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A Binary Logit Analysis of Factors Impacting Adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton AgEcon
Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Martin, Steven W..
Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data for 2003 were used to estimate two binary logit models for two definitions of genetically modified (GM) cottonseed adoption. Results indicate conservation tillage did not positively affect adoption of GM cotton with either of these definitions, while adoption of GM cotton in the previous year did. Refuge cotton also did not affect these adoption decisions for the study year.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS); Binary logit model; Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified seed; Herbicide-resistant cotton; Jackknife procedure; Refuge cotton; Stacked-gene cotton; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Stark, C. Robert, Jr.; Dowler, C.C.; Johnson, A.W.; Baker, S.H..
A study of irrigated strip-till soybean production compared gross margins over nematicide expense for a continuous triticale-soybean system versus a two-year rotation system alternating triticale-soybean with triticale-cotton. Half of the replicated plots under each system received nematicide treatment. Gross margins were calculated using recorded yields and Georgia average market prices by marketing years. Mean gross margins for untreated plots were not significantly different between crop-sequence systems. Within each system, however, mean gross margins were significantly higher for plots not receiving nematicide treatment versus treated plots, even when treated plots produced greater yields.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Gross margin; Irrigation; Meloidogyne incognita; Root-knot nematode; Rotation; Soybean; Triticale; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A Risk Analysis of Converting CRP Acres to a Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow Rotation AgEcon
Williams, Jeffery R.; Llewelyn, Richard V.; Pendell, Dustin L.; Schlegel, Alan J.; Troy, Dumler.
This study examines the economic potential of producing a wheat (Triticum aesitivum) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) rotation with three different tillage strategies compared to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in a semi-arid region. This research uses stochastic efficiency with respect to a function (SERF) to determine the preferred management strategies under various risk preferences and utility-weighted certainty equivalent risk premiums. Yields, input rates, and field operations from an experimental field in western Kansas are used to calculate net returns for each tillage strategy. Although current net returns to crop production using reduced tillage and no-tillage strategies are higher than CRP, risk analysis indicates CRP...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation Reserve Program; Conservation tillage; Simulation; Sorghum; Wheat; Risk; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Adoption of Conservation-Tillage Methods and Genetically Modified Cotton AgEcon
Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C.; Gao, Qi; Larson, James A..
Adoption of herbicide-tolerant cotton and conservation tillage may be simultaneously related. Bayes' theorem and a two-equation logit model were used to test the simultaneity hypothesis. Evidence for Tennessee suggests that adoption of these technologies reduced residual herbicide use and soil erosion more than if adoption of these technologies were independent.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bayes' theorem; Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified crops; Herbicide tolerant crops; Simultaneous logit model; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Q12; Q16; Q24; O33.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Adoption of Conservation-Tillage Practices in Cotton Production AgEcon
Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Martin, Steven W.; Roberts, Roland K.; Larson, James A.; Hogan, Robert J., Jr.; Johnson, Jason L.; Paxton, Kenneth W.; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Replaced with revised version of paper 10/23/07.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified seed; Herbicide-resistant cotton; Stacked-gene cotton; Simultaneous logit model; Single-equation logit model; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Parvin, David W., Jr.; Cooke, Fred T., Jr.; Martin, Steven W..
Mississippi cotton farmers are adjusting to the current problem of low cotton price and high cotton production cost by modifying the way(s) they have traditionally grown cotton. This paper compares seven alternative production systems to the costs and returns associated with the conventional or traditional system labeled "solid cotton, 8-row equipment." Systems that combine wider equipment (less labor and machinery time per acre) with reduced tillage technology appear to offer opportunities to increase returns. Specific adjustments on individual farms will probably be dominated by the distribution of soil types.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Ultra-narrow; No-till; Skip-row; Costs; Returns; Production Economics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Conservation tillage and controlled traffic AgEcon
The following review is an financial assessment of an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) conservation tillage and controlled traffic research project which was conducted in China (for the conservation tillage component) and Australia (for the controlled traffic component) during the period 1993–1996, inclusive. The project—No. 9209—was implemented by staff from the Beijing Agricultural and Engineering University and the Shanxi Agricultural Machinery Bureau (in China) and the University of Queensland (in Australia). The overall aim of the joint project was to develop and evaluate conservation and zone (controlled traffic) tillage techniques for sustainable dryland grain production in China and Australia. Australian dryland...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Controlled traffic; Conservation agriculture; China; Australia; Grain production; Dryland; Crop; Soil conservation; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; International Development.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Fuglie, Keith O..
