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A crise econômica mundial de 2007 a 2009 e o setor exportador de café no Brasil: análise das perdas AgEcon
Pereira, Vanessa da Fonseca; Campos, Antonio Carvalho; Braga, Marcelo Jose; Mendonca, Talles Girardi de.
This study analyzed the Brazilian coffee exporter’s losses between the years 2002 and 2009, by emphasizing the 2007/09 crisis, which affected several sectors and generated instability and uncertainty about the future results of the economic activities. The Brazilian coffee exporting sector is fully inserted in this context, once it acts in the financial markets and it is still subject to the strong variations from the physical market. Thus, the central analysis dealt with the volatility of the exporters returns and was based on auto regressive models with conditional heteroscedaticity (ARCH) and on the Value at Risk (VAR) estimative. As a supplement, the effects from the external demand for the Brazilian coffee and from the exchange rate variation over the...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Volatility; Coffee; Crisis; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A földpiaci sajátosságok és tendenciák AgEcon
Kurucz, Adrienn.
Az elmúlt években ugyan emelkedtek a hazai földárak, de az uniós csatlakozástól várt jelentős árnövekedés és földpiaci forgalomélénkülés elmaradt, sőt, a bérleti díjakban sem hozott átütő fordulatot. A közelmúltban erősödött a magyarországi földpiac megmozdulását várók tábora, a 2011 májusában lejáró derogáció miatt. A szakemberek optimisták, mert a lejáró derogációval kiszélesedhet a vásárlói kör. A hazai agrárgazdaság egyik legnagyobb gondja a tőkehiány, ami akadályozza a technikai és technológiai fejlesztést, az ágazat versenyképessé és jövedelmezőbbé tételét. A földpiac megnyitása becslések szerint ezer milliárd forintot hozhatna az ágazatba, hatalmas lökést adhatna az innovációnak és ugrásszerűen javíthatna az agrárgazdaságból közvetve vagy...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Földpiac; Földár; Beruházás; Válság; Derogáció; Land market; Land prices; Investment; Crisis; Derogation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A globális gazdasági válság és a magyarországi agrárgazdaság kilátásai AgEcon
Magda, Sandor; Magda, Robert.
A tanulmány a globális pénzügyi és gazdasági válság klímaváltozás – fenntart¬hatóság – globalizáció rendszerébe illesztve olyan változásokat javasol – előnyt kovácsolva a kényszerből –, melyek számolnak a tényleges helyzettel és viszonylag kisebb áldozatokkal, valamint kockázattal megvalósíthatók. Ennek lényege tömören a termőföld-hasznosítás tudatos arányváltásai, a foglalkoztatás bővítése, integrációk szervezése és az oktatás korszerűsítése. Ajavasoltak nem veszélyeztetik hazánk élelmiszer-ellátásának biztonságát, de csökkentik az agrárágazatok, a vidék energiaköltségeit, energiafüggőségét, új munkahelyeket teremtenek, javítják a mezőgazdaságból és a vidéken élők anyagi körülményeit, hozzájárulnak az ország energiafüggőségének csökkenéséhez, így a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Válság; Földhasználat; Foglalkoztatás; Zöldenergia; Oktatás; Crisis; Land use; Employment; Green energy; Education; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A válság hatása a magyar élelmiszer-gazdasági külkereskedelemre nemzetközi összehasonlításban AgEcon
Hartmut, Wagner.
