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Aquaculture, restocking and stock enhancement as an answer to the scallop fisheries management crisis in the areas of Brest and Saint-Brieuc (Brittany) 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Since the beginning of the century, scallop fisheries in France have known successive phases of expansion and recession. Although a system of fishing licences has been implemented, the number of fishermen involved in the scallop fishery has increased and huge investments have been made. The important fishing effortduring this period has induced a serions stock depletion, and output has dropped to less than 2 000 m.t. per year since 1986. Hence, the remunerations of capital and labour have dramatically decreased. As early as 1973, attempts have been made to use aquaculture methods for the management of thisstock, following the successful Japanese model. Because of insufficient amounts of spat available from the wild, hatchery and nursery techniques have...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock enhancement; Restocking; Scallop; Fishing licence; Aquaculture; SEM; Surpeuplement; Repeuplement; Coquille Saint Jacques; Licence de pêche; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Croissance de différents lots de coquille Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus en culture sur le fond dans la Rade de Brest 5
Buestel, Dominique; Gerard, Andre; Guenole, Annie.
Six batches of king scallop juveniles of different origins and obtained either by collection in their natural habitat (Saint-Brieuc, Scotland, Ireland), or by hatchery production in Brest in 1981, 1982, 1983, have been sown, at a size of 3 cm, in the roadsted of Brest between 1977 and 1983. Their growth, strongly linked to the evolution of the temperature, is well-described by a model, including a sinusoidal modulation, by Von Bertalanffy. The growth of the scallops collected in Saint-Brieuc, Scotland and Ireland, differentiates from that of the individuals from their original area and shows similarities with that of the scallops produced in Brest. Consequently, there must be an adaptation of the growth to the environmental conditions of the roadsted of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pectiniculture; Croissance; Pecten maximus L.; Coquille Saint Jacques.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Essai de culture suspendue de la Coquille Saint Jacques Pecten maximus: influence de la transplantation sur le développement gonadique 5
Latrouite, Daniel; Claude, Serge.
La mise au point et le développement de techniques de captage en milieu naturel et de production en milieu contrôlé permettent d'envisager pour la coquille Saint Jacques une aquaculture extensive du type de celle réalisée pour l'huître sur parc non découvrant : un ou plusieurs centres favorables à la collecte du naissain pourvoient en juvéniles des secteurs propices à l'élevage. Une plus value marchande peut être obtenue lorsque le changement de milieu s'accompagne de modifications physiologique ou organoleptiques. Ainsi, la présence de la glande génitale développée (ou corail) est particulièrement appréciée du consommateur français. Cet état s'observe tout au long de l'année sur les gisements de Bretagne Sud et de Rade de Brest alors qu'en Baie de Saint...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conchyliculture; Coquille Saint Jacques; Captage; Croissance; Mortalité; Elevage.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Estimation d'un stock naturel de coquille Saint Jacques par une méthode combinant les dragages et la plongée. Traitement des résultats par une méthode géostatistique 5
Buestel, Dominique; Dao, Jean-claude; Gohin, Francis.
The efficiency of the fishing drags in the Saint Brieuc Bay, Brittany, has been determined through the analysis of the tracks left on the seabed. The results, which focus mostly on the age class n°2 (2.5 years), show that the efficiency and the damages caused by the drags vary heavily according to the nature of the seabed. For soft bottoms, the average efficiency is 67 % and the global damage is 2 %. Concerning hard bottoms, the values are respectively 30 % and 17 %. These efficiency results combined with those of a dragging expedition in a set sector of the Saint-Brieuc Bay enable a direct assessment of the abundance. A result treatment method deriving from the geostatistical theory is used: it takes into account the spatial structure of the king scallop...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint Jacques; Plongée; Dragage; Pecten maximus L.; Estimation stocks.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Estimation d'un stock naturel de coquilles Saint-Jacques par une méthode combinant les dragages et la plongée. Traitement des résultats par une méthode géostatistique 5
Buestel, Dominique; Dao, Jean-claude; Gohin, Francis.
