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Comparison of three Gobiidae (Teleostei) life history strategies over their geographical range ArchiMer
Bouchereau, Jl; Guelorget, O.
This article summarizes the latest knowledge on the ecology of three gobies. The authors compile data published by various scientists who carried out their research under different conditions, using a variety of methods for collecting data and processing the results. The relationship between population structure and different environmental conditions was considered for three goby species Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770), P. microps (Kroyer, 1838) and Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758, in different geographical areas, notably the Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions and Adriatic) and cold temperate Atlantic (north of the English Channel) parts. In the three species, the life cycles in the Mediterranean, favoured by the local hydroclimate, are "contracted" (growth is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Golfe du Lion; Atlantique; Cycles vitaux; Stratégies d'occupation; Gobiidæ; Gulf of Lions; Atlantic; Life cycle; Occupying strategy; Gobiidae.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Life cycles in brackish habitats: adaptive strategies of some polychaetes from the Venice lagoon ArchiMer
Prevedelli, D; Simonini, R.
The life cycle of five species of polychaetes living in the Venice lagoon is analysed with the aim of finding out if some traits can be interpreted as an adaptation to brackish environments. The studied species are characterized by different sizes and reproductive strategies. Marphysa sanguinea is a large-sized, annual iteroparous species belonging to the Eunicidae family that reproduces without epitokal modification. Perinereis cultrifera and P. rullieri are large-sized semelparous species belonging to the Nereididae family: the first reproduce with epitokal metamorphosis, the second do not. Ophryotrocha labronica and Dinophilus gyrociliatus are small iteroparous species with semi-continuous reproduction belonging to the Dorvilleidae and Dinophilidae...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cycles vitaux; Eaux saumâtres; Stratégies de reproduction; Polychètes; Lagune de Venise; Life cycle; Brackish water; Reproductive strategies; Polychaeta; Venice lagoon.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Pre- and post-settlement events in benthic community dynamics ArchiMer
Fraschetti, S; Giangrande, A; Terlizzi, A; Boero, F.
In all marine benthic environments, organism replacement depends on recruitment limitation, i.e. the impact of both pre- and post-settlement events on the success of recruitment. The relative contribution of pre- versus post-settlement processes in shaping adult populations has been extensively studied. Most analyses concluded that recruitment limitation is a strong determinant of adults' density. The magnitude of its limitation depends on context, varies with species, and can be strongly modified by all the events preceding and following recruitment itself. A comparison of the outcome of recruitment limitation on hard- and soft-bottom communities has often been neglected. The rules governing these two environments, in both the inter- and the subtidal,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Limitation du recrutement; Evénements pré- et post installation; Benthos; Plancton; Cycles vitaux; Recruitment limitation; Pre- and post-settlement events; Benthos; Plankton; Life-cycles.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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