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A cave population of Isbrueckerichthys alipionis (Gosline, 1947) in the Upper Ribeira karst area, southeastern Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) 83
Trajano,Eleonora; Secutti,Sandro; Pereira,Edson H. L.; Reis,Roberto E..
A cave population of the armored catfish Isbrueckerichthys alipionis is reported from the Santana Cave, in the rio Betari watershed, Upper Ribeira karst area, Iporanga, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The cave population was compared to an epigean population of I. alipionis and no significant differences where found in morphology or degree of pigmentation. As the cave population is known for at least 30 years and is apparently isolated from epigean streams, it is classified as troglophilic. The discovery of this troglophilic species in the Santana Cave is an additional strong argument for the conservation of that cave.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cave Fish; Troglophilic; Neotropical; Conservation; Santana Cave.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A conservation genetic study of Rafflesia speciosa (Rafflesiaceae): patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within and between islands 16
Pelser, P.B.; Nickrent, D.L.; Barcelona, J.F..
Rafflesia speciosa is a threatened endo-holoparasitic species. It has several populations in the Central Panay Mountain Range (CPMR) of Panay island and a single population on Negros Island. Because R. speciosa is the only Philippine species of the genus that is not endemic to an individual island, it is a suitable species for improving our understanding of the factors underlying the high island endemism of Philippine Rafflesia. For this purpose and to inform the conservation management of R. speciosa, patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation were studied using 15 microsatellite loci and samples from nine populations. None of these populations shows evidence of inbreeding and R. speciosa has similar levels of heterozygosity as generally observed...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Microsatellites; Conservation; Negros; Panay; Philippines; Population genetics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A conservationist approach on environmental diagnosis of ground use in the Iguatemi river basin, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v34i3.9001 3
Souto, Marco Antonio Gomes; Instituto Reserva Natural.
Landscape Ecology is a contemporary approach in conservation studies in which, coupled to the development and use of GIS-based tools, provides new methods for the analysis of forest fragments. Based on these new approaches, the environmental assessment of ground use in the Iguatemi river basin Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil is provided through conservation-based flora and ecology aspects. A regional map of ground use with field-collected data using Rapid Ecological Assessment methodology and digital satellite images was prepared. AER analysis showed a highly impacted region featuring intense transformation in ground use with a conversion of 87% of native forest into grazing and agriculture land. The general situation is inconsistent with APA guidelines,...
Palavras-chave:; landscape ecology; Conservation; Forest fragments Ecologia; Ecologia Aplicada.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A gap analysis of ornithological research in the brazilian state of Roraima 49
Santos,Marcos Pérsio Dantas.
This study analyzes the ornithological data available for the Brazilian state of Roraima, focusing on sampling gaps. All ornithological data collected in Roraima up to the present were collated with the aim of answering the following questions: (a) which sites have been well sampled? (b) Are there are any geographic gaps? (c) What is the current extent of the scientific knowledge of avian diversity in Roraima? (d); Which regions and vegetation types have been well-sampled, and which should be prioritized for future surveys? Ornithological data were obtained from a total of 82 localities, including the Maracá Ecological Station (442 species), Viruá National Park (420 species), Colônia do Apiaú (320 species), Mucajaí (267 species), and Pacaráima (212...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazonia; Birds; Conservation; Rio branco; Sampling gaps.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A importância da agroindustrialização na preservação e distribuição de alimentos. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Preservacao; Distribuicao; Food; Conservation; Alimento; Industrialização; Industrialization.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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A Linnaeus NGTM interactive key to the Lithocolletinae of North-West Europe aimed at accelerating the accumulation of reliable biodiversity data (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) 16
Doorenweerd, C.; Haren, M.M. van; Schermer, M.; Pieterse, S.; Nieukerken, E.J. van.
We present an interactive key that is available online through any web browser without the need to install any additional software, making it an easily accessible tool for the larger public. The key can be found at The key includes all 86 North-West European Lithocolletinae, a subfamily of smaller moths (“micro-moths”) that is commonly not treated in field guides. The user can input data on several external morphological character systems in addition to distribution, host plant and even characteristics of the larval feeding traces to reach an identification. We expect that this will enable more people to contribute with reliable observation data on this group of moths and alleviate the work-load of taxonomic...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cameraria; Phyllonorycter; Macrosaccus; Triberta; Identification; Monitoring; Conservation; Biodiversity; Leafminers.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A method for assessing ecological values to reconcile multiple land use needs 7
Kangas, Katja M; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Oulu;; Tolvanen, Anne; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Oulu; Department of Ecology, University of Oulu;; Tarvainen, Oili; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Oulu;; Nikula, Ari; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Rovaniemi;; Nivala, Vesa; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Rovaniemi;; Huhta, Esa; Natural Resources Institute Finland, Rovaniemi;
We present a new method for ecologically sustainable land use planning within multiple land use schemes. Our aims were (1) to develop a method that can be used to locate important areas based on their ecological values; (2) to evaluate the quality, quantity, availability, and usability of existing ecological data sets; and (3) to demonstrate the use of the method in Eastern Finland, where there are requirements for the simultaneous development of nature conservation, tourism, and recreation. We compiled all available ecological data sets from the study area, complemented the missing data using habitat suitability modeling, calculated the total ecological score (TES) for each 1 ha grid cell in the study area, and finally, demonstrated the use of TES in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Conservation; Ecological value; Land use planning; Modeling; Spatial data; Tourism.
