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A new deep-sea genus of nannastacidae (Crustacea, cumacea) from the lucky strike hydrothermal vent field (Azores triple junction, mid-atlantic ridge) ArchiMer
Corbera, J; Segonzac, Michel; Cunha, M.
A new cumacean genus and species, Thalycrocuma sarradini gen. et sp. nov., belonging to the family Nannastacidae is described from several sites of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37N, 1700 m depth). The new genus differs from others in the family by males lacking exopods on the pereopods 3 and 4 and having an antenna with a five-articulate peduncle and a short flagellum. This is the first cumacean species that could be considered, at the moment, as endemic from hydrothermal vent areas. Data on the accompanying fauna including other cumacean species (Cyclaspis longicaudata, Bathycuma brevirostre, Procampylaspis sp. and Makrokylindrus sp.) and some ecological remarks are included. A key for the currently known genera of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Systematics; Morphology; Mid Atlantic Ridge; Hydrothermal vents; Deep sea; Cumacea.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bathyal cumacean assemblages from the southern margin of the Cap Ferret Canyon (SE Bay of Biscay) ArchiMer
Corbera, Jordi; Sorbe, Jean Claude.
The structure of the cumacean assemblages from the southern margin of the Cap Ferret Canyon was studied at 13 stations ranging from 346 to 1099 m depth with a modified Macer-GIROQ suprabenthic sledge (four superimposed nets; 0.5 mm mesh size). A total of 1885 specimens were collected and classified into 5 families and 42 species. The total abundances fluctuated between 2.8 ind./100 m2 (station TS04; 484-485 m) and 55.8 ind./100 m2 (station TS08; 714-708 m). The highest values of species richness and diversity were recorded at station TS13 (1097-1099 m): S=25 species; H’(log2)=4.05. The near-bottom vertical distribution of the cumacean fauna showed the same pattern at all stations: at least 60% of the individu­als were sampled by the lower net of the sledge...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cumacea; Assemblages; Suprabenthos; Bathyal; Bay of Biscay; NE Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Cumacea (Crustacea) from the Red Sea and the Maldives (Indian Ocean) in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Hamburg, with the description of seven new species and a new genus Naturalis
Muhlenhardt-Siegel, Ute.
Eleven species of the families Bodotriidae, Nannastacidae and Diastylidae from the Red Sea and Maldive Islands (Indian Ocean) were identified and partly redescribed. Six new species were described for the genera Eocuma, Iphinoe, Nannastacus, Schizotrema, Makrokylindrus and Dimorphostylis. A new genus, Bathycampylaspis, with one new species was established.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Cumacea; New species; Red Sea; Indian Ocean.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Elements for a revision and notes on bionomy of the Cumacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). : Material collected by the Expedition ANTARKTIS-VIII/5 of R.V. “Polarstern” 1989/90 Naturalis
Petrescu, I.; Wittmann, K.J..
Among 26 species of Antarctic Cumacea sampled during the southern summer 1989/90 from benthic habitats in the Weddell Sea, four are described as new to science: Campylaspis ledoyeri spec. nov., Hemilamprops bacescui spec. nov., Paralamprops racovitzai spec. nov., and Leptostylis weddelli spec. nov. Detailed descriptions are given for the previously unknown or undescribed sex in seven species: Cyclaspis gigas Zimmer, 1907, Procampylaspis compressa Zimmer, 1907, Paralamprops asper Zimmer, 1907, P. mawsoni (Hale, 1937), Diastylis anderssoni armata Ledoyer, 1993, D. mawsoni Calman, 1918, and Leptostylis antipus Zimmer, 1907. Previous descriptions are supplemented by additional morphological data on 14 species: Cyclaspis gigas, Vaunthompsonia inermis Zimmer,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Cumacea; Taxonomy; New species; Morphology; Bionomy; Antarctic; Marine benthos; 42.74.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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First register of the Tantulocarida order Boxshall and Lincoln, 1983 (Crustacea) in deep waters of the Colombian Caribbean Boletín de Investigaciones
Cortés,Juan Sebastián; Campos,Néstor Hernando; Bolaño-Lara,Maryela.
