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A fagyasztott zöldségek fogyasztási preferenciáinak vizsgálata AgEcon
Nemeth-T., Anett; Vincze-Tóth, Judit; Trojan, Szabolcs.
A magyar hűtőipar számára a külföldi piacokon való értékesítés nagy jelentőségű. A hűtőipar talán az egyetlen ágazat, melynek termelése minőségileg sosem különült el az értékesítés piacai szerint, köszönhetően annak, hogy a vertikumban a nemzetközi követelmények érvényesültek. A komplex vásárlói modellek elemzését követően megállapítható, hogy az ízesített termékeket leginkább az aktív szellemi foglalkozásúak részesítik előnyben, akik átlag feletti jövedelemmel rendelkeznek. Az ízesített termékek és a vegyes összetevőjű (mix) termékek tipikus vásárlója között nem tapasztalható jelentős eltérés. A vizsgálat eredményei alapján az a következtetés vonható le, hogy az egy összetevőjű termékek vásárlói között a legalacsonyabb a férfiak és a legmagasabb a nők,...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Mélyhűtőipar; Fagyasztott élelmiszer; Export; Fogyasztói magatartás; Vásárlási szokások; Deep freeze industry; Frozen food; Export; Consumer behaviour; Customer habits; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Lehota, Jozsef; Komaromi, Nandor.
A funkcionális élelmiszerek (friss és feldolgozott) hozzáadott értéket jelentenek a fogyasztók és a termelők részére egyaránt. A funkcionális élelmiszerek értékesítésének üteme a világban és az újonnan megjelenő piacokon – köztük Magyarországon – meghaladja az élelmiszerek értékesítésének átlagos növekedési ütemét, de még jelenleg is csak réspiacnak tekinthető. A fogyasztói magatartást a Black – Campbell (2006) által adaptált, funkcionális élelmiszerválasztási modell alapján elemeztük. A primer kutatásunk 1060 fős 15 év feletti országos reprezentatív mintára épült. Az adatbázist az eredeti változók alapján K-közép módszerrel klasztereztük. A hazai funkcionális élelmiszerfogyasztókat 5 szegmensbe soroltunk be, amelyeket összehasonlítottunk és jellemeztünk....
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Funkcionális élelmiszer; Fogyasztói magatartás; Szegmentáció; Faktor és klaszterelemezés; Functional food; Consumer behaviour; Segmentation; Factor and cluster analyses; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A wine market and marketing analysis of Wine Specialities from the Tokaj-Hegyalja Wine District AgEcon
Szakal, Zoltan.
Tokaj Wine Specialities have few competitors and enjoy a rare niche among natural dessert wines since traditions surrounding their preparation, their specific microclimate, and unique taste enable one to utilise marketing tools for branding and market placement. To elaborate the marketing strategy, one needs market information that adequately shows the current situation and trends. During my research, I carried out segmentation for Tokaj Wine Specialities consumers and illustrated the correlations with statistical methods. My research covered the North-Alföld Region and Budapest. I performed a reliability test on the research databases and demonstrated that the areal data set can be integrated. My hypotheses findings also constitute new research.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Wine marketing; Dessert wine market; Market segmentation; Consumer behaviour; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Marketing; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analysis of the Preferences for a New Convenient Seafood Product: Empirical Application for Spain and Norway AgEcon
Dopico, Domingo Calvo; Olsen, Svein Ottar; Tudoran, Alina.
Fish and seafood products represent a very healthy food, low in saturated fats and offer an excellent source of protein essential for our health. However, very often, consumer behaviour would seem to infer that seafood products do not rank particularly highly in terms of preference, this being due to the perception of various physical and psychological costs, which represent barriers to consumption. Consequently, there is an opportunity to develop new tailor-made seafood products more adapted to recent demand. The aim of this study is to analyse the overall preference of young consumers for such a new seafood product. The experiments were carried out in two European countries: Spain and Norway, with samples of 349 and 296 young people respectively. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Preferences; Seafood; Convenience; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Analysis of Value-Added Meat Product Choice Behaviour by Canadian Households AgEcon
Zhang, Xu; Goddard, Ellen W..
