Registros recuperados: 659 | |
Topp, Cairistiona F E; Doyle, Chris J; Watson, Christine A. |
This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference of the Colloquium of Organic Researchers (COR). Organic farming systems rely on the management of biological cycles for the provision of nutrients, which are crucial to maximising the production from the system. Rotations based on the use of grass-legume leys are central to the concept of organic farming systems, because they have the potential to support both animal production, and a subsequent, exploitative, arable cropping phase. A major challenge in organic farming is managing the supply of nitrogen, since it has a key role in governing both productivity and environmental impact. Hence, within a rotational system, there is a need to understand the complex interactions that are... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Farming Systems; Crop husbandry. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/8295/1/topp_Framework_assessing_crop_production.pdf |
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Pedersen, Anders; Stoumann Jensen, Lars; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian. |
The use of crops and catch crops with deep rooting can strongly improve the possibility of retaining nitrate-N that will otherwise be leached to the deeper soil layers and end up in the surrounding environment. But will it always be an advantage for the farmer to grow a catch crop? This will depend on factors such as soil mineral nitrogen level, soil water holding capacity, winter precipitation, rooting depth and N demand of the scceeding crop. These factors interact, and it can be very difficult for farmers or advisors to use this information to decide whether growing a catch crop will be beneficial. To analyse the effect of catch crops under different Danish soil and precipitation conditions, we used the soil, plant and atmosphere model Daisy. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Post harvest management and techniques; Crop combinations and interactions; Farm nutrient management; Soil quality. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7831/1/7831.pdf |
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Döring, Thomas F.; Crowley, Oliver; Pearce, Helen; Storkey, Jonathan; Brown, Rob; Jones, Hannah. |
The inter-relationship between food production and biodiversity is now well established. The ecosystem services provided by the organisms within the environment include, for example, nutrient cycling, pest regulation and pollination, to name but a few. However, perhaps the greatest challenge now facing agricultural production is to find ways of enhancing these ecosystem services, while at the same time increasing food production – particularly in light of food security issues. A range of farm and landscape management options include ‘setting aside’ land for wildlife. However, some proponents argue that such land should be used for food production. While the debate continues, there is no doubt that a large body of scientific evidence from the last three... |
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Crop husbandry. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/21906/1/2011.Doring%20et%20al.Org%20Farm%20108_LegLink.pdf |
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Laber, Hermann. |
Mehrjährige Leguminosen(gras)bestände sind ein wesentliches Fruchtfolgeglied im ökologischen Landbau. Zur N-Fixierungsleistung und den N-Mengen in Aufwuchs und Wurzeln solcher Bestände liegen umfangreiche Literaturdaten vor, dagegen wurde die N-Freisetzung nach Umbruch dieser Bestände in situ bisher kaum untersucht. Ziel der über 3 Vegetationsperioden laufenden Untersuchung war es, die N-Freisetzung aus unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Klee-, Kleegras- und Luzernebeständen (ein- bzw. 2-jährig, Futternutzung bzw. Grünbrache) bei Herbst- bzw. Frühjahrsumbruch zu untersuchen und diese Ergebnisse in ein einfaches Düngungs-Kalkulationsprogramm einfließen zu lassen. Dazu wurde nach dem Umbruch Lagerweißkohl angebaut. Als Kontrolle dienten Parzellen, die... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Vegetables; Composting and manuring. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/13105/1/N%2DFreisetzung_Kleegras.pdf |
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Borges, Wander Luis Barbosa; Freitas, Rogério Soares de; Mateus, Gustavo Pavan; Sá, Marco Eustáquio de; Alves, Marlene Cristina. |
Os efeitos promovidos pelas plantas de cobertura nos atributos químicos do solo são bastante variáveis, dependendo de fatores como espécie utilizada, manejo dado à biomassa, época de plantio e corte das plantas, tempo de permanência dos resíduos no solo, condições locais e interação entre esses fatores. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a absorção de nutrientes por cinco plantas de cobertura, que foram utilizadas para produção de grãos, sementes e forragem, em diferentes quantidades de sementes por hectare e pela vegetação espontânea, bem como para o efeito sobre as propriedades químicas de dois Latossolos, cultivadas em rotação com as culturas da soja e do milho. Os experimentos foram instalados em Votuporanga, SP, e Selvíria, MS, em... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Production systems; Soil quality; Crop combinations and interactions; Farming Systems; Crop husbandry; Soil tillage; Soil. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/29096/1/Borges_Abssor%C3%A7%C3%A3o.pdf |
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Krus, Anne; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Valero, Constantino; Ramirez, José Juan. |
