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Avaliacao da deficiencia subclínica de zinco em vacas de cria e a relacao com a higidez de seus bezerros. Infoteca-e
De um modo geral, as concentracoes de zinco nas braquiarias sao bastante baixas, nao atendendo as necessidades de bovinos em pastejo na maioria das categorias. As vacas de cria formam a categoria do rebanho mais predisposta a esse tipo de deficiencia, por seus elevados requisitos nutricionais, ao tempo que permanecem no rebanho, e por serem destinadas a elas geralmente as piores areas de pastagens. Resultados de analises de forrageiras nativas e cultivadas das areas de cerrado, realizadas no laboratorio da Embrapa Gado de Corte, demonstraram que 90% das amostras apresentaram teores de Zn abaixo do nível considerado minimo (20 ppm) para um bom desempenho animal. O principal objetivo e evidenciar a relacao entre a suplementacao de zinco das vacas e a...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Mineral deficiencies; Bezerro; Deficiência Mineral; Sanidade Animal; Vaca; Zinco; Animal health; Beef cattle; Calves; Cows; Zinc.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Boas práticas agrocpecuárias na produção artesanal de queijos para acessibilidade ao selo Arte por agricultuores familiares. Infoteca-e
SA, C. O. de; DANTAS, T. V. M.; SA, J. L. de.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Queijo artesanal; Queijo; Agricultura Familiar; Produção Leiteira; Vaca Leiteira; Cheeses; Cheesemaking; Cows.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Boas práticas agropecuárias na produção artesanal de queijos para acessibilidade ao selo arte por agricultores familiares. Infoteca-e
SA, C. O. de; DANTAS, T. V. M.; SA, J. L. de.
Programa de análise de rebanho leiteiro; Monitoramento da mastite por células somáticas; Boas práticas na ordenha; Boas práticas na produção de queijos artesanais.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Queijo artesanal; Queijo; Agricultura Familiar; Produção Leiteira; Vaca Leiteira; Leite; Cheeses; Cheesemaking; Cows.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Changes of Progesterone and Endothelin Concentrations in the Peripheral Plasma of Female Calves and Cycling Cows: Effects of PGF2α Injection OAK
OHTANI, Masayuki; OKI, Naoko; TANIMURA, Miyune; KOBAYASHI, Shu-ichi; ACOSTA, Tomas J.; HAYASHI, Kanako; MIYAMOTO, Akio; 宮本, 明夫.
It is well known that an injection of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) or its analogue during the mid luteal phase of the estrous cycle induces a rapid decrease in plasma progesterone (P4) concentration, followed by luteolysis in the cow. There is evidence that a potent vasoactive peptide, endothelin-1 (ET-1), is produced in the bovine corpus luteum (CL), and that it is directly involved in luteolysis. We previously found that ET-1 concentrations in the peripheral plasma increase during the period of luteolysis and ovulation in cows. However, it is not clear whether the elevation of peripheral plasma ET-1 concentration observed during luteolysis and ovulation originates exclusively from the ovary and/or CL. Such a profile of plasma ET-1 concentration may be...
Palavras-chave: Endothelin; Progesterone; Plasma; Calves; Cows.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Comparação de protocolos de 8 e 9 dias de duração à base de estradiol e progesterona em vacas submetidas à inseminação artificial em blocos. Infoteca-e
PFEIFER, L. F. M.; CESTARO, J. P.; NEVES, P. M. A.; ANDRADE, J. S. de; CASTRO, N. A. de.
