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Egg parasitoid wasps as natural enemies of the neotropical stink bug Dichelops melacanthus 86
Laumann,Raúl Alberto; Moraes,Maria Carolina Blassioli; Silva,Joseane Padilha da; Vieira,Afrânio Márcio Corrêa; Silveira,Samantha da; Borges,Miguel.
The objective of this work was to determine the potential of five species of Scelionidae wasps - Telenomus podisi, Trissolcus basalis, Trissolcus urichi, Trissolcus teretis and Trissolcus brochymenae - as natural enemies of the neotropical stink bug Dichelops melacanthus, and to determine if the presence of eggs of other stink bug species influences the parasitism and development of the parasitoids. Two kinds of experiments were done in laboratory: without choice of hosts (eggs of D. melacanthus) and with choice (eggs of D. melacanthus and of Euschistus heros). Biological parameters, including proportion of parasitism, immature survivorship, progeny sex ratio, immature stage development period, and host preference were recorded. All the evaluated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Telenomus; Trissolcus; Biological control; Corn pests; Host preference; Host suitability.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Parasitism by Campoletis flavicincta on Spodoptera frugiperda in corn 86
Matos Neto,Fausto da Costa; Cruz,Ivan; Zanuncio,José Cola; Silva,Carlos Henrique Osório; Picanço,Marcelo Coutinho.
Parasitism by Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) on Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and consequent reduction of production losses were evaluated on caged corn plants in the field. Treatments consisted of plots infested with 0 (control), 15 and 30 pairs of C. flavicincta with egg masses per cage and plot infested without cage and liberation of the parasitoid. Parasitoid release was done when S. frugiperda larvae were three-day-old. Fifty corn plants (40%) per plot were collected seven days after infestation and S. frugiperda larvae present were reared in glass cups on an artificial diet. Number of S. frugiperda larvae was reduced by C. flavicincta but mortality of the pest and parasitoid sex ratio in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Field cage evaluation; Corn pests; Biological control; Parasitoid density; Ichneumonidae.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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