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A null model for explain crustacean zooplankton species associations in central and southern patagonian in land waters 20
De los Rios, Patricio.
Los ensambles zooplanctónicos en cuerpos de agua de la zona centro y sur de la Patagonia chilena se caracterizan por su alto endemismo y un relativo bajo número de especies lo cual se debería principalmente a la oligotrofía y niveles de conductividad de estos ambientes. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar información publicada y sin publicar sobre crustáceos zooplanctónicos en lagos y lagunas de la zona central y sur de la Patagonia (44 - 53g S). A estos datos se les estimó la razón especies / género, y se aplicó un modelo nulo basado en co-ocurrencia de especies mediante una matriz de presencia y ausencia de especies, con la intención de determinar ausencia de factores reguladores de las asociaciones de especies. Dentro de este mismo...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Assemblages; Lakes; Ponds; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Human Physical Disturbance on the Ecology of the Soldier Crab Dotilla fenestrata (Crustacea, Ocypodidae) at Praia da Costa do Sol, Maputo 20
Gonçalves, P.M.B.; Pereira, M.A.M..
The effects of human trampling on the population parameters of the soldier crab Dotilla fenestrata at Praia da Costa do Sol, Maputo were studied in two areas subjected to two different levels of human disturbance: (1) a low disturbance area; and (2) a high disturbance area. Sampling was carried out 1 day before and 1 day after disturbance took place and crab abundance and biomass data were compared between the two periods at each area. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found between abundance and biomass values before and after the disturbance. These results suggest that human trampling has an insignificant effect on D. fenestrata and that behavioral and habitat structure aspects might play more important roles on the population ecology of the...
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Crustaceans.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A white spot disease-like syndrome in the Pacific blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) as a form of bacterial shell disease 5
Goarant, Cyrille; Brizard, Raphael; Marteau, Anne-laure.
In May 1997, some white lesions evoking the white spot syndrome disease were observed in Litopenaeus stylirostris broodstock in New Caledonia. The occurrence of these lesions was neither associated with mortality, nor with histological evidence of white spot syndrome baculovirus (WSBV), The evidence suggests that these lesions result from a form of bacterial disease and are associated with an increased bacterial flora on the outer surface of the cuticle, as well as an increased incidence throughout the molt cycle. A microscopic observation of these lesions allows them to be differentiated from WSBV-associated lesions.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New Caledonia; White spot syndrome; Aquaculture; Pathogenic bacteria; Shrimp culture; Crustaceans; Diseases; Litopenaeus stylirostris.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Acoustic behaviours of large crustaceans in NE Atlantic coastal habitats 5
Coquereau, Laura; Grall, Jacques; Clavier, Jacques; Jolivet, Aurelie; Chauvaud, Laurent.
Although many studies have investigated the benthic environment of temperate marine waters, little is known about the acoustic behaviour of the organisms in these habitats, particularly crustaceans. This study focused on the acoustic behaviour of large crustaceans in NE Atlantic coastal regions. A total of 11 crustacean species were recorded in tank-based experiments to identify sound-producing species and the behaviours associated with their sounds as well as to quantitatively characterise and compare the sounds. A total of 34 sounds were associated with behaviours such as moving, feeding, mandible rubbing, swimming, species-specific behaviour and other unidentified behaviours. The sounds included single pulse and pulse train signals that were distributed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic behaviour; Sound library; Crustaceans; Crabs; Snapping shrimps.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Brachyuran crustaceans from the bycatch of prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon river 36
Lima,Jô de Farias; Silva,Thibério Carvalho da; Silva,Luis Mauricio Abdon da; Garcia,Jamile da Silva.
The present paper is a pioneering study on the Brachyura bycatch associated with the artisan prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon River. The study was conducted at four collection sites distributed along the mouth of the Amazon River between the months of January/2009 and January/2010. The animals were caught using handcrafted traps called "matapi", which are used by prawn fisherman in the region. Twenty matapis were used at each collection site. A total of 145 specimens were captured and six species were identified, all belonging to the Trichodactylidae family - Sylviocarcinus maldonadoensis, S. pictus, S. devillei, Valdivia serrata, Dilocarcinus septemdentatus and D. pagei. The most representative species, S. maldonadoensis, S. pictus and S....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium; Prawn fishing; Crustaceans; Amazon region; Trichodactylidae.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Chlordecone in the marine environment around the French West Indies: from measurement to pollution management decisions 5
Bertrand, Jacques; Bodiguel, Xavier; Abarnou, Alain; Reynal, Lionel; Bocquene, Gilles.
Chlordecone is a very persistent insecticide used in banana plantations of the French West Indies between 1972 and 1993. Chlordecone residues were found in inland water, in agricultural and freshwater products, and in marine organisms. This pollution has become of great concern in 2007. Therefore, a governmental action Plan was launched to better assess the pollution and to improve the consumer’s protection. Within this plan, 1048 samples from 69 different species of marine fishes and crustaceans were collected all around both the Guadeloupe and the Martinique Islands and analyzed. The results confirm the presence of chlordecone in marine organisms, with highly variable concentrations (from the detection limit to 1000 μ In 17.9 % of the samples,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlordecone (Kepone); French West Indies; Fishes; Crustaceans; Organochlorinated contaminant; Risk assessment; Pollution management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cladocères des petits lacs de barrage du nord de la Côte d'Ivoire. 20
Aka-Koffi, N.M.; Pagano, M.; Cecchi, P.; Corbin, D..
