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Caprine lentivirus in sheep milk and semen Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Lima,C.C.V.; Ayres,M.C.C.; Pinheiro,R.R.; Costa,J.N.; Andrioli,A.; Souza,T.S.; Azevedo,D.A.A.; Santos,V.W.S.; Araújo,J.F.; Sousa,A.L.M.; Peixoto,R.M.; Damasceno,E.M.; Costa Neto,A.O..
ABSTRACT With the objective of detecting the presence of caprine lentivirus (CLV) in ewe milk and in ram semen, ten matrixes and four reproducers experimentally infected with CLV were used. Samples of ewe milk were collected during the four months of lactation, five collections per animal, totaling 50 samples. Regarding the rams, eight semen collections were made per animal, during one year of experimentation, totaling 32 samples. The milk and semen samples were submitted to DNA extraction and the nested polymerase chain reaction test (nPCR) to detect CLV proviral DNA. Eight (16%) of the milk samples were positive in nPCR originating from two ewes. Only one (3.12%) semen sample was positive. The amplification products were sequenced, and were confirmed to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lentiviruses; Transmission; Cross infection.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Infección cruzada de especies de Colletotrichum en frutos tropicales en postcosecha. Colegio de Postgraduados
Aguilar Pérez, Luis Alfonso.
El género Colletotrichum es considerado uno de los principales hongos patógenos de plantas, este hongo se encuentra distribuido a escala mundial y afecta a diferentes cultivos tanto en pre y postcosecha. En el presente trabajo se aislaron e identificaron morfológicamente y molecularmente ocho aislamientos de Colletotrichum sp, de banano, papaya, carambolo, chile manzano, aguacate, mango ataulfo y mango manila, estos se inocularon sobre cada uno de los frutos para evaluar el fenómeno de infección cruzada. Se midió diariamente el diámetro de la lesión por siete días. Los resultados mostraron que algunos aislamientos de C. gloeosporioides son más agresivos cuando se inoculan sobre su hospedero original, sin embargo ocasionan daños en menor grado en hospederos...
Palavras-chave: Colletotrichum; Frutos tropicales; Identificación molecular; Infección cruzada; Tropical fruits; Molecular identification; Cross infection; Maestría; Fitopatología.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Intranasal Inoculation of Mouse, Rat or Rabbit-Derived Pneumocystis to SCID Mice OAK
Aliouat, E. M.; Mazars, E.; Dei-Cas, E.; Cesbron, J. Y.; Camus, D..
Palavras-chave: Cross infection; Pneumocystis carinii; SCID mice; Host-species specificity.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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The ant fauna of hospitals: advancements in public health and research priorities in Brazil Rev. Bras. entomol.
Castro,Mariana Monteiro de; Prezoto,Helba Helena Santos; Fernandes,Elisa Furtado; Bueno,Odair Correa; Prezoto,Fábio.
Ants inhabit several types of natural and urban habitats, where they successfully nest. In urban environments, the hospitals should be considered priority for studies, as ants pose risks to human health due to their pathogen carrying potential. We aimed at surveying the literature about studies on ants in hospital settings in Brazil in the past 20 years. We found 40 papers in 22 journals, the first one published in 1993. Among them, 26 papers assessed pathogenic microorganisms on ants. We recorded 59 ant species, being Tapinoma melanocephalumthe most common. The Minas Gerais and São Paulo states had the largest number of published papers. Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande do Sul showed the highest number of species. Exotic ant species were recorded in all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cross infection; Disease transmission; Microorganisms; Pest control.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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