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A produção de adubos orgânicos no sistema "cultivo em faixas". Infoteca-e
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Produção de matéria orgânica; Adubo Orgânico; Sistema de Cultivo; Cropping systems; Organic fertilizers; Organic matter.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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A Watershed-Based Economic Model of Alternative Management Practices in Southern Agricultural Systems AgEcon
Paudel, Krishna P.; Hite, Diane; Intarapapong, Walaiporn; Susanto, Dwi.
We investigated the environmental impacts of alternative cultural practices within a watershed under different water quality standards. We used experimental data on nutrient runoff to determine the optimal amount of broiler litter application in hay production in Louisiana. To compensate for the lack of experimental data, we used biophysical simulation models to find the optimal combination of agricultural best-management practices in a watershed in Mississippi. The results indicated that stricter environmental standards lower total profit potential and litter utilization.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Broiler litter; Cropping systems; Optimization; Watershed level modeling; Water quality; C6; Q1; Q25; D21.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Adoption and Impacts of Improved Maize Production Technology: A Case Study of the Ghana Grains Development Project AgEcon
Morris, Michael L.; Tripp, Robert; Dankyi, A.A..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Ghana; Maize; Zea mays; Plant production; Seed production; Productivity; Production factors; High yielding varieties; Fertilizer application; Cropping systems; Farming systems; Farm income; On farm research; Extension activities; Research projects; Technology transfer; Appropriate technology; Innovation adoption; Socioeconomic environment; Economic analysis; Economic trends; Economic policies; Human nutrition; Surveys; Sampling; Case studies; Agroecological zones; Ghana Grains Development Project; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Adoption and impacts of microirrigation technologies: Empirical results from selected localities of Maharashtra and Gujarat states of India AgEcon
Namara, Regassa E.; Upadhyay, Bhawana; Nagar, Rashmi K..
This report analyzes the economics of alternative microirrigation technologies ranging from low-cost drip and sprinkler systems to the capital-intensive systems, the determinants of adoption of microirrigation technology, the poverty outreach of the different microirrigation systems, and the sustainability implications of microirrigation adoption.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Irrigation systems; Microirrigation; Models; Poverty; Rural women; Cropping systems; Food security; Economic aspects; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Agricultura racional no Acre. Infoteca-e
CAMPOS, I. S.; GOMES, T. C. de A..
A pequena propriedade rural no estado do Acre é explorada segundo o sistema itinerante de cultivo. A utilização de um sistema rotacional com leguminosas é altamente vantajoso em termos agronômicos, econômicos e sociais.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Agricultura itinerante; Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Cultivo múltiple; Rotación de cultivos; Explotación agrícola familiar; Agricultura familiar; Sistema de cultivo; Consorciação de cultura; Cultivo múltiplo; Rotação de cultura; Leguminosa; Family farms; Cropping systems; Crop rotation; Multiple cropping.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Agronomic and economic viability of intercropping onion and lettuce Horticultura Brasileira
Mota,Wagner F da; Pereira,Rosimeire D; Santos,Gizeli de S; Vieira,Janiele Cássia B.
The study aimed to evaluate the agronomic and economic performance of intercropping onion and lettuce on four plant densities of each species. The experiment was set up in completely randomized blocks, with four replications and treatments arranged in a 4 x 4 factorial. Treatments resulted from a combination of four (100, 80, 60, and 40% of recommended plant densities in monoculture) plant densities for both lettuce and onion. Intercropping did not affect the agronomic performance of onion or lettuce. Higher plant densities (100% for both vegetables) resulted in higher lettuce and onion yields. The best economic results were observed using (a) onion at 80% of plant density combined with lettuce at 40 and 100% and (b) onion at 100% and lettuce at all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Allium cepa; Crop association; Cropping systems; Plant density.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Agronomic efficiency of intercropping tomato and lettuce Anais da ABC (AABC)
Cecílio Filho,Arthur B.; Rezende,Bráulio L.A.; Barbosa,José C.; Grangeiro,Leilson C..
Four experiments were carried out at the São Paulo State University, Brazil, with the aim of determining the agronomic viability of intercropping tomato and lettuce, under greenhouse conditions. The studied intercropping systems were established by transplanting lettuce at 0, 10, 20 and 30 days after transplanting (DAT) tomato and by transplanting tomato at 0, 10, 20 and 30 DAT lettuce. Intercropped tomato and lettuce were evaluated during two seasons and compared to their sole cropping. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with nine treatments. The productivity and the classification of the tomato fruits were not influenced by having lettuce intercropped with it, but lettuce production was lowered when tomato was intercropped with it....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cropping systems; Greenhouse; Lactuca sativa; Solanum lycopersicon; Planting time.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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An Approach to Improved Productivity on Deep Vertisols Open Agri
Kampen, J..