Au niveau de la chaîne trophique, les cladocères constituent un maillon important dans le transfert de la production primaire vers les échelons terminaux exploitables. Ils tiennent un rôle important dans la gestion des écosystèmes naturels exploités. Ils peuvent également être utilisés pour différentes applications et notamment l'aquaculture et les programmes de santé.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Taxa; Reservoirs (water); Crustaceans.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Comportamiento de los virus de crustáceos de declaración obligatoria de la OIE en Litopeneaeus vannamei de cultivo en Cuba en el período 2003-2009 20
Gonzalez, E.; Rubio, M.; Laria, R.; Silveira, R.; Artiles, A..
Uno de los principales problemas del cultivo del camarón blanco del Pacífico, Litopeneaeus vannamei, es la susceptibilidad de esta especie a diversas enfermedades virales, que pueden conducir a grandes mortalidades y/o pérdidas económicas. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la ejecución de los muestreos periódicos y chequeos de cuarentenas correspondientes al programa de vigilancia, desde la primera introducción de esta especie en Cuba en 2003 hasta el 2009. Para ello se emplearon técnicas de análisis en fresco, histológicas y de biología molecular. En este período, no se detectó ninguno de los virus de crustáceos que son de declaración obligatoria por la Organización Mundial de la Salud Animal (OIE, de sus siglas en francés): el virus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Viruses; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Composition and seasonal variation of brachyura and anomura (Crustacea, Decapoda) associated with brown mussel farms at Praia da Cocanha, Brazil 52
Bernadochi,Ligia Coletti; Silvestri,Fausto; Turra,Alexander.
The composition and seasonal variation of brachyuran and anomuran species associated with mussel farms were evaluated at Praia da Cocanha, São Paulo between May 2007 and February 2008. Nine mussel ropes were sampled at random in each quarter, and 1,208 organisms were identified, comprising five families and 28 species. The most numerous species was the porcellanid Pachycheles laevidactylus (18.5%), followed by the xanthids Acantholobulus schmitti (16.6%), Hexapanopeus paulensis (11.3%), Panopeus americanus (10.2%), and Menippe nodifrons (8.4%). The exotic crab Charybdis hellerii was recorded throughout the study period. The ecological descriptors, except Pielou evenness index, varied significantly over the time. The highest abundance and diversity of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Associated fauna; Mussel culture; Perna perna; Crustaceans; Community ecology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Conocimiento de la fauna Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia 20
Fuentes Reines, Juan M.; Zoppi de Roa, Evelyn; Morón, Eliana; Gámez, Dáninso; López, Carlos.
Se analizaron 108 muestras recolectadas entre marzo y noviembre de 2009 provenientes de macrófitas y aguas abiertas de la costa oriental de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, adyacente a la desembocadura del río Sevilla, departamento del Magdalena. El mayor número de especies se registró en la zona de macrófitas. Este es el primer registro acerca de la existencia de cladóceros en esta región. Se encontró un total de 36 especies, de las cuales, ocho (Guernella raphaelis, Ilyocryptus plumosus, Moina eugeniae, Kurzia polyspina, K. media, Oxyruella longicaudis y O. tenuicaudis) son nuevos registros para Colombia. Además se hace una breve descripción de todas las especies y su distribución geográfica.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Crustaceans; Species diversity; New records.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Could a diet enriched with n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids be considered a promising way to enhance the immune defences and the resistance of Penaeid prawns to environmental stress? 5
Chim, Liet; Lemaire, Pierrette; Delaporte, Maryse; Le Moullac, Gilles; Galois, Robert; Martin, Jean-louis.
The prawn Penaeus stylirostris (Stimpson), when fed for 28 days with n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA)-enriched feed pellets, demonstrated an enhanced resistance to variations in environmental parameters (a decrease in temperature and salinity over a 4-day period from 28 degreesC to 17 degreesC and from 35 parts per thousand to 10 parts per thousand respectively) and an improvement in their immune defence potential, i.e. increased agglutination titre of plasma and increased respiratory burst of haemocytes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Immunostimulation; Osmoregulation; Environment; Stress; Essential fatty acids; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Crustacean fundamentals 16
Grabowski, M..
Tipo: Book review Palavras-chave: Crustaceans; 42.74.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Crustáceos fósiles (Decapoda: Brachyura) de la Formación Colón, Matanzas, Cuba 20
Rojas Consuegra, R.; Varela, C..
