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A hitherto unnoticed adaptive radiation: epitoniid species (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) associated with corals (Scleractinia) Naturalis
Gittenberger, A.; Gittenberger, E..
Twenty-two epitoniid species that live associated with various hard coral species are described. Three genera, viz. Epidendrium gen. nov., Epifungium gen. nov., and Surrepifungium gen. nov., and ten species are introduced as new to science, viz. Epidendrium aureum spec. nov., E. sordidum spec. nov., Epifungium adgranulosa spec. nov., E. adgravis spec. nov., E. adscabra spec. nov., E. marki spec. nov., E. nielsi spec. nov., E. pseudolochi spec. nov., E. pseudotwilae spec. nov., Surrepifungium patamakanthini spec. nov., and ‘Epitonium’ crassicostatum spec. nov. and ‘E.’ graviarmatum spec. nov. Although their identities as separate gene pools are convincingly demonstrated by molecular data, some of these species cannot be identified unequivocally on the basis...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Indo-Pacific; Parasites; Coral reefs; Coral/mollusc associations; Epitoniidae; Epitonium; Epidendrium; Epifungium; Surrepifungium; New species; New genera; Scleractinia; Fungiidae; Fungia; 42.73.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A Low-Tech Method for Reef Rehabilitation by Stabilisation of Transplanted Corals OceanDocs
Lindahl, U..
Many coral reefs that have been subjected to severe coral mortality may erode into rubble before the reef framework has been stabilised by the growth of recruiting or surviving corals and other calcifying organisms. Since unconsolidated coral rubble provides a poor substrate for coral recruitment and subsequent growth, these damages can persist for a long time, even where there is ample supply of coral larvae. Rehabilitation of this type of habitat through coral transplantation has therefore been hampered since the substrate does not provide a base for attachment. Unattached corals that are moved by water movements may suffer severe damages through breakage and abrasion, and are also at risk of being buried in the shifting sediment. The aim of the present...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Coral reefs.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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A new innovated and cheep model in building artificial reefs OceanDocs
Mahmoud, M.A.; Ammar, M.S.A..
A novel and cheep approach for building artificial reefs was designed in such a way that sediments in an area of high sedimentation rate will be utilized in building the artificial substrate with no further sediment accumulation afterwards. The model consists of several steel cylinders which are soldered together in such a way to form a reef flat, a gentle slope and a steep slope, with two layers of narrow opening meshes (a lower plastic and an upper metallic one). Within a short periode (3 months), a substrate layer of a total of ~ 1 cm was formed between the two meshes, this layer increased to ~2 cm after 9 months. Transplants of the three species Stylophora pistillata, Echinopora gemmacea and Montipora spongiosa grow better when the attaching surface is...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Artificial coral reefs; Transplantation; Substrate; Model; Sedimentation Sediment transport Artificial reefs.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A preliminary assessment of coral bleaching in Mozambique OceanDocs
Schleyer, M.; Obura, D.; Motta, H.; Rodrigues, M.J..
The 1997-1998 El Niño southern oscillation caused elevated sea temperatures that resulted in global coral bleaching. Coral reefs constitute an important biological resource in terms of their complex biodiversity and are the basis for tropical fisheries and marine ecotourism. They represent one of Mozambique’s main coastal assets, and coastal communities and the growing tourism industry rely mainly on reef-based resources. Today, about 6.6 million people live within Mozambique’s 48 coastal administrative districts. This represents 42% of the current population (15.7 million), which is expected to grow at 3% p.a. (INE, 1998). In 1994, the population density in coastal districts was 28 persons/km2. In 1996, much higher densities were recorded in the coastal...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; El Nino phenomena.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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A Preliminary Assessment of Coral Bleaching in Mozambique OceanDocs
Schleyer, M.; Obura, D.; Rodrigues, M.J..