No presente estudo, foram comparados dois dos protocolos mais utilizados de IATF para vacas Nelore lactantes no Brasil na técnica IAB com o objetivo de avaliar: 1) se a utilização de IAB em protocolos, baseados no uso de estradiol e progesterona, com 9d é tão efetiva quanto em protocolos com 8d de duração, e; 2) o efeito da categoria animal na fertilidade de vacas inseminadas em Blocos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Inseminação em bloco; Jaru (RO); Rondônia; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Reprodução Animal; Gado Nelore; Vaca; Inseminação Artificial; Controle Hormonal; Estradiol; Progesterona; Animal reproduction; Nellore; Cows; Artificial insemination; Genetic techniques and protocols; Hormonal regulation; Progesterone.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Efeito da duracao da estacao de monta, idade do bezerro a desmama e uso estrategico de pastagem cultivada sobre a performance reprodutiva de vacas zebu. Infoteca-e
ROCHA, C. M. C. da; MOORE, C. P..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Eficiencia; Cobricao; Zebu cattle; Efficiency; Bezerro; Cerrado; Desmama; Gado Zebu; Pastagem Cultivada; Raça; Reprodução; Reprodução Animal; Vaca; Calves; Cows; Copulation; Sown pastures; Sexual reproduction; Weaning.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Efeito de diferentes idades a desmama na performance de vacas zebu adultas alimentadas com dois niveis de energia. Infoteca-e
MOORE, C. P.; ROCHA, C. M. C. da; VIANNA, J. H. U..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Raca zebu; Zebu cattle; Cerrado; Dieta; Desmama; Idade; Nutrição Animal; Vaca; Animal feeding; Diet; Cows; Weaning.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Effect of genus and growth stage on the chemical and mineral composition of tropical grasses used to feed dairy cows Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Arzate-Vázquez,Gerardo L; Castrejón-Pineda,Francisco A; Rosiles-Martínez,René; Carrillo-Pita,Silvino; Angeles-Campos,Sergio; Vargas-Bello-Pérez,Einar.
G.L. Arzate-Vázquez, F.A. Castrejón-Pineda, R. Rosiles-Martínez, S. Carrillo-Pita, S. Angeles-Campos, and E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez. 2016. Effect of genus and growth stage on the chemical and mineral composition of tropical grasses used to feed dairy cows. Cien. Inv. Agr. 43(3): 476-485. In tropical production systems, dairy cows are rarely supplemented with minerals, which often lead to mineral imbalances. Grasses grown together in the same soil type and sampled at the same growth stage can vary widely in chemical and mineral composition; therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the chemical and mineral composition of Urochloa spp., Megathyrsus spp., and Andropogon spp. at three different stages of growth in the same soil type. The content...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cows; Forage; Nutritive value; Ruminants; Trace minerals.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Espécies para arborização de pastagens. Infoteca-e
MELO, J. T. de; ZOBY, J. L. F..
ABSTRACT: The main of arborization of grasslands is the comfort supplied to the animals by the shadow of the trees, which not only increases the milk production but also improves the reproduction of the cows. In hot regions and shadowed areas, the grazing behavior of animals is changed resulting in better distribution of rumination during the day and more time for animals to rest. An experiment to select species for arborization of grasslands in the Cerrado areas was installed in Planaltina-DF, on a grassland of Brachiaria decumbens. In this experiment 21 species were evaluated. Based on tree height, trunk diameter, tree canopy and survival after 57 months, the best species for grasslands arborization were: Jacaré (Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J. F....
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Angico; Anadenanthera Falcata; Capim Brachiaria; Pastagem; Silvicultura; Vaca; Cows; Pastures; Silviculture.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estratégias para aumento da eficiência reprodutiva e produtiva em bovinos de corte. Infoteca-e
VALLE, E. R. do; ANDREOTTI, R.; THIAGO, L. R. L. de S..
Na pecuária de corte, a exploração comercial do sistema de cria se constitui na fase do sistema produtivo, que envolve a criação e o manejo não só das matrizes bovinas e seus respectivos bezerros ate a desmama, mas também das novilhas de reposição e dos touros. Esse sistema tem por objetivo a produção de bezerros desmamados que representa a maior fonte de receita do criador. A venda de vacas descartadas e outros animais, apesar de contribuírem para a produção total, e uma fonte de receita marginal. Portanto, a viabilidade do sistema vai depender da eficácia e eficiência com que são utilizados os meios disponíveis para a otimização da produtividade. O escopo deste trabalho foi o de apresentar e discutir as principais praticas de manejo reprodutivo, que...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Estacao de monta; Novilha; Sanidade; Eficiência; Calf; Health; Management; Production; Acasalamento; Bezerro; Desmama; Manejo; Reprodução; Produção; Vaca; Touro; Heifers; Cows; Beef cattle; Bulls; Copulation; Reproductive performance; Reproduction; Weaning.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Isolation of brucella spp from milk of brucellosis positive cows in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci.
