Chromic)), bajo en materia orgánica (<1%), en condiciones semi-áridas. Se comparan prácticas agronómicas que difieren en tipo de labranza (camas permanentes y camas convencionales), manejo de rastrojo (dejar, empacar o quemar), dosis de fertilización de N bajo diferentes regímenes de riego y con rotación maíz-trigo. Se midieron el contenido de humedad en el perfil (0-60 cm) antes y...
Palavras-chave: Agricultura de conservación; Cama permanente; Manejo de residuos; Conservation agriculture; Permanent beds; Straw management; Maestría; Hidrociencias.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Environmental and production cost impacts of no-till: Estimates from observed behaviour AgEcon
Laukkanen, Marita; Nauges, Celine.
No-till has been promoted as a cultivation method that reduces both production costs and the environmental impacts of farming relative to conventional tillage. Using farm-level data from Finland, we show that no-till has no statistically significant effect on total variable costs but that it increases the use of plant protection products and fertilizers, and decreases the use of labor. An environmental impact simulation combining the results on input use with a nutrient and herbicide runoff model predicts that no-till produces environmental benefits on highly erodible land, but may be even detrimental to the environment in average conditions.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation agriculture; No-till; Technology adoption; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Humic substances and its distribution in coffee crop under cover crops and weed control methods Scientia Agricola
Martins,Bruno Henrique; Araujo-Junior,Cezar Francisco; Miyazawa,Mario; Vieira,Karen Mayara.
ABSTRACT Humic substances (HS) comprise the passive element in soil organic matter (SOM), and represent one of the soil carbon pools which may be altered by different cover crops and weed control methods. This study aimed to assess HS distribution and characteristics in an experimental coffee crop area subjected to cover crops and cultural, mechanical, and chemical weed control. The study was carried out at Londrina, in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil (23°21’30” S; 51°10’17” W). In 2008, seven weed control/cover crops were established in a randomized block design between two coffee rows as the main-plot factor per plot and soil sampling depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm and 30-40 cm) as a split-plot. HS were extracted through alkaline and acid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: UV-Vis spectroscopy; Conservation agriculture; Soil organic matter; Carbon content; Chemical fractionating.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Incentives for Soil and Water Conservation on Farm in Ravines of Gujarat: Policy Implications for Future Adoption AgEcon
Pande, V.C.; Kurothe, R.S.; Singh, H.B.; Tiwari, S.P..
The issue of incentives has been studied for the adoption of soil and water conservation in the ravines of Gujarat in the context of holistic development of small and marginal farms and their profitability. It is hypothesized that poor economic condition of farmers impedes their ability to make large-scale investment in conservation agriculture, in general and improvement of land, in particular. The study is based on two groups of farms- with and without conservation history. The results have substantiated the argument that under the present price scenario, farm profitability makes the marginal farms susceptible to a vicious poverty circle. The input and output prices prevailing in the region do not favour the farming enterprise. Thus, this policy variable...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Soil and water conservation; Conservation agriculture; Credit worthiness; Land tenure; Farm investment; Gujarat ravines; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q25; Q28.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Influencia de diferentes manejos agrícolas sobre el crecimiento radical y su relación con la agregación del suelo. Colegio de Postgraduados
Torres Guerrero, Carlos Alberto.
Los suelos de México han sido degradados en los últimos años en buena parte por la acción del hombre. Debido a las prácticas agronómicas empleadas en la mayor parte del país (labranza convencional, monocultivos y remoción de residuos vegetales de cosechas anteriores) los suelos con potencial agrícola se han visto disminuidos en su productividad. La Agricultura de Conservación (AC) ofrece un aprovechamiento sustentable del recurso suelo, asegurando su estabilidad y estructura, con el propósito de aumentar los rendimientos de los cultivos. El experimento que se reporta es de larga duración. Se inició en 1991 en el Batán Texcoco, Estado de México, en el Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) y consta de 32 parcelas con diferentes...
Palavras-chave: Labranza; Agricultura de conservación; Raíces; Agregación; Maestría; Edafología; Tillage; Conservation agriculture; Roots; Aggregation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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No-tillage system participatory quality index AGRIAMBI
Telles,Tiago S.; Righetto,Ana J.; Lourenço,Marco A. P.; Barbosa,Graziela M. C..
ABSTRACT The no-tillage system participatory quality index aims to evaluate the quality and efficiency of soil management under no-tillage systems and consists of a weighted sum of eight indicators: intensity of crop rotation, diversity of crop rotation, persistence of crop residues in the soil surface, frequency of soil tillage, use of agricultural terraces, evaluation of soil conservation, balance of soil fertilization and time of adoption of the no-tillage system. The aim of this study was to assess the extent to which these indicators correlate with the no-tillage system participatory quality index and to characterize the farmers who participated in the research. The data used were provided by ITAIPU Binacional for the indicators of the no-tillage...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Farmers; Conservation agriculture; Crop rotation; Soil and water conservation; Sustainable agriculture.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Nutrition, yield and quality of ‘Niagara Rosada’ vine fruits using cattle slurry and plastic cover Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Tullio,Leonardo; Morais,Heverly; Yagi,Renato.
