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A double-hurdle model of Irish households' foodservice expenditure patterns AgEcon
Keelan, Conor D.; Henchion, Maeve M.; Newman, Carol F..
The aim of this paper is to analyse the various factors fuelling demand for Food- Away - From- Home (FAFH) in Ireland. The two largest components of this industry, the quick- service sector (fast food and takeaway) and the full- service sector (hotel and restaurant meals), are analysed using the most recently available Household Budget Survey data for Ireland. The results from a Box- Cox double hurdle model indicate that different variables affect expenditure in the different sectors in different ways. Income has a greater effect on full- service expenditure than on quick- service. Similarly households that are healthconscious indicate a greater preference for full- service meals while households with higher time values indicate a greater preference for...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Foodservice; Food- Away- From- Home; Quick- service; Fullservice; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D12; D13; C34; R2.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agriculture, Income Risks and Rural Poverty Dynamics: Strategies of Smallholder Producers in Kenya AgEcon
Kuyiah, Joanne Wasswa; Obare, Gideon A.; Herrero, Mario; Waithaka, Michael M..
Poverty in Kenya has been on the increase over the last decade. It is estimated that 56% of the total population live in absolute poverty. Most of the poor reside in rural areas where agriculture is the main livelihood activity. Majority of Kenya's farmers are smallholders. They account for 75% of the total agricultural output and about 70% of marketed agricultural produce. The fate of smallholder agriculture in this country is therefore central to poverty reduction. A collapse in output and incomes from smallholder agriculture is likely to have damaging welfare effects and retard pro-poor economic growth. Smallholders often operate in a risky environment, which affects the level and variability of household resource endowments and income. The importance...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Smallholder farms; Income risk; Rural Poverty; Linear Programming; Kenya; Farm Management; C61; D13; L23; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Análisis de la demanda de alimentos en España considerando el impacto de la dieta sobre la salud AgEcon
Angulo, Ana Maria; Mtimet, Nadhem; Gil, Jose Maria.
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se analiza la demanda de alimentos en España considerando la relación existente entre salud y dieta. Se plantea la maximización de una función de utilidad que depende de las cantidades demandadas de los distintos alimentos y del nivel de salud alcanzado, sujeto a dos restricciones: la presupuestaria y la relativa a la función de producción de salud. La solución al problema conduce a la estimación conjunta de un sistema de ecuaciones con dos componentes, una ecuación referida a la calidad de la dieta y un sistema de demanda de alimentos. Los resultados obtenidos indican, por un lado, que la introducción de la calidad de la dieta en un sistema de demanda (frente a un modelo que incluya únicamente renta y precios) modifica las...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demanda de alimentos; Salud; Calidad de la dieta; España.; Agricultural and Food Policy; D12; D13; Q11..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cetkovic, Jasmina; Despotovic, Aleksandra; Cimbaljevic, Miroslav.
Original scientific paper
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Milk production; Organizational-economic aspects; Production volume; Economics; Profitability; Agribusiness; Consumer/Household Economics; Q12; D13.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Anatomy of Stigmatized Behavior: Peer Influence and Relative Concern AgEcon
Chen, Xi.
This paper is based on an ongoing joint work with David Sahn and Xiaobo Zhang.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Social Stigma; Peer Influences; Relative Concern; Blood Donation; China; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Development; Labor and Human Capital; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; JEL: I32; J22; D13; D63.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Are Household Production Decisions Cooperative? Evidence on Pastoral Migration and Milk Sales from Northern Kenya AgEcon
Doss, Cheryl R.; McPeak, John G..
