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Alliance Formation and Coercion in Networks AgEcon
Hiller, Timo.
This paper presents a game-theoretic model of network formation, which allows agents to enter bilateral alliances and to extract payoffs from enemies. Each pair of agents creates a surplus of one, which allies divide in equal parts. If agents are enemies, then the agent with more allies obtains a larger share of the surplus. I show that Nash equilibria are of two types. First, a state of utopia, where all agents are allies. Second, asymmetric equilibria, such that agents can be partitioned into sets of different size, where agents within the same set are allies and agents in different sets are enemies. These results stand in contrast to coalition formation games in the economics of conflict literature, where stable group structures are generally symmetric....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Network Formation; Economics of Conflict; Contest Success Function; Structural Balance; International Relations; Environmental Economics and Policy; D86; D74.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Economia política da disputa por terras em Minas Gerais AgEcon
Araujo Junior, Ari Francisco de; Shikida, Claudio; Alvarenga, Patricia Silva.
The article analyzes the determinants of the probability of dispute over land (conflicts, occupations and settlement projects) in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Through the use of a logit model, we found that the main influences are political and economical ones. Apparently, the behavior of the agrarian reform’s supporters follows the political incentive, with fewer occurrences of conflicts in towns governed by political allies. By other hand, the economical determinants - degree of poverty and the economic growth - have negative impacts on it.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agrarian development; Political economy; Regional economics; Agribusiness; D72; D74; O43.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Fear or Greed? Duty or Solidarity? Motivations and Stages of Moral Reasoning: Experimental Evidences from Public-Goods Provision Dilemmas AgEcon
Meyer, Leandro Fredrico Ferraz; Braga, Marcelo Jose.
As economists increasingly recognize the limits of the canonical self-interest assumption, the lack of a theory of human valuation that clearly specifies what determines an individual’s utility judgments renders the prediction of behavior in social dilemmas virtually impossible.  In this study, we examined the explanatory power of a structuralist-constructivist theory of adult development and this theory’s analytical significance to the understanding of behavioral diversity in situations where individual and collective interests collide. Experimental results suggest that the theoretical constructs built into the selected theory provide a reliable basis for predicting participants’ behavior when presented with two different collective-action dilemmas under...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Social dilemmas; Experimental economics; Sociocognitive and moral reasoning; Adult development; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C72; C92; D74.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fear or greed? Duty or solidarity? Motivations and the development of sociocognitive and moral reasoning: experimental evidences from public-goods provision dilemmas AgEcon
Meyer, Leandro Fredrico Ferraz; Braga, Marcelo Jose.
The paper presents results connecting the participant’s motivations and behaviors in a step-level give some dilemma with the constructs in a selected theory of adult personality systems development including value judgment and moral reasoning.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Public-goods; Experimental economics; Psychosocial development; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C72; C92; D74.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fishery Management Games: How to reduce effort and admit new members AgEcon
Do, Kim Hang Pham; Folmer, Henk; Norde, Henk.
This paper addresses the two main problems that Regional Fishery Management Organizations face. First, how to induce independent nations to reduce their fishing efforts from the competitive equilibrium to prevent the fish stock from extinction or to increase profits. We argue that adjustment from the Nash equilibrium to a state of sustainable yield can be achieved by means of the proportional rule without harming any of the countries involved. Next we propose the population monotonic allocation scheme as management rule for the second problem: the division of profits within an
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fishery management; Proportional rule; Population monotonic allocation scheme; Shapley value; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C71; C72; D62; D74; Q22.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Group Bargaining and Conflict AgEcon
Querou, Nicolas.
We consider a situation where groups negotiate over the allocation of a surplus (which is used to fund group specific goods). Each group is composed of agents who have differing valuations for public goods. Members choose a representative to take decisions on their behalf. Specifically, representatives can decide to enter either a (cooperative) negotiation protocol or a conflict to appropriate the surplus. In the cooperative negotiations, disagreement corresponds to a pro rata allocation (as a function of the size of the groups). We analyse the conditions (on the internal composition of the groups) under which conflict will be preferred to negotiated agreements (and vice versa), and we derive welfare implications. Finally, we provide results of comparative...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bargaining; Conflict; Agency Problem; Environmental Economics and Policy; C78; D74; J52.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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How to Make Institutional Economics Policy-Relevant: Theoretical Considerations and an Application to Rural Credit Markets in Developing Countries AgEcon
Petrick, Martin.
Welfare economics as the traditional, prescriptive theory framework used in agricultural economics has been criticised by institutional economists as being largely irrelevant to real-world policy issues. We therefore ask how normative statements are possible within an economic theory framework that does recognise the importance of institutional arrangements. Instead of applying established outcome-oriented criteria of social welfare, we examine whether the rules of economic interaction allow the acquisition of gains from cooperation. We suggest to reconstruct any interaction as an existing or repealed social dilemma. This approach helps to identify common rule interests which create room for improvement of all parties involved, and to suggest desirable...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; D02; D63; D74; Q14.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Oil Revenues, Ethnic Fragmentation and Political Transition of Authoritarian Regimes AgEcon
Cologni, Alessandro; Manera, Matteo.
