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Changing Produce Marketing Barriers: A Comparison Among Three Southern States AgEcon
Eastwood, David B.; Brooker, John R.; Hall, Charles R.; Rhea, Alice J.; Estes, Edmund A.; Woods, Timothy A..
Produce growers in Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee were surveyed in 2002 to gather information about their decision making in the areas of planting, postharvest handling, marketing, and expected changes. North Carolina has proportionately more respondents with large operations, and Kentucky and Tennessee were more similar and concentrated in smaller farms. Tennessee and Kentucky respondents were less likely to have engaged in activities that were associated with the commercial distribution system. Greater reliance on the commercial distribution system on the part of North Carolina growers is consistent with more produce export activity.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooling; Direct markets; Postharvest handling; Produce marketing; Traceback; D30; D40; Q12; Q13; Q16; Q17.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Teles Junior,Carlos G. de S.; Gates,Richard S.; Souza,Cecilia de F.; Tinôco,Ilda de F. F.; Vilela,Monique de O..
ABSTRACT The environment control of broiler houses must be done adequately to provide good thermal conditions to broilers without wasting energy. The objective of this study was to characterize the thermal environment in two mechanically ventilated broiler houses with a negative pressure ventilation system, one with a cellulose pad evaporative cooling system and the other with misting nozzles for evaporative cooling. The experiment was conducted in Ervália-MG during winter, spring, and summer. The thermal environment was characterized based on the relationship between the temperature observed inside the broiler houses and the temperatures recommended for the thermal comfort of birds of different ages. The recorded data were evaluated using descriptive...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler thermal demand; Cooling; Heating; Thermal environment management.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Colheita e pós-colheita. Infoteca-e
ANTONIOLLI, L. R.; LIMA, M. A. C. de; LIMA, M. A. C. de.
Qual é o estádio de maturação ideal para a colheita da uva de mesa?; Qual é o estádio de maturação recomendado para a colheita da uva destinada â vinificação.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Higienização; Paletização; Armazenamento; Colheita; Maturação; Pós-Colheita; Qualidade; Resfriamento; Uva; Viticultura; Grapes; Cooling; Storage; Viticulture.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effects of cryoprotectants and low temperatures on hatching and abnormal embryo development of Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes: Prochilodontidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Costa,Raphael S.; Souza,Fabrício M. S. de; Senhorini,José A.; Veríssimo-Silveira,Rosicleire; Ninhaus-Silveira,Alexandre.
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effect of the cryoprotectants and the low temperatures on the embryonic development of Prochilodus lineatus, describing their main morphological alterations. On chilling sensitivity test, the survival rates at the twenty somites stage (20S) were 53.6% at 0ºC, and 100% in 5ºC. To test toxicity, the embryos were exposed to a graded series of 1,2-Propanediol (PROP), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO4) and glycerol (GLY), terminating in a solution of high osmolarity. There was no significant difference in the embryos survival of toxicity test between series of PROP and Me2SO4 in the 6S and 20S. In the cooling protocols, were evaluated the effects of low temperature associated with cryoprotectants. At 5ºC, PROP showed survival rates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cooling; Cryopreservation; Injuries; Morphology; Toxicity.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Evaluación de la maduración y calidad del fruto de cinco nuevos cultivares de durazno [Prunus pérsica (L) Batsch] de bajo requerimiento de frío. Colegio de Postgraduados
Pérez Ríos, Enrique.
En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevos cultivares de durazno (Prunus pérsica (L) Batsch) con bajo requerimiento de frio y es necesario evaluar su comportamiento postcosecha. En este estudio, se realizaron tratamientos con y sin refrigeración almacenados a una, dos y tres semanas a 5°C, evaluándose características de calidad como firmeza, cambios en color, acidez titulable, °Brix, Relación °Brix/acidez, pérdida de peso, producción de etanol y Acetaldehido, intensidad respiratoria y producción de etileno. Se realizaron evaluaciones semanales fuera de refrigeración a temperatura ambiente 20 ± 2 °C y 50-60 % de humedad relativa. Los resultados mostraron la pérdida de firmeza en todos los cultivares, el CP-2005 presentó la mayor firmeza con 5.3kg. La...
Palavras-chave: Prunus persica; Velocidad de respiratoria; Firmeza de la pulpa; Pérdida de peso; Refrigeración; Respiratory rate; Flesh firmness; Weight loss; Cooling; Fruticultura; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Heat pump for thermal power production in dairy farm REA
Jordan,Rodrigo A.; Cortez,Luís A. B.; Barbin,Douglas F.; Lucas Junior,Jorge de.
