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A cultura da pimenta do reino. Infoteca-e
ALBUQUERQUE, F. C. de; DUARTE, M. de L. R.; SILVA, H. M. e; PEREIRA, R. H. M..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pimenta-do-reino; Cultivo; Propagação; Cobertura; Controle; Brasil; Cultivation; Propagation; Cover; Disease; Pest; Harvest; Processing; Control; Production; Cost; Spacing; Fertilizer; Adubação; Beneficiamento; Colheita; Clima; Comercialização; Custo; Espaçamento; Doença; Plantio; Praga; Produção; Solo; Amazonia; Climate; Black pepper; Commercialization; Planting; Soil.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Effect of fire on herbaceous "matorral" vegetation of Central Chile Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Sabadin,Patricia; Gómez,Miguel; Ginocchio,Rosanna; Peña,Iván; Mujica,Ana María; Montenegro,Gloria.
This research aimed to determine the diversity and biomass of species in burned in the Jardín Botánico Nacional of Viña del Mar (JBN), region of Valparaíso, Chile (Lat. S 33° 02’ and Long. 71° 35’ O) from April to December 2012. Three sites were selected that were located on slopes with the same exposure: 1) site burned by fire in 2012, 2) site burned by fire in 2003, and 3) control site corresponding to an area without previous fires. Both shrub and herbaceous species were studied. The cover of shrubs, geophytes and therophytes was determined as well as the aboveground and belowground biomass of geophytes, with special attention paid to Oziroe arida. When O. arida was present, the diameter of its bulbs were studied. All information was...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aboveground biomass; Belowground biomass; Cover; Fires; Geophytes; Oziroe arida; Shrub species; Therophytes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Quality of the mulberry (Morus sp.) in function of storage systems of the branches in pos-harvest MV&Z
Porto, Antonio José.
The quality of the mulberry, measured by moisture in the branch, leaf and stem and by leaf nutrient composition, was evaluated in fresh material and after storage of the branches in five systems (branches depository - 24 hours, system of wet cover and immersion in water-C/I - 24 hours, C/I – 48 hours, C/I – 72 hours and C/I – 96 hours). It was used a completely randomized design, with six treatments and six replications. The moisture and nutrient composition in the mulberry leaf were maintained at levels appropriate for feeding of silkworm, as in the branches stored in depository as in systems of cover and immersion for up 72 hours.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cover; Immersion; Silkworm; Moisture; Nutritional value cobertura; Imersão; Bicho-da-seda; Umidade; Valor nutricional.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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