Abstract Plastic cover and organic fertilization for grapevine can bring synergistic benefits in yields and fruit quality. The objective was to characterize and measure the effects of fertilization with cattle slurry in systems without and with plastic cover on plant nutrition, yield and quality of ‘Niagara Rosada’ fruits. Two experiments were carried out and evaluated in contiguous areas, without and with plastic cover, each one using a randomized complete block design with 4 treatments represented by cattle slurry rates of 0, 20, 40 and 60 m3 ha-1, with four replicates. The nutritional status of grapevines was not affected by cattle slurry application without plastic cover in plants growing on fertile sandy soil. Plastic cover provides better nutrition...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis sp.; Organic fertilizing; Plasticulture; Conservation agriculture.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fuentes-Llanillo, Rafael; Soares Junior, Dimas; Carneiro, Sergio Luis; Carvalho, Adenir De; Marcolini, Ciro.
O presente artigo avaliou a rentabilidade do conjunto de lavouras de grãos sob plantio direto, utilizando a análise multicaso de treze estabelecimentos agropecuários familiares de grãos no Norte do Paraná, Brasil, através da avaliação das margens brutas por hectare-ano ao longo de seis safras anuais entre 1998/99 e 2003/04. Averiguou-se ainda a existência ou não de uma relação entre a rentabilidade e os diferentes tipos de plantio direto com respeito ao nível de revolvimento do solo, à realização de rotação de culturas e ao acesso a maquinários apropriados.---------------------------------------------This article evaluated the profitability of the mix of grain crops under no-tillage, in a multiple case analysis of thirteen family enterprises of grains in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Margem bruta; Plantio direto; Agricultura de conservação; Agricultura familiar; Gross margin; No tillage; Conservation agriculture; Household farming; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Research on Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems in Brazil Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Moraes,Anibal de; Carvalho,Paulo César de Faccio; Lustosa,Sebastião Brasil Campos; Lang,Claudete Reisdorfer; Deiss,Leonardo.
Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) are designed to exploit synergisms and emergent properties resulting from interactions between different soil-plant-animal-atmosphere compartments that integrate themselves at different spatial-temporal scales. In this review, a panorama of the evolution of studies based on ICLS is presented. Specific keywords were used as search terms to construct a database of 450 articles from 93 national and international journals published up to and including 2013. These articles were classified according to the region of origin within Brazil (subtropical or tropical) and categorized regarding the studied components: soil, plant, animal and 'others'. Within these components, groups of variables that could characterize the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation agriculture; Sustainability; Scientific production; Agricultural technology; Systematic approach.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Simulation of soil organic carbon changes in Vertisols under conservation tillage using the RothC model Scientia Agricola
Molina,Lucila González; Moreno Pérez,Esaú del C.; Pérez,Aurelio Baéz.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the measured and simulated rates of soil organic carbon (SOC) change in Vertisols in short-term experiments when the tillage system is changed from traditional tillage (TT) to conservation tillage (CT). The study was conducted in plots in four locations in the state of Michoacán and two locations in the state of Guanajuato. In the SOC change simulation, the RothC-26.3 carbon model was evaluated with different C inputs to the soil (ET1-ET5). ET was the measured shoot biomass (SB) plus estimated rhizodeposition (RI). RI was tested at values of 10, 15, 18, 36 and 50 % total biomass (TB). The SOC changes were simulated with the best trial where ET3 = SB + (0.18*TB). Values for model efficiency and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land use change; Conservation agriculture; Carbon sequester.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Soil conservation practices in a watershed in Southern Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine how often rural farmers in a watershed use no-tillage systems combined with crop rotation, contour farming and agricultural terraces. The study area was Paraná Watershed III (PB3) in the western region of Paraná State, and data from the 2006 Agricultural Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics were used. A frequency distribution analysis of farms as a function of the no-tillage (NT) area was conducted in combination with a cluster analysis of soil and water conservation practices (adoption of crop rotation, contour farming and agricultural terrace practices). The results showed that the farms in PB3 adopt adequate soil and water conservation practices, with 73% adopting NT combined with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Contour farming; Agricultural terraces; Crop rotation; Conservation agriculture.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Technical Efficiency of Resource-Conserving Technologies in Rice -Wheat Systems: The Case of Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh in India AgEcon
Dung, Khong Tien; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Pede, Valerien O.; McKinley, Justin D.; Garcia, Yolanda T.; Bello, Amelia L..
This study has evaluated the technical efficiency of farmers engaged in rice-wheat cropping systems in North-eastern India, who are using Resource-Conserving Technologies (RCTs) such as Zero Tillage (ZT) and Direct Seeded Rice (DSR). These technology promotions are being carried out under the intervention of the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project, primarily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The resource-conserving technologies are being promoted as part of conservation agriculture supported by the project. The data used in this study have been derived from the socioeconomic surveys conducted in Eastern Uttar-Pradesh and Bihar in North-eastern India during the kharif season of 2009 and rabi season of 2010. A stochastic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation agriculture; Direct seeded rice; India; Resource-conserving technology; Technical efficiency; Stochastic frontier; Zero tillage; Agricultural and Food Policy; O30; Q18; O22.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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