Magyarország élelmiszer-gazdasági külkereskedelme az árciklus, és ezen belül elsősorban az árrobbanás nyertesei közé sorolható. Lényegesen javult az egyenleg a válság előtti időszakhoz képest, a gabona és olajos növények exportja a növekvő piaci áraknak köszönhetően ugrásszerűen emelkedett a 2007-2008. években. A többi ágazat képe alapján azonban már inkább a vesztesek körébe került Magyarország, elsősorban a húspiacon (kivéve a baromfiszektort), a tej és tejtermékek, valamint a gyümölcs- és zöldségtermelés csökkenő nemzetközi versenyképessége miatt. Ha a főbb versenytársak élelmiszer-gazdasági külkereskedelmének alakulásával hasonlítjuk össze hazánkét, még vegyesebb a kép. Hollandia például nem a növekvő nyersanyagáraknak köszönhetően ért el jelentős...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Válság; Árciklus; Árrobbanás; Élelmiszerek; Külkereskedelem; Crisis; Price cycle; Price explosion; Foodstuffs; Foreign trade; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Are We Entering an Era of Concatenated Global Crises? Ecology and Society
Biggs, Duan; ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville Australia;; Biggs, Reinette (Oonsie); Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden;; Dakos, Vasilis; Department of Aquatic Ecology & Water Quality Management, Wageningen University;; Scholes, Robert J; CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment, Pretoria, South Africa;; Schoon, Michael; School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University;
An increase in the frequency and intensity of environmental crises associated with accelerating human-induced global change is of substantial concern to policy makers. The potential impacts, especially on the poor, are exacerbated in an increasingly connected world that enables the emergence of crises that are coupled in time and space. We discuss two factors that can interact to contribute to such an increased concatenation of crises: (1) the increasing strength of global vs. local drivers of change, so that changes become increasingly synchronized; and (2) unprecedented potential for the propagation of crises, and an enhanced risk of management interventions in one region becoming drivers elsewhere, because of increased connectivity. We discuss the...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Concatenation; Connectivity; Crisis; Disaster; Food price crisis; Governance; Learning; Thresholds.
Ano: 2011
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Conflicts, Rural Development and Food Security in West Africa AgEcon
Flores, Margarita.
This paper examines food security in the context of conflict in West Africa. The analysis developed in the paper recognises the importance of defining conflict type and the trends in conflict so that conflict and post-conflict policies may be implemented. The relationship between food security and conflict is analysed. Whilst conflict exacerbates food security, food insecurity can itself fuel conflict. Strategies designed to assist in post-war rehabilitation need to address key dimensions of food security: availability, access and stability. It is argued in this paper, that consideration of these three dimensions are necessary joint conditions in moving towards a reduction in the numbers of hungry. The cases of Sierra Leone and Liberia are examined to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: West Africa; Conflict; Food Security; Crisis; Hunger; Food Security and Poverty; N47; N57; O13; O18.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Desigualdades rurales: el impacto de la crisis multidimensional en los campesinos mexicanos ExtensaoRural
Lomelí, Carla Beatriz Zamora. trabajo analiza los efectos de una crisis cuyas proporciones cobran múltiples dimensiones y genera severas consecuencias en los sectores más vulnerables del sector rural mexicano. Así, siguiendo una metodología de investigación cualitativa, se expone énfasis en la situación de los campesinos minifundistas con respecto a los grandes productores agroempresarios a través del análisis de las políticas públicas dirigidas al sector rural y su aplicación diferencial, lo que junto con el diseño de tales políticas, tal como se concluye, son elementos que abundan los efectos de la crisis y contribuyen a la profundización de las desigualdades en el campo mexicano.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Campesinos; Crisis; Desigualdades sociales; Nueva ruralidad; Estrategias de sobrevivencia.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Did the WTO Play a Role in the Food Crisis? AgEcon
Meilke, Karl D..
When high prices or natural calamities result in starvation and political unrest in the developing world emergency food aid is the best short run response. However, over a longer time frame it is important to have in place international rules that allow the market to function to help alleviate food shortages rather than making them worse. Given Canada’s trading position we have a huge stake in getting these rules right. Although the future of the Doha Round is unclear there is still time to make a start on developing better rules for export prohibitions, restrictions and export taxes that would serve the world better in times of shortage. A first step would be effective disciplines on the use of export taxes, and export restrictions and embargo’s.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: WTO; Food; Crisis; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Development; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Földhasználat és fenntarthatóság AgEcon
Magda, Robert.
