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13 + 1: A Comparison of Global Climate Change Policy Architectures 31
Aldy, Joseph E.; Barrett, Scott; Stavins, Robert N..
We critically review the Kyoto Protocol and thirteen alternative policy architectures for addressing the threat of global climate change. We employ six criteria to evaluate the policy proposals: environmental outcome, dynamic efficiency, cost effectiveness, equity, flexibility in the presence of new information, and incentives for participation and compliance. The Kyoto Protocol does not fare well on a number of criteria, but none of the alternative proposals fare well along all six dimensions. We identify several major themes among the alternative proposals: Kyoto is "too little, too fast"; developing countries should play a more substantial role and receive incentives to participate; implementation should focus on market-based approaches, especially...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Policy architecture; Kyoto Protocol; Efficiency; Cost effectiveness; Equity; Participation; Compliance; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Comparing Food and Cash Transfers to the Ultra Poor in Bangladesh 31
Ahmed, Akhter U.; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Nasreen, Mahbuba; Hoddinott, John; Bryan, Elizabeth.
Bangladesh has some social safety net programs that transfer food to the poor, some that transfer cash, and some that provide a combination of both. This study evaluates the relative impacts of food and cash transfers on food security and livelihood outcomes among the ultra poor in Bangladesh. The programs impacts are evaluated according to various measures, including how well transfers are delivered; which transfers beneficiaries prefer; how accurately the programs target the extremely poor; effects on food security, livelihoods, and women’s empowerment; and cost effectiveness. The report identifies what has and has not worked in food and cash transfers and recommends ways of improving these programs. This study will be valuable to policymakers and others...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Safety net programs; Food security; Women empowerment; Poverty reduction; Cash transfers; Cost effectiveness; Poverty; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evaluating alternatives for mitigating Cryptosporidium risk and generating environmental service benefits in water supply catchments 31
Kandulu, John; Bryan, Brett.
Evaluations of pathogen management options have focussed on assessing relative removal effectiveness as a basis for prioritising alternative management investment decisions. Using a case study of the Myponga catchment, South Australia, this paper presents results of a cost-effectiveness risk analysis of 13 catchment- and treatment-based water quality management alternatives for mitigating Cryptosporidium risk. A range of costs and benefits including set-up and operating costs, farm business costs and benefits, and environmental service benefits are considered in comparing the net cost associated with each management alternative. Considering the broader range of costs and benefits changes the relative cost-effectiveness of water quality management...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cryptosporidium; Catchment management; Benefit cost; Cost effectiveness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Exploring natural resource management tradeoffs in an agricultural landscape - an application of the MOSAIC model. 31
Lawson, Kenton; Hill, Christine M.; Hodges, Andrew; Jacobs, Brent.
We describe a landscape scale non-linear discrete choice spatial optimisation model for identifying cost-effective strategies for achieving environmental goals. Spatial heterogeneity and configuration issues such as fencing costs, patch sizes and network linkages are explicitly accounted for and quasi-optimal allocations are determined using simulated annealing. Applications of the model being developed with New South Wales Catchment Management Authorities are discussed. These focus on targeting investments in revegetation to control dryland salinity and erosion and provide biodiversity benefits whilst minimising direct and opportunity costs. We compare our approach with alternate investment approaches.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Natural resource management; Cost effectiveness; Land use change; Multicriteria; Spatial optimisation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Exploring the cost effectiveness of land conservation auctions and payment policies 31
Connor, Jeffery D.; Ward, John R.; Bryan, Brett.
This article evaluates the cost-effectiveness of the Catchment Care Australian conservation auction. It provides evidence of auction cost effectiveness, and estimates cost savings from two discrete components: (i) the opportunity cost revelation incentive provided by the auction mechanism, and (ii) the improved environmental targeting capacity that results from development of a scientifically based environmental benefits assessment capacity. Results show that there are potentially very large returns associated with the latter component that have been overlooked in the literature. Additionally, transaction costs involved with administering the case study conservation auction and the prior non-auction payment policy are compared. We find that the...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Auctions; Biodiversity; Cost effectiveness; Environmental economics; Environmental policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Restructuring and the Cost of Reducing NOx Emissions in Electricity Generation 31
Palmer, Karen L.; Burtraw, Dallas; Bharvirkar, Ranjit; Paul, Anthony.
We look at the effects of restructuring on three issues: (a) economic surplus and environmental quality, (b) the cost of NOx control policies and who bears the costs, and (c) the cost-effectiveness of a seasonal and an annual NOx cap in the SIP Call region. We find that without the NOx cap, nationwide restructuring leads to higher NOx and carbon emissions from the electricity sector. Adding either a seasonal or an annual NOx cap-and-trade regime in the eastern United States mitigates the increase in NOx emissions but has a much smaller effect on carbon emissions. The out-of-pocket compliance cost associated with achieving a seasonal or an annual NOx cap is moderately higher with nationwide restructuring than without, but the changes in economic surplus are...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Electricity; Restructuring; Deregulation; Competition; Emissions trading; Particulates; Nitrogen oxides; NOx; Health benefits; Cost effectiveness; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q2; Q4.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The Chesapeake Bay and the Control of NOx Emissions: A Policy Analysis 31
Krupnick, Alan J.; McConnell, Virginia D.; Austin, David H.; Cannon, Matthew; Stoessell, Terrell; Morton, Brian.
Nitrogen oxide emissions not only affect air quality but have recently been found to be an important source of nitrate pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. This analysis examines the costs, emissions, source specific and location-specific allocations of NOx emissions reductions and the ancillary ozone related health benefits under a range of policy scenarios. The paper includes analysis of three separate policies. The first is a detailed analysis of the effect on nitrate loadings to the Bay of command and control policies specified in the Clean Air Act and as part of the OTAG process. The second is a comparison of alternative scenarios for reducing NOx emissions that meet nitrate loading goals, with or without concern for reducing ozone concentrations and the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Chesapeake Bay; Cost effectiveness; Air pollution; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q20; Q25; Q28.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Using Habitat Equivalency Analysis to Assess the Cost Effectiveness of Restoration Outcomes in Four Institutional Contexts 5
Scemama, Pierre; Levrel, Harold.
At the national level, with a fixed amount of resources available for public investment in the restoration of biodiversity, it is difficult to prioritize alternative restoration projects. One way to do this is to assess the level of ecosystem services delivered by these projects and to compare them with their costs. The challenge is to derive a common unit of measurement for ecosystem services in order to compare projects which are carried out in different institutional contexts having different goals (application of environmental laws, management of natural reserves, etc.). This paper assesses the use of habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) as a tool to evaluate ecosystem services provided by restoration projects developed in different institutional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wetland restoration; Equivalency tool; Ecosystem services; Cost effectiveness.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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