Palavras-chave: Genetic soil types; Tillage; Cropping systems; Wet season; Runoff; Seedbeds; Pigeonpeas; Seedbed preparation; Soil management; Fallow systems.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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An Economic Evaluation of Conservation Farming Practices for the Central West of NSW AgEcon
Farrell, Terence C..
Economic benefits that arise from conservation farming practices need to be assessed over several years to account for improvements in soil structure and nutrient levels. A gross margin model was used to assess benefits over the eight-year period 1999-2006 for 12 regions in the central west of NSW. The annual benefits from improved soil structure ranged from $2.46 to $12.82 per hectare (ha). A reduction in tractor power produced annual savings in the range of $0.60 to $4.05 per ha. The cost of soil compaction by livestock grazing on crop areas ranged from $3.41 to $14.90 per ha. The break-even time to pay back costs for the conversion of machinery for no-till seeding was two to three seasons.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: No-till; Conservation; Farming; Tillage; Cropping systems; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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An Economic Examination of Alternative Organic Cropping Systems in New York State AgEcon
Chan, Stephanie; Caldwell, Brian; Rickard, Bradley J..
This paper provides an economic analysis that compares the profitability and land management capability of four different organic cropping systems used to produce winter squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. ‘Delicata’) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv.’ Farao’). The organic cropping systems are part of a long term experiment designed for vegetable production in the Northeast, and designed to maintain ecological integrity and contribute to environmental stewardship. Our research addresses the causal chain from soil processes to economic outcomes including soil quality, efficiency in cycling of nutrients, off-farm impacts, pressures from weeds, insects and diseases, crop yield and quality, and marketing opportunities. Interactive crop budgets were...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Cropping systems; Economic analysis; Organic production; Sustainable agriculture; Vegetables.; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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An Economic Risk Analysis of Tillage and Cropping Systems on the Arkansas Grand Prairie AgEcon
Hignight, Jeffrey A.; Watkins, K. Bradley; Anders, Merle M..
No-till (NT) has been shown to reduce fuel, labor, and machinery costs compared to conventional-till (CT) but very few rice producers in Arkansas practice NT. The low adoption rate is most likely due to difficulties in management but also limited information on the profitability and risk of NT. Most rice producers are knowledgeable on NT costs savings but consider it less profitable due to yield reductions offsetting costs savings. This study evaluates production costs, crop yields, and economic risk of both NT and CT in five rice-based cropping systems (continuous rice, rice-soybean, rice-corn, rice-wheat, and rice-wheat-soybean-wheat). Yields, crop prices, and key input prices are simulated to create net return distributions. Stochastic efficiency...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cropping systems; Rice; No-till; Certainty equivalent; Risk premium; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aração em faixas viabiliza cultivos de melancia nas áreas de sequeiro. Infoteca-e
ANJOS, J. B. dos; BRITO, L. T. de L..
Modelo de preparar o solo para o plantio: Descrição; Requisitos; Procedimentos; Manutenção do sistema; Plantio; Custo de implantação; Tratos culturais.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agricultura de Sequeiro; Dry farming; Watermelon; Agricultura dependente de chuva; Aração; Método Guimarães Duque; Melancia; Citrullus Lanatus; Pratica Cultural; Agricultura Familiar; Agricultura de Subsistência; Manejo do Solo; Manejo de Água; Cropping systems; Equipment; Soil management; Watermelons.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Arroz na América Latina: perspectivas para o incremento da produção e do potencial produtivo. Infoteca-e
Volume 1: Conferências e comentários. Volume 2: Pôsteres e grupos de trabalho.
Tipo: Anais e Proceedings de eventos Palavras-chave: RENAPA; Arroz; Oryza sativa; Pesquisa; Sistema de Cultivo; Melhoramento Genético Vegetal; Genética; Fisiologia Vegetal; Mercado; Breeding and Genetic Improvement; Cropping systems; Marketing; Physiology; Agricultural research; Rice; Latin America.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Atributos físicos de latossolos em dois sistemas de manejo, visando a irrigação em Mato Grosso do Sul. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Atributo fisico; Disponibilidade; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Chemicophysical properties; Water availability; Água; Cerrado; Manejo; Sistema de Cultivo; Solo; Cropping systems; Brazil; Soil management.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Avaliação do consórcio de arroz e milho com relação ao rendimento de grãos e uso da terra. Infoteca-e
MOURA, G. de M.; LODI, N. V..