The competitive landscape in retailing has changed over the past decade. Moreover, the degree of product differentiation has been increasing: households are able to choose between an increasing number of store brands and national brands of similar products. The value added meat market is no different than any other sector of the grocery market – both national brands and private label brands are being developed to appeal to the consumer‘s desire for convenience, health, production and environmental attributes. Understanding the factors that are influencing consumers‘ value added meat product preferences is important for meat manufacturers who wish to add value to their firm‘s performance and increase market share. This knowledge is required in order to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Store loyalty; Meat demand; Value-added meat; National/store brand choice; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; D1; M3.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ansätze für ein produktspezifisches Marketing für Öko-Produkte im konventionellen Handel - Eine Verbraucheranalyse im Elbetal AgEcon
Wirthgen, Antje.
Against the background of increasing political importance of organic farming combined with market potential for organic food, especially concerning conventional retailers, this article aims to improve organic marketing for retailers by means of product-specific analysis of consumers’ purchase behaviour. The main research aspects based on a consumer survey are preference testing and attitude measuring to explain consumers’ purchase behaviour concerning selected products. The preference test furthermore offered the possibility to examine the impact of substitutes produced by other environmentally friendly production methods and to estimate the market potential for organic food. The findings of this research are firstly hints on market potential for organic...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Organic food; Consumer behaviour; Product-specific analysis; Attitude measuring; Conjoint analysis; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Kurka, Stefan; Menrad, Klaus.
Paper prepared for presentation at the 13th ICABR International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology: “The emerging bio-economy” Ravello (Italy), 18th to 20th June 2009
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Industrial biotechnology; Biorefinery; Consumer behaviour; Demand and Price Analysis; M39; R20.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Canadian Chicken Industry: Consumer Preferences, Industry Structure and Producer Benefits from Investment in Research and Advertising AgEcon
Goddard, Ellen W.; Shank, Benjamin; Panter, Chris; Nilsson, Tomas K.H.; Cash, Sean B..
The Canadian chicken industry has operated under supply management since the mid-1970s. Canadian consumer preferences for chicken have grown dramatically since then possibly in response to concerns about health and the levels of fat and cholesterol in red meats. However Canadian consumers are also looking for convenience with their food purchases. Canadians are buying their chicken in frozen further processed forms, fresh by cut without skin and bone and in a variety of other different ways reflecting their unique willingness to pay for various attributes. There is also an increasing trend for retailers and processors to brand the fresh chicken product sold through grocery stores (for example, Maple Leaf Prime). The preferences Canadian consumer have for...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Chicken consumption; Differentiated products; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; D12; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Caracterização do consumo das carnes caprina e ovina em Sergipe. Infoteca-e
CUENCA, M. A. G.; MARTINS, E. C.; SANTOS, A. da S. dos; MUNIZ, E. N.; SANTOS, R. P. C.; GONZÁLEZ, E. O..
A Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos e com Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros desenvolveram no período de 2003 a 2008 o Projeto: estudo da cadeia produtiva de carnes e peles de caprinos e ovinos na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Tal projeto, além de outras áreas, buscava identificar o mercado potencial de carnes e peles para os produtos de origem caprina e ovina. Esta publicação apresenta uma caracterização do mercado consumidor das carnes caprina e ovina na cidade de Aracaju, no Estado de Sergipe. Nela o leitor vai encontrar informações importantes sobre diversos indicadores de mercado, tais como: preço, renda dos consumidores, gosto ou preferência com relação à outras carnes e, mercado potencial dentre outras. Espera- se que estas informações sirvam de referência e apoio a...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Brasil; Sergipe; Consumer behaviour; Caprino; Ovino; Carne; Consumidor; Consumo; Mercado; Sheep; Goats; Goat meat; Brazil.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Confidence in the Beef Production System as a Key Factor to Mitigate the Impact of BSE on Beef Consumption AgEcon
Barrena Figueroa, Ramo; Sanchez Garcia, Mercedes; Gracia, Azucena; Gil, Jose Maria.
