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The effect of pheromones and their chemical analogues in honeybee alarm behaviors was studied in observation boxes. Defensive behaviors, as follows: a) attraction to scent source, b) elevation of wings in "V", c) abdomen elevation, d) abdomen elevation and pumping and e) first leg pair elevation had been temporarily registered when the following compounds were presented: isoamyl alcohol, octyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, n-butyl acetate, n-octyl acetate, isopentyl acetate, benzyl acetate and 2-heptanone. The results were as follows: 1. the bees elicited some characteristic behaviors when chemical alarm messages were presented, 2. agression (stinging) was not completed with any compound tested, probably because there was not a target (visual stimulus), 3. in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apis mellifera; Defensive behavior; Alarm behaviors; Pheromones; Hybrid honey bees; Chemical communication.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Contrasting effects of nitric oxide and corticotropin- releasing factor within the dorsal periaqueductal gray on defensive behavior and nociception in mice 56
Miguel,T.T.; Gomes,K.S.; Nunes-de-Souza,R.L..
The anxiogenic and antinociceptive effects produced by glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation within the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) matter have been related to nitric oxide (NO) production, since injection of NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors reverses these effects. dPAG corticotropin-releasing factor receptor (CRFr) activation also induces anxiety-like behavior and antinociception, which, in turn, are selectively blocked by local infusion of the CRF type 1 receptor (CRFr1) antagonist, NBI 27914 [5-chloro-4-(N-(cyclopropyl)methyl-N-propylamino)-2-methyl-6-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)aminopyridine]. Here, we determined whether i) the blockade of the dPAG by CRFr1 attenuates the anxiogenic/antinociceptive effects induced by local infusion of the NO...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nitric oxide; Corticotropin-releasing factor; Periaqueductal gray; Defensive behavior; Antinociception; Mice.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Defensive repertoire of Xenodon dorbignyi (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) 49
Tozetti,Alexandro Marques; Oliveira,Roberto Baptista de; Pontes,Glaucia Maria Funk.
The ability of a species to defend itself against a predator is directly correlated with its survivorship. Thus, prey/predator interaction mechanisms are important elements of the natural history of species. In this study, we examined the defensive repertoire of the South-American hognose snake (Xenodon dorbignyi) through simulations of predator attacks in the field. Nine defensive displays were observed. The most frequently observed displays were erratic movements, body flattening, head triangulation and tail display. No differences were detected in the defensive strategies shown by males and females, regardless of their reproductive state. Our findings suggest that X. dorbignyi has the ability to evaluate the level of threat imposed by the aggressor,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Defensive behavior; Predation; Snake; Display.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evaluation of the defensive behavior of two honeybee ecotypes using a laboratory test 74
Andere,Cecilia; Palacio,M.A.; Rodriguez,E.M.; Figini,E.; Dominguez,M.T.; Bedascarrasbure,E..
Honeybee defensive behavior is a useful selection criterion, especially in areas with Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L). In all genetic improvement programs the selected characters must be measured with precision, and because of this we evaluated a metabolic method for testing honeybee defensive behavior in the laboratory for its usefulness in distinguishing between honeybee ecotypes and selecting honeybees based on their level of defensive responses. Ten honeybee colonies were used, five having been produced by feral queens from a subtropical region supposedly colonized by Africanized honeybees and five by queens from a temperate region apparently colonized by European honeybees. We evaluate honeybee defensive behavior using a metabolic test based...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Honeybee; Defensive behavior; Oxygen consumption.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Head triangulation as anti-predatory mechanism in snakes 49
Dell'Aglio,Denise Dalbosco; Toma,Tiago Shizen Pacheco; Muelbert,Adriane Esquivel; Sacco,Anne Gomes; Tozetti,Alexandro Marques.
Anti-predator mechanisms in snakes are diverse and complex, including mimetic behavior. Some snakes triangulate their head, probably mimicking other more dangerous snakes. However, there is a lack of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of this behavior with natural predators. The aim of this study was to verify, using artificial snakes, if snakes with triangular heads are less susceptible to attack by predators, and if predatory attack is targeted to the head of serpents. Artificial snakes were systematically arranged on a road border. The rate of attacked models was 48.71%. Number of attacks on models with rounded head was significantly higher than in models with triangular head. There was a significant difference between the places of attack on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Artificial models; Defensive behavior; Mimicry; Predation rate; Reptiles.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Morphology, evolution and usage of urticating setae by tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae) 103
Bertani,Rogério; Guadanucci,José Paulo Leite.
Urticating setae are exclusive to New World tarantulas and are found in approximately 90% of the New World species. Six morphological types have been proposed and, in several species, two morphological types can be found in the same individual. In the past few years, there has been growing concern to learn more about urticating setae, but many questions still remain unanswered. After studying individuals from several theraphosid species, we endeavored to find more about the segregation of the different types of setae into different abdominal regions, and the possible existence of patterns; the morphological variability of urticating setae types and their limits; whether there is variability in the length of urticating setae across the abdominal area; and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ant; Defensive behavior; Phoridae; Urticaria; Urticating hair.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Natural history of the lizard Enyalius iheringii (Squamata, Leiosauridae) in southern Brazilian Atlantic forest 76
Rautenberg,Ricardo; Laps,Rudi R..
Studies on the natural history of the lizard Enyalius iheringii Boulenger, 1885, as well as other tropical lizards, are rare. In this study, some aspects of the natural history of this endemic species from the Atlantic forest are reported in areas of Vale do Itajaí, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Twenty individuals were found, of which 18 were collected. Most of them were found over the vegetation (n=17) and on the ground (n=3). The main defensive strategy displayed was camouflage (n=16). Jumping (n=1), jumping and running (n=1) and running (n=2) were also observed in some individuals. When handled, lizards exhibited mouth wide open, hissing, and occasionally biting, as well as color change in males. Regarding its diet, the numerically most important...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diet; Reproduction; Defensive behavior; Microhabitat use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Serotonergic modulation of face-emotion recognition 56
Del-Ben,C.M.; Ferreira,C.A.Q.; Alves-Neto,W.C.; Graeff,F.G..
Facial expressions of basic emotions have been widely used to investigate the neural substrates of emotion processing, but little is known about the exact meaning of subjective changes provoked by perceiving facial expressions. Our assumption was that fearful faces would be related to the processing of potential threats, whereas angry faces would be related to the processing of proximal threats. Experimental studies have suggested that serotonin modulates the brain processes underlying defensive responses to environmental threats, facilitating risk assessment behavior elicited by potential threats and inhibiting fight or flight responses to proximal threats. In order to test these predictions about the relationship between fearful and angry faces and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Facial expressions; Serotonin; Defensive behavior.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Venom production by Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera) and Africanized-European hybrids 79
This study used 15 beehives: five with Africanized queens sisters (Apis mellifera), five with Italian queens sisters (Apis mellifera ligustica), and five with Carniolan queens sisters (Apis mellifera carnica). The queens were fertilized naturally. This experiment was performed in the apiary of the Botucatu School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, UNESP, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The following data were obtained from the foraging bees: venom quantity in reservoir, 0.117±0.015, 0.139±0.020, and 0.147±0.024 (mg); venom quantity liberated in extraction apparatus, 0.073±0.012, 0.057±0.011 and 0.059±0.013 (mg); and sting electro stimulus threshold (volts), 10.75±1.37, 15.11±2.00, and 15.01±1.63 for Africanized, Italian x Africanized and Carniolan x...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Venom reservoir; Apis mellifera scutellata; Defensive behavior; Venom extraction apparatus; Africanized honeybees; Carniolan honeybees; Italian honeybees.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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