The 1997-1998 El Nino southern oscillation (ENSO) caused elevated sea temperatures that resulted in global coral bleaching. Coral reefs constitute an important biological resource in terms of their complex biodiversity and are the basis for tropical reef fisheries and marine ecotourism. They represent one of Mozambique's main coastal assets and its coastal communities and growing tourism industry rely mainly on reef-based resources. Mozambican artisanal fisheries are largely centred on reefs and are responsible for about 70% of the total catch, highlighting their importance. Most tourism similarly occurs along the coast where the best infrastructure is established, especially near the coral reefs of Pemba, Mozambique Island, the Bazaruto Archipelago,...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; El Nino phenomena; Tourism.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Adaptive Harvesting in a Multiple-Species Coral-Reef Food Web Ecology and Society
Kramer, Daniel B; Michigan State University;
The utility of traditional bio-economic harvest models suffers from their dependence on two commonly used approaches. First, optimization is often assumed for harvester behavior despite system complexity and the often neglected costs associated with information gathering and deliberation. Second, ecosystem interactions are infrequently modeled despite a growing awareness that these interactions are important. This paper develops a simulation model to examine the consequences of harvesting at two trophic levels in a coral-reef food web. The model assumes adaptive rather than optimizing behavior among fishermen. The consequences of changing economic, biological, and social parameters are examined using resilience as an evaluative framework. Three general...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Fisheries; Resource economics; Coral reefs; Resilience; Adaptive behavior; Food web; Simulation.
Ano: 2008
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Londoño-Díaz,Luz; Vargas-Morales,Myriam.
The Seaflower Biosphere Reserve (SBR) is one of the few places in Colombia with a set of available studies on the economic value of its reef environments. This paper seeks to review the policy applications of these studies, and evaluate the use of benefit transfer (BT) methods to predict value estimates for sites in the SBR where no valuations have been performed. First, the paper provides an analysis and categorization of policy uses of existing results. A set of economic valuation studies were identified as somewhat influential in policy applications, because they provided financial sustainability tools for marine protected areas. A case study was selected from the pool of influential studies in order to assess the viability of BT. Second, the viability...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Archipelago of San Andrés; Old Providence and Santa Catalina; Economic valuation; Benefit transfer; Coral reefs; Decision-making.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Anakao fringing reef system: biodiversity and anthroprogenic impacts OceanDocs
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coral reefs.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Charry,Henry; Alvarado,Elvira M.; Sánchez,Juan A..
The skeletal growth of the scleractinian corals Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus 1758) and Montastraea annularis (Ellis and Solander 1786) from Isla Grande (north of Rosario islands), Colombian Caribbean, was determined from annual extension increments revealed by X-radiography of 4-6 mm thick slabs obtained along the axis of maximum growth. The skeletal extension average rate for the last 22 years for D. labyrinthiformis was 3.8 mm year-1 (SE 0.10; N = 87). The correlation between growth of D. labyrinthiformis and hours of sunlight was significantly negative. The annual variances of sunlight enhanced annual statistically significant differences of growth in this species. M. annularis showed an average extension growth of 10.6 mm year -1 (SE 0.32; N =...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth rates; Diploria labyrinthiformis; Montastraea annularis; Caribbean Sea; Colombia; Coral reefs.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Annual skeletal extension of two reef-building corals from the Colombian Caribbean Sea OceanDocs
Charry, H.; Alvarado, E.M.; Sánchez, J.A..
The skeletal growth of the scleractinian corals Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus 1758) and Montastraea annularis (Ellis and Solander 1786) from Isla Grande (north of Rosario islands), Colombian Caribbean, was determined from annual extension increments revealed by X-radiography of 4-6 mm thick slabs obtained along the axis of maximum growth. The skeletal extension average rate for the last 22 years for D. labyrinthiformis was 3.8 mm year-1 (SE 0.10; N = 87). The correlation between growth of D. labyrinthiformi s and hours of sunlight was significantly negative. The annual variances of sunlight enhanced annual statistically significant differences of growth in this species. M. annularis showed an average extension growth of 10.6 mm year-1 (SE 0.32; N =...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth rate; Coral reefs; Coral reefs; Growth rate; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Arrecifes de coral: un potencial económico, turístico y educacional OceanDocs
Olaechea-Juárez, A.; González, E.; Guitart-Pérez-Puelles, B..