Recent food scares in the food market has caused a reduction in consumer's confidence in the food system that it has induced a significant reduction in consumption in a sector, the beef sector that was already characterized by a saturated trend in quantity terms. In this context, all participants in the beef production system are facing to a great challenge, to retrieve consumer's confidence in the food chain and to mitigate the reduction in beef consumption. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of consumer's confidence in the food system as well as other factors on the explanation of food consumption reduction. A structural modelling approach has been used to analyse factors affecting the reduction in beef consumption in two different regions...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food confidence; Consumer behaviour; Structural equation modelling; Beef sector; Quality label; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Connecting Product Attributes with Emotional Benefits. Analysis of a Mediterranean product across consumer age segments AgEcon
Barrena Figueroa, Ramo; Sanchez Garcia, Mercedes.
Due to a high level of product substitution in the food market, it often proves difficult to strike a balance between supply and demand. This is especially true in sectors with a such high level of competition and product differentiation as the wine producing sector. Faced with the difficulty of differentiating the product in terms of its technical characteristics, quality and price, therefore, a useful alternative is to explore what consumers perceive to be its "emotional benefits", since these have been shown to have a decisive effect on consumer purchasing decisions. For marketing purposes, an understanding of how consumers' personality traits condition their choice of products can help manufacturers to improve their strategic positioning in the market....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Wine; Consumer behaviour; Laddering; Emotions; Differentiation; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consumer and Supply Chain Dynamics in the Portuguese Organic Milk Market AgEcon
Rosa, Rui; Mili, Samir; Briz, Julian.
This study explores consumer demand for organic milk products (OMP) and prospective developments in OMP supply chain in Portugal. Consumer demand is approached through a survey accomplished with a stratified sample of 625 consumers from the Porto Metropolitan area (north Portugal), whose population provides a broad representation of Portuguese. Likely future developments in the Portuguese OMP supply chain are established for 2015 time horizon through the Delphi technique, using a panel of 27 qualified experts from different professional backgrounds. Results show inter alia that there are among consumers significant lack of knowledge and conceptual distortion about the organic notion. Cluster analysis has led to the detection of three differentiated...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic milk; Consumer behaviour; Supply chain; Portugal; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Consumer Attitude and Behaviour Towards "Flandria" Quality Labelled Tomatoes AgEcon
van de Velde, Liesbeth; D'Hooghe, Katrien; Kuhne, Bianka; Verbeke, Wim.
In recent years, trust in food safety and food quality has decreased as a result of consecutive food crises. Consequently, numerous quality labels signalling credence characteristics have been established. One of these labels is the Belgian Flandria label for fresh fruit and vegetables. Based on a self-administered consumer survey (n=373), this paper addresses questions about consumer attitudes, behaviour and perception towards tomatoes in general, and the Flandria tomato label in particular. Principal component analysis and consumer segmentation are performed. The findings indicate that the Flandria label may have become the new standard for tomatoes and may have lost a major part of its differentiation potential by being positioned "in the middle" and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Quality labelling; Consumer attitude; Consumer behaviour; Tomatoes; Belgium; Consumer/Household Economics; M390; D120; L660.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Consumer Attitudes, Willingness to Pay and Revealed Preferences for Different Egg Production Attributes: Analysis of Canadian Egg Consumers AgEcon
Goddard, Ellen W.; Boxall, Peter C.; Emunu, John Paul; Boyd, Curtis; Asselin, Andre; Neall, Amanda.
The Canadian egg industry has introduced a number of specialty eggs, including Omega-3, organic, free run/range, vitamin enhanced and vegetarian over the past few decades. These eggs are generally sold at prices higher than the ‘normal’ egg and there has been little analysis of the consumer awareness of and interest in purchasing these eggs. All previous econometric analysis of the Canadian egg market has assumed eggs and consumers are homogeneous. This study makes use of Stated preference and Revealed preference data to model the consumer interest in the different egg types. Stated preference surveys were conducted in two separate years: 2005 during which consumers were surveyed on their interest in Omega-3 and Vitamin Enhanced eggs relative to ‘normal’...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Egg consumption; Differentiated products; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; D12; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consumer behavior towards show-room services of two wheelers with reference to Cuddalore district AgEcon
Saravanan, S.; Panchanatham, N.; Pragadeeswaran, S..