ABSTRACT Besides cold for milk cooling, dairy facilities need to produce hot water for cleaning of tools and equipment. Overall, ohmic heating has been used in dairy farms, increasing power consumption and manufacturing costs. Therefore, as an alternative to reduce power consumption, this paper proposed a water-water heat pumping for simultaneous cold and heat generations. Accordingly, operational tests were performed with three heat-pump prototypes designed for dairy farms, in both laboratory and field levels. At laboratory, tests were carried out using electricity and CNG to define a coefficient of performance (COP). Biogas tests were performed in the field to measure its consumption. CNG average consumption was of 1.118 m3/ h, while biogas consume was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermal power; Thermal-accumulation; Cooling; Heating.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Hydrocooling on postharvest conservation of butter lettuce Horticultura Brasileira
França,Christiane FM; Ribeiro,Welington S; Silva,Fernanda C; Costa,Lucas C; Rêgo,Elizanilda R; Finger,Fernando L.
Lettuce is a vegetable highly susceptible to water loss, which reduces its shelf life and increases the final cost to the consumer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydrocooling on the postharvest shelf life of butter lettuce 'Vitória de Santo Antão'. The lettuce heads, after selection, were subjected to the following treatments: T1= hydrocooling followed by storage at 5°C in the cold chamber; T2= storage in the cold chamber at 5°C without hydrocooling; T3= hydrocooling followed by storage at 22°C and T4= storage at 22°C without hydrocooling. We determined the shelf life, leaves mass loss, chlorophyll content, relative water content, total soluble sugars content, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and starch. The data were analyzed in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Cooling; Shelf life; Chlorophyll; Carbohydrates.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Modeling and simulation of forced-air cooling of strawberries using variable convective coefficient REA
Siqueira,Álvaro J. H.; Costa,Andréa O. da; Costa Junior,Esly F. da.
In the forced-air cooling process of fruits occurs, besides the convective heat transfer, the mass transfer by evaporation. The energy need in the evaporation is taken from fruit that has its temperature lowered. In this study it has been proposed the use of empirical correlations for calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient as a function of surface temperature of the strawberry during the cooling process. The aim of this variation of the convective coefficient is to compensate the effect of evaporation in the heat transfer process. Linear and exponential correlations are tested, both with two adjustable parameters. The simulations are performed using experimental conditions reported in the literature for the cooling of strawberries. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mathematical modeling; Cooling; Parameters estimation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Optimizing the transport of porcine semen: a proposal for Brazil Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Silva,C.L.Á.; Silva Filho,J.M.; Palhares,M.S.; Machado,G.S.; Moraes,M.P.; Rocha,N.M.; Carvalho,L.E.; Rossi,R..
Semen from the first 15mL of the ejaculate (P1) obtained from two boars (30mL) was diluted in glycine-egg yolk extender, cooled at 5°C in a special container and rediluted in standard doses of 3x109 mobile spermatozoa after 12h of storage. Semen was also stored up to 24h after redilution. The physical characteristics of the semen were evaluated at different storage periods (fresh, 0h, 12h, rediluted, 24h, and 36h). The reproductive performance of the boars and their fertility regarding the insemination of primiparous sows were also determined. Two treatments were used: T1-15B sows inseminated with semen originated from hyperconcentrated heterospermic doses (15x109 mobile spermatozoa per dose), rediluted after 12h of storage at 5°C for standard doses of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Swine; Fractioned collection; Cooling; Transport.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Osmolality and composition of the extender during the cold storage of Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes: Prochilodontidae) sperm Neotropical Ichthyology
Viveiros,Ana T. M.; Taffarel,Tais R.; Leal,Marcelo C..
This study evaluates the effects of extender osmolality and composition on the cooling of Prochilodus lineatussperm. Sperm was diluted in six extenders: two compositions (powdered coconut water(tm) = ACP; Beltsville Thawing Solution(tm) = BTS) x three osmolalities (285, 325, and 365 mOsm/kg) plus an undiluted control, and stored at 6-8°C. Motility rate and velocities (curvilinear, straight line, and average path) were determined every other day. Osmolality did not affect the quality of cooled sperm, thus data were pooled. Motility was higher on d 0 compared to the other days and diluted samples (85-90%) yielded higher motility than control (75%). On d 2, motility was higher in BTS-diluted samples and control, but on d 4 and 6, control yielded the highest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: CASA; Cooling; Motility; Semen; Velocity.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Physical and chemical quality of sanitized commercial eggs experimentally contaminated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and refrigerated during storage R. Bras. Zootec.
Mendes,Fernanda Rodrigues; Andrade,Maria Auxiliadora; Café,Marcos Barcellos; Santos,Januária Silva; Lacerda,Maria Juliana Ribeiro; Stringhini,José Henrique; Stringhini,Maria Luiza; Leandro,Nadja Susana Mogyca.
