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Biosynthesis of proline in fruits of green bean plants: deficiency versustoxicity of nitrogen 85
Sánchez,E; Ávila-Quezada,G; Gardea,AA; Ruiz,JM; Romero,L.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of deficiency versus toxicity of N on biosynthesis of proline in fruits of green bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). Nitrogen was applied to the nutritive solution in the form of NH4NO3 at 1.5 mM (N1), 3.0 mM (N2), 6.0 mM (N3, optimal level), 12.0 mM (N4), 18.0 mM (N5), and 24.0 mM (N6). Nitrogen deficiency (N1 and N2) was characterized by having lower proline accumulation in pods and seeds, mainly because proline degradation was stimulated by the enzyme proline dehydrogenase. On the other hand, N toxicity (N4, N5, and N6) was characterized for accumulation of greater amounts of proline in pods and seeds due primarily to the greater activity of the enzyme...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris L; Proline metabolism; Green bean; Nitrogen; Deficiency; Toxicity.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Carência de macronutrientes e de boro em plantas de juta (Corchorus capsularis L.), variedade roxa. 14
VIEGAS, I. de J. M.; HAAG, H. P.; SILVA, J. F. da; MONTEIRO, F. A..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Macronutriente; Fertilizer; Deficiency; Macronutrient; Potasium; Sulphur; Adubação; Boro; Cálcio; Deficiência; Enxofre; Fósforo; Juta; Magnésio; Nitrogênio; Potássio; Calcium; Boron; Jute; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Nitrogen.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Changes in the ultrastructure of soybean cultivars in response to manganese supply in solution culture 63
Lavres Junior,José; Reis,André Rodrigues; Rossi,Mônica Lanzoni; Cabral,Cleusa Pereira; Nogueira,Neusa de Lima; Malavolta,Eurípedes.
The deleterious effects of Mn stress on many species have been studied, mainly concerning biochemical, physiological and growth parameters of plants. However, there are few studies relating the anatomical and ultrastructural changes in response to manganese (Mn) nutritional disorders, This study examined the leaf ultrastructure of Mn-inefficient (IAC-15, Santa Rosa) and Mn-efficient (IAC-Foscarin 31) soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes in response to three rates of Mn (0.5, 2 and 200 µmol L-1) in the nutrient solution. Symptoms of Mn deficiency developed 12 days after transplanting in IAC-15 and Santa Rosa, followed by IAC-Foscarin 31 on the 15th day. Only IAC-15 and Santa Rosa leaves showed symptoms of Mn toxicity. The Mn concentration in leaves ranged...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chloroplast; Deficiency; Plant nutrition; Toxicity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Classical Methods and Calculation Algorithms for Determining Lime Requirements 90
Guarçoni,André; Sobreira,Fabrício Moreira.
ABSTRACT The methods developed for determination of lime requirements (LR) are based on widely accepted principles. However, the formulas used for calculation have evolved little over recent decades, and in some cases there are indications of their inadequacy. The aim of this study was to compare the lime requirements calculated by three classic formulas and three algorithms, defining those most appropriate for supplying Ca and Mg to coffee plants and the smaller possibility of causing overliming. The database used contained 600 soil samples, which were collected in coffee plantings. The LR was estimated by the methods of base saturation, neutralization of Al3+, and elevation of Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents (two formulas) and by the three calculation algorithms....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: PH; Calcium; Magnesium; Deficiency; Overliming.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Deficiência de cálcio e fósforo em bubalinos no município de Portel, Estado do Pará. 14
CARDOSO, E. da C.; TEIXEIRA NETO, J. F.; SILVA, A. W. C. da; VEIGA, J. B. da; VALE, W. G.; ALENCAR, N. X. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bubalino; Portel; Pará; Brasil; Rachitis; Deficiency; Buffalo; Cálcio; Deficiência; Fósforo; Nutrição; Raquitismo; Amazonia; Calcium; Nutrition; Phosphorus.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Deficiências de cálcio, fósforo e cobre, e toxicidade pelo ferro em bubalinos na ilha de Marajó. 14
COSTA, N. A. da; MOREIRA, J. R. de A..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bubalino; Ilha do Marajó; Pará; Brasil; Buffalo; Deficiency; Intoxication; Bubalus Bubalis; Cálcio; Cobre; Deficiência; Ferro; Fósforo; Intoxicação; Mineral; Mortalidade; Amazonia; Copper; Calcium; Iron; Phosphorus; Mortality.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Diagnose de desordens nutricionais em hortaliças. 14
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Vegetable; Nutrient; Deficiency; Nutritional desorder; Deficiência; Distúrbio Fisiológico; Hortaliça; Nutriente.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Efecto de la aplicación de compost de cachaza y fertilizante químico en suelos calcáreos en la corrección de clorosis férrica y rendimiento de sorgo. 32
Cortez Hernández, Graciano.