The study aims to find out the consumer behavior towards showroom service of two wheelers. A samples of 200 users selected randomly were studied. Standardized questionnaires were used to collect the data. The results reveal that users differ in consumer behaviour towards showroom services of two wheelers on the basis of satisfied random sampling. This study is made to describe the consumer satisfaction of two wheelers with respect to socio-economic characteristics as age, gender, occupation, family income, educational level and so on which is called descriptive study. The data were treated statistically using t-test, F-test and correlation. The result shows that students and employees are more satisfied about show room services. Demographic variables such...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Marketing; Two wheeler; Motorcycles.; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing; D12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Consumer behaviour in agricultural direct marketing AgEcon
Heer, Ines M..
Scandals in the food production industry have caused an uncertainty about quality and innocuousness of food for many consumers. This resulted in a strong risk perception of consumers at the point of sale. The direct marketing of products by farmers can be an important way to strengthen consumer confidence. In this contribution, buying behaviour is examined by an observation and a following interview. We develop an econometric model about the number of bought products and the proposition of marketing strategies which can be recommended to farmers involved in direct marketing.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Direct marketing; Observation; Econometric model.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Consumer behaviour towards organic food in porto alegre: an application of the theory of planned behaviour Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Hoppe,Alexia; Vieira,Luciana Marques; Barcellos,Marcia Dutra de.
The aim of this study was to investigate consumers' decision-making process, attitudes and values towards organic food throughout the employment of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, adapting the methodology from a European project. 450 consumers were interviewed at supermarkets and farmers' markets in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Results indicate a high penetration level and very positive attitude towards organic products. Organics are believed to be healthier, tastier, more natural and environmental friendly, although being less attractive and more expensive than conventional food. Respondents from the farmers' market represent a specific segment whose values are more oriented toward society. The findings showed an alignment between positive attitude and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic food; Consumer behaviour; Survey.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Consumer Information in the food service industry vs. food retailing AgEcon
Rogge, C.B.E.; Becker, Tilman C..
In order to define consumer expectations over a traceability and information system for the entire food supply chain, the information behaviour of consumers in the food service industry has been subject to an analysis for the first time. In comparison to consumers in retailing, significant differences appear in information seeking behaviour as well as in the information desired.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Meat traceability; Consumer behaviour; Food service industry; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Heikkila, Jaakko; Pouta, Eija; Forsman-Hugg, Sari; Makela, Johanna.
The study focuses on various types of food safety risks: biological (zoonoses), chemical (chemical treatment of the meat) and technological (use of genetically modified feed). The emphasis was on how the perceived risks affect the purchase intentions in the case of broiler meat. In the case of each risk products the attitude-level variables had importance in explaining the buying intentions. The heterogeneity of the respondents regarding the purchase intentions of risk products was analysed by latent class logistic regression that included all three risk products. About 60% of the respondents belonged to the group of risk avoiders in which the purchase intention of risk food was significantly lower than in the second group of risk neutrals in which 64% of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Broiler; Consumer behaviour; Risk; Food safety; Consumer heterogeneity; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; C25; D12; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Consumer Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Food Safety in Portugal AgEcon
Ventura-Lucas, Maria Raquel.
The recent food crises and its great diffusion through the media had as consequence a reduction of the European consumer's confidence, in general, and of the Portuguese ones in particular, in the products that they buy and consume. These events also served to disclose some of the existing problems in the current marketing chain, in which many sectors result to have low, or no transparency or unknown ones to the consumers. For moreover, these crises had demonstrated that science and technology, in set with the governmental regulation do not offer guarantees that the risks associated with food have acceptable levels. All these questions triggered the interest of researchers to study the impact of food safety related issues on consumer behaviour. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food safety; Consumer behaviour; Perceptions; Attitudes; Portugal; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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