The efficiency of the scallop dredge used in baie de St Brieuc (Britany) has been directly determined by divers swimming along the track marks left on the bottom. Results, concerning essentially year class two, show that efficiency and damage caused by the dredge on scallops are highly variable according to nature of the sea bed. On smooth grounds, the average efficiency is 67% and the average percentage for severely damged scallops is 2% ; on rough grounds, theses percentages are respectively 30% and 17%. These results associated with a dredge survey on a particular area of the baie de St Brieuc allow an assessment of scallops abundance. The statistical method used, relevant to the geostatistic theory, takes into account the scallop spatial distribution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estimation stock; Coquille Saint Jacques; Dragage; Saint-Brieuc; Méthode géostatistique; Bretagne.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Induction de la métamorphose de la coquille Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus L. par des dérives de la tyrosine extraits de l'algue Delesseria sanguinea Lamouroux ou synthétiques 5
Cochard, Jean-claude; Chevolot, L.; Yvin, J.c.; Chevolot-magueur, A. M..
King scallop Pecten maximus L. larvae reared in stagnant sea water generally show a delayed metamorphosis. These larvae do not seem to look for a specific fixation substrate, but introduced Delesseria sanguinea Lamouroux aqueous extracts bring about a significant rise in the metamorphosis rates and the mortalities according to the concentration of extracts in the water. A series of experiments enabled the identification of the inducing agent of Delesseria sanguinea extracts: jacaranone. This product, obtained through synthesis, shows a similar activity. The optimal concentration is 0.5 mg.l-1 (3.10- 6M); for higher concentrations, the monitored drop in the metamorphosis rate is caused by an increase in the mortality rate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adrénaline; L PODA; Jacaranone; Métamorphose; Induction; Pecten maximus L.; Coquille Saint Jacques.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Le programme de repeuplement de coquille Saint-Jacques : finalité, résultats et perspectives 5
Dao, Jean-claude; Buestel, Dominique; Gerard, Andre; Halary, C.; Cochard, Jean-claude.
The king scallop (Pecten maximus L.) has been the object of some in-depth studies since 1973 with the double aim of natural resources management and extensive aquaculture in mind. The results obtained during the first ten years enabled the launch of a pluri-annual 1983-1987 program which aims to demonstrate the re-populating of the roadsted of Brest and the introduction of new management methods in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. The technical results of the resource management and of the aquaculture operations are described. They enabled the stabilisation of the annual production of the Saint-Brieuc deposit as well as to foresee a new biomass of 80-100 tonnes of spawners per year in the roadsted of Brest. However, the implementation of all these developments is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Croissance juvéniles; Gisement; Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Repeuplement.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Les campagnes d'évaluation du stock de coquilles Saint-Jacques en Manche orientale : méthodologie et estimation des indices d'abondance 5
Vigneau, Joel; Fifas, Spyros; Foucher, Eric.
The methodology used for obtaining absolute abundance indices for Eastern Channel scallop is described in this paper. For the survey (COMOR), stratified multi-stage random sampling is used. The number of sampled units is computed based on variance estimates from the last survey. Knowledge of gear (Brittany dredge with a diving plate) selectivity and efficiency parameters is required for estimating total exploitable biomass and absolute abundance indices by age and strata. Details of the mathematical development of all estimators are given. A non parametric bootstrap provides confidence intervals for all estimates.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel; Bay of Seine; Dredge; Pecten maximus; Scallop; Survey; Assessment; Manche orientale; Baie de Seine; Drague; Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Campagne; Evaluation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Les variations de la fécondité de la coquille Saint-Jacques de la Rade de Brest en écloserie au cours du cycle annuel 5
Cochard, Jean-claude.
Among the different biological factors which can have an impact on the recruitment of the king scallop, the relationship between the number of produced oocytes and the number of obtained larvae can be tackled from an experimental point of view. In the framework of the repopulation program of the roadsted of Brest (king scallop pluri-annual program), the hatchery spat production trials (Buestel et al., 1982) enabled the monitoring of the variations of the real fertility of Pecten maximus over a year cycle. The natural egg-laying period in the roadsted of Brest spreads from June through to September, but egg-laying can also be triggered artificially all year long. The results obtained during production trials in 1982-1983 and the action of low temperatures...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecloserie; Production naissain; Fécondité; Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Ponte.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Note sur l'évolution comparée des coquilles Saint-Jacques d'origine différente en Bretagne Nord 5
Dao, Jean-claude; Buestel, Dominique; Halary, C..