Ano: 2016
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A Multidisciplinary Approach for Restoration Ecology of Shallow Coastal Lagoons, a Case Study in South France 5
De Wit, Rutger; Leruste, Amandine; Le Fur, Ines; Maki Sy, Mariam; Bec, Beatrice; Ouisse, Vincent; Derolez, Valerie; Rey-valette, Hélène.
By the end of the 20th century, many of the coastal lagoons along the French Mediterranean coast showed insufficient water quality and degraded ecosystem states due to anthropogenic impacts. Among these, nutrient over-enrichment, resulting in eutrophication, has been a major concern. The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has initiated public action to improve their water quality and ecosystem state using an approach rooted in restoration ecology. Here we analyze how this has been applied for the coastal lagoons in South France, considering eutrophication as an example of ecosystem degradation and oligotrophication as the corresponding trajectory for ecological restoration of the eutrophied coastal lagoons. Oligotrophication trajectories, initiated by the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Restoration ecology; Ecological restoration; Water quality; WFD; Ecosystem trajectories; DPSIR; Conservation; Ecological indices.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A Near-extinction Event in Lynx: Do Microsatellite Data Tell the Tale? 7
Spong, Goran; Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University;; Hellborg, Linda; Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University;
Fluctuations in population size can have a profound impact on effective population size and the maintenance of genetic variation within a population. A number of tests based on microsatellite data have been developed for the detection of bottleneck events in a population's past. In this paper, we search for signs of a bottleneck in microsatellite data on the Scandinavian lynx (Lynx lynx) population. This population was hunted to the brink of extinction, with fewer than 100 animals (one estimate was as low as 30 individuals) remaining in the late 1920s. Protection allowed recovery of the population, which currently numbers about 2000 adults. Despite this pronounced demographic bottleneck (more than 95% of the population was killed), we could find no...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Bottleneck; Conservation; Extinction; Genetic testing; Lynx; Microsatellite data; Population history; Scandinavia.
Ano: 2002
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A new section in Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and a new species from Sulawesi 16
Cheek, M.; Jebb, M..
Nepenthes section Tentaculatae of Borneo and Sulawesi is described and delimited, with a key to the nine species, including N. maryae of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, which is here assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2 using the 2001 IUCN standard. It is hypothesised that this species might trap insects using a ‘flick of the lid’ mechanism.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Carnivorous plants; Conservation; ‘flick of the lid’; Nepenthes; Sulawesi.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A new species of Afrothismia (Burmanniaceae; tribe: Thismieae) from the western foothills of Mount Cameroon 16
Franke, Th.; Sainge, M.N.; Agerer, R..
Afrothismia foertheriana, a new species of Burmanniaceae (tribe: Thismieae) from the peripheral zone of the Onge Forest Reserve in Cameroon’s Southwest Province is described and illustrated. The papillose, multicellular floral trichomes, the tepal’s erose margins, the small, zygomorphic perianth mouth and the dull purplish brown coloration give A. foertheriana a distinctive appearance within the genus. The species is here assessed as being critically endangered.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Burmanniaceae; Thismieae; Afrothismia foertheriana; Cameroon; Conservation; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A note on the performance measure of conservation auctions 31
Latacz-Lohmann, Uwe; Schilizzi, Steven.
We argue that previous assessments of discriminatory-price conservation auctions may have systematically overestimated their performance relative to uniform-payment schemes due to an inappropriate counterfactual comparison. We demonstrate that the cost curve (and not the bid curve) is the relevant supply curve when a uniform payment is offered and provide a theoretically rigorous counterfactual based on that insight. We estimate that the performance of BushTender may have been overrated by more than 50%.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Auctions; Procurement; Tenders; Conservation; Economic experiments; Model validation; Plus: assessment method; Agricultural policy; Environmental policy; Market-based instruments; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C91; C92; D44; Q24; Q28.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A note on Valeriana jatamansi Jones (Caprifoliaceae s.l.) 16
Mabberley, D.J.; Noltie, H.J..
The tangled arguments around the names of jatamansi drug plants are examined and the correct synonymies and typifications for Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC. and V. jatamansi Jones (both Caprifoliaceae s.l.) are provided. The conservation status of the former, and the need for further work on the subject, is briefly discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Conservation; Jatamansi; Nardostachys jatamansi; Typification; Valeriana jatamansi.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A pedagogical model for integrative training in conservation and sustainability 7
Welch-Devine, Meredith; Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia; Graduate School, University of Georgia;; Hardy, Dean; Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia; Department of Geography, University of Georgia;; Brosius, J. Peter; Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia; Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia;; Heynen, Nik; Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia; Department of Geography, University of Georgia;
The benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary training are well documented, and several reviews have discussed the particular importance of interdisciplinary training for conservation scholars and practitioners. We discuss the progress within one university program to implement specific training models, elements, and tools designed to move beyond remaining barriers to graduate-level, interdisciplinary conservation education.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Conservation; Graduate education; Integrative; Interdisciplinary; Sustainability.