LANGONI,Helio; ICHIHARA,Sílvio Massaru; SILVA,Aristeu Vieira da; PARDO,Renata Bonini; TONIN,Flávia Bechelli; MENDONÇA,Lia Jeanne Pereira; MACHADO,José Aparecido Dorta.
Brucellosis is a chronic zoonosis that plays an important role in Public Health. Considering the lack of data in Brazil regarding its presence in raw milk and non-pasteurized dairy products, we determined the presence of brucellae in milk from brucellosis positive animals. The slide agglutination test (SAT), tube agglutination test (TAT) and TAT treated with 2-mercaptoethanol were used to identify positive animals in studied herds. For 3 days, 300 ml milk samples/cow (75 ml/teat) were collected from all productive quarters of the positive animals. These were mixed and centrifuged. Part of the pellet and of the supernatant were inoculated in Farrel and Brodie-Sinton (BS) media supplemented with antimicrobial agents. The inoculated plates and tubes were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Milk; Brucella abortus; Cows; Brucellosis.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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KRAM - A Sector Model of Danish Agriculture - Background and Framework Development AgEcon
Wiborg, Torben.
A model of the Danish agricultural sector named KRAM (KVL's Regionalized Agricultural Model) is developed in this paper. KRAM can be described as a spatial, dynamic, nonlinear, programming sector model. KRAM's purpose is to make policy analysis in the complex market conditions Danish agriculture is working under today. In order to do this in the best possible way the model optimizes the production functions on a very disaggregated level. This allows for analysis of changes in physical constraints to production, as well as price changes. The model is capable of calculating some environmental effects of agricultural production, and provides detailed spatial description of the agricultural economy and production. The time horizon is 10 years, and the model...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural production; Positive mathematical programming; Dynamic agricultural sector model; Regions; Markov chain; Structural development; Crops; Pigs; Cows; GAMS; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Lactation curves of dairy animals : An interim literature review OAK
KAWATA, Yukichika; 河田, 幸視.
This paper reviewed existing lactation models which are mainly applied to dairy cows. There are many related papers; in 50 papers, 90 lactation curves are presented. The most frequently used model is Wood’s (1967), which was quoted in 75 papers. In general, the earlier the year of the model presented in the paper, the higher its frequency of quotation. Wood’s (1967) model was followed by other models from Brody et al. (1923), Sikka (1950), Nelder (1966), Dave (1971), Cobby et al. (1978), Ali et al. (1987), Wilmink (1987), and Grossman et al. (1988); these models were quoted 9, 8, 17, 11, 9, 12, 18, and 11 times, respectively. The classic models, which have been mainly described as the function of time, have less room for improvement and have become...
Palavras-chave: Lactation curve; Classic model; Test day model; Review; Cows; 泌乳曲線; Test day model; レビュー; 乳牛.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Leptospires detection in kidney, liver and uterus of cows slaughtered in Paraná State, Brazil BJM
Silva,Francielle Gibson da; Freitas,Julio Cesar de; Anzai,Eleine Kuroki; Hashimoto,Vanessa Yumi; Giraldi,Nilson; Delbem,Ádina Cléia B.; Bracarense,Ana Paula F.R.L.; Reis,Antônio Carlos F. dos; Vasconcellos,Silvio Arruda.
The objective of this trial was to detect leptospires in fragments of kidney, liver and uterus of 96 cows with unknown sanitary status, randomly chosen at slaughter in Paraná, Brazil. All 96 urine samples were submitted to direct examination using dark field microscopy. Positive samples in the direct examination and all kidney, liver and uterus fragments were cultured in EMJH modified medium and Tween 80/40/LH. Sections cut of kidney, liver and uterus were stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) and indirect immunoperoxidase with hyperimmune serum against serovar Hardjo (Hardjoprajitno) and strain Londrina 14 (LO14), from serovar Canicola, which was isolated in the northern region of Paraná state, Brazil, used as primary antibodies. Direct examination detected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leptospire; Indirect immunoperoxidase; Immunohistochemistry; Cows; Culture.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mathematical Model for Optimal Arrangement of Milking Parlor CIGR Journal
Pavel Kic.