Market-based development efforts frequently create opportunities to generate income from goods previously produced and consumed within the household. Production within the household is often characterized by a gender and age division of labor. Market development efforts to improve well being may lead to unanticipated outcomes if household production decisions are non-cooperative. We develop and test models of household decision-making to investigate intra-household decision making in a nomadic pastoral setting from Kenya. Our results suggest that household decisions are contested, with husbands using migration decisions to resist wives’ ability to market milk.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Intrahousehold decision-making; Household production; Kenya; Consumer/Household Economics; D13; O12.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Blood for Social Status: Preliminary Evidence from Rural China AgEcon
Chen, Xi; Zhang, Xiaobo.
Xi Chen acknowledges generous Doctoral Research Grant from the Institute for the Social Sciences at Cornell University and precious data set provided by the Development Strategy and Governance Division at IFPRI. Conference Travel Grant provided by the Department of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell is also acknowledged. We are grateful to Ravi Kanbur for invaluable comments, guidance and encouragement. This paper also benefited from helpful discussion and invaluable comments from Robert Frank, David Sahn, Marc Rockmore, and seminar participants in the Department of Economics at Cornell. Due to time limit, I have not incorporated all helpful comments and suggestions in this early draft paper. The views expressed herein and any remaining errors...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Blood Donation; Social Status; Poverty; Inequality; Relative Deprivation; Rural China; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Health Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Development; Labor and Human Capital; Political Economy; Production Economics; Public Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; I32; J22; D13; D63.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Comparing Predictors of Diet Quality in Canada Over Time Under Consideration of Altering Food Guides AgEcon
Drescher, Larissa S.; Goddard, Ellen W..
Latest data on the diet of Canadians from the Canadian Community Health Survey reveals that the diet quality of Canadians needs improvement. Within this paper predictors of diet quality in Canada are identified based on two cross-sectional data sets from the Canadian Food Expenditure Survey. To measure diet quality, the Canadian Healthy Food Diversity (CanHFD)-Index is developed which is based on Food Guide recommendations. Moreover, this paper considers that the Food Guide between survey years has changed when analyzing diet quality. To track changes in demand for diet quality we use “Canada’s Food Guide 1982” to calculate CanHFD-Index for 1984 and 1996. Changes in demand for diet quality according to “Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating 1992” are...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Diet quality; Healthy food diversity; Canada; Food Guides; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy; D12; D13; I12; Q18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Berges, Miriam E.; Casellas, Karina S..
This study was financed by Project ALCUE-FOOD. Work package 3 (INTA, COPAL, EMBRAPA, CIRAD, CECYT, INIA, INAP). “From European fork to Latin American farm”: an innovative networking platform for EU–LAC partnerships in food quality and safety R&D
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Willingness to pay; Quality attributes; Fluid milk; Contingent Valuation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C25; D13.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Costly Posturing: Relative Status, Ceremonies and Early Child Development AgEcon
Chen, Xi; Zhang, Xiaobo.
Though social spending facilitates risk‐pooling in the impoverished regions, too many resources devoted to social occasions may impose negative externalities and hinder efforts to alleviate poverty for households living close to subsistence. Conducting three waves census‐type panel survey in rural western China with well‐defined reference groups and detailed information on social occasions, gift exchanges, nutrients intake and health outcomes, we find that the squeeze effect originated from lavish ceremonies is associated with lower height‐for‐age zscore, higher probability of stunting and underweight in early child development. The lasting impact suggests that “catch up” is limited. The squeeze is stronger for the fetal period and towards the lower tail...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Relative Status; Squeeze Effect; Nutrients Intake; Stunting; Underweight; Gender; Agribusiness; D13; I32; O15.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Demand for seasonal wage labour in agriculture: what does family farming hide? AgEcon
Darpeix, Aurelie; Bignebat, Celine; Perrier-Cornet, Philippe.
