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An Economic Evaluation of Adoption of the Conservation Compliance Program: A Stochastic Dominance Approach AgEcon
Govindasamy, Ramu; Cochran, Mark J..
Using stochastic dominance, this paper examines the adoption of the Conservation Compliance Program (CCP) in twelve Iowa soil types. Subsidies necessary to compensate producers for the increased risk of compliance strategies are estimated. Results indicate that to promote voluntary compliance with the CCP, the government should provide a subsidy of between $4.55 to $19.88 per acre, depending on the soil type.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation compliance; Stochastic dominance; Adoption; Risk premium; Erosion; Agribusiness; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Claassen, Roger; Breneman, Vincent E.; Bucholtz, Shawn; Cattaneo, Andrea; Johansson, Robert C.; Morehart, Mitchell J..
Since 1985, U.S. agricultural producers have been required to practice soil conservation on highly erodible cropland and conserve wetlands as a condition of farm program eligibility. This report discusses the general characteristics of compliance incentives, evaluates their effectiveness in reducing erosion in the program's current form, and explores the potential for expanding the compliance approach to address nutrient runoff from crop production. While soil erosion has, in fact, been reduced on land subject to Conservation Compliance, erosion is also down on land not subject to Conservation Compliance, indicating the influence of other factors. Analysis to isolate the influence of Conservation Compliance incentives from other factors suggests that about...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Conservation compliance; Sodbuster; Swampbuster; Conservation policy; Agri-environmental policy; Nutrient management; Buffer practices; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Temporal and Spatial Evaluation of Soil Conservation Policies AgEcon
Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A..
This paper presents estimates of the benefits and costs of alternative soil conservation policies in a spatially and temporally consistent framework. The policies considered are implementation of soil conservation practices with an objective of reducing erosion to a site's tolerance level and a policy with an objective of a voluntary 50% reduction in conventional tillage. Costs and erosion benefits of these two policies are compared with that obtained from CRP. The changes in erosion and cost are estimated relative to 1992 levels. The analysis is conducted on every NRI point in a 12-state region in the north central United States. Erosion metamodels estimated using site-specific resource, production, topography, and weather data make such an endeavor...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation compliance; Conservation tillage; CRP; Metamodels; Sediment damage; Soil erosion; Soil loss tolerance; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The Future of Environmental Compliance Incentives in U.S. Agriculture: The Role of Commodity, Conservation, and Crop Insurance Programs AgEcon
Claassen, Roger.
In recent years, direct payments—a type of farm commodity program payment—have made up a large share of Federal agriculture assistance that could be withheld from farmers who fail to comply with highly erodible land conservation (conservation compliance and sodbuster) or wetland conservation (swampbuster) provisions, known collectively as environmental compliance requirements. If direct payments are sharply reduced or eliminated to help reduce the Federal budget defi cit, compliance incentives would be reduced on many farms, potentially increasing environmental quality problems. Some farmers will still be subject to compliance through existing Federal agricultural programs(e.g., conservation or disaster programs) or programs that may succeed direct...
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: Direct payment; Crop insurance; Conservation compliance; Sodbuster; Swampbuster; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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