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Diversidad de especies de aves en el cultivo de maíz asociado al bosque secundario, en el centro del Estado de Veracruz Colegio de Postgraduados
Alducin Chávez, Gerson Daniel.
Las áreas naturales han sufrido cambios por las actividades productivas en la mayor parte de los territorios donde el hombre se ha establecido. No obstante, en algunos lugares parte de la superficie forestal mantiene su estructura y función, siendo estos últimos sitios relevantes para la conservación de la biodiversidad. La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo evaluar la diversidad de especies de aves residentes y migratorias en un paisaje agrícola con parches de bosque secundario. Para ello se realizaron muestreos, uno por cada estación del año, utilizando conjuntamente observaciones y redes, tomando como sitios de muestreo tres parcelas de cultivo de maíz rodeadas de bosque secundario y un parche del mismo tipo de bosque. Esto permitió probar la hipótesis...
Palavras-chave: Agoecosistemas; Paisaje rural; Biodiversidad; Agroecosystems; Countryside; Biodiversity; Agroecosistemas Tropicales; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Nemzeti kincsünk a vidék! AgEcon
Magda, Sandor; Marselek, Sandor.
Társadalmunk gazdasági fejlődése a természeti erőforrások használatára épül. A földtulajdon és a földhasználati rendszer hatékonysága hazánkban és az EU-ban is a figyelem középpontjában áll. A birtokstruktúra és a földhasználat döntően befolyásolják a gazdálkodás eredményességét. A Kormány a Nemzeti Földalap létrehozásával gátat kíván szabni a földspekulációnak. Vidéken a föld racionális használata megkerülhetetlen. A kritikus gazdasági helyzetű térségekben a mezőgazdasági tevékenység – mint a megélhetés egyetlen forrása – felértékelődik. Az intenzív kultúrák versenyképességének fokozása mellett kiemelt fontosságú a foglalkoztatás. Indokolt a zöldség-gyümölcstermelés és az állattenyésztés arányának növelése. A mezőgazdaság szerkezetváltása részben az...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Földtulajdon; Földhasználat; Moratórium; Nemzeti Földalap; Vidék; Land ownership; Land use; Moratorium; National Land Fund; Countryside; The agricultural sector; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Path Choice on Rural Industrial Upgrading in the Process of Rural-urban Integration in Binhai New Area AgEcon
Liu, Xiang; Fu, Na.
With methods of reference research and field research, the current situations of rural industrialization in the process of rural-urban integration in Binhai new area are analyzed and some problems in the process of integration in the new area are pointed out, such as difficulties in breaking dual economic structure in urban and rural areas, imbalanced economic development in the area and inadequate development of the third industry. And relevant countermeasures are proposed: optimizing agriculture industrial structure and promoting agricultural industrialization to form urban agricultural model of Binhai new area focusing on facility agriculture, park agriculture and high-end agriculture and to realize the intensive growth of agriculture; rationally...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Binhai new area; Rural-urban integration; Countryside; Industrial upgrading; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Qualitative and quantitative assessment of mites (Acari) in domiciliary dust in rural dwellings in the "Zona da Mata" region, Minas Gerais, Brazil Zoologia
Oliveira,Aristeu José de; Daemon,Erik.
From July to September, 2000 (winter), and from January to March, 2001 (summer), 30 dust samples were collected for each season, from beds of rural dwellings located in farms in the geographical area named "Zona da Mata", Minas Gerais, Brazil. After being sorted, the mites were identified and quantified. The prevalence of mites in the samples was 100%. 891 mites were found in winter (22.97%), and 2988 in summer (77.03%). In winter, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart, 1897) was the most prevalent (55.00%), followed by Blomia tropicalis (Bronswijk, Cock & Oshima, 1973) (27.06%), Euroglyphus maynei (Cooreman, 1950) (8.85%), and predator mites from Cheyletidae family (8.07%). In summer, the most prevalent species was B. tropicalis (47.79%),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Air humidity; Allergens; Allergy; Beds; Countryside; Seasonal variations.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Review of Effective Convergence between China’s Rural Minimum Subsistence Security System and the Development Policy of Poverty Alleviation AgEcon
Wei, Song.
Based on the conclusion of the related researches on China’s rural poverty alleviation policies and poverty problems, studies of Chinese scholars on the convergence between rural minimum subsistence system and the development policies of poverty alleviation are illustrated and personal understandings proposed. On the one hand, considering the actual situations of the quickening of China’s urbanization and deepening of poverty, it is necessary to make significant adjustment and transformation in China’s poverty reduction policies and minimum subsistence security system. On the other hand, it is pointed out that there is no omnipotent experience to follow in the convergence of minimum subsistence security system and poverty reduction policies. The actual...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Countryside; Minimum subsistence security system; Poverty alleviation and development; Convergence; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The adaptability of stakeholders to new approaches in rural development in the Czech Republic AgEcon
Hudeckova, Helena; Balzerova, Hana.
The paper deals with the adoption of new approaches in the practice of rural development. Major attention is paid to the LEADER approach, with the objective of evaluating the implementation of the principles in the activities of actors associated with Czech LAGs. Techniques of content analysis and interviews with selected representatives, mainly with managers of LAGs, were used for sociological empirical research. The results analyse concrete clashes between the hierarchic structure and the principle of network co-operation, which is starting to develop successfully at state-wide and international levels. Next, the results point out the failures in the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Czech Republic which have been overcome (linked with the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Countryside; Development; Territorial governance; Stakeholder; LEADER; Community/Rural/Urban Development; GA; IN.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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