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Bechdol, Elizabeth; Gray, Allan W.; Gloy, Brent A..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Competitiveness; Crop Production; Agricultural Biotechnology; Agricultural Sustainability; Agricultural Inputs; Agricultural Profitability; Crop Production/Industries; Q10; Q12; Q13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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IWRM and Food Security Project in Kafue Basin: Process Documentation 31
Chisaka, Jonathan.
The purpose of this report is to show the process of the intervention made through the implementation of the IWRM and Food Security Demonstration Project in Zambia. The report gives details of the project processes, showing the steps the project went through, the outcomes and its impact on the communities where it was implemented. The report is the result of a number of field visits made to the completed project sites, the sources of information have been; focus group meetings, interviews, discussions with key informants, beneficiaries the youth, male and female stakeholders and reviews of project activity reports, and direct observations. Therefore, what is presented here is a cumulative “factual and real time” opinion as to what has been observed and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Water resource management; Project planning; Project management; Water storage; Pumping; Wells; Participatory management; Leadership; Water policy; Central government; Local government; Irrigation water; Zambia; Kafue River Basin; Katuba; Namwala; Chibombo; Agribusiness; Community; Rural; Urban Development; Crop Production; Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics; Land Use; Production Economics; Research and Development; Emerging Technologies; Research Methods; Statistical Methods; Resource; Energy Economics and Policy; Food Security and Poverty; Community involvement; Tech Change.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Trends in the Production, Trade, and Consumption of Food-Legume Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa 31
Akibode, Comlanvi Sitou.
Food legumes in Sub-Saharan Africa play a vital role by being a source of livelihood for millions of people; and offer tremendous potential to contribute to the alleviation of malnutrition among resource-poor farmers. They contribute to the sustainability of cropping systems and soil fertility. Cowpea and dry beans are the two main food legume crops grown in Sub-Saharan Africa. Area harvested under all food legumes was more than 20 million ha in 2006-08, representing 28% of the global food legume area harvested. Yields are low compared to other developing and developed countries; however they have increased at an annual rate of 1.6% with an increase in production of 3.9% per year. The region has stayed a net importer over the period. Price has increased 5%...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Security; Poverty; International Development; Marketing; Production Economics; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; Marketing; Production Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using termite nests as a source of organic matter in agrosilvicultural production systems in Amazonia 63
Batalha,L. S.; Silva Filho,D. F. da; Martius,C..
The growth of two annual crops, okra (Abelmoschus escutentus) and egg-plant (Solatium melongena) and one perennial crop, andiroba (Carapa guianensis, a native forest tree of Amazonia) under different treatments with organic manure derived from termite nest material of wood-feeding Nasutitermes species was tested (randomized block design). The use of 25-100 g of nest material gave no significant increase in okra productivity, and 25-200 g gave no significant response in andiroba. The combined use of NPK with 200 g of nest material gave a significant higher production in egg-plant (total number and total fresh weight of fruits) when compared to the control (without fertilizer) and to the treatment with NPK only.The results suggest the possibility to use...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazonia; Rain Forest; Low Soil Fertility; Crop Production; Termite Nest Material; Organic Matter; Okra; Egg-Plant; Andiroba; Amazônia; Floresta tropical úmida; Baixa fertilidade de solo; Produção agrossilvicultural; Material de cupinzeiro; Matéria orgânica; Quiabo; Berinjela; Andiroba.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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