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Consumer Attitudes towards Sustainability Attributes on Food Labels AgEcon
Tait, Peter R.; Miller, Sini; Abell, Walter L.; Kaye-Blake, William; Guenther, Meike; Saunders, Caroline M..
Concerns about climate change and the general status of the environment have increased expectation that food products have sustainability credentials, and that these can be verified. There are significant and increasing pressures in key export markets for information on Greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of products throughout its life-cycle. How this information is conveyed to consumers is a key issue. Labelling is a common method of communicating certain product attributes to consumers that may influence their choices. In a choice experiment concerning fruit purchase decisions, this study estimates willingness to pay for sustainability attributes by consumers in Japan and the UK. The role of label presentation format is investigated: text only, text and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Willingness to pay; Choice experiment; Food labelling; Sustainability; Cross-country comparison; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q18; Q51; Q56.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Coproducing flood risk management through citizen involvement: insights from cross-country comparison in Europe Ecology and Society
Mees, Hannelore; Research Group Environment and Society, University of Antwerp;; Alexander, Meghan; Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University ;; Kaufmann, Maria; Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen;; Bruzzone, Silvia; CITERES Research Centre, François Rabelais University of Tours;; Lewandowski, Jakub; Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Science;
Across Europe, citizens are increasingly expected to participate in the implementation of flood risk management (FRM), by engaging in voluntary-based activities to enhance preparedness, implementing property-level measures, and so forth. Although citizen participation in FRM decision making is widely addressed in academic literature, citizens’ involvement in the delivery of FRM measures is comparatively understudied. Drawing from public administration literature, we adopted the notion of “coproduction” as an analytical framework for studying the interaction between citizens and public authorities, from the decision-making process through to the implementation of FRM in practice. We considered to what extent coproduction is...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Codelivery; Coproduction; Cross-country comparison; Flood risk governance; Flood risk responsibilities; Legitimacy; Public participation; Resilience.
Ano: 2016
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