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4. Österreichische Fachtagung für Biologische Landwirtschaft - "Low-Input" Vollweidehaltung von Milchkühen in Österreich Organic Eprints
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Dairy cattle; Health and welfare; Feeding and growth; Farm economics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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5. Bioforschungstag: Aktuelles zum Biorind Organic Eprints
Das Dokument enthält alle Vorträge und Poster, die am 5. Schweizer Bioforschungstag 2010 in Posieux, Schweiz präsentiert wurden: Forschungsresultate zum Futterbau, zur Rindviehzucht, zur Tiergesundheit und zur Produktqualität. Deutsche und französische Version verfügbar.
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Beef cattle; Feeding and growth; Breeding and genetics; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A agroecologia e as estratégias de desenvolvimento de três redes cooperativas de produção de leite. Organic Eprints
Rover, Oscar José; Anchau, Cleusa Teresinha.
O artigo analisa as estratégias de 03 redes de cooperativas que trabalham com leite no Território Oeste de Santa Catarina, verificando sua aproximação com princípios e práticas agroecológicas. Foram estudadas as redes Aurora, Terra Viva e Ascooper, analisando documentos e realizando entrevistas com suas principais lideranças. A agricultura familiar está na base organizacional das 03 redes e ela adotou a produção de pastagem como a principal forma de alimentação dos animais, o que representa uma inovação coletiva no território, ocorrida de forma difusa, sem liderança de nenhum ator social específico. Além da produção à pasto, a Terra Viva e a Ascooper avançaram com a fitoterapia e a homeopatia na sanidade dos animais, mostrando maior ênfase na construção de...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Farming Systems.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A cow type for concentrate-free feeding systems - What characteristics does it display? Organic Eprints
Holinger, Mirjam.
Feeding of concentrates to ruminants in organic farming in Switzerland is questionable due to several aspects: (i) suitability for ruminants, (ii) land use change caused by soy cultivation, (ii) organic principles of closed circuits, and (iv) ethical considerations when ruminants directly compete with human nutrition. In the past decades breeding strategies in the dairy sector focused primarily on milk production which led to increased energy requirements. A reduction of concentrates in the ration may thus lead to a more negative energy balance and may be detrimental for health and fertility. Published genotype x feeding system interactions suggest that different breeds, strains or genotypes react differently to different levels of feeding. The aim of...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Breeding and genetics.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A decision support model simulating the vitamin supply over the year on a farm Organic Eprints
Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kristensen, Troels; Jensen, Søren K..
The aim of this new project is to develop a prototype of a decision support model simulating the feed and vitamin supply during a year to different groups of animals (calves, heifers, dry cows, cows in early and late lactation) on a farm self-sufficient with feed. The model takes into account that the content of vitamin depends on choice of crops, utilization method, cutting date, conservation method and duration of storage together with traditional optimizing the feed-ing scheme.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A descriptive study of natural nursing procedures in French dairy farms Organic Eprints
Le Cozler, Y.; Dishenhaus, C.; Arnaud, E.; Beugnet, L.; Charleuf, M.; Denis, P.; Roig-Pons, M.; Pomiès, D.; Martin, B.; Chassaing, C.; Michaud, A..
Take home message: Various methods and practices are available to efficiently reared calves through suckling in dairy cows, using specific nurse cows or not.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A field trial on the effects of pure sodium propionate and a combination with herbal extracts on short term development of subclinical ketosis Organic Eprints
Dorn, Katharina; Leiber, Florian; Sundrum, Albert; Holinger, Mirjam; Mayer, Philipp; Walkenhorst, Michael.
While glucogenic substances in ketosis prevention are commonly used, there is a lack of clinical studies about the effectiveness of ketosis therapy in particular by means of sodium propionate and herbal extracts. Fresh cows between 5 and 50 days in milk of 25 Swiss and German dairy farms were tested weekly for ketone bodies in blood. From 283 cows, 121 (42.8%) exceeded the threshold of 1.0 mmol/l blood-β-hydroxybutyrate (BBHB). Thereof 84 cows were randomly assigned to three treatments on each farm. Treatment SP-H was composed of sodium propionate (120 g per application) and an aqueous extract of seven herbs (13.5 g drug equivalent per application), treatment SP comprised pure sodium propionate (120 g per application) and treatment PL was a placebo. All...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A four-year comparison of two organic dairy systems Organic Eprints
Weller, Mr Richard.
