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Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum ArchiMer
Zheng, Xufeng; Kao, Shuhji; Chen, Zhong; Menviel, Laurie; Chen, Han; Du, Yan; Wan, Shiming; Yan, Hong; Liu, Zhonghui; Zheng, Liwei; Wang, Shuhong; Li, Dawei; Zhang, Xu.
Deepwater circulation plays a central role in global climate. Compared with the Atlantic, the Pacific deepwater circulation's history remains unclear. The Luzon overflow, a branch of the North Pacific deep water, determines the ventilation rate of the South China Sea (SCS) basin. Sedimentary magnetic properties in the SCS reflect millennial-scale fluctuations in deep current intensity and orientation. The data suggest a slightly stronger current at the Last Glacial Maximum compared to the Holocene. But, the most striking increase in deep current occurred during Heinrich stadial 1 (H1) and to a lesser extent during the Younger Dryas (YD). Results of a transient deglacial experiment suggest that the northeastern current strengthening at the entrance of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South China Sea; Deep current; Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility; Heinrich 1; Atlantic-Pacific seesaw.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Modélisation haute-résolution des courants dans le Golfe de Guinée : Etude des oscillations bimensuelles. ArchiMer
Guiavarch, Catherine.
Currentmeter measurements on the continental slope of the Gulf of Guinea (near 7°40 S) point out a biweekly oscillation of the currents, bottom intensified and oriented along the bathymetry. Those energetic oscillations dominate the signal. A three-dimensional high-resolution primitive equation model (NEMO/OPA) of the Gulf of Guinea has been developed to study the oscillations and their forcing mechanism. The data does not support the tide as a forcing mechanism and the wind-forced regional model reproduces biweekly oscillations, which fit the data quite well. Experiments with different forcings have been run to explore the origin of the biweekly variability. Those experiments highlight the equatorial origin of the oscillations forced by equatorial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep current; Biweekly oscillations; Equatorial waves; Coastal trapped waves; Gulf of Guinea; Numerical modelling; Courant profond; Oscillations bimensuelles; Ondes équatoriales; Ondes piégées à la côte; Golfe de Guinée; Modélisation numérique.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Turbidity events observed in situ along the Congo submarine channel ArchiMer
Vangriesheim, Annick; Khripounoff, Alexis; Crassous, Philippe.
As part of the multidisciplinary programme BIOZAIRE devoted to studying deep-sea benthic ecosystems in the Gulf of Guinea, particulate input and its relationship with near-bottom hydrodynamics were monitored using long-term moorings from 2000 to early 2005. Particular attention was given to material input through the Congo (ex-Zaïre) submarine channel that extends 760 km from the Congo River mouth to the abyssal plain (>5100 m) near 6°S. Due to its direct connection to the Congo River, the Congo canyon and channel system are characterised by particularly active recent sediment transport. During this first in situ long-term monitoring along the channel, an energetic turbidity event was observed in January 2004 at three locations along the channel from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Suspended sediment transport; Turbidity current; Deep current; Congo canyon; Zaïre; Gulf of Guinea.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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