Los arrecifes de coral son utilizados en dos formas principales: la extractiva y la no-extractiva. La forma extractiva incluye la captura de las especies que en él habitan, tales como peces, langostas, cangrejos, etc., así como en la colecta de productos con fines ornamentales, como esponjas, conchas y otros. La forma no extractiva se basa en la utilización del arrecife con fines de recreación, científicos y educacionales. La protección de los corales es de vital importancia para los hombres. El papel de los acuarios en promover su preservación a través de la exhibición y del uso del buceo contemplativo, es sumamente importante. Las maravillas que ofrecen nuestros mares y en particular los arrecifes coralinos, constituyen...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Tourism; Educa.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Arrecifes de corales OceanDocs
Ortiz Estévez, R.M.; Serrano Jérez, M.; Rodríguez Atá, R..
Diversidad, orígenes, formación, distribución geográfica, tipos, protección y otros aspectos son abordados de forma didáctica.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: 1463; Coral reefs; Coral reefs; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Assessment of Coral Reef Degradation in Tanzania: Results of Coral Reef Monitoring 1999 OceanDocs
Muhando, C.A.; Mohammed, M.S.; Machano, H..
Coral reefs play a crucial role in the well being of coastal communities in Tanzania (Johnstone et al., 1998; Muhando, 1999). However, despite their usefulness, coral reefs are being degraded by destructive anthropogenic activities (Salm et al., 1998) and natural causes (e.g., competition, predation, diseases, bleaching, etc.). The coral bleaching and mortality event of March - June 1998 was the most serious natural calamity ever recorded in the Indian Ocean (Wilkinson, et al., 1999). Several areas along the coast of Tanzania were affected. The degree of coral mortality varied between sites, from 60% - 90% at Tutia Reef in Mafia Island Marine Park and Misali Reef on the west coast of Pemba, to approximately 10% on reefs around Unguja Island, Zanzibar...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Coral reefs.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Assessment of the extent of damage, socio-economic effects, mitigation and recovery in Tanzania: Proposal OceanDocs
Muhando, C.A..
Coral reefs play a crucial role to the well-being of coastal communities in Tanzania. Coastal fisheries, ecotourism and coastal land protection are, to some extent, sustained by coral reefs. A variety of fish species, spiny lobsters, octopus, sea cucumbers, clams, oysters and turtles form the basis of harvestable reef resources. More than 30% of marine fish landings are harvested on or adjacent to coral reef environment. Coral reefs also support offshore fisheries by providing feeding and nursery grounds for some oceanic (pelagic) fish stocks. Tourism based on coral reef ecosystems is peaking up, creating new opportunities for employment and substantial amounts of income for the people of Tanzania.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Socioeconomic development; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Benthic communities and geomorphology of the Tesoro Island Coral Reef, Colombian Caribbean OceanDocs
Sánchez-M., Juan M..
The benthic communities distribution in Tesoro Island (Colombian Caribbean) coral reef was determinad by cartography of reef morphology and functional groups from aerial photographs, theodolite triangulation, and bottom transects over depths ranging from O to 30 m. Tesoro Island is a sand cay reef developed over an emerged reef platform whose basal cone possibly originated by mud diapirism on the continental shelf. The benthic communities are distributed as subzones of the geomorphologic units. The reef crest lies along the breaker zone, formed by Millepora spp. buttresses covered on their tops by Palythoa spp. and seawardly by a turf of Dictyota spp. The rear reef (varying from 0.5-1.5 m ¡n depth) is composed of pavement and grooves with live Porites...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ecology; Benthos; Outer continental shelf; Coral; Algae; Surf; Cartography; Condition factor; Aerial photography; Geomorphology; Coral reefs; Ecology; Benthos; Aerial photography; Coral reefs; Algae; Cartography; Geomorphology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Biodiversity on the marginal coral reefs of South Africa: What does the future hold? Naturalis
Schleyer, M.H.; Celliers, L..
