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A Guatemalan Soycow Cooperative: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts? AgEcon
Blumthal, Meredith; Micheels, Eric T.; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Farrell, Rhett C..
Teaching Notes available upon request:; Author video:
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Soycow; Cooperative; Guatemala; Teaching case; Agribusiness; Q10.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A Reserve-Balancing Pool for Services by Dairy Cooperatives AgEcon
Ling, K. Charles.
The rationale for compensating dairy cooperatives for the costs incurred in balancing milk supply for the fluid market is examined. A reserve-balancing pool is proposed to facilitate deducting supply-balancing service credit from a marketwide producer pool and making payment to cooperatives for providing the services. The volume of necessary reserves maintained for the fluid market determines the size of the reserve-balancing pool. A dairy cooperative qualifies for pool payment based on the volume of milk delivered for fluid uses and on the volume of necessary reserves actually balanced. An alternative qualification is to allocate the volume of necessary reserves each cooperative has to balance according to a cooperative's market share of milk for fluid...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Milk; Reserve-balancing pool; Seasonality; Manufacturing costs; Marketwide services; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Standards by China’s Agricultural Cooperatives: A Way out of Monitoring Production Practices of Numerous Small-scale Farmers ? AgEcon
Zhou, Jiehong; Jin, Shaosheng.
China has experienced frequently food safety scares due to pesticide residue issues in recent years. This excessive of illegal use is often tied to numerous small-scale farmers. As it is a great challenge for Chinese government to monitor production practices of small-scale farmers directly, encouraging the adoption of food safety and quality standards by China’s agricultural cooperatives serves as an alternative approach to monitor the production practices of the small-scale farmers, and thus ensure improved quality of foods they produce. Based on the survey data from 124 vegetable cooperatives in Zhejiang Province, this study is designed to analyze the factors that affect adoption of food safety and quality standards by agricultural cooperatives in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food safety; Food safety and quality standards; Cooperative; China; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q13; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Nubern, Christopher A.; Kilmer, Richard L..
This article evaluates the effects of alternative fluid milk procurement strategies on the aggregate net revenue of Florida cooperative members. They are (1) supplemental milk obtained from import sources, (2) supplemental milk obtained from a supply plant, (3) increased supply as a result of an expanded production area, and (4) supplemental milk obtained through pooling arrangements with regional dairy cooperatives. The final ranking of a scenario appears to be dependent primarily on the total cost of exports within the model. The optimal procurement strategy for Florida cooperatives should concentrate on reducing the quantity of surplus milk.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Exports; Imports; Net revenue; Pooling; Procurement; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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An analysis of the Peruvian jungle cocoa farmers: Acopagro cooperative vs. intermediaries – a case of study AgEcon
Higuchi, Angie; Moritaka, Masahiro; Fukuda, Susumu.
n the Peruvian jungle, there are two main cocoa marketing channels: the intermediaries and the cooperative. The Acopagro Cooperative, a Peruvian organization, for example, has contributed to the shift from illegal crops like cocoa to an alternative crop like cocoa which gives small scale farmers a sustainable welfare. A survey of 243 farmers in Juanjui, San Martin-which is the main cocoa production area in Peru-was carried out between December 2009-January 2010. This study analyzes Peruvian cocoa farmers’ socio-economic characteristics as these attributes affect their decision-making process in the cocoa commercialization for their self-improvement and evaluates if the farmers’ participation in Acopagro or not influences the increment of the cocoa...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Socio-economic characteristics; Logistic model; Multiple regression function; Cocoa production; Marketing channel; Farmers’ organization; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; GA; IN.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Leitao, Fabricio Oliveira; Brisola, Marlon Vinicius.
A gestão empresarial tem avançado em sua forma de atuação, deixando de lado uma postura convencional de busca de lucro e rentabilidade para um enfoque preferencialmente voltado à sustentabilidade de seus negócios e de seus acionistas. Uma cooperativa não tem a perspectiva de distribuir riquezas para os acionistas, uma vez que trabalha com foco no desenvolvimento social do ambiente em que se insere e de seus membros, embora cada vez mais convive com a necessidade de um adequado faturamento para sua sobrevivência e de seus cooperados. Para que isso se efetive, se faz necessário conhecer quais são os valores de seus associados para que estratégias possam emergir e serem implementadas com vistas a uma maior satisfação dos associados e conseqüentemente maiores...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Valores dos produtores rurais; Cooperativas; Estratégias de marketing; Values of the producer agricultural; Cooperative; Marketing strategies; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Análisis de la situación de seguridad, soberanía alimentaria y nutricional de la Cooperativa Flor de Pancasan 8 de Marzo, durante el periodo 2006-2009. Colegio de Postgraduados
Rodriguez Flores, Edwin Francisco.