Seasonal wage labour was rarely distinguished from the permanent one in farm-household models although it has sharply increased in developed countries. Therefore, we propose to endogenize the demand for this peculiar labour type and highlight the trade-offs for the various labour combinations on farms. We use data on fruit and vegetables farms drawn from the 2000 French agricultural census. We show that seasonal wage labour is a substitute for permanent wage employment, and doesn't entirely follow the seasonality of the agricultural activity: competition on the labour and product markets play a significant role in the employment of labour types.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural household model; Wage labour; Seasonality; France; Consumer/Household Economics; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital; Production Economics; J43; D13; J23; Q12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Determinants of the Extension of Part-time Farming--Results from a Probit Approach AgEcon
Harsche, Johannes.
This paper presents a Probit model explaining the employment decisions of farmers located in the German State of Hesse. The model is based on a cross-section analysis including data from 74 Hessian farmers. It indicates empirically a strong impact from wages on employment decisions of farmers. It also verifies the importance of the personal type of entrepreneur for their working behaviour. Finally, we can conclude that, regarding working behaviour, farmers react to signals from the labour market conditions as well as to the structural transformation process in the agricultural sector.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Probit models; Part-time farming; Microeconomic household models; Employment behaviour; Labour markets; Farm Management; C25; D13; Q12; J22.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Does heterogeneity in goals and preferences affect allocative and technical efficiency? A case study in Northern Nigeria AgEcon
Berkhout, Ezra D.; Schipper, Robert A.; Kuyvenhoven, Arie; Coulibaly, Ousmane.
Household characteristics are commonly used to explain variation in smallholder efficiency levels. The underlying assumption is that differences in intended behavior are well described by such variables, while there is no a priori reason that this is the case. Moreover, heterogeneity in farmer goals and preferences, in relation to the role of the farm enterprise, are not well documented in developing countries. This paper makes a contribution to fill this gap, by empirically determining heterogeneity in farmer goals and attitudes in Nigeria through a pair-wise ranking, supplemented with Likert scales. Factor analysis is used to reduce these data into behavioral factors. We estimate technical and allocative efficiency levels and analyze how these are...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Heterogeneous behavior; Efficiency analysis; Smallholder agriculture; Nigeria; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; D13; Q12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Does Increase in Women's Income Relative to Men's Income Increase Food calorie Intake in Poor Households? Evidence from Nigeria AgEcon
Aromolaran, Adebayo B..
This paper addresses an important but not widely investigated question of how calorie consumption in African low income households would respond to intra-household redistribution of income from men to women. Specifically, I use survey data on a sample of 480 households from semi-rural areas of south-western Nigeria to analyze the response of per capita calorie intake to changes in women’s share of household income, after controlling for per capita income and demographic characteristics at individual, household and community levels. I also examine the effect of marginal increases in household income on per-capita calorie intake conditional on the income distribution factor, women’s share of income. My results suggest that redistributing household income...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Nigeria; Intra-Household Redistribution of Income; Women’s Income Share Elasticity; Calorie Consumption; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D13; I12; O15; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Eating Out in the British Isles AgEcon
Keelan, Conor D.; Henchion, Maeve M.; Newman, Carol F..
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the foodservice industries in both Ireland and the UK. Each industry is analysed separately using the most recently available Household Budget Survey datasets for Ireland and the most recent Expenditure and Food Datasets for the UK and is disaggregated into quick-service (fast food and takeaway) and full-service (hotel and restaurant meals), the two largest components of each industry. A double hurdle model, adjusted for misspecification, is used in this analysis. A number of variables affect both dependent variables in the same way, for example, income and age and the number of workers variable, but differences are apparent throughout the discussion. Perhaps the most interesting point to highlight is how...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food-Away-From-Home; Quick-service; Full-service; Double Hurdle Model; Box-Cox Transformation.; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D12; D13; C34; R2..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Economic Uncertainties in Valuing Reductions in Children's Environmental Health Risks AgEcon
Hoffmann, Sandra A.; Krupnick, Alan J.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L..
