Registros recuperados: 36 | |
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Cardoso, Antônio Augusto Brion; Lopes, Marcos Aurélio; Carvalho, Francisval de Melo; Ferrazza, Rodrigo Andrade; Lima, André Luís Ribeiro; Cardoso, Milton Ghedini. |
Aimed to apply the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in a dairy farm with small-scale production, located in the south of Minas Gerais. The survey was conducted from January to December 2013 and the gathering of information was carried out through semi-structured interviews on the spot. As data collection instruments were used personal interviews, document analysis and direct and participant observation. The farm has 216 ha, 80% of the leased area. The activities are dairy farming, corresponding to 80% of revenues, and the cultivation of coffee. The breeding farm is 22 predominantly Holstein cows (¾ H) that are loose in the pasture. Daily production is 350 liters average of 15.9 liters of milk per cow in milk, in two daily milkings. The strong point is the low cost... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Small scale; Management tool; Dairy farming; Strategic planning.. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/scientiaagraria/article/view/14404 |
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van Calker, Klaas Jan; Antink, Rudi H.J. Hooch; Beldman, Alfons C.G.; Mauser, Anniek. |
Interest in the concept of sustainability in dairy farming has grown as a result of the continuous pressure on farm incomes, occurrence of animal diseases with a major impact on the image of dairy farming, concerns about animal welfare, and environmental problems caused by agriculture. There are, however, still many gaps in the knowledge regarding sustainable dairy farming. Respecting the earth and the environment and "giving back to community" is a fully integrated part of the Mission Statement of ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's. Following this mission, they have initiated a sustainable dairy farming project, "Caring Dairy", for the European production based in the Netherlands. The aim of Caring Dairy is to secure dairy production in a more sustainable... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Sustainability; Dairy farming; Strategic management; Bottom-up approach; Chain partners; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/24234 |
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Kellermann, Magnus; Salhofer, Klaus. |
This paper analyzes technical efficiency and productivity growth of dairy farms in southern Germany. We compare the performance of farms operating on permanent grassland and conventional farms using fodder crops from arable land. Using a latent class stochastic frontier model, intensive and extensive production systems are identified for both types of farms. We estimate stochastic output distance functions to represent the production technology. TFP change is calculated and decomposed using a generalized Malmquist productivity index. Our results show that grassland farms can in general keep up with conventional farms. The productivity on intensive (extensive) grassland dairy farms grew by 1.15% (0.93%) per year, compared to 1.19% (intensive) and 1.0%... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Productivity; Dairy farming; Stochastic frontier analysis; Livestock Production/Industries; Productivity Analysis. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/114763 |
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Mokshina, Polina. |
In competitive market dairy production will shift to the regions with the best conditions. In the Soviet paradigm dairy production was evenly distributed throughout the country, what was caused by extremely low transportation prices and by differentiated by regions procurement prices. Thus, there was no specialized zones of dairy production. The start of economic liberalization in Russia was followed by the process of disintegration of the country's common economic space. Reforms entailed an increase in transportation costs and regional specialization based on comparative advantages of a certain commodity production. Specialized dairy producing zones started to emerge. This paper attempts to determine these zones in Russia in the nearest future. The... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Russia; Dairy farming; Competitiveness; Comparative advantage; Inter-regional comparison; Livestock Production/Industries; D49; Q13. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/24638 |
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Kovacs, Krisztian; Emvalomatis, Grigorios. |
The abolishment of the dairy quota system in the EU is expected to increase competition across dairy farms in Europe. Assuming a common price for milk in the EU, only the most efficient farms will survive in the new environment. The main objective of the paper is to compare dairy farms in Germany, The Netherlands and Hungary about their technical efficiency. In the first part of the research, the efficiency is measured by partial efficiency indexes using one dimensional efficiency measuring. In the second part, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) have to be used to measure efficiency in a multidimensional space, using six inputs and two outputs. It appears from the results that the highest efficiency farms are in the Netherlands, and then Germany and... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Dairy quota system; Dairy farming; Data Envelopment Analysis; Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/104651 |
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Stevens, David R.; Casey, M.J.; Brown, C.D.; Platfoot, G.J.. |
Rapid dairy industry expansion in the South Island of New Zealand during the 1990’s increased demand for agistment and supplementary feed. Consultants and retailers recognised the ability of whole-crop cereal silage to provide the extra feed required. The local arable industry had declined, creating the opportunity to develop commercial technical support packages from establishment to harvesting for sheep and dairy farmers growing whole-crop cereal silage. Industry technical support packages were supported by ‘just in time’ local research into the growing, making and feeding of whole-crop cereal silage. The package, based on several methods of payment, captured the benefits of new Triticale cultivars. Further investigation into the uptake of whole-crop... |
Tipo: Article |
Palavras-chave: Whole-crop cereal silage; Technology transfer; New Zealand; Dairy farming; Farm Management. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/123167 |
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van Apeldoorn, Dirk F.; Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University; Alterra, Wageningen UR; dirk.vanapeldoorn@wur.nl; Kok, Kasper; Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University; Kasper.Kok@wur.nl; Sonneveld, Marthijn P.W.; Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University ; marthijn.sonneveld@wur.nl; Veldkamp, Tom (A.); Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University; Alterra, Wageningen UR; University of Twente, ITC faculty ; veldkamp@itc.nl. |
Resilience has been growing in importance as a perspective for governing social-ecological systems. The aim of this paper is first to analyze a well-studied human dominated agroecosystem using five existing key heuristics of the resilience perspective and second to discuss the consequences of using this resilience perspective for the future management of similar human dominated agroecosystems. The human dominated agroecosystem is located in the Dutch Northern Frisian Woodlands where cooperatives of dairy farmers have been attempting to organize a transition toward more viable and environmental friendly agrosystems. A mobilizing element in the cooperatives was the ability of some dairy farmers to obtain high herbage and milk yield production with limited... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight |
Palavras-chave: Agroecosystems; Dairy farming; Panarchy; Northern Frisian Woodlands The Netherlands; Resilience; Soil organic matter. |
Ano: 2011 |
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Registros recuperados: 36 | |