Two organic systems were studied, the first based on self-sufficiency (SS) and the feeding of high-forage diets, and the second on purchased concentrates (PC) and maximising milk output. The growing of both concentrate and forage feeds in the SS system reduced the stocking density. Feeding high-forage diets increased the proportion of milk produced from forage but decreased the energy concentration of the ration, leading to lower milk persistency, reduced milk protein in early lactation and reduced pregnancy rates. In the PC system importing feed increased the stocking density but also increased the ‘farm-gate’ nutrient surpluses.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A herbal feed additive shows potential to improve metabolic situation in early lactating dairy cows Organic Eprints
Walkenhorst, M.; Ivemeyer, S.; Schaette, R.; Mayer, P.; Arndt, G..
The gap between performance and feed intake in early lactating dairy cows often leads to metabolic imbalance which is connected to udder inflammation (UI). A study with 72 dairy cows calving from November 2010 to March 2011 on 10 Swiss and German farms was conducted to test the effect of a herbal feed additive (HFA) containing mainly Urtica dioica L. (herba), Silybum marianum (L.) Gaert. (fructus), Artemisia absinthium L. (herba) and Achillea millefolium L. (herba). Cows were stratified (farm and milk yield) randomised divided into three groups. From 14 days prior predicted calving to the end of the following lactation cows received daily 100 g pellets containing A: 100% HFA, B: 50% HFA and 50% alfalfa and C: 100% alfalfa (placebo). Two or three cows per...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A hierarquia social e o regime de oferta influenciam o consumo de água em bovinos leiteiros. Organic Eprints
Hotzel, Maria José; Teixeira, Dayane Lemos; Machado Filho, Luiz Carlos Pinheiro.
Pequenas propriedades leiteiras no sul do Brasil freqüentemente oferecem água para as vacas em um único bebedouro na sala de ordenha, o que pode limitar o consumo de água, com conseqüências negativas na produção e bem-estar animal. Para testar a influencia da restrição de água e dominância social na ingestão de água e no comportamento, 14 animais (novilhas, vacas em lactação e secas) foram submetidos a dois tratamentos num delineamento do tipo cross-over: acesso à água permanente (APer) ou restrito a uma vez ao dia (ARest) durante 17 dias em cada fase. A ingestão de água foi medida diariamente através de um relógio medidor de vazão acoplado à saída de água e o comportamento foi observado entre os dias 13 e 17 de cada fase, por observação visual direta, das...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Farming Systems; Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A importância da água para o gado de leite. Infoteca-e
CAMPOS, A. T. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Importancia da agua; Gado de leite; Bovino de leite; Pasta do produtor de leite; Consumo; Dairy cattle.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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A interação humano-animal e o uso de homeopatia no manejo sanitário de rebanhos leiteiros em pequenas propriedades no Sul do Brasil. Organic Eprints
Honorato, Luciana Aparecida; Hötzel, Maria José.
O comportamento de vacas leiteiras pode ser influenciado pela natureza do tratamento que recebem dos humanos. Neste trabalho foram comparados 20 estabelecimentos de agricultores familiares que usavam terapia convencional (n=11) ou homeopática (n=9) como principal terapêutica em rebanhos leiteiros. Foram feitas entrevistas com os agricultores, medidas de comportamento humano (como nomear e falar com os animais, contatos positivos ou negativos, condução para a sala de ordenha), e de comportamento animal. Foram encontrados escores de comportamento humano similares entre os dois grupos. A média de distância de fuga foi menor nos rebanhos sob uso de homeopatia do que no convencional (P=0,04). Nos 9 estabelecimentos homeopáticos o medicamento era colocado na...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Farming Systems; Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A Longitudinal Study of Mastitis on an Experimental Farm with Two Herds, One Managed Organically, the other Conventionally Organic Eprints
Thatcher, A; Petrovski, K; Holmes, C; Dowson, K; Kelly, T; McLeod, K.
Mastitis in two herds managed as a comparison between organic and conventional dairy farming systems was monitored for 4 years utilising regular bacterial culture of milk samples, individual and bulk somatic cell counts and observation by farm staff. The objective was to develop strategies for the control of mastitis in organic cows without the use of antibiotics. The herds showed differences in clinical mastitis incidence, subclinical mastitis prevalence and bulk milk somatic cell count. Despite these differences, the level of mastitis in the organic herd remained manageable.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A "masculinização" da produção de leite. Organic Eprints
Magalhães, Reginaldo Sales.