There is an increasing market for organic agriculture (Golijan & Popovi\vs, 2016). However, the lack of attention for biodiversity and soil fertility of current practices is a pressing issue. The SUREVEG project (CORE Organic Cofund, 2018) therefore looks at strip-cropping in organic production and its implementation in intensive farming to improve soil fertility and biodiversity throughout Europe. The aim is to enhance resilience (Wojtkowski, 2008), system sustainability, local nutrient recycling, and soil carbon storage (Wang, Li & Alva, 2010) among others. To counteract the additional labour of a multi-crop system, a robotic tool is proposed, which will operate upside down suspended from a wide-span mobile carriage. Within the project framework,... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Buildings and machinery. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/36681/1/AKrus_paperECPA2019_Proceedings_Poster.pdf |
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Leger, François; Bellec-Gauche, Agnès; Morel, Kévin; WARLOP, FRANCOIS. |
Among the various forms of agroforestry, spatial combinations of fruit trees and market gardening are currently experiencing strong growth In France, the SMART project, which brought together several research teams and development organisations, aimed to explore these systems, taking into account the technical, agro and socio-economic dimensions. The results of the surveys and observations carried out among farmers associated with this project showed that these systems mainly concerned farms engaged in short food supply chains for which diversity was a central element for ommercial strategy and performance. Diversification of products is therefore a central justification for the intercropping of fruit trees... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Farm economics; Social aspects; Biodiversity and ecosystem services. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/33573/1/Leger_2018_Agroforesty%20market%20gardening.pdf |
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Schjønning, P.. |
I økologisk jordbrug anvendes alsidige sædskifter, efterafgrøder og/eller tildeling af husdyrgødning/halm/kompost. Alt dette er med til at fremme mængden af organisk stof i jorden, som normalt forventes at spille en stor rolle for strukturen og poresystemet (jordens hulrum). FØJO har gennemført en række undersøgelser for at afdække, hvor meget og hvordan man som landmand kan påvirke forholdene. De langvarige forsøg med forskellig gødskning på Askov Forsøgsstation giver et godt grundlag for at vurdere effekten af organisk stof på jordens poresystem. Ca. 100 års forsøg uden tilførsel af nogen form for gødning har resulteret i et indhold af organisk stof i jorden på kun ca. 1% (svarende til et humusindhold på ca. 1,7%). Brug af mineralsk gødning (NPK) har... |
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Soil biology; Soil quality; Composting and manuring. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7757/1/7757.doc |
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McLean, Barbara. |
Alternative forage crops offer a number of benefits for farmers including a cheap finishing system for lambs, benefits for soil condition, fertility building for rotations and providing a cover crop. Certain forages have also been demonstrated to have some anthelmintic benefits for lambs. A demonstration study was undertaken to investigate the potential of six crops used in the horticulture industry (fertility building crops) as forage crops for weaned growing lambs. The crops include white mustard, Nemat (form of Rocket), Crimson Clover, Sweet Clover , Caliente 119 and Caliente 99 (Cruciferae). The grazing field was split into three blocks and two crops were sown in solid strips in each block. Each block also had grass headlands. 10 ewe lambs were... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Sheep and goats; Feeding and growth. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/10813/1/altcrops07.pdf |
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Koppelmäki, Kari. |
Rikkakasvit ovat yksi suurimmista luomuviljelyn satoa rajoittavista tekijöistä. Tavallisesti luomutiloilla käytetyllä mekaanisella rikkakasvin torjunnalla on useita negatiivia ympäris-tövaikutuksia. Peitekasvien viljely on vaihtoehto mekaaniselle rikkakasvien hallinnalle ja samalla se tukee monia muita maataloudelle annettuja ympäristötavoitteita. Pohjoisissa oloissa yleisin tapa toteuttaa peitekasvien viljelyä on kylvää ne satokasvin aluskasviksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluskasvien vaikutusta ohran (Hordeum vulgare) ja rikkakasvien kasvuun Jokiosissa sijaitsevilla koekentillä. Lintupajussa oli kaksi erillistä koeasetelmaa, joista toinen oli lannoittamaton ja toinen naudan lietelannalla lannoitettu (50 N kg/ha) koeasetelma. Kokeessa oli neljä... |
Tipo: Thesis |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Weed management. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/31144/1/Kari_Koppelmaki_Thesis_9_2016.pdf |
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Neuhoff, Daniel. |
This paper discusses some relevant agronomic aspects related to the productivity of organic farming systems (OFS). In a first step some key requirements to ensure the validity of comparative studies including the consideration of rotation yields and the use of representative amounts of organic inputs are defined. A main chapter is dedicated to the potential of biological nitrogen fixation to substitute mineral nitrogen, which currently covers an estimated third of the total nitrogen input to agricultural field with increasing tendency. To bring forward OA as a sustainable method of food production with high process quality, it is suggested to focus rather on a large scale organic vegetable and fruit production than on global supply of calories and protein. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/23955/1/23955_Neuhoff_Istanbul%25202014%2520orginal_MM.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 659 | |