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Jolliffe, Dean; Tiehen, Laura; Gundersen, Craig; Winicki, Joshua.
In 2000, 8.8 million children received food stamps, making the Food Stamp Program a crucial component of the social safety net. Despite its importance, little research has examined the effect of food stamps on children's overall well-being. Using the Current Population Survey from 1989 to 2001, we consider the impact of food stamps on three measures of poverty - the headcount, the poverty gap, and the squared poverty gap. These measures portray the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty. We find that in comparison to the headcount measure, food stamp benefits lead to large reductions in the poverty gap and squared poverty gap measures. We then simulate the effects of several changes in the distribution of food stamps and find that a general...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food stamps; Children; Poverty; Current Population Survey; Sample design; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Cost of Living and the Geographic Distribution of Poverty AgEcon
Jolliffe, Dean.
The prevalence of poverty has been greater in nonmetro areas than in metro areas in every year since the 1960s when poverty rates were first officially recorded. Accordingly, Federal funds for social assistance programs and community development have favored nonmetro areas. This study suggests that adjusting poverty measures to account for cost-of-living differences between metro and nonmetro areas reverses that ranking. Once adjusted for cost-of-living differences using the Fair Market Rents index, metro poverty is greater than nonmetro poverty in terms of prevalence, depth, and severity over the entire 1991-2002 study period.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Poverty; Cost-of-living adjustments; Fair Market Rents data; Urban-rural comparison; Sample design; Current Population Survey; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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