O fortalecimento de organizações sociais que possibilitaram fazer da produção de leite uma atividade destinada ao mercado provocou profundas mudanças na divisão sexual do trabalho. A análise sociológica das trocas intradomiciliares nos estabelecimentos rurais familiares mostra que tradições culturais, diferenças de poder entre os gêneros e contextos sociais que ampliam diferenças de acesso aos mercados entre homens e mulheres são as bases sociais e culturais de uma hierarquia estruturada segundo sexo e geração, no qual as mulheres, especialmente as mais jovens, ocupam posições de grande desvantagem. Com o fortalecimento de cooperativas, a produção de leite passou a ocupar um lugar de destaque no provimento de recursos da família, mas o domínio da atividade...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Farming Systems.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A participatory approach to design monitoring indicators of production diseases in organic dairy farms Organic Eprints
Duval, Julie; Fourichon, Christine; Madouasse, Aurélien; Sjöström, K.; Emanuelson, Ulf; Bareille, Nathalie.
Production diseases have an important negative effect on the health and welfare of dairy cows. Although organic animal production systems aim for high animal health levels, compliance with European organic farming regulations does not guarantee that this is achieved. Herd health and production management (HHPM) programs aim at optimizing herd health by preventing disease and production problems, but as yet they have not been consistently implemented by farmers. We hypothesize that one reason is the mismatch between what scientists propose as indicators for herd health monitoring and what farmers would like to use. Herd health monitoring is a key element in HHPM programs as it permits a regular assessment of the functioning of the different components of...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Technology transfer; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A pilot socio-economic analysis of QLIF dairy projects Organic Eprints
Nicholas, Dr. Phillipa; Lampkin, Dr. Nicolas; Leifert, Prof. Carlo; Butler, Dr. Gillian; Klocke, Peter; Wagenaar, J.P.T.M..
A pilot socio-economic impact assessment was carried out on three dairy projects within QLIF to identify the business, consumer and policy issues likely to influence the adoption of the innovations resulting from QLIF. A socio-economic analysis is pre-sented related to the key outcomes from the three projects which include: manage-ment systems to reduce mastitis and antibiotic use in organic dairy farms and how milk quality can be enhanced through high forage organic feeding systems. Due to a lack financial data costs had to be assumed based on other studies. The socio-economic analysis identified a significant number of potential economic and social implications of implementing strategies developed in the QLIF project that aim at increasing animal...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Social aspects; Farm economics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A randomized controlled trial to compare the use of homeopathy and internal Teat Sealers for the prevention of mastitis in organically farmed dairy cows during the dry period and 100 days post-calving. Organic Eprints
Klocke, P.; Ivemeyer, S.; Butler, G.; Maeschli, A.; Heil, F..
Introduction: Routine use of antibiotics to prevent mastitis in dairy cows is prohibited by organic farming regulations. Internal Teat Sealers have been proposed as an alternative. We compared two drying-off (DO) supporting measures (Internal Teat Sealer and Homeopathy) to an untreated control group to assess their protective effects against clinical mastitis and intra-mammary infections during dry period of dairy cows. Methods: A field trial with 102 dairy cows from 13 Swiss organic dairy farms was conducted. Cows were randomly assigned to one of three groups within a herd. In the Internal Teat Sealer group (ITS; 36 cows) cows were treated with the commercial ORBESEAL (Pfizer) in all four quarters immediately after the last milking. In the Homeopathy...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Production systems; Dairy cattle; Animal husbandry; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Thatcher, A.; Petrovski, K.; Shadbolt, N.; Martin, N..
Mastitis in two herds managed as a comparison between organic and conventional dairy farming systems was monitored for 9 years utilising regular bacterial culture of milk samples, individual and bulk somatic cell counts and observation by farm staff. The most important isolates in pure cultures were coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, and Bacillus spp. Positive cultures were generally not associated with subclinical mastitis. The objective was to develop strategies for the control of mastitis in organic cows without the use of antibiotics. Within a set of key control measures, two management strategies were trialled, one of which reduced the prevalence of subclinical mastitis to very low levels.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A viabilidade da pequena propriedade, a viabilidade do pequeno produtor. Infoteca-e
CAMARGO, A. C. de.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Viabilidade; Production; Gado Leiteiro; Produtor; Dairy cattle; Viability.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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ACOMPANHAMENTO reprodutivo de rebanho leiteiro em nível de produtor. Infoteca-e
Equipe técnica: Carlos Alberto Gonçalves, José Adérito Rodrigues Filho, Guilherme P. Calandrini Azevedo.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Gado Leiteiro; Reprodução; Dairy cattle; Reproduction.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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