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Advances in the enrichment of rotifers and <i>Artemia</i> as food sources in marine larviculture 27
Léger, P.; Grymonpré, D.; Van Ballaer, E.; Sorgeloos, P..
A summary is given of experiments conducted regarding the enrichment of rotifers and <i>Artemia</i> for use as food sources marine larviculture, with particular reference to levels of omega 3-HUFA.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brine shrimp culture; Crustacean culture; Fatty acids; Food organisms; Nutritive value; Artemia; Rotifera.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Análisis fisiológico y genético del desempeño reproductivo del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei 20
Arcos, G.F..
Durante la reproducción de camarones peneidos en cautiverio se ha observado que las hembras, a pesar de encontrarse bajo las mismas condiciones de maduración y de que provengan de una población homogénea en cuanto a edad y tamaño, presentan un diferente potencial reproductivo. Esto es, se ha observado que un alto porcentaje (75%) de hembras no desova o produce desoves no viables, mientras que un bajo porcentaje de hembras (25%) tienen la capacidad de desovar múltiples veces, produciendo estas la mayoría (50% -70%) de nauplios. Dado que el mantener en producción hembras con nulo o bajo desempeño reproductivo implica altos costos para los productores (alimento y espacio), se ha sugerido usar sólo múltiples desovadoras para incrementar el rendimiento por...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: 1022; Crustacean culture; Reproduction; Genetics; Genetics; Crustacean culture; Reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Anatomy and physiology of digestive tract of crustaceans decapods reared in aquaculture 5
Ceccaldi, H.
The digestive tract of crustacea is complex. It is composed of a shor t oesophagum, a stomach with two bags, and internal wall with appendags specialized in grinding of feeds. These hard mastication pieces represent the gastric mill. Setae, filters included in the stomach structure allow the separation between food particles and liquid compounds. Those one are coming over through filters and more on to the digestive gland tubules or mid gut gland. In this organ, several types of cells play specialized functions: absorption, enzyme secretion, stocking function. Some cells of a new type, with undefined function, may be neurosecretions function, have been described recently. The end of tubules of digestive gland exhibits cells with embryonic characteristics....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Decapoda; Neurosecretion; Feed; Rearing; Digestive glands; Enzymes; Stomach; Crustacean culture.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Aproximación a los requerimientos nutricionales de juveniles de camarón blanco Penaeus schmitti: evaluación de niveles y fuentes de proteína en la dieta. 20
Galindo López, J..
La tendencia a asumir que los resultados obtenidos para las diferentes especies de peneidos más estudiadas pueden ser extrapolados directamente a las otras, constituye una práctica usual por muchos cultivadores de camarón, sin embargo, desde el punto de vista cuantitativo existen diferencias marcadas, lo que hace recomendable elaborar los alimentos teniendo en consideración los requerimientos específicos de la especie a la cual se le suministrará. Con el objetivo de determinar las necesidades nutritivas de los macronutrientes básicos y evaluar diferentes niveles y fuentes de proteína en la alimentación de juveniles de camarón blanco (Penaeus schmitti) se desarrollaron cuatro diseños experimentales completamente aleatorizados, tres a escala de laboratorio y...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Crustacean culture; Crustacean culture; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Automation in stock-culture maintenance and juvenile separation of the mysid <i>Mysidopsis bahia</i> (Molenonck) 27
Léger, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A batch system with subgravel filter for stock-culture maintenance of <i>Mysidopsis bahia</i> in artificial sea water is described. The feeding of mysids on <i>Artemia</i> is optimized through the cyclic pumping of brine shrimp instar I nauplii from a refrigerator to the stock-cultures. An easily constructed incubator-separator apparatus is described for the standardized harvesting of mysid juveniles to be used as test organisms.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Automation; Crustacean culture; Mysidopsis bahia.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Contribution a l'etude de l'elevage de la crevette rose Palaemon serratus (Pennant) en captivite. 5
Campillo, Albert.
The growth of post-larval P. serratus has been studied until the appearance of secondary sexual characters, in order to eliminate the influence of sex ratio on the mean wt. The influence of temp on intermolt period and number of molts was observed in male and female kept individually. Different sorts of food of natural origin have been tested. The rearing of post-larval lots metamorphosed at different times of the yr showed that the growth of P. serratus is conditioned not only by the temp, but also by the season. The food conversion ratio was defined in relation to the sex and age of the prawns. Shelters allowed the author to obtain a ratio of survival which varied post-larvae per square meter. The sex ratio established from several breedings as soon as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Tetraselmis suecica; Artemia; Palaemon serratus; Crustacean culture; Larval development; Larvae; Induced breeding; Hatching; Controlled conditions; Laboratory culture; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Determinación de moléculas que intervienen en el sistema inmune del camarón blanco (Penaeus vannamei) en respuesta al uso de inmunoestimulantes. 20
Campa, A.I..
La acuacultura de crustáceos penaeidos constituye una actividad económicamente importante que genera elevados ingresos si se garantiza una producción óptima del mismo. Esta actividad está limitada en diferentes partes del mundo por enfermedades infecciosas provocadas entre otros, por bacterias, virus, hongos, parásitos y por el uso regular de antibióticos que han dirigido progresivamente a las poblaciones de cultivo a una situación crítica de resistencia. El estudio del sistema inmune en crustáceos comienza a ser una herramienta muy útil para el diseño de estrategias que permitan determinar y mejorar la respuesta del sistema de defensa del hospedero hacia los patógenos potenciales. Para ello, es requerido que las investigaciones básicas estén dirigidas a...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: 832; Crustacean culture; Infectious diseases; Immunity; Crustacean culture; Infectious diseases; Immunity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Efecto de los ácidos grasos altamente insaturados (HUFA) en la reproducción del ostión de placer Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein, 1951) 20
Hurtado, M..
La tolerancia y supervivencia de los camarones a las variaciones de salinidad están estrechamente relacionadas con los mecanismos de osmorregulación. Diversos trabajos en peces y mamíferos, describen la importancia de los ácidos grasos altamente insaturados (HUFA) en la permeabilidad de las membranas y otros procesos relacionados con la osmorregulación. Por lo anterior, en la presente tesis se evaluó la posibilidad de modular la respuesta osmorreguladora a corto y largo plazo, a través de la suplementación de alimento peletizado con dos diferentes niveles de HUFA (0 y 50%), en juveniles de camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei. En el primer experimento (exposición aguda), los camarones (3.5 ± 0.5 g) se cultivaron a 30 ups por tres semanas, durante las...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: 1030; Salinity; Crustacean culture; Fatty acids; Fatty acids; Salinity; Crustacean culture; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estudio biométrico, estructura poblacional y habitat del camarón Penaeus vannamei, Boone en criaderos 20
Reinoso, B..
The present work is about biometry study, population structure and habitat Penaeus vannamei, Boone shrimp cultivated in ponds 939 shrimps were analised from March-July 1991 at a shrimp farm located in Hebano-Manabí port. The analysis demostrated that a strong difference exists between the male and female shrimp product of morphological diformis in this species. Also, the calculated correlation coeficient values were always near the unit indicated for us that the relations between the different averages were very narrow. The proportion of the sexes showed a clear predominance of the females over the males. The proportions being 60%/40% respectively. Aside from this, this population distribution remained steady during the period of the investigation. The...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biometrics; Habitat; Population characteristics; Breeding; Crustacean culture; Length-weight relationships; Breeding; Crustacean culture; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Etude de la croissance de la langouste rouge « Palinurus Elephas », dans les eaux Tunisiennes 20
Rjeibi, O.; Gaamour, A.; Missaoui, H..
L’étude la croissance est fondamentale dans l’évaluation d’un stock et sa gestion. Ceux-ci ont été estimés pour Palinurus elephas tunisienne par la méthode de l’analyse des fréquences de taille. Actuellement, cette méthode est notre seule recours. La méthode de marquage-recapture, la plus conseillée dans l’étude de la croissance chez les grands crustacés, n’a pas donné pour différentes raisons des résultats satisfaisants. Le programme ELEFAN I a été appliqué pour estimer LC∞, K, to, C et WP. Ils sont respectivement de l’ordre de 155,84 mm de LC, 0,22 ans-1, -0,25 ans, 0,3 et 0,5 chez les femelles et de l’ordre de 201,56 mm de LC, 0,16 ans-1, -0,27 ans, 0,3 et 0,5 chez les mâles. La modélisation a été réalisée par le modèle de Von Bertalanffy avec et sans...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock evaluation; Crustaceans; Crustacean culture.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Exploitation et optimisation de la production des cystes du crustacé <Artemia tunisiana> (bowen et sterling, 1978) dans la saline de sfax 20
Aloui, N.; Amorri, M..