En la Mixteca Poblana, predominan suelos calcáreos que por su pH alcalino impiden que las plantas puedan absorber los nutrimentos como hierro y zinc, ocasionando la clorosis férrica, afectando los cultivos de esta región, tales como: caña de azúcar, sorgo, maíz, frijol e incluso los árboles frutales, repercutiendo en el desarrollo, rendimiento y en casos severos la muerte de la planta. En esta región está ubicado el ingenio azucarero de Atencingo que genera anualmente 45 mil toneladas de desechos orgánicos (cachaza). El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la incorporación de compost de cachaza al suelo en la corrección de clorosis férrica y rendimiento de sorgo. Se incorporó compost de cachaza a razón de cero, cinco y diez t ha-1 en...
Palavras-chave: Dosis de fertilización; Compost de cachaza; Deficiencia; Nutrimentos; Fertilización orgánica; Dose of fertilization; Compost; Filter cake; Deficiency; Nutrients; Organic fertilizer; Maestría; EDAR; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Efeito de desordens nutricionais na síntese de polifenóis em guandu e leucena utilizadas na alimentação animal. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Síntese foliar; Desordem nutricional; Deficiency; Composto Fenólico; Nutriente; Silício; Toxidez; Deficiência; Guandu; Tanino; Phenolic compounds; Silicon; Toxicity; Tannins; Nutrition.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effects of Haemonchus contortus infection on sodium status of sheep 65
Ortolani,Enrico Lippi.
Eight five-month-old male lambs received a diet with marginal levels of sodium (0.5 g Na/kg DM); four lambs were given a single dose of infective Haemonchus contortus larvae (4,600 L3/ head) and four were kept uninfected. The lambs were slaughtered 30 days after the infection. Sodium concentration was determined in the abomasal fluid at the slaughter. The balance between intake and faecal excretion of sodium was evaluated. Saliva was collected at days zero, 20 and 30 to determine the Na:K ratio. The mean total worm burden retrieved was 1390. The infection increased abomasal sodium concentration (p< 0.001) and reduced faecal sodium excretion (p<0.02), but there was not a significant relationship between worm burden and abomasal (p >0.082) or faecal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Haemonchus contortus; Infection; Sheepj; Sodium; Balance; Deficiency.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evaluation of carcass traits, non-carcass components and 12th rib analysis of hair sheep supplemented with phosphorus 96
Louvandini,Helder; McManus,Concepta; Dallago,Bruno Steffano; Machado,Bruno de Oliveira; Antunes,Dalton Araujo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of sheep supplemented with phosphorus (P) using carcass traits and analysis of 12th rib. Twenty male lambs weighing 13.88 ± 2.51 kg and grazing Andropogon gayanus pasture were divided in two treatments of 10 animals each. In group P, animals were supplemented with 3 g phosphorus/animal/day, while in group NP no P supplementation was given. After 82 days the animals were slaughtered and carcass measurements were taken. The 12th rib was also removed for analysis. No significant differences in body weight, carcass yield, or commercial cut weights were found between both treatments, except for liver and kidneys that were heavier in the supplemented group (p=0.0954). The 12th rib analysis showed that the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lambs; Deficiency; Growth; Mineral; Santa Inês.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Nitrogen metabolism in roots and leaves of green bean plants exposed to different phosphorus doses 85
Sánchez,E.; Ávila-Quezada,G.; Gardea,A.A.; Muñoz,E.; Ruiz,J.M.; Romero,L..
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of different P doses on nitrogen assimilation in roots and leaves of green beans plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). Phosphorus was applied in the nutrient solution as H3PO4, at the nutrient doses of: P1 = 0.40 mM; P2 = 0.80 mM; P3 = 1.60 mM; P4 = 3.20 mM; P5 = 4.80 mM, and P6 = 6.40 mM P. Our results indicate that both P toxicity and deficiency gave similar responses to N assimilation. Phosphorus and NO3 - interacted on the absorption and translocation processes affecting N assimilation. The deficiency (P1), and toxicity (P6) treatments, diminished root absorption of NO3- in 15% and 36%, respectively, respect to the optimum dose (P3), thus reducing nutrient availability for assimilation. This...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris L.; Nitrogen metabolism; Green bean; Phosphorus; Deficiency; Toxicity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Ocorrência do amarelão no meloeiro e seu controle. 14
FARIA, C. M. B. de; PEREIRA, J. R..
Sintomatologia; Resultados de testes realizados
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Amarelão; Deficiency; Melon; Melão; Deficiência; Nutrição; Nutrition.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Routine soil testing to monitor heavy metals and boron 63
Abreu,Cleide Aparecida de; van Raij,Bernardo; Abreu,Mônica Ferreira de; González,Antonio Paz.
Microelements are an important issue in agriculture, due to their need as micronutrients for plants and also to the possibility of the build-up of toxic levels for plants and animals. Five micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) are routinely determined in soil analysis for advisory purposes