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Volatile element evolution of chondrules through time 5
Mahan, Brandon; Moynier, Frederic; Siebert, Julien; Gueguen, Bleuenn; Agranier, Arnaud; Pringle, Emily A.; Bollard, Jean; Connelly, James N.; Bizzarro, Martin.
Chondrites and their main components, chondrules, are our guides into the evolution of the Solar System. Investigating the history of chondrules, including their volatile element history and the prevailing conditions of their formation, has implications not only for the understanding of chondrule formation and evolution but for that of larger bodies such as the terrestrial planets. Here we have determined the bulk chemical composition-rare earth, refractory, main group, and volatile element contents-of a suite of chondrules previously dated using the Pb-Pb system. The volatile element contents of chondrules increase with time from similar to 1 My after Solar System formation, likely the result of mixing with a volatile-enriched component during chondrule...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cosmochemistry; Planetary formation; Pebble accretion; Solar System evolution; Meteorites.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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