Different batches of king scallops (Pecten maxinus) have been monitored at two sites in Northern Brittany after their seeding at a size of 25-35 cm. These batches are a combination of indigenous scallops, hatchery juveniles with spawners from Brest, and Irish and Scottish juveniles. Their evolution has been monitored over several years. This document presents the preliminary results of the comparison of their growth, mortality and seasonal behaviour during maturation.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mortalité; Croissance organisme; Physiologie; Pecten maximus L.; Coquille Saint Jacques.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Observations sur la viabilité des oeufs de la coquille Saint Jacques en Rade de Brest 5
Cochard, Jean-claude.
La production de naissain de Pecten maximus destiné au repeuplement de la rade de Brest a nécessité le déclenchement de la ponte de plusieurs centaines d'individus au cours des années 1980 à 1984. L'analyse de ces données permet de faire quelques constatations sur le cycle sexuel de la coquille Saint-Jacques dans cette zone. - Le cycle sexuel de la population est très étalé dans le temps. Des pontes d'apparence normale peuvent être obtenues chaque mois sans qu'il soit nécessaire de recourir au conditionnement. - La fécondité, estimée par le nombre moyen d'ovocytes recueillis par reproducteur, varie au cours du cycle annuel. Les pontes les plus abondantes ont lieu de février à avril (12 à 20 millions d'ovocytes par coquille en moyenne) et en octobre. En été...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ovocytes; Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Reproduction; Naissain.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Prégrossissement du naissain de coquille Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus (L.) en rade de Brest - Résultats obtenus en 1983 5
Buestel, Dominique; Guenole, Annie; Mingant, Christian.
In 1983, the pre-grow-out in the roadsted of Brest of 1.5m king scallop maximU6 post larvae from 1 to 5 mm lead to the production of 250,000 juveniles of a size comprised between 27 and 31 mm. The culture conditions have been particularly unfavourable in June with an infestation by the drilling worm Polydora sp and the starfish Asteria rubens, and in July when important mortalities and a stopping of the growth have been observed as well as the presence in the plankton of large quantities of dinoflagellates (most certainly toxic). Some experiments showed that the sensitivity of the scallops to those different mortality factors is proportional to the size of the farm.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Prégrossissement; Elevage; Pecten maximus L.; Coquille Saint Jacques.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Production artificielle de naissain de coquille Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus (L.) résultats obtenus en 1982 en Rade de Brest 5
Buestel, Dominique; Cochard, Jean-claude; Gerard, Andre.
Des travaux expérimentaux menés depuis 1977 en rade de Brest ont permis la mise au point d'une méthode de production de naissain de coquille Saint-Jacques dont la fiabilité a été démontrée en 1982. La filière d'élevage comprend quatre phases nécessitant chacune la mise en ouvre de techniques originales sur des sites distincts. La première étape réalisée en écloserie (température 17°C - eau de mer filtrée à 1µ) produit des larves pédiveligères de 250µ. Ces larves reprises dans une nurserie (eau de mer brute filtre à 125µ) donnent des postlarves de 1 à 3 mm. Les deux dernières phases se passent directement en mer ; un premier stade permet de produire des animaux de 10 mm environ qui sont ensuite portés à une taille de 30 mm et plus. Les résultats de l'année...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Production artificielle.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Production artificielle de naissain de coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus (L.) : Analyse des facteurs affectant la croissance larvaire 5
Cochard, Jean-claude; Gerard, Andre.
The analysis of the Pecten maximus larval productions carried out between 1982 and 1986 in the framework of the repopulating program of the roadsted of Brest demonstrated the existence of a number of factors affecting larval growth in hatcheries: - Larval growth shows important seasonal fluctuations. It is minimal in February-March (3 to 4 µm.D-1) and maximal in June (6 to 8 µm.D-1). The growth of larvae from conditioned spawners does not differ from that of larvae from mature genitors collected in their natural habitat. Growth is favoured by an unknown factor present in sea water and held with a filtration of 0,2 µm. - The growth of the larvae cultivated in slack water in flat bottom ponds is higher than that of the larvae cultivated in bubbling water in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Larve; Ecloserie; Croissance organisme; Coquille Saint Jacques; Pecten maximus L.; Production.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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