Blouin, Arthur; Sultan, Nabil; Callot, Jean-paul; Imbert, Patrice. |
Gassy sediments are common in marine environments and are characterized by a specific mechanical behavior significantly different from that of water-saturated sediments. It is shown that gas causes damage and initiates fractures in sediments. To define the controlling parameters dominating the damage process during gas exsolution and its consequences in terms of hydro-mechanical behavior, we developed a specific consolidation apparatus to test sediments collected from the active Absheron Mud Volcano. Indeed, mud volcano formation is initiated by gas exsolution and subsequent mud generation at depth from stratified sediments. Gas was generated in the samples by circulating carbonated water through the fine-grained sediments, then decreasing the total... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Consolidation testing; Gas exsolution; Gassy sediments; Sediment damage; Mud volcano. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00588/70043/67974.pdf |
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