Adoption of conservation tillage can lead to substantial environmental benefits from reduced soil erosion. But benefits may be partially offset if adoption increases reliance on agricultural chemicals. Using area study data from the Cornbelt, this study examines factors affecting adoption of no-till and other conservation tillage systems and their effect on chemical use and corn yield. The results find no evidence that herbicide or fertilizer application rates are higher on fields with conservation tillage systems compared with conventional tillage. However, insecticide use may increase somewhat and yield may be lower. Current demographic trends in U.S. agriculture favor continued diffusion of conservation tillage.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Multinomial logit model; Pesticides; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Conservation Tillage, Pesticide Use, and Biotech Crops in the U.S.A. AgEcon
Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge; Hallahan, Charles B.; Nehring, Richard F.; Wechsler, Seth James; Grube, Arthur.
This paper presents the first part of an ongoing project whose objective is to present a long term relationship between conservation tillage, adoption of GE crops and pesticide use for major crops in the United States. In addition, the project aims to provide some innovative tests on causality using a panel data set. This paper presents preliminary results for soybeans.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Biotechnology; Genetically engineered crops; Soybeans; Herbicides; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Delivering the Goods: Scaling out Results of Natural Resource Management Research Ecology and Society
Harrington, Larry; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT);; White, Jeffrey; ;; Grace, Peter; Sinclair Knight Merz, Brisbane, Australia;; Hodson, David; ;; Hartkamp, Agnes Dewi; Product Organisation Grains, Seeds and Pulses, The Hague, Netherlands;; Vaughan, Christopher; CO MET Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Namibia;; Meisner, Craig; ;
To help integrated natural resource management (INRM) research "deliver the goods" for many of the world's poor over a large area and in a timely manner, the authors suggest a problem-solving approach that facilitates the scaling out of relevant agricultural practices. They propose seven ways to foster scaling out: (1) develop more attractive practices and technologies through participatory research (2) balance supply-driven approaches with resource user demands, (3) use feedback to redefine the research agenda, (4) encourage support groups and networks for information sharing, (5) facilitate negotiation among stakeholders, (6) inform policy change and institutional development, and (7) make sensible use of information management tools, including models...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Mexico; South Asia; Southern Africa; Conservation tillage; Diffusion of research; Environments; Geographic information systems; Natural resource management; Participatory research; Scaling out; Simulation models; Technology transfer.
Ano: 2001
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Lewandrowski, Jan; Peters, Mark; Jones, Carol Adaire; House, Robert M.; Sperow, Mark; Eve, Marlen; Paustian, Keith H..
Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases can be reduced by withdrawing carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it in soils and biomass. This report analyzes the performance of alternative incentive designs and payment levels if farmers were paid to adopt land uses and management practices that raise soil carbon levels. At payment levels below $10 per metric ton for permanently sequestered carbon, analysis suggests landowners would find it more cost effective to adopt changes in rotations and tillage practices. At higher payment levels, afforestation dominates sequestration activities, mostly through conversion of pastureland. Across payment levels, the economic potential to sequester carbon is much lower than the technical potential reported in...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Carbon sequestration; Greenhouse gas mitigation; Afforestation; Conservation tillage; No-till; Incentive design; Leakage; Carbon stock; Permanence; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effect of conservation tillage systems on growth, yield and yield components of soybean CIGR Journal
Sharifi, Ahmad; Sadeghnezhad, Hamid Reza; Faraji, Abolfazl.
Conservation tillage systems have been used during recent years in many areas of Iran. In this study, the effect of conservation tillage on soybean yield, yield components and phenological characteristics was evaluated in Golestan province located at the northern Iran. Four different treatments including conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), no- tillage with no-till planter (NT-Planter) and no-tillage with no-till grain drill (NT-Grain Drill) were considered. A randomized complete block design with four replications was designed for the experiment. Soybean yield and yield components and some phenological characteristics were measured. Data were analyzed using SAS software and Duncan’s multiple range tests was used to compare the means. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Minimum tillage; No-till; Soybean.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Establishing a catchment monitoring network through a participatory approach: A case study from the Potshini Catchment in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa AgEcon
Kongo, Victor M.; Jewitt, Graham P.W.; Lorentz, Simon A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: River basins; Catchment areas; Monitoring; Surveys; Hydrology; Discharges; Flumes; Stream flow; Runoff; Conservation tillage; Groundwater; Rain; Evaporation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Factors influencing adoption of conservation tillage in Australian cropping regions AgEcon
D'Emden, Francis H.; Llewellyn, Rick S.; Burton, Michael P..
The purpose of this research is to improve understanding of conservation tillage adoption decisions by identifying key biophysical and socio-economic factors influencing no-till adoption by grain growers across four Australian cropping regions. The study is based on interviews with 384 grain growers using a questionnaire aimed at eliciting perceptions relating to a range of possible long- and short-term agronomic interactions associated with the relative economic advantage of shifting to a no-tillage cropping system. Together with other farm and farmer-specific variables, a dichotomous logistic regression analysis was used to identify opportunities for research and extension to facilitate more rapid adoption decisions. The broader systems approach to...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Conservation tillage; Herbicide resistance; No-till; Perceptions; Weed management; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Kurkalova, Lyubov A.; Kling, Catherine L.; Zhao, Jinhua.