Milking is a key operation on dairy farms. The capacity and function of milking parlor influences production conditions (time of operations, needs of labor, total costs), so actually it affects the efficiency of the whole dairy farm. This paper presents a structure and principal parts of mathematical model which was created with the aim to enable to farmers and designers to choose suitable type of milking parlor for specific farm conditions. Three principal questions important for optimization of milking parlor are: technical parameters, indicators of labor productivity and economic criteria. The model structure was created with the aim to find the answer to all of them. The model includes in calculation main parameters of typical arrangements of milking...
Palavras-chave: Farm; Cows; Equipment; Labor productivity; Specific costs; Czech Republic.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Mathematical Model for Optimal Arrangement of Milking Parlor CIGR Journal
Kic, Pavel.
Milking is a key operation on dairy farms. The capacity and function of milking parlor influences production conditions (time of operations, needs of labor, total costs), so actually it affects the efficiency of the whole dairy farm. This paper presents a structure and principal parts of mathematical model which was created with the aim to enable to farmers and designers to choose suitable type of milking parlor for specific farm conditions. Three principal questions important for optimization of milking parlor are: technical parameters, indicators of labor productivity and economic criteria. The model structure was created with the aim to find the answer to all of them. The model includes in calculation main parameters of typical arrangements of milking...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Farm; Cows; Equipment; Labor productivity; Specific costs; Czech Republic.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Melhoramento genetico de gado de leite: seleção de vacas e touros. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de leite; Melhoramento genetico; Vacas; Touros; Dary cattle; Genetic development; Cows.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Métodos de desmama para aumento da eficiência reprodutiva de bovinos de corte. Infoteca-e
VALLE, E. R. do; ENCARNACAO, R. de O.; THIAGO, L. R. L. de S..
O longo período de anestro pós-parto, observado em vacas, em sistema de criação extensiva, e um dos principais fatores responsáveis pelo baixo desempenho reprodutivo do rebanho de bovinos de corte. Tem sido demonstrado que a deficiência nutricional e a intensidade da amamentação retardam significativamente a manifestação do primeiro cio pós-parto. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de discutir o efeito de diferentes praticas de desmama no desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte e no desenvolvimento de seus bezerros.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Temporária; Amamentação; Controle; Eficiência reprodutora; Management; Control; Bezerro; Desmama Precoce; Manejo; Peso; Vaca; Beef cattle; Calves; Cows; Reproductive performance; Weaning.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Métodos de desmama para aumento da eficiência reprodutiva de bovinos de corte. Infoteca-e
VALLE, E. R. do; ENCARNAÇÃO, R. de O.; THIAGO, L. R. L. de S..
O longo período de anestro pós-parto, observado em vacas, em sistema de criação extensiva, e um dos principais fatores responsáveis pelo baixo desempenho reprodutivo do rebanho de bovinos de corte. Tem sido demonstrado que a deficiência nutricional e a intensidade da amamentação retardam significativamente a manifestação do primeiro cio pós-parto. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de discutir o efeito de diferentes praticas de desmama no desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte e no desenvolvimento de seus bezerros.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Temporaria; Amamentação; Controle; Management; Control; Bezerro; Desmama Precoce; Eficiência Reprodutiva; Manejo; Peso; Vaca; Beef cattle; Calves; Cows; Reproductive performance; Weaning.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Molecular demonstration of intermittent shedding of Leptospira in cattle and sheep and its implications on control Ciência Rural
Rocha,Bruno Ribeiro; Narduche,Lorena; Oliveira,Clara Slade; Martins,Gabriel; Lilenbaum,Walter.
ABSTRACT: For a long time, it has been stated that urine leptospiral shedding is intermittent, which was observed primarily by culturing. However, culturing presents serious limitations, mainly low sensitivity, and failure on detection of leptospires cannot be neglected. PCR presents several advantages, mainly higher sensitivity. The present study aimed to analyze the occurrence of intermittency on leptospiral shedding by PCR in naturally and experimentally infected animals. In this study two experiments were conducted, the first with 60 cows naturally infected from an endemic herd. The second one was conducted in three sheep experimentally infected, each one with a different strain of Leptospira (strains Copenhageni L1-130, Canicola LO-4 and Pomona...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cows; Intermittent; PCR; Sheep; Strain.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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