Three families, four genera and four species of fossil crustacean (Decapoda: Brachyura) were studied. The following taxa are recorded for the first time for the Cuban Oligocene-Miocene belonging to Colon formation, Matanzas, Cuba: Raninoides sp. (Raninidae), Necronectes collinsi Schweitzer et al. (Portunidae), Iliacantha liodactylus Rathbun (Leucosiidae) and Hepatus sp. (Aethridae).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: 1283; Crustaceans; New records; Oligocene; Miocene; New taxa; Cuba; Decapoda; Brachyura; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2011 URL:
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DIPNET - A European project to evaluate disease interactions and pathogen exchange between farmed and wild aquatic animal population fish, shellfish and crustaceans 5
Miossec, Laurence; Garseth, A. H.; Midtlyng, P. J.; Raynard, R.; Peeler, E.; De Bals, I..
DIPNET (Disease Interaction and Pathogen exchange Network) is a co-ordination action funded under the UE Framework programme 6 priority 8 Scientific Support to Policy (SSP). The principal objective of DIPNET is to increase scientific knowledge of the potential transfer of pathogens and diseases between wild and farmed fish and shellfish populations. DIPNET started in October 2004 and is a 2 year project. The project is organized in four work packages. Work package (WP) 1 is focused on a literature review of disease interactions and pathogen exchange between farm and wild aquatic animals. This analysis includes both published and unpublished literature. The work covers a wide range of habitats and species within Europe and, where relevant, world-wide. WP1...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DIPNET; Crustaceans; Shellfish; Fish; Epidemiology; Risk assessment; Diseases; Transfer of pathogens.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Distribución de los cangrejos porcelánidos (Decapoda: Anomura) en la costa de Santiago de Cuba, con la adición de especies para Cuba 20
Diez García, Y. L.; Jover Capote, A..
Se presenta la lista de los cangrejos porcelánidos de la costa de Santiago de Cuba, la clave taxonómica para su identificació y los apuntes sobre su distribución batimétrica. Se adicionan cuatro especies a la lista de porcelánidos de las costas cubana (Neopisosoma angustifrons, Petrolisthes marginatus, P. politus, y P. quadratus).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Species; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Dos nuevos registros de crustáceos asociados a la piel del manatí trichechus manatus (chordata, mammalia, sirenia) de la región noroccidental de Cuba 20
Ortiz, M.; Alvarez-Alemán, A.; Angulo-Valdés, J..
Se presentan dos especies de crustáceos asociados a la piel del manatí Trichechus manatus, en una localidad de la costa noroccidental cubana. Un cirripedio del género Chelonibia (Cirripedia, Sessillia) y un tanaidáceo del género Sinelobus (Crustacea, Peracarida) son registrados por primera vez para las aguas cubanas. También la aparición de un tanaidáceo asociado a la piel de un manatí constituye el primer registro, en Cuba. De ambas especies se presentan, además, algunos datos de su biología y varias figuras. Además, se registra la presencia de espículas calcáreas clavadas en la piel del manatí.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Crustaceans.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Electron microscopy of glial cells of the central nervous system in the crab Ucides cordatus 56
Allodi,S.; Taffarel,M..
Invertebrate glial cells show a variety of morphologies depending on species and location. They have been classified according to relatively general morphological or functional criteria and also to their location. The present study was carried out to characterize the organization of glial cells and their processes in the zona fasciculata and in the protocerebral tract of the crab Ucides cordatus. We performed routine and cytochemical procedures for electron microscopy analysis. Semithin sections were observed at the light microscope. The Thiéry procedure indicated the presence of carbohydrates, particularly glycogen, in tissue and in cells. To better visualize the axonal ensheathment at the ultrastructural level, we employed a method to enhance the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Glial cells; Crustaceans; Electron microscopy; Cytochemistry; Ucides cordatus.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Especie nueva de anfípodo del género Photis (Gammaridea, Photidae) del Archipiélago cubano. 20
Lalana, R.; Ortíz, M.; Varela, C..
Se describe una especie nueva de anfípodo del género Photis colectada en las aguas de la Región Oriental del archipiélago cubano. Se presentan las diferencias más notables de dicha especie con las dos más semejantes presentes en el área: Photis sp. F (LeCroy, 2000) y P. sarae Souza-Filho y Serejo, 2010. Es la tercera especie del género registrada en las aguas cubanas.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: New records; New species; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Especie nueva de Eriosachila (Blow y Manning, 1996) Crustacea: Decapoda), de la Formación Colón, Cuba. 20
Rojas-Consuegra, R.; Varela, C..
Se describe una nueva especie Eriosachila cubensis.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: 1283; New species; Crustaceans; New species; Http://
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Especie nueva de Hermannella (Crustacea: Copepoda), con dos nuevos registros de copépodos para Cuba 20
Varela, C..
A new species of copepod belonging to the genus Hermannella Canu, associated with bivalve molluscs of the genus Spondylus L. is described. The genus Chelacheres, two copepods species:Acanthomolgus affinis Stock and Chelacheres longipalpus (Stock and Humes) living in association with marine invertebrates are recorded for the first time from Cuban archipelago.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: 1283; Crustaceans; New species; New records; Crustacea; Http://
Ano: 2011 URL:
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