Because of payoff uncertainties combined with risk aversion and/or real options, farmers may demand a premium in order to adopt conservation tillage practices, over and above the compensation for the expected profit losses (if any). We propose a method of directly estimating the financial incentives for adopting conservation tillage and distinguishing between the expected payoff and premium of adoption based on observed behavior. We find that the premium may play a significant role in farmers' adoption decisions.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Adoption subsidies; Conservation Security Program (CSP); Conservation tillage; Risk premium; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Green Technologies for a More Sustainable Agriculture AgEcon
Hrubovcak, James; Vasavada, Utpal; Aldy, Joseph E..
For U.S. agriculture to continue along a sustainable path of economic development, further production increases must be generated by technologies that are both profitable and more environmentally benign. In this context, we assess the role of these green or sustainable technologies in steering agriculture along a more sustainable path. However, the lack of markets for the environmental attributes associated with green technologies can limit their development. In addition, simply making a technology available does not mean it will be adopted. Experience with green technologies such as conservation tillage, integrated pest management, enhanced nutrient management, and precision agriculture demonstrates that even when technologies are profitable, barriers to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Sustainable agriculture; Natural capital; Nonrenewable resources; Renewable resources; Environmental services; Green technology; Integrated pest management; Conservation tillage; Enhanced nutrient management; Precision agriculture; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Impact of pig slurry application on soil and water losses: Comparison with a historical series AGRIAMBI
Bandeira,Douglas H.; Bertol,Ildegardis; Vázquez,Eva V.; Ramos,Júlio C.; Bertol,Camilo.
ABSTRACT Water erosion in soil is influenced by several factors, including rain, relief, cover, and management and conservation practices. Also, erosion is affected by pig slurry (PS) applied to the soil as a fertilizer. The objectives of this research were i): to evaluate water erosion in a Humic Cambisol cultivated with Zea mays L., Avena strigosa, Glycyne max L., and Raphanus sativus in rotation after PS dispersal under different tillage treatments, namely: no-tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT), rotation tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) , and ii): to compare erosion before and after PS application in a single dose of 50 m3 ha-1 in each crop, soon after the germination of the crops. NT had lower soil and water loss, which were reduced by 81 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Erosivity; Crop rotation; Organic fertilization.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Limited Access to Conservation: Limited- Resource Farmer Participation in the Conservation Security Program in the Southeast AgEcon
Bergtold, Jason S.; Molnar, Joseph J..
The paper examines the joint adoption of conservation tillage, crop rotations, and soil testing by small and limited-resource farmers in the Southeast. The objectives are to determine the potential eligibility of small farmers for the Conservation Security Program, examine socioeconomic factors affecting adoption, and assess the interdependence between adopting different conservation practices. Results indicate that conservation management, ethnicity, and farm characteristics affect practice adoption. Of the producers surveyed in the study, 7% meet Conservation Security Program eligibility requirements, while the other 93% have less than a 20% likelihood of adopting the needed practices to qualify.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Conservation; Conservation Security Program; Conservation tillage; Limited-resource farmers; Logistic regression; Small farms; Soil testing; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Productivity Analysis; C35; Q12; Q58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Kling, Catherine L.; Kurkalova, Lyubov A.; Zhao, Jinhua.
In this study, we estimate empirically the multiple benefits of a subsidy policy that would offer payments to farmers in return for the adoption of conservation tillage and compare the outcomes of alternative targeting designs for such a policy. Using data for roughly 12,000 National Resource Inventory (NRI) points, we simulate for the state of Iowa the least-cost policy schemes for offering payment incentives. We use an economic model of conservation tillage adoption to evaluate the costs of adoption, and we use a model that simulates physical processes (Environmental Policy Integrated Climate, or EPIC) to estimate the environmental benefits of adoption at each of the NRI points. We assess the costs and environmental consequences of two targeting...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Multiple benefits; Subsidy policy; Targeting; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Phosphate fertilization and phosphorus forms in an Oxisol under no-till Scientia Agricola
Olibone,Dácio; Rosolem,Ciro Antonio.
Under no-till phosphorus (P) accumulates in a few centimeters of the topsoil layer. Plant residues left on the soil surface release P and organic acids, which may improve P availability and fertilizer efficiency, including both soluble (such as triple super phosphate) and less soluble sources (such as reactive natural phosphates). In this study, soybean response to P fertilizer and P forms in the top 40 cm of an Oxisol were evaluated after surface application of different phosphates in a 5-year-old no-till system. Treatments consisted of 0 or 80 kg ha-1 of total P2O5 applied on the soil surface, both as natural reactive phosphate (NRP) or triple super phosphate (TSP). In addition, 80 kg ha-1 of P2O5 were applied to subplots, in furrows below and beside the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Reactive phosphate; Superphosphate; Phosphorus fractions; Conservation tillage.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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