The objective of this study to verify the physicochemical quality of commercial washed and unwashed eggs, experimentally inoculated on the shell with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and stored at 5 and 25 ºC for 30 days. A total of 384 eggs, classified as large, from light Dekalb White laying hens at 30 to 40 weeks of age, were used. The experimental design consisted of two blocks in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (contamination, washing, and refrigeration) with six replicates. The sanitization was performed by mechanical washing (hot water with chlorhexidine 20% and 8% active content). Eggs were contaminated by handling with 1.5 × 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa/mL solution, and stored at 5 and 25 ºC for 30 days. Each ten days,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacterial contamination; Cooling; Physical characteristics.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Recovery of sperm after epididymal refrigeration from domestic cats using ACP-117c and Tris extenders Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Lima,D.B.C.; Silva,T.F.P.; Cortez,A. Aquino; Pinto,J.N.; Magalhães,F.F.; Caldini,B.N.; Silva,L.D.M..
ABSTRACT We aimed to compare fresh sperm and sperm cooled to 4ºC that had been recovered from the epididymides of cats using powdered coconut water (ACP-117c) and Tris extenders. Sixty epididymides were divided into 6 groups: 10 fresh epididymides were recovered using Tris (T0h); 10 were kept at 4°C/2h and recovered using Tris (T2h); 10 were kept at 4°C/4h and recovered using Tris (T4h); 10 fresh were recovered using ACP-117c (A0h); 10 were kept at 4°C/2h and recovered using ACP-117c (A2h), and 10 were kept at 4°C/4h and recovered using ACP-117c (A4h). The testis-epididymis complexes (TEC) control were not cooled. The others were cooled at 4°C for 2 or 4h. The epididymis was separated and the sperm was recovered by the modified flotation method. Sperm...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cat; Epididymal spermatozoa; Cooling; Powdered coconut water.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Sperm parameters and biochemical components of goat seminal plasma in the rainy and dry seasons in the Brazilian Northeast: the season's influence on the cooling of semen Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Aguiar,G.V.; van Tilburg,M.F.; Catunda,A.G.V.; Celes,C.K.S.; Lima,I.C.S.; Campos,A.C.N.; Moura,A.A.A.; Araújo,A.A..
The present study aimed to verify the caprine semen characteristics during dry and rainy seasons in the Brazilian Northeast, and the influence of these seasons on cooled semen. Seminal volume, concentration, percentage of motile cells, vigor and spermatic morphology, as well as biochemical profile (fructose, citric acid, P, Ca2+, Mg, total proteins and phospholipase A2 activity) were analyzed. It was observed a reduction (P<0.05) in normal sperm morphology, fructose, citric acid, P, Mg and total protein concentration during the dry season, which did not affect the motility, vigor, volume and sperm concentration. Phospholipase A2 activity was increased during the dry season (P<0.05). The analysis of the semen cooled at 4ºC during 48 hours showed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Semen; Spermatozoa; Season; Cooling; Caprine.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Study on the viability of cooling canine semen using milk and egg yolk glycine extenders MV&Z
da Cunha, Isabel Candia Nunes; Lopes, Maria Denise.
Twenty-seven ejaculates of an adult, mixed breed, medium size dog were used in this study. The semen was collected by penile stimulation and divided into three equal samples. Group I (G I): cooled without extender; Group 2 (G2): diluted with skimmed milk-based extender; Group 3 (G3): diluted with glycine egg yolk-based extender, without glycerol. Samples were evaluated after collection (MO) as to sperm motility and vigor, and integrity of sperm membranes, and then incubated at 50 C. Samples were again evaluated for motility and vigor after being refrigerated for 24 (M 1),48 (M2) and 72 (M3) hours. M3 also included the integrity of sperm membranes in the evaluation. Statistical analysis of the obtained data showed G2 and G3 as equivalent, both being...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cooling; Semen; Dogs refrigeração; Sêmen; Cães.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Viability and fertility of cooled equine semen diluted with skimmed milk or glycine egg yolk-based extenders R. Bras. Zootec.
Pugliesi,Guilherme; Carvalho,Giovanni Ribeiro de; Rates,Daniel Macêdo; Ker,Pedro Gama; Matta,Manuela Pereira da; Oliveira,Renan Reis de; Silva Filho,José Monteiro da.
Two semen extenders were compared for their ability to maintain viability of horse semen during 24 hours of cold preservation, and for the pregnancy rate after artificial insemination. In the experiment 1, five ejaculates from three stallions were split-diluted in either a skimmed milk-based extender (Kenney extender) or a glycine egg yolk-based extender (Foote extender) and cooled at 6-8 ºC for 24 hours. Semen samples stored in Kenney extender for 24 hours had higher motility and spermatic vigor compared with those stored in Foote extender. However, samples stored in Foote extender had higher number of reactive sperm by hypoosmotic test and greater viability by epifluorescence test compared with those in Kenney extender. In the experiment 2, 17 and 23...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial insemination; Cooling; Semen extender; Stallion.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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