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el impacto de los procesos de intervención de entidades de desarrollo las actividades productivas en la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria y nutricional propias de los socios (as) de la cooperativa Flor de Pancasan 8 de Marzo durante el periodo 2006 – 2009. El tema se aborda en dos momentos a saber, primero el impacto que han tenido los procesos de intervención de las entidades de desarrollo que tuvieron presencia en la zona de Pancasan, y en un segundo momento, las actividades productivas desarrolladas por los socios (as) de la cooperativa en el tema. El tipo de muestreo utilizado fue el Aleatorio Simple Estratificado, obteniendo una muestra estadística de 89 entrevistas aplicándolas a 14 de las 18 comunidades...
Palavras-chave: Seguridad alimentaria; Cooperativa; Disponibilidad; Acceso; Consumo; Food security; Cooperative; Availability; Access; Consumption; EDAR; Desarrollo Rural Territorial Sustentable CP-UNAN; Maestría Tecnológica.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Appellation of Origin Status and Economic Development: A Case Study of the Mezcal Industry AgEcon
Trejo-Pech, Carlos Omar; Lopez-Reyna, Carmen; House, Lisa; Messina, William A., Jr..
Mezcal is an alcoholic beverage produced only in selected regions of Mexico under appellation of origin status from the Word Intellectual Property Organization. While it has been produced in Mexico for many centuries, mezcal’s appellation of origin was only granted in 1995. Therefore efforts to produce and market it as a premium product have a relatively short history. This case study examines developments in the production and marketing of this unique product, and the activities of the marketing cooperative El Tecuán in Guerrero State in this process.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Mezcal; Mexico; Appellation; Marketing; Cooperative; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Marketing.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Hovhannisyan, Vardges; Vasa, Laszlo.
Armenian milk marketing cooperatives provide several benefits, of which the increased opportunity for milk marketing is valued most by member farmers. During the cooperative action milk production has also increased due to seminars on cattle feeding, artificial insemination, sanitation programs, and support by cooperatives in feed procurement. Another benefit is that through pooling products of specified grade or quality, marketing cooperatives are better able to market milk to large-scale buyers than individual owners. Putting their efforts together cooperatives can move to distant markets and thus expand their sales opportunities. This is of paramount importance for those cooperatives that have a sole buyer. In addition to milk marketing, almost all of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Cooperation; Cooperative; Milk production; Transition economy; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Business Models and Producer-Owned Ventures: Choices, Challenges, and Changes AgEcon
Kenkel, Philip L.; Park, John L..
Producer-owned business models are rapidly evolving. Producer-owned, value-added ventures face a number of organizational challenges, including capital acquisition, security exchange registration, antitrust exemption, borrowing eligibility, and operational flexibility. This paper examines the success of evolving producer-owned business models in addressing these challenges. The need for uniform criteria to distinguish producer-owned business from other business forms throughout the complex structure of policies and laws affecting value-added ventures is highlighted.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Value-added organizational form; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Labor and Human Capital; Q13; Q14; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Moreira, Jose Cesar Pontes; Mera, Ruben Dario Mayorga; Khan, Ahmad Saeed; Mayorga, Maria Irles De Oliveira; Menezes, Adriano Sarquis Bezerra De.
O presente trabalho busca relacionar a presença ou ausência de capital social como recurso para a sustentabilidade de cooperativas agroindustriais. Supõe-se que as cooperativas dotadas de elevado nível de estoque de capital social têm maior sustentabilidade que as que possuem um menor nível de capital social. O objetivo é verificar o impacto da existência ou não de capital social no andamento das cooperativas agroindustriais COOPEMOVA e COCEDRO, para isso este trabalho utilizou o estudo de caso das duas cooperativas agroindustriais. Os dados foram conseguidos mediante observação na ambiência das cooperativas e de aplicação de dois questionários. Verificou-se neste trabalho que a COOPEMOVA dotada de maior nível de capital social foi também a que revelou...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Capital social; Sustentabilidade; Cooperativa; Agroindústria; Social capital; Sustainability; Cooperative; Agribusiness; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cass-Clay Creamery: A New Direction for an Old Brand AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Boland, Michael A..
Consolidation and industrialization are increasingly important factors affecting the level of membership in cooperative businesses. This article presents information about the development of the dairy industry in North Dakota and its effect on Cass- Clay Creamery, a farmer-owned dairy cooperative. Students are asked to analyze decisions about branding and being acquired by another larger cooperative.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dairy; Cooperative; Acquisition; North Dakota; Cass-Clay; AMPI; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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CEO Compensation in Cooperatives versus Publicly Listed Firms AgEcon
Li, Feng; Hendrikse, George W.J..
A multiple activities principal-agent model regarding CEO compensation in cooperatives is presented, capturing that cooperatives are not publicly listed and that they have to bring the enterprise to value as well as to serve member interests. A cooperative dominates a publicly listed firm in terms of efficiency when either activities are sufficiently complementary, or additional information is considered in the performance measure.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cooperative; CEO compensation; Performance measure; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Alencar, Edgard; Grandi, Daniele Silva; Andrade, Debora Mesquita; Andrade, Marcia Pereira de.