A jelen kor legfontosabb problémája, hogy hogyan és miként kezeljük azt a válságot, melynek jelei egyes elemzők szerint már két éve, de kézzel foghatóan is közel egy éve jelen vannak a mindennapjainkban. Egy olyan helyzetről van szó, ami érinti a világ minden országát, az élet minden területét, ezért elengedhetetlen vizsgálni azokat a lehetőségeket, melyek kiutat jelenthetnek ebből a helyzetből. Ez természetesen rendkívül összetett feladat, társadalmi, gazdasági és ökológiai vonatkozásai miatt. A megoldás keresése is komplexitást igényel. Jelen tanulmányban azt mutatjuk be, hogy milyen a földhasználat ebben a különösen kritikus időszakban, illetve melyek lehetnek azok a formái, amelyek elősegíthetik a kiút megtalálását, mind¬amellett, hogy közben...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Földhasználat; Fenntarthatóság; Válság; Korlátozottság; Oktatás; Land use; Sustainability; Crisis; Limitations; Education; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Kié lesz a föld? AgEcon
Csete, Laszlo; Barcza, Gabriella.
Eltelt két évtized és hazánk, valamint az agrárvilág újra attól hangos, mint két évtizeddel ezelőtt, hogy kié lesz a föld? Ebben sok minden közrejátszott, de mindenekelőtt az, hogy a rendszerváltozáshoz ziláltan érkezett az agrárgazdaság, a vidék, s a földek reprivatizációja helyett kárpótlásra került sor, elmaradt a parasztság rehabilitációja, s főleg hogy egyetlen kormány sem foglalkozott stratégiai, szociális, környezetfenntartó súlyának megfelelően a vidékkel, a mezőgazdasággal. Ugyan 2001-ben lépéseket kezdeményeztek a családi gazdaságok felkarolására, de ez nem folytatódott. Nem jött létre korszerű üzemi szerkezet, a gazdák tőke- és tudáshiánnyal küszködnek, és összefogás, hatásos érdekképviselet, érdekérvényesítő képesség híján kiszolgáltatottak a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Válsághelyzet; Földtulajdon; Vidékfejlesztés; Fenntarthatóság; Üzemi struktúra; Crisis; Land ownership; Rural development; Sustainability; Farm structure; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Local Impacts of a Global Crisis - Food Price Transmission and Poverty Impacts in Ghana AgEcon
Cudjoe, Godsway; Breisinger, Clemens; Diao, Xinshen.
This paper takes a local perspective on global food price shocks by analyzing food price transmission between regional markets in Ghana. It also assesses the impacts of food price increases on various household groups. Taking the recent global food crisis as an example, we find that prices for domestic staples are highly correlated with prices for imported rice. However, price transmission between pairs of domestic regional markets is limited; it is complete for local rice and maize only when more rigorous cointegration analysis is applied. Our findings also show the important role of seasonality in the determination of market integration and price transmission. The welfare effect for households as consumers appears relatively modest at the aggregate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Crisis; Price transmission; Cointegration analysis; Household model; Ghana; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; Q13; R20.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Joldes, Cosmin; Horobet, Alexandra.
Is it interesting a 2 billion euro insurance market for the “old” Europe? “Not very much” one may say considering this figure represents no more than 16% of the insurance turn-over in the case of the most recent entry in the Romanian market, Groupama. The answer is still not as simple as that because “interesting” in business terms is not only about today, but very much about tomorrow. By the end of 2007 it was obvious that the Romanian insurance market is far from calming down. Not only that for the time being change is still the main real constant in use, but figures show that the market environment becomes more challenging than ever these days. The market situation showed that this allegation it was by that time more likely to be true than ever.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Insurance; Trends; Crisis; Change; Strategies; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Financial Economics; Political Economy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Solvency and Performance of French Wineries in Times of Declining Sales: Co‐operatives and Corporations AgEcon
Declerck, Francis; Viviani, Jean-Laurent.
