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Análisis de la pesquería de jaiba en los principales Centros de desembarque a nivel regional. Investigación situación pesquerías bentónicas, 2006 OceanDocs
Olguín, A.; Barahona, N..
El documento entrega una revisión bibliográfica que da cuenta de las principales especies explotadas a nivel nacional, luego se hace una revisión del sistema de pesca utilizado para su extracción, para finalmente hacer una breve descripción de los canales de distribución. Se evaluaron las tendencias de los principales indicadores pesqueros para el período 1998-2005, tales como desembarque, esfuerzo, rendimientos, tallas medias, pesos medios, y talals modales, asociados siempre a los puertos regionales.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crustacean fisheries; Fishing harbours.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Estructura de la comunidad epifaunal asociada a colonias de vida libre del Hidrocoral Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus 1758 en Bahía Portete, Caribe colombiano OceanDocs
Castro S., C.; Monroy L., M.; Solano, O.D..
The epifaunal community associated with free-living colonies of Millepora alcicornis, the dominant coral species in Portete Bay, was characterized from twenty living colonies randomly collected within a shallow Thalassia testudinum seabed. The three-dimensional growth colonies sheltered 15 families, 15 genera and 18 mobile invertebrate species. The 97% of individuals was represented by decapods crustaceans specially adapted as to live in association with the host. Within them, the porcelanid Petrolisthes armatus, representing 79% of the epifauna (961 individuals), was exclusively found in a juvenile stage suggesting that M. alcicornis is mainly used by this species as a nursery zone. The epifaunal composition is partially related to coral living tissue...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Population structure; Crustacean fisheries; Population structure; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estudio biológico pesquero de centolla y centollón en la XII Región OceanDocs
Guzmán, L.; Daza, E.; Canales, C.; Cornejo, S.; Quiroz, J.C.; González, M..
El estudio estuvo orientado a disponer de un diagnóstico de la pesquería de centolla (Lithodes santolla) y centollón (Paralomis granulosa) en la región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena sobre la base de antecedentes bilógico pesqueros recogidos en campañas específicas de pesca y puertos de desmbarque, además de evaluar las medidas de administración vigentes y proponer eventuales nuevas medidas. Se inició el 26 de agosto de 2002 y la toma de información de terreno terminó a fines de noviembre de 2003.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crustacean fisheries; Catch/effort; Resource management; Stock assessment; Stock assessment; Resource management; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estudio de las capturas comerciales de Panulirus gracilis (langosta verde) del noroeste del Golfo de Guayaquil (1970-1979) OceanDocs
Cún, M.; Campos, J..
The present work is a study of the fishery of Panulirus gracilis (Green spiny lobster) in the ports of Chanduy, El Real and Anconcito in the north east of the Gulf of Guayaquil 58, 252 specimens caught in the 10 year period 1970 to 1979 were examined. A comparison was made of the sizes of lobsters caught with the established regulation for the explotation of the crustaceans. It was found that both the monthly and annual mean sizes were maintained above the ”minimum permitted length” which is 25 cm total length. Males predominated over females in the ratio 2:1. The percentage of males was 66,5% and of females 33,5%. During the period of the study, berried females of various sizes were frequently found, being most abundant in the months of May, June and July...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch composition; Crustacean fisheries; Legislation; Biometrics; Catch composition; Legislation; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Evaluación directa del langostino colorado y langostino amarillo entre la II y VIII Regiones, año 2003 OceanDocs
Leiva, B.; Canales, C.; Barbieri, M.A.; Cortez, J.; Quiroz, J.C.; Arana, P.; Guerrero, A.; Ahumada, M.; Melo, T.; Queirolo, D.; Hurtado, C.; Gálvez, P.; Molina, E..
El Proyecto FIP 2003-31 contempló cruceros de prospección los cuales fueron desarrollados en el período comprendido entre el 17 de agosto y el 27 de septiembre de 2003 y cuyo fin estuvo dirigido a la estimación, mediante evaluación directa, del nivel de biomasa y abundancia del langostino colorado (Pleuroncodes monodon) y langostino amarillo (Cervimunida johni) entre las Regiones II y VIII
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Crustacean fisheries; Biomass; Abundance; Stock assessment; Biomass; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Factores que afectan las tasas de captura de langostino amarillo (Cervimunida johni) en la zona norte de Chile OceanDocs
Wiff, R.; Quiroz, J.C.; Montenegro, C..
