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Communication Processes in Agro-environmental Policy Development and Decision-Making: Case Study Sachsen-Anhalt AgEcon
Prager, Katrin; Nagel, Uwe Jens.
The development of a decision support approach with regard to agro-environmental programmes is part of a larger research project on agricultural transformation and structural change processes. Research objective are improved communication processes and an enhanced quality of political decision-making. The investigation is based on the assumption that the success of agro-environmental programmes depends largely on their acceptance by all major stakeholders. This implies an early integration of varying interests in the decision-making process. Introducing participatory approaches into a bureaucratic setting poses particular problems. In order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, the introduction of interactive modelling approaches has to be...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Communication processes; Agro-environmental programmes; Decision-making support; Conflict resolution; Participation and acceptance; Rural areas; Agricultural extension; Sustainable agriculture; Structural change; Transformation processes; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Entscheidungsunterstutzung bei der Gestaltung von Agrarumwelt-programmen: Ein Interaktiver, PC-Gestutzter Programmierungs-ansatz fur Sachsen-Anhalt AgEcon
Kirschke, Dieter; Daenecke, Ernst; Hager, Astrid; Kastner, Kerstin; Jechlitschka, Kurt; Wegener, Stefan.
The increasing importance of measures under the so called "second pillar" of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union raises new challenges to decision-makers. The definition and operationalisation of goals as well as the implementation of concrete measures is a complex task. Decisions have to be made on priorities for goals and measures and finally on the allocation of the budget. In this article we demonstrate how policy-making in complex systems can be supported by co-operation between scientists, policy-makers and administrators. Using a participatory computer-aided programming approach the case of improving the agri-environmental programme of Saxony-Anhalt is examined. Based on interactive simulations together with stakeholders and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agri-environmental policy; Agri-environmental programmes; Decision-making support; Linear programming; Policy consulting; Priority setting; Saxony-Anhalt; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Interaktive Programmierungsansätze für die Gestaltung von Agrar- und Umweltprogrammen AgEcon
Kirschke, Dieter; Jechlitschka, Kurt.
Planning agricultural and environmental programmes has become a complex task. In this paper we show how interactive programming can help to solve such complex policy decision-making problems. The basic linear programming model is implemented with Excel. We show, for a hypothetical agricultural and environmental programme, how the approach can be used in an interactive way between scientists and policy decision-makers. The approach allows to visually demonstrate and quickly assess the consequences of changing assumptions and framework conditions on the programme design. It could effectively improve the quality of policy decision-making support; it requires the actors’ willingness, of course, to engage in a real dialogue.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and environmental programmes; EU agricultural policy; Decision-making support; Linear programming; Policy support; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Knowledge transfer: a case study approach AgEcon
Ticha, Ivana; Havlicek, Jaroslav.
The article builds on the growing importance of knowledge as a strategic resource for maintaining the competitive advantage of a business. We illustrate one of the initiatives contributing to effective knowledge transfer by describing a case study approach which suggests how universities might assist in disseminating knowledge and enhancing industry competitiveness. The case study approach is apparently an effective way to share best practices, and with the use of appropriate ICT tools, it provides for an enormous diffusion of codified (explicit) knowledge in the industry. The example in the focus of this article describes a Virtual Portal designed as a single-point access to information and tools (case studies, decision models and software), with the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Knowledge transfer; Knowledge economy; Decision-making support; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Relations/Trade; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Preventive diagnosis of dairy cow lameness REA
Mollo Neto,Mario; Nääs,Irenilza de A.; Carvalho,Victor C. de; Conceição,Antonio H. Q..
This research aimed to develop a Fuzzy inference based on expert system to help preventing lameness in dairy cattle. Hoof length, nutritional parameters and floor material properties (roughness) were used to build the Fuzzy inference system. The expert system architecture was defined using Unified Modelling Language (UML). Data were collected in a commercial dairy herd using two different subgroups (H1 and H2), in order to validate the Fuzzy inference functions. The numbers of True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN), and False Negative (FN) responses were used to build the classifier system up, after an established gold standard comparison. A Lesion Incidence Possibility (LIP) developed function indicates the chances of a cow becoming...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Decision-making support; Expert system; Fuzzy inference.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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