The recognition that environmental hazards can affect children differently and more severely than adults has provoked growing concern in industrialized nations about the impact of environmental pollution on children's health. In this paper, commissioned by the OECD, we are charged with examining "economic uncertainties" associated with valuing the benefits of environmental policies that reduce risk to children's health. We examine two sources of uncertainty in benefits estimation: forecasting uncertainty and modeling uncertainty. We explore how these sources of uncertainty affect the use of standard economic and non-economic approaches to the valuation of health benefits. These include willingness-to-pay measures, cost-of-illness and human-capital...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Willingness to pay; QALY; Children; Social welfare function; Health valuation; Environmental health; Household behavior; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; I18; I1; J17; D13; D6; D63; D64.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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El Nino, Ice Storms, and the Market for Residential Fuelwood in Eastern Canada and the Northeastern U.S. AgEcon
Jagger, Pamela; White, William; Sedjo, Roger A..
Extreme weather events such as the ice storm that affected eastern Canada and the Northeastern US in January of 1998 have significant impacts on both human populations and forests. One of the questions currently facing climate scientists is whether or not better forecasting of such events would lessen the economic impacts borne by households, industry, agricultural producers and the public sector when such weather events occur. This case study examines the economic impacts of the ice storm on the residential market for fuelwood. It is hypothesized that demand for fuelwood will increase due to the failure of non-wood heating sources during the ice storm. In addition, damage to trees in the region should increase the supply of fuelwood; the net effect of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Fuelwood; El Nino; Ice storm; Forest management; Extreme weather event; Climate forecasting; Forest policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; D1; D13; Q2; Q21; Q23; Q42.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Estimation of Treatment Effect of Asthma Case Management Using Propensity Score Methods AgEcon
Brandt, Sylvia J.; Gale, Sara; Tager, Ira.
Objective: To estimate the treatment effect from participating in an asthma intervention that was part of the National Asthma Control Program. Study Setting: Data on children who participated in asthma case management (N=270) and eligible children who did not participate in case management (N=2,742) were extracted from a claims database. Study Design: We created 81 measures of health care utilization and 40 measures of neighborhood characteristics that could be related to participation in the program. The participation model was selected using the cross-validation-based Deletion Substitution and Addition (DSA) algorithm. We used optimal full matching for the vector of Mahalanobis’ distances and propensity scores to estimate the difference between...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Asthma; Treatment effect; Health intervention; Propensity scores; Consumer/Household Economics; Health Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; I1; D13; H51; C31; C80; C81; C83.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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EU policy reform simulation based on panel data estimation of on- and off-farm labour supply equations for Dutch dairy farmers AgEcon
Ooms, Daan L.; Hall, Alastair R..
This research focuses on the estimation of labour supply equations for Dutch dairy farmers that are suitable for policy simulations. Data availability leads to the fact that we can not estimate structural labour supply equations. We show how to derive reduced form equations suitable for policy simulations. In this research we use the panel data sample selection estimation approach of Kyriazidou (1997) and Wooldridge (1995) to estimate the off-farm labour supply equation. The two lead to different estimation results and different simulation results based on these.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Econometrics; Panel Data; Sample Selection; Labour Supply; CAP Reform; Labor and Human Capital; C23; C24; C51; C53; D13; J22; Q12; Q18.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Family Background, School Quality, Ability and Student Achievement in Rural China –Identification Using Famine-Generated Instruments AgEcon
Chen, Qihui.
This paper investigates the determinants of academic achievement in basic education (grade 1-9) for a sample of children (aged 9-12 in 2000) from rural China. A set of instrumental variable generated by the Great Famine in China, 1958-1961, is used to instrument an error-ridden measure of child innate ability, the cognitive ability score of each sampled child. Empirical results indicate strong effects of family background variables such as household income and parental education. Father’s education has significantly positive effect on academic achievements for both boys and girls, while mother’s education only matters for girls. Consistent with the common findings in the literature, most of school quality variables do not have significantly positive...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Student achievement; School quality; Ability; Famine in China 1958-1961; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; Public Economics; J24; I21; D13.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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