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Functional group based marine ecosystem assessment for the Bay of Biscay via elasticity analysis 5
Hosack, Geoffrey R.; Trenkel, Verena.
The transitory and long-term elasticities of the Bay of Biscay ecosystem to densityindependent and density-dependent influences were estimated within a state space model that accounted for both process and observation uncertainties. A functional group based model for the Bay of Biscay fish ecosystem was fit to time series obtained from scientific survey and commercial catch and effort data. The observation model parameters correspond to the unknown catchabilities and observation error variances that vary across the commercial fisheries and fishery-independent scientific surveys. The process model used a Gompertz form of density dependence, which is commonly used for the analysis of multivariate ecological time series, with unknown time-varying fishing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Compensatory dynamics; Cumulative impacts; Elasticity; Fox model; Gompertz model; Predictive cross-validation.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Of sets of offsets: Cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration 5
Thebaud, Olivier; Boschetti, Fabio; Jennings, Sarah; Smith, Anthony D.m.; Pascoe, Sean.
Biodiversity offsets are increasingly advocated as a flexible approach to managing the ecological costs of economic development. Arguably, however, this remains an area where policy-making has run ahead of science. A growing number of studies identify limitations of offsets in achieving ecologically sustainable outcomes, pointing to ethical and implementation issues that may undermine their effectiveness. We develop a novel system dynamic modelling framework to analyze the no net loss objective of development and biodiversity offsets. The modelling framework considers a marine-based example, where resource abundance depends on a habitat that is affected by a sequence of development projects, and biodiversity offsets are understood as habitat restoration...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity offsets; Compensatory restoration; Cumulative impacts; Habitat-resource interactions; Bio-economic modelling; Social acceptability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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