The paper assesses the ability of French wineries to prevail over the crisis of French wine in the years 2000. Corporations are distinguished from co‐operatives: Over the 2000‐2006 period in spite of sales fluctuations, French wineries did not increase their financial debt level substantially. Such result supports the traditional static trade‐off theory (TOT). Co‐operatives were able to absorb part of the impact of the wine crisis at the expense of their members, in increasing account payables to member. Corporations have not increased trade account payables to vine growers. In the mid‐2000s, the French wine crisis has not been strong enough to shake the financial structure of cooperatives and corporations. But co‐operatives look more affected. However,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Winery; Co‐operative; Strategy; Debt; Leverage; Performance; Wine; Crisis; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Production Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sovereign Wealth Funds: Form and Function in the 21st Century AgEcon
Clark, Gordon L.; Monk, Ashby H.B..
As representatives of nation-states in global financial markets, sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) share a common form and many functions. Arguably their form and functions owe as much to a shared (global) moment of institutional formation as they owe their form and functions to the hegemony of Anglo-American finance over the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We distinguish between the immediate future for SWFs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and two possible long-term scenarios; one of which sees SWFs becoming financial goliaths dominating global markets, while the other sees SWFs morphing into nation-state development institutions that intermediate between financial markets and the long-term commitments of the nation-state sponsors. If...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sovereign Wealth Funds; Crisis; Market Performance; Long-term Investment; Financial Economics; D02; F36; G15.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Farkas, Agnes.
The Hungarian wine market has been undergoing continuous transformation, one of the principal reasons of which is Hungary’s European Union membership since 2004. The main disadvantage coming from the membership is that foreign wines are no longer rare curiosities but they are present to an extent that they disturb the market and constitute significant competition (in addition to the substituent products of the wine) for the domestic wines. The current economic crisis may also present various risks to the industry, such as a drop in consumption or the increase in the consumption of foreign wines with a good price/benefit ratio. Since I consider it important to preserve the market dominance of the Hungarian wines in the domestic market, I did not address the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Wine consumption; Import; Substitution product; Marketing mix; Attitude; Crisis; Borfogyasztás; Import; Helyettesítő termékek; Marketingmix; Attitűd; Válság; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The influence of crisis on the sector structure of economy focusing on agriculture AgEcon
Junkova, Simona; Matuskova, Eliska.
The Czech Republic entered the crisis with relatively good starting conditions - showed no significant macroeconomic imbalances and financial system was not destabilized. However, the crisis has here also been and a decline in GDP in 2009 to 4.1% was mainly due to economic recession in the Euro zone. In many countries there has been a change in the sector scope. The Czech Republic belongs to the industrial-oriented countries and the significance of recession is also demonstrated by the development of industrial production and exports. Further economic increase depends mainly on exports, because there are many industries in the Czech Republic with foreign majority and a large part of their production goes abroad. Czech agriculture has been also facing...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: GDP; Crisis; Economic performance; Sector of agriculture; Agricultural Finance; Environmental Economics and Policy; GA; IN.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using the market opportunities in the food economy’s foreign trade – measurement of success based on the potential balance AgEcon
Wagner, Hartmut.
This work was aimed at analysing the effects of the sudden food price explosion followed by price crash which occurred recently on the foreign trade of the food economy. Comparison of the balances of the different countries was difficult due to the differences in the absolute dimensions; therefore a new method was introduced. Firstly, with the help of the “food economic foreign trade profile” extent to which the different product categories (divided by main product groups or by degree of processing) contribute to the foreign trade balance of the given country’s food economy was examined. In the second step, with the help of “profile indexing”, the extent to which the country in question was able to turn to profit the market opportunities offered by the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crisis; Food products; Foreign trade; Price explosion; Cereals; International Relations/Trade; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Why are Latin Americans so unhappy about reforms? AgEcon
Panizza, Ugo; Yanez, Monica.
This paper uses opinion surveys to document discontent with the pro-market reforms implemented by most Latin American countries during the 1990s. The paper also explores four possible sets of explanations for this discontent: (i) a general drift of the populace’s political views to the left; (ii) an increase in political activism by those who oppose reforms; (iii) a decline in the people’s trust of political actors; and (iv) the economic crisis. The paper’s principal finding is that the macroeconomic situation plays an important role in explaining the dissatisfaction with the reform process.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Political economy; Reforms; Crisis; Latin America; P16; O54.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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