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Bedbugs (Cimicidae infestation): the worldwide renaissance of an old partner of human kind 55
Criado,Paulo Ricardo; Belda Junior,Walter; Criado,Roberta Fachini Jardim; Silva,Roberta Vasconcelos e; Vasconcellos,Cidia.
Bedbugs have been known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies about this insect are recent and limited. Cimex lectularius, the common bedbug, was a well-known parasite in human dwellings until the end of the Second World War. Nowadays, bedbugs are considered uncommon in the industrialized world. Anecdotal reports suggest that bedbugs are getting more common in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. In Brazil, there are few reports about bedbug infestations in the literature. The aim of this article was to alert physicians, especially in Brazil, about this ectoparasitosis, including aspects of the bedbug biology, their parasitism in human host, treatment and prophylaxis.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Hemiptera; Bedbugs; Cimex lectularius; Pyrethrins; DDT.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Bioanálisis de los residuos de cuatro insecticidas aplicados a maíz para consumo doméstico 32
Ortiz Hernández, José J.; Ramírez Genel, Marcos; Guevara Calderón, José.
Se realizó un trabajo de bianálisis de los residuos de insecticidas aplicados a grano de maíz cacahuazintle en Chapingo, México, utilizando adultos de Drosophila melanogaster Meig como insecto de prueba. Los insecticidas y los tratamientos empleados fueron: Alodán a 75 ppm, DDT a 75 ppm, Lindano a 10 ppm y Malatión a 8 ppm.
Tipo: Artículo Palabras clave: Entomología aplicada; Drosophila melanogaster; Insecticidas; Zea mays; Alodán; DDT; Lindano; Malation; Maíz cacahuacintle.
Año: 1966 URL:
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Co-metabolism of DDT by the newly isolated bacterium, Pseudoxanthomonas sp. wax 58
Wang,Guangli; Zhang,Ji; Wang,Li; Liang,Bin; Chen,Kai; Li,Shunpeng; Jiang,Jiandong.
Microbial degradation of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) is the most promising way to clean up DDT residues found in the environment. In this paper, a bacterium designated as wax, which was capable of co-metabolizing DDT with other carbon sources, was isolated from a long-term DDT-contaminated soil sample by an enrichment culture technique. The new isolate was identified as a member of the Pseudoxanthomonas sp., based on its morphological, physiological and biochemical properties, as well as by 16S rRNA gene analysis. In the presence of 100 mg l-1 glucose, the wax strain could degrade over 95% of the total DDT, at a concentration of 20 mg l-1, in 72 hours, and could degrade over 60% of the total DDT, at a concentration of 100 mg l-1, in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: DDT; Co-metabolism; Bioremediation; Pseudoxanthomonas sp.
Año: 2010 URL:
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Concentración de Diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDT) en poblaciones silvestres de Cocodrilos (Crocodylus acutus y C. Moreletti) en la zona Costera de México 32
Loa Loza, Eleazar.
Para determinar la concentración de DDT y sus metabolitos en ejemplares de cocodrilos (Crocodylus acutus y C. moreletii), durante el período de junio a diciembre de 2004 se tomaron 80 muestras de sangre en 37 localidades de 13 estados de la zona costera de México. En algunos de estos sitios, ha sido aplicado el DDT para el control del vector del paludismo. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el laboratorio mediante cromatografía de gases con detector de captura de electrones. Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal simple entre la longitud y el peso de los cocodrilos. Para comparar las concentraciones de DDT en sangre en función de la longitud y peso de los cocodrilos en las provincias biogeográficas, se realizó el análisis de varianza utilizando un...
Tipo: Tesis Palabras clave: Reptiles; Crocodylus acutus; C. moreletii; DDT; Pesticidas; Contaminación; Maestría; Ganadería; Reptiles; Pesticide; Pollution.
Año: 2007 URL:
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Controle de flebotomíneos com DDT, em àrea endêmica de leishmaniose tegumentar no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil 52
Teodoro,Ueslei; Galati,Eunice A.B.; Kühl,João Balduíno; Lozovei,Ana Leuch; Barbosa,Orlando Carlos.
Evaluation of DDT insecticide used to sand flies control in domiciles and domestic animal shelters in an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Collections of sand flies were made with Falcão traps in houses, in one pigsty and in one tree in Jussara Farm, municipality of Jussara, State of Paraná, Brazil, between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. during 7 days from March 24 to April 1, 1992. In May, 1992 DDT insecticide (Dicloro Difenil Tricloro Etano) (1 g/square meter of area) was applied internally and externally on houses and in pigsty. After this, new collections of sand flies were made from July 1992 to February 1993, once a month, with Falcão traps installed in the same hour and conditions mentioned above. Before DDT insecticide application 12,960 sand flies were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Leishmania; Leishmaniose; Controle de flebotomíneos; DDT.
Año: 1998 URL:
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Organochlorinated pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, and PBDEs in grey mullets (Liza ramada) and allis shads (Alosa alosa) from the Vilaine estuary (France) 5
Bocquene, Gilles; Abarnou, Alain.
This study aimed to compare the contamination levels of various organohalogenated compounds in two migratory fish species in the Vilaine River in western France. Organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs)), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed in two diadromous species from the Vilaine estuary, the grey mullet (Liza ramada)-an amphihaline species, and the allis shad (Alosa alosa)-an anadromous species. Fish were collected in spring 2004 and spring 2005, upstream and downstream of the Arzal Dam. PCB contamination varied from 27 to 200 ng g(-1) dry weight (d.w.). PCDDs/Fs, expressed in toxicity equivalent quantity (TEQ) varied from 0.4 to 2.8 pg g(-1)...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Vilaine estuary; Organohalogenated contaminants; PCBs; DDT; Dioxins; Shad; Grey mullet; Bioaccumulation.
Año: 2013 URL:
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