ABSTRACT The presence of parasitic crustaceans of the order Tantulocarida in the Caribbean Sea is reported for the first time. The organisms were found parasitizing a Cumacea of the genus Eudorellla and two Tanaidaceans of the genus Tanaella, between 2,420 and 2,786 m deep. The organisms came from the benthic community samplings made in Ocean Caribbean ecoregion (COC), in a hydrocarbon exploration area. The organisms were analyzed in the laboratory with an optical microscope and stereoscope; photographs were taken, and diagrams were made to describe the main morphological and morphometric characters. Four tantulocaridans were found, of which one was male and the other sexual females. Due to host-parasite specificity and the lack of reports in the Caribbean...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Parasitism; Ectoparasitic crustaceans; Cumacea; Tanaidacea; Deep benthos..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Inventaire de la biodiversité marine du golfe normano-breton. Les crustacés malacostracés. 1. Leptostracés, Stomatopodes, Mysidacés, Tanaidacés, Cumacés et Euphausiacés ArchiMer
Le Mao, Patrick.
This work is a compilation of faunal datas collected in the normano-breton Gulf, relating to Leptostracan, stomatopod, mysidacean, tanaid, cumacean and euphausiid crustaceans.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Normano breton gulf; Euphausiacea; Cumacea; Tanaidacea; Mysidacea; Stomatopods; Leptostraca; Fauna list; Golfe normano breton; Euphausiacés; Cumacés; Tanaidacés; Mysidacés; Stomatopodes; Leptostracés; Inventaire faunistique.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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González,Exequiel R; Haye,Pilar A; Balanda,Maria-José; Thiel,Martin.
Los crustáceos peracáridos comprenden un diverso grupo de invertebrados, comunes en ambientes terrestres, acuáticos dulceacuícolas y marinos. En este trabajo se revisa la diversidad de especies de los órdenes Amphipoda, Cumacea, Isopoda, y Tanaidacea, actualmente reportada para Chile. Otros grupos taxonómicos comúnmente incluidos en Peracarida no han sido citados aún para Chile. Presentamos en este trabajo una lista sistemática de los taxa de peracáridos y su distribución geográfica en Chile desde los 18°S hasta los 56°S, incluyendo el Archipiélago de Juan Fernández e Isla de Pascua. En un análisis preliminar, la distribución de las especies registradas para Chile sugiere que la diversidad de especies aumenta de norte a sur. El hecho que aún existen...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Peracarida; Amphipoda; Isopoda; Tanaidacea; Cumacea; Pacifico Sudoriental; Chile.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from the Malayan shallow waters (South China Sea) Naturalis
Petrescu, Iorgu.
Four new species from the South China Sea are described: Nannastacus muelleri n.sp., Nannastacus wisseni n.sp., Scherocumella fagei n.sp. and Scherocumella malayensis n.sp. The descriptions of further 15 known species are complemented with new information ( Campylaspis amblyoda Gamo, 1960, Cumella cana Hale, 1945, C. hispida Caiman, 1911, C. indosinica Zimmer, 1952, C. similis Fage, 1945, Nannastacus antipai Petrescu, 1995, N. gamoi Băcescu, 1992, N. gibbosus Calman, 1911, N. goniatus Gamo, 1962, N. inconstans Hale, 1945, N. mitreae Petrescu, 1995, N. pectinatus Gamo, 1962, Scherocumella nasuta (Zimmer, 1914), Schizotrema depressum Calman, 1911 and S. sakaii Gamo, 1964). No Cumacea have been reported from the area as yet.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Nannastacidae; Cumacea; South China Sea.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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New Cumacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) from shallow waters of Indonesia Naturalis
Petrescu, Iorgu.
Six new species of Cumacea from Indonesia are described: Campylaspis calmani n.sp., Cumella alinae n.sp., C.bunakenensis n.sp, Nannastacus antipai n.sp., N. mitreae n.sp. and Paradiastylis bunakenensis n.sp. The description of Iphinoe insolita Petrescu,1992 is completed. All these Indonesian species are related with Japanese and Australian species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Cumacea; Bodotriidae; Nannastacidae; Diastylidae; Indonesia.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Paleozoic cumaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Peracarida) from North America Naturalis
Schram, Frederick R.; Hof, Cees H.J.; Mapes, Royal H.; Snowdon, Polly.
Thiee new species of malacostracans are described from North America in the Upper Mississippian Into Formation of Arkansas, and the Pennsylvanian Eudora Shale of southeastern Kansas. These appear to be the oldest fossils attributed to the Cumacea and are only the third collection of fossil cumaceans anywhere to be described. Previously depicted forms occur in the Permian and Jurassic of Europe. We herein double the number of described fossil cumacean species and suggest some necessary adjustments to the higher taxonomy of the group to accommodate apomorphic features of the fossil and Recent forms.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cumacea; North America; Paleozoic; Peracarida.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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