Natural resources are generally associated to negative effects on the political environment of a country. This paper explores the impact that oil revenues have on the establishment of a given political system. Based on previous literature, a political economy perspective is employed. A simple game theoretical approach in order to explain the relationships between oil revenues, political instability (conflicts) and emergence of different political systems is presented. The implementation of particular redistributive fiscal policies together with the possibility that paternalistic or “predatory" autocracies emerge are considered. Under certain circumstances, a process of full democratization is argued not to represent an optimal choice for the oil-rich...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Natural Resources; Rentier States; Conflict and Endogenous Political Regimes; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C72; D74; O13; P16.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Rent Seekers in Rentier States: When Greed Brings Peace AgEcon
Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Naghavi, Alireza.
Are natural resources a source of conflict or stability? Empirical studies demonstrate that rents from natural resources, and in particular oil, are an important source of civil war. Allegedly, resource rents attract rent seekers, which destabilize society. However, there is a large literature on how so-called rentier states manage to pacify opposition groups by handing out special favors. The present paper attempts to bridge the gap between the rent-seeking view of resource rents as a source of conflict and the rentier state view which emphasizes the role of resource rents in promoting peace and stability, and show how one may lead to the other. The mechanism that we highlight relies on the notion that higher rents may activate more interest groups in a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Rent Seeking; Rentier States; Resource Rents; Conflict; Patronage Employment; International Development; D74; Q34.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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River Sharing and Water Trade AgEcon
Ansink, Erik; Gengenbach, Michael; Weikard, Hans-Peter.
We analyse river sharing games in which a set of agents located along a river shares the available water. Using coalition theory, we find that the potential benefits of water trade may not be sufficient to make all agents in the river cooperate and acknowledge property rights as a prerequisite for trade. Specifically, a complete market for river water may not emerge if there are four or more agents along the river. Instead, a partial market may emerge where a subset of agents trades river water, with the possibility that other agents take some of the river water that passes their territory.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: River Sharing; Water Trade; Market Emergence; Property Rights; Coalition Stability; Environmental Economics and Policy; C72; D74; H23; Q25.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The Development of the Willingness to Cooperate: Collective-Action under the Light of the Constructivist Conception of Adult Development AgEcon
Meyer, Leandro Fredrico Ferraz; Braga, Marcelo Jose.
The paper presents experimental results connecting the participant’s behaviors in a common-pool resource dilemma, including communication and sanctioning conditions, with the constructs in a selected theory of adult personality systems development including value judgment and moral reasoning.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Commons dilemma; Experimental economics; Institutional analysis; Psychosocial development; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C72; C92; D74.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Economics of a Lost Deal AgEcon
Hourcade, Jean-Charles; Ghersi, Frederic.
This paper examines compromise spaces between competing perspectives on four key climate change issues: costs, level of domestic action, environmental integrity, and developing world involvement. Based on extensive simulations of a model integration tool, SAP12 (Stochastic Assessment of Climate Policies, 12 models), the analysis considers options for fine-tuning the Kyoto Protocol, such as concrete ceilings or levies on carbon imports; restoration payments to be made on excess emissions; credits for sequestration activities in Annex B countries; and others. It shows the critical importance of the baseline against which the performance of each tool has to be assessed in the absence of direct economic penalties for noncompliance. The restoration payment...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate negotiations; 2010 carbon markets; Uncertainty about abatement costs; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q25; D74; D78; D80.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency (Previously titled: Cultural Transmission and the Pendulum of Economic Systems: The Case of Communism) AgEcon
Farvaque, Etienne; Mihailov, Alexander; Naghavi, Alireza.
Current version uploaded April 2013.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Capitalism; Communism; Inequality; Inefficiency; Ideological Transmission; Economic Transitions; C72; D31; D63; D74; D83; P51.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using the Law to Change the Custom AgEcon
Aldashev, Gani; Chaara, Imane; Platteau, Jean-Philippe; Wahhaj, Zaki.
We build a simple model of legal dualism in which a pro-poor legal reform, under certain conditions, causes the conflicting custom to go some way toward producing the change intended by the legislator. It then acts as an "outside anchor" that exerts a "magnet effect" on the custom. We illustrate this insight using examples on inheritance, marriage, and divorce issues in Sub-Saharan Africa and India. We also characterize the conditions under which a moderate pro-poor reform is more effective than a radical reform.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Custom; Statutory Law; Inequality; Legal Refor; Labor and Human Capital; K40; O17; D74.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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