Ano: 2014
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A preliminary revision of knowledge status of felids in Argentina 81
Lucherini,Mauro; Soler,Lucía; Luengos Vidal,Estela.
Argentina is the host of 10 wild felids (28% of the world total). Although the Cat Specialist Group Action Plan has classified the conservation status of Argentine cats as relatively good, the ranking was based on a largely incomplete database for at least 80% of the species. Here we review the current status of knowledge and research effort of Argentine cats, compare it with their distribution, habitat association and conservation status and provide guidelines for their future research. Between 1990 and 2000, cat research has received increasing attention in Argentina. Twenty-four projects have been carried out, but only 13 studies are still in progress. A rank of research priority has been calculated for each felid and ecoregion. Our analysis showed that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Argentina; Carnivores; Conservation; Diversity; Ecoregions; Felids; Latin America; Leopardus tigrina; Oncifelis guigna; Oreailurus jacobita.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A Review of Reports on Optimal Australian Dugong Populations and Proposed Action/Conservation Plans: An Economic Perspective 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Dugong; Conservation.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A review of the species of Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Atlantic coastal rivers of southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul States, with descriptions of three new species 83
Kullander,Sven O.; Lucena,Carlos A. Santos de.
Six species of Crenicichla, three of which are new, are recognized from the Atlantic coastal rivers of souhteastern Brazil from the state of Bahia south to the state of Rio Grande do Sul: C. mucuryna (upper rio Mucuri, Minas Gerais), C. lacustris (from the rio Paraíba do Sul north to the rio Buranhem, Bahia), C. iguapina, new species (rio Ribeira de Iguape), C. tingui, new species (from the rio Itapocu to the rio Nhundiaquara drainage), C. maculata, new species (lagoa dos Quadros, rio Maquiné, Rio Grande do Sul to rio Itapocu, Santa Catarina drainages), and Crenicichla punctata (laguna dos Patos basin). Crenicichla biocellata is a synonym of C. lacustris; and also a secondary homonym of Sparus biocellatus, a synonym of C. saxatilis. Crenicichla...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crenicichla tingui; Crenicichla iguapina; Crenicichla maculata; Systematics; Conservation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A review on macrobenthic trophic relationships along subtropical sandy shores in southernmost Brazil 49
Pinotti,Raphael Mathias; Minasi,Diogo Marroni; Colling,Leonir André; Bemvenuti,Carlos Emílio.
Main trophic relationships that occur along the exposed sandy shores in southernmost Brazil (∼33° S) are established taking into account several biological compartments operating at morphodynamically distinct environments. Beaches are predominantly of the intermediate type but some stretches of coastline are truly dissipative (Cassino Beach) or tending-to-reflective (Concheiros Beach), presenting thus diverse biological compartments and inhabitant macrobenthic assemblages. Dense concentrations of the surf-zone diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis are responsible - at least for the intermediate shorelines - for the most year-round primary production, sustaining several consumers up to tertiary level. Among them, bivalves Amarilladesma mactroides, Donax...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exposed beach; Intermediate states; Primary production; Secondary consumers; Conservation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A revision of Madagascan Bertiera (Rubiaceae) 16
Wittle, P.M.; Davis, A.P..
A taxonomic revision of the Madagascan representatives of the genus Bertiera is presented, to include three species, B. brevithyrsa, B. crinita and B. longithyrsa. A key to their identification is provided, each species is fully described, and summaries of distribution, habitat and ecology, and phenology are given; conservation assessments are also provided. Bertiera brevithyrsa is described as new species; B. crinita represents a new combination, and a lectotype is designated for this name.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Bertiera; Bertiereae; Conservation; IUCN Red List Categories; Madagascar; Rubiaceae.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A synoptic revision of Inversodicraea (Podostemaceae) 16
Cheek, M.; Feika, A.; Lebbie, A.; Goyder, D.; Tchiengue, B.; Sene, O.; Tchouto, P.; Burgt, X. van der.
Six new species of Inversodicraea (I. feika from Sierra Leone, I. liberia from Liberia, and I. ebo, I. eladii, I. tchoutoi, and I. xanderi from Cameroon) are described as new to science in the context of a synoptic revision of this African genus, now comprising 30 species, including I. cussetiana comb. nov., newly transferred from Macropodiella. Inversodicraea is now equal in number of species to Ledermanniella (as redefined), as the largest genus of the family in Africa. Terete or slightly dorsiventrally flattened leaf petioles (not sheathing and/or stipulate) are newly discovered to distinguish the genus from Ledermanniella, in addition to the presence of scale-leaves. Inversodicraea boumiensis, I. annithomae, and I. bosii are redelimited in this paper....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Conservation; Extinction risk; Hybridisation; Hydroelectric dam projects; Rheophytes; Stage-dependent heteromorphy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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