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar as vantagens da adoção de consórcio de arroz e milho com relação ao rendimento de grãos e uso da terra.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Rendimiento de los cultivos; Maiz; Cultivo mixto; Oriza sativa; Sistema de cultivo; Consorciação de cultura; Rendimento; Arroz; Milho; Zea mays; Cropping systems; Mixed cropping; Rice; Corn; Crop yield.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Balancing irrigation and hydropower: Case study from Southern Sri Lanka AgEcon
Molle, Francois; Jayakody, Priyantha; Ariyaratne, Badugodahewa Ranjith; Somatilake, H.S..
This report analyzes a case from southern Sri Lanka, where the Samanalawewa dam and the Kaltota Irrigation Scheme (KIS) compete for the water of the Walawe river. At the catchment level, it is shown that dam releases are well attuned to the needs of KIS and to the occurrences of natural runoff, and that little of the dam water is "lost" to the river.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Reservoirs; Dams; Hydroelectric schemes; Economic analysis; Canals; Irrigation scheduling; Cropping systems; Case studies; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.). Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Batata-doce; Cultivar; Propagacao; Controle; Classificacao; Soqueira; Rotacao; Feeding; Fertilization; Propagation; Spacing; Diseases; Control; Pest insects; Fungus; Nematodes; Harvest; Adubação; Alimento; Calagem; Clima; Colheita; Embalagem; Doença; Espaçamento; Fertilizante; Época de Plantio; Fungo; Inseto; Ipomoea Batatas; Irrigação; Nematóide; Praga; Solo; Sistema de Produção; Variedade; Vírus; Classification; Climate; Fertilizers; Farming systems; Cropping systems; Crop rotation; Liming; Irrigation; Packaging; Planting date; Varieties; Sweet potatoes; Soil.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Breaking the "Fertilizer Poverty" and Food Insecurity Traps in Smallholder Maize Based Farming System in Southern Africa: Experiences and Lessons from Soil Fertility Network/Economics and Policy Working Group (EPWG) AgEcon
Mekuria, Mulugetta; Waddington, Stephen R.; Siziba, Shephard.
Smallholder farmers in southern Africa face acute food insecurity because the productive capacity of their soils has declined. These resource-poor farmers increasingly cannot afford mineral fertilizers Farmers mentioned the lack of fertilizers for their depleted soils as the most important constraint- "Empty Soils, stomachs and pockets." In response to this challenge, Soil Fert Net researchers in southern Africa have developed and promoted a range of "best-bet" soil fertility management technological (SFMT) options for farmers. This paper presents a review of financial, adoption, institutional and policy analysis undertaken by EPWG members on the use of SFMT by smallholders. Financial and risk analysis tools, selected econometric models and policy analysis...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Policy briefs; Policy analysis matrix; Markets; Cropping systems; Legumes; N fertilizer; Crop Production/Industries; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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BRS MA 357: cultivar de arroz de ciclo longo para a Baixada Maranhense. Infoteca-e
O objetivo do trabalho é apresentar uma nova cultivar de arroz para as condições de cultivo da Baixada Maranhense. Essa cultivar se denomina ?BRS MA 357? e combina as seguintes características agronômicas: ciclo longo (140 dias até a colheita), arquitetura de planta moderna, resistência ao acamamento, grãos com boa qualidade industrial e culinária, resistência a cinco raças prevalentes de brusone (IC-1, ID-1, IA-65, IA-33 e IB-41) e produtividade de grãos superior à da cultivar Lajeado.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agronomic characters; Arroz; Variedade; Características agronômicas; Sistema de cultivo; Rice; Cultivars; Cropping systems.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Características agronômicas de bananeira Terra, cv. D'Angola, em consórcio com açaizeiro (Euterpe precatoria Mart.). Infoteca-e
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de bananeira, cv. D'Angola, em monocultivo e consorciada com açaizeiro, Euterpe precatoria, em diferentes espaçamentos, no primeiro ciclo de produção.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bananeira Terra cv D'Angola; Açaí solteiro; Assai palm; Rendimiento de los cultivos; Árboles frutales; Bananos; Calidad de la fruta; Cultivo intercalar; Produtividade; Características Agronômicas; Banana; Fruto; Açaí; Sistema de cultivo; Consorciação de cultura; Musa sp; Fruta; Qualidade; Intercropping; Crop yield; Cropping systems; Agronomic traits; Fruit trees; Bananas; Fruit quality; Euterpe precatoria.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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