Southern African coral communities form a continuum from the more typical, accretive reefs in the tropics of Mozambique to the marginal, southernmost African distribution of this fauna in KwaZulu- Natal. While the latter are limited in size, they are gaining increasing attention as they provide a model for the study of many of the stresses to which these valuable systems are globally being subjected. Soft coral cover, comprising relatively few species, exceeds that of scleractinians over much of the southern reefs, and the coral communities attain a high biodiversity at this latitude on the East African coast. A long-term monitoring programme has revealed small yet significant changes in community structure on the reefs in recent years, concurrent with...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Coral reefs; South Africa; 42.79.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bioerosion of the coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes by microborers in the coral reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia ArchiMer
Tribollet, A; Payri, C.
Calcareous skeletons of the coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes are colonised by a variety of microboring organisms including euendolithic algae. The species composition of microboring organisms as well as the boring patterns and the boring activity differ between live and dead coralline crusts. The microborers inhabiting the live crusts form an obvious, macroscopically visible green layer in the basal part of the crust, which is in contact with the substratum underneath. Some species, primarily Plectonema terebrans (83 %) and Ostreobium quekettii (7 %) grow from the inside towards the crust's surface and produce a dense network of branched filaments. Following the death of the coralline alga, the skeletons are colonised at the surface and bored inward by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioérosion; Récifs coralliens; Algues corallinacées; Endolithes; Polynésie française; Bioerosion; Coral reefs; Coralline algae; Endoliths; French Polynesia.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Cambio temporal en la estructura de la comunidad coralina del área de Santa Marta - Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona (Caribe colombiano) OceanDocs
Martínez, S.; Acosta, A..
Several predictions have been made, about magnitude and direction of temporal changes in the coral community structure, during the last decade. However, few studies have demonstrated it quantitatively. In order to document such changes, the coral community structure was studied in four continental reefs in the Colombian Caribbean, two in the Santa Marta region: Punta Betín (PB) and Morro Grande Island (MO), and two in the Tayrona National Natural Park (PNNT): Granate cove (GR) and Gayraca bay (GA). Coral composition and cover were quantified in 2002 and compared to base line studies from 1989 (PB, MO & GR) and from 1992 (GA). These variables were quantified by 20 m linear transects between 1.5 m and 29 m depth. After a decade, all reefs lost in average...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Degradation; Temporal variations; Community composition; Coral reefs; Degradation; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Caractérisation des fonds marins et estimation bathymétrique par inversion de modèle de transfert radiatif : Application à l'imagerie hyperspectrale en milieu corallien ArchiMer
Petit, Tristan.
Airborne hyperspectral imaging is a potential candidate for mapping and monitoring coral reefs at large scale and with high spatial resolution. In this thesis, we first present the processing steps to be applied to hyperspectral signals for extracting information about seabed types, bathymetry and water optical properties, and we discuss their efficiency with respect to two main confounding factors: (i) low signal to noise ratio of the measured signals, and (ii) large number and variability of physical interactions occurring between the entrance of sunlight into the atmosphere and its measurement by the hyperspectral sensor. Considering these limitations, we examine the performance of an already existing water column processing method: semi-analytical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Récifs coralliens; Bathymétrie; Cartographie des habitats benthiques; Hyperspectral; Modèle de transfert radiatif; Inversion par optimisation; Analyse de sensibilité; Coral reefs; Bathymetry; Seabed type mapping; Hyperspectral; Radiative transfer model; Inversion by optimization; Sensitivity analysis.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Ciguatera Risk Assessment In The Indian Ocean Following The 1998 Coral Bleaching Event OceanDocs
Turquet, J.; Quod, J.P.; Conejero, S.; Ralijaona, C..
During the last two decades, countries from the Indian Ocean region have experienced a variety of seafood poisonings involving coral reef fishes (ciguatera), turtles (chelonitoxism), sharks (carchatoxism) and sardines (clupeotoxism) (Quod & Turquet, 1996; Turquet et al., 2000a). The ecotoxicological process of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is caused by benthic dinoflagellates from coral reefs (Gambierdiscus, Prorocentrum, Ostreopsis) that are epiphytic on algal turfs, coral rubble and macro-algae. They produce potent neurotoxins that accumulate in herbivorous marine animals and are transferred to higher levels of the food chain by carnivorous fish. These microalgae are natural inhabitants of coral reefs and become problematic when densities reach...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coral reefs.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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