This paper discusses the new articulation forms which were established between the agricultural and urban sectors due to the consolidation of the Brazilian agroindustrial complex in the end of the 1970’s. The following topics are highlighted in this discussion: a) the growing dependence that agriculture sector has on the urban sector as a consumer of goods and services; b) the transformation of a substantial part of agricultural output in raw material for urban industries; c) the oligopolistic and oligopsonic features of these commercial relationships; d) the integration of capitals and formation of great economic conglomerates; c) the ongoing globalization process. In such scenery, different social actors are identified as well as their differential...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agoindustrial complex; Productive chain; Cooperative; Social actors; Interest articulation..
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Hueth, Brent; Marcoul, Philippe; Ginder, Roger G..
Cooperative formation in agriculture sometimes occurs in response to the exit of a private firm and typically requires substantial equity investment by participating farmers. What economic rationale can explain why farmers are willing to contribute capital to an activity that (apparently) fails to attract non-farm or "private" investment? We hypothesize that farm capital is high cost, relative to that provided by private entrepreneurs (or in other words, that there is a degree of asset fixity in farm capital) but that it engenders greater organizational commitment-which is particularly important when expected market returns are low-on the part of producers. This commitment arises from the indirect incentive properties associated with at-risk capital. We...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Corporate financing; Moral hazard; Vertical integration; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Cooperative Formation and Financial Contracting in Agricultural Markets AgEcon
Hueth, Brent; Marcoul, Philippe; Ginder, Roger G..
Cooperative formation in agriculture sometimes occurs in response to the exit of a private firm and typically requires substantial equity investment by participating farmers. What economic rationale can explain why farmers are willing to contribute capital to an activity that fails to attract non-farm, or "private" investment? We hypothesize that doing so is a costly mechanism for increasing the maximum penalty farmers face in the case of business failure. For a given market environment, exposing farmers to this risk increases the amount of surplus that can be used to repay lenders, thus expanding the set of market environments in which financing is available. We show how equity investment of this sort can be an efficient organizational response to a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Corporate finance; Moral hazard; Vertical integration; Agribusiness; Marketing.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Janzen, Edward L.; Wilson, William W..
Marketing of specialty and identity preserved grains has become an important strategy in the grain marketing industry and is being driven, in part, by consumer and processor demand and an interest in non-GM products. This study provides background and practices of numerous organizations involved in marketing of specialty/identity preserved grains. Supporting marketing activities are reviewed. Key factors in the success (or failure) of their efforts are identified. Major challenges facing the participants in the specialty/IP grain marketing industry are discussed. The primary focus is on the role of agricultural cooperatives and producer owned alliances.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Identity preservation; IP; Segregation; Traceability; Specialty products; Genetically modified; GM; Non-GM; Cooperative; Alliance.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Cooperative Marketing of Animal Health Products AgEcon
Vogelsang, Donald L..
This report uses eight case studies to identify elements of successful cooperative programs for retailing over-the-counter animal health products (AHP). It provides practical information on AHP marketing strategies and methods for cooperative retailers, planners, and researchers. All participating cooperatives except one provided information for fiscal years ending during calendar year 1986. The exception was for 1987. Information. about five AHP suppliers and their marketing programs is included to enhance understanding of retailer programs.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Advertising; Animal health products; Centralized; Federated; Local; Margin; Marketing; Over-the-counter; Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Cooperative Meat Packing, lessons learned from Sterling Colorado Beef Company AgEcon
Ward, Clement E..
Integration into meatpacking is a marketing alternative for livestock producers. For those considering such a step, Sterling Colorado Beef Co. provides a valuable learning experience. Feeders willing to commit capital, cattle, and time established the cooperative. Members said primary benefits were having a guaranteed market outlet and receiving a fair market price, rather than receiving a higher price or obtaining additional returns from meatpacking. Members attributed the cooperative's success to competent management and strong member management relations. The major problems encountered involved issues of environmental protection and lack of commitment by some members.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Meatpacking; Vertical integration; Cattle marketing; Cattle procurement; Cattle pricing; Beef marketing; Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Cooperative Mergers and Acquisitions: The Role of Capital Constraints AgEcon
Richards, Timothy J.; Manfredo, Mark R..
Several explanations for merger activity exist for publicly traded firms, but none consider the unique aspects of cooperatives. This study develops a test for the hypothesis that cooperative consolidation occurs primarily in response to capital constraints associated with a lack of access to external equity capital. An empirical model estimates the shadow value of long-term investment capital within a multinomial logit model of transaction choice in a panel data set of the 100 largest U.S. cooperatives. The results substantially confirm the capital-constraint hypothesis. Thus, the primary implication is that internal growth may be a more viable alternative to consolidation if new forms of cooperative financing are developed.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Capital structure; Cooperative; Discrete choice; Joint ventures; Mergers; Multinomial logit; Strategic alliances; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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