La saline de Sfax constitue le meilleur site pour l’exploitation et la production d’Artemia en Tunisie. La production de cystes est exploitée chaque année pour être utilisée dans l’alimentation des larves de poissons. Cette production est estimée à 30 kg de cystes poids sec. Toutefois, lors de nos campagnes de récolte, nous avons enregistré de grandes pertes de cystes occasionnées par les vents emportant les cystes qui seront mélangés avec le sable. Afin de minimiser les pertes et optimiser la production naturelle de la saline, nous avons jugé utile, d’installer des barrages dans les coins des bassins à Artemia pour s’opposer à l’action du vent. Par ailleurs, nous avons fait un suivi mensuel de l’abondance des cystes récoltés et de quelques paramètres...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Crustacean culture; Marine crustaceans; Crustacean culture; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Influence du taux de proteines sur la croissance ponderale de Palaemon serratus (Pennant) elevee au laboratoire 5
Campillo, Albert; Luquet, P..
The quantitiative requirements for protein have been determined in P. serratus reared from the post-larval stage to the 4th month. It appears that the apparent optimum percentage of protein in the diet is a minimum of 60%. At the 8th month, the mean wt of prawn reared with the best artificial diet (diet IV) is only 49% of the wt of shrimp reared with the digestive gland of Patella as a diet. The prawns reared to 4th month on a low-protein diet then reared on a natural diet until the 8th month, show important compensatory growth. However, the prawns do not achieve the wt of the control population, their average wt representing only 16% of the controls.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crangon crangon; Penaeus japonicus; Homarus vulgaris; Palaemon serratus; Nutritional requirements; Growth; Proteins; Artificial feeding; Crustacean culture; Laboratory culture; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Review on the dietary effects of phospholipids in fish and crustacean larviculture 27
Coutteau, P.; Geurden, I.; Camara, M.R.; Bergot, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A beneficial effect of dietary phospholipid (PL) supplementation in purified diets in terms of survival, growth, resistance to stress tests, and occurrence of deformities has been demonstrated in larval and juvenile stages of various species of fish and crustaceans. The exact determination of PL requirements in larvae is complicated due to the difficulty to bio-encapsulate PL in live prey. Furthermore, the great variety in purity and composition of the PL sources, and the experimental conditions (such as diet formulation and extent of co/prefeeding with live food) makes it difficult to compare requirements determined with artificial diets. Larval stages are extremely sensitive to a dietary PL deficiency and require higher levels of dietary PL than...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Complex lipids; Crustacean culture; Crustacean larvae; Diets; Fish culture; Fish larvae.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Some results of the study on rearing of mangrove crab Scylla serrata juveniles in the barachois of Mauritius 20
Hassea, R.; Codabaccus, B.; Rathacharen, S.; Khadun, S..
The mangrove crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal) is a potential candidate for aquaculture development in Mauritius and experimental trials on its culture were carried out from 1997 to 2002. It has a fast growth rate and tolerates a wide range of physico-chemical parameters. The survival rate of Scylla serrata, both under the controlled/hatchery conditions and in the natural eco-habitat is low. In 1997, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) launched the “Coastal Fisheries Resources & Environment Conservation Project” to enhance the stock of crab in the lagoon waters. The quantity of crab juveniles for culture in barachois is dependent on the availability of seed in the lagoon. Hatchery-produced crab juveniles were reared for experimentation/study...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Scylla serrata; Crustacean culture; Crustacean culture; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The mangrove oyster, crassostrea gasar cultivation and potential in the Niger Delta (Nigeria) 20
Afinomi, M.A..
Earlier work on the mangrove oyster is reviewed briefly. Cultivation technique based on work done at Buguma is presented. Potential for Oyster cultivation is discussed against the background of the Nigerian’s fish protein deficit, available swamp land for aquaculture in the overall agricultural development policy. The required investments and financial returns are presented.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Crustacean culture; Aquaculture; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Variation in egg and larval quality in various fish and crustacean species 27
Lavens, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
It is generally accepted, that a major constraint in the further development of marine fish and crustacean aquaculture, is the variable quality of eggs and larvae used for the hatchery-production of fry. Nonetheless, valid criteria to evaluate optimal egg quality have not been identified yet. Instead, particular indicators, are used, e.g. the fertilization and hatching rate, overall culture success during the first rearing period, etc., but these are not totally objective because hatchery-specific conditions may interfere. The biochemical composition of the egg may be one of the possible determinants of egg quality, which can be evaluated on a more objectie basis. In this respect, studied have been initiated to analyze in freshly-released eggs, the levels...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture techniques; Biochemical composition; Crustacean culture; Eggs; Fatty acids; Fish culture; Hatcheries; Quality control; Vitamin C.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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