An analysis was made of the factors affecting the catch rates of the yellow squat lobster (Cervimunida johni) in Chile’s northern region (26°03’-32°10’S) by reviewing commercial fishing logbooks from 1993 to 2003. Factors evaluated included years, months, depth stratum, fishing areas and fleet characteristics as linear predictors in a generalized linear model (GLM) in order to explain variability in the catch rate. In contrast with other fisheries, with this resource the technical characteristics of the fleet and its’ specialization poorly explain variations in catch rate; temporal factors and their interaction were, however, highly significant. The results of this study, together with the life history of the resource, allow the supposition that...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Modelling; Catch/effort; Crustacean fisheries; Lobster fisheries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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L'exploitation mondiale des crustaces: Bilan et perspectives ArchiMer
Laubier, A; Laubier, Lucien.
Since nearly twenty years, world exploitation of crustaceans increases from 1,263,000 tons in 1968 to 3,419,000 tons in 1985, overcoming the predictions of 1970 by more than one million tons. Penaeid prawns fisheries experienced a very fast development. The krill resource proved to be practically commercially unworkable. By now, the major crustaceans stocks appear fully exploited. During the same period, penaeid aquaculture experienced a fast growth, which should continue in the near future.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistics; Shrimp culture; Crustacean fisheries; Commercial species.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Modelo de optimización para el cálculo de la cuota de captura de langostino amarillo OceanDocs
Albornoz, V.; Canales, C.; Fazzi, R..
This paper presents a nonlinear optimization model that use to establish an annual quota for the total allowable catch for managing the yellow squat lobster fishery. The proposed bioeconomic model maximizes the economic profits of the activity involved and, simultaneously, takes into account the long-term conservation of the resource by restricting catches and thereby assuring adequate biomass level in the future. The dynamic behavior of the population is incorporated through a single-specie logistic growth model. Parameters (e.g., growth rate, maximun population and ish eort) were estimated based on a sampling technique using historical biomass reports and fishing yields. The results obtained with this methodology are shown, as is their application in...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Nonlinear equations; Quota regulations; Crustacean fisheries; Stock assessment; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Prospholipid and fatty acid composition of two brachyuran decapod crustacea callinectes latimanus (Rathbun) and cardisoma armatum (herklots) OceanDocs
Idoniboye-Obu, T.I.E.; Ayinla, O.A..
Preparative and analytical thin layer Chromatography have been used to purify and separate phospholipids from the total lipids of Callinectes latimanus (Decapoda: Portunidae) and Cardisoma armatum Decapoda: Gecarcinidae). Comparison of Rf values of standards with standard Rf values in the solvent system employed indicated the presence of phosphatidy 1 ethanolamine (PE; Rf = 0.61), phosphatidy 1 choline (PC; Rf =03.34), phophatidic acid (PA; Rf = 0.76) and phosphatidy 1 – N-methy 1 ethanolamine (PNME; Rf = 0.85). An unidentified spot with Rf = 0.93 was also detected. Gas liquid chromatography of the total lipid extract from the two Crustaceans indicated that the predominant saturated fatty acid in the two Crustaceans is palmitic acid (C16:0) with oleic...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fatty acids; Crustacean fisheries; Fatty acids; Http://
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Rapport de la septième rencontre de travail IMROP/IEO pour l’étude des pêcheries de crustacés OceanDocs
Cette rencontre entre dans le cadre du programme conjoint de recherche sur les crustacés entre l’IMROP et l’IEO (Espagne)
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Captures; Effort de pêche; Lengh distribution; Fishing effort; CPUE; Débarquement; Landing; Pêcheries; Mauritanie; Fisheries; Accords de pêche; UE; Mauritania; Crevettes; Shrimps; EU; Distribution de taille; Fishing fleets; Fishing agreements; Flottille de pêche; Catches; Crustacean fisheries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Résultats généraux de la pêche maritime sénégalaise 2004 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Capture fishery economics; Fishery statistics; Fishery oceanography; Cephalopod fisheries; Coastal fisheries; Commercial fishing; Crustacean fisheries; Industrial products statistics; Fishery oceanography; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Survie des langoustines (Nephrops norvegicus ) s'echappant d'un cul de chalut ArchiMer
Morizur, Yvon; Charuau, Anatole; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
The survival rate of Nephrops escaping through the cod-end was recently studied in the Bay of Biscay. Over the 45mm meshed cod-end was put a 15mm meshed net in order to retain the Nephrops escaping though, the cod-end. Soon after hauling escaped Nephrops were returned on the sea-bed into cages. After an inversion of 60-78 hours, the average survived rate was about 70 %. However it was found increasing with the size of individuals. The value obtained, which is only a result of- the action oh several factors, may be lower than the true value. I he evolution, of this biological parameter according to the mesh size is discussed in the scope of assessments
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Size distribution; Crustacean fisheries; Mesh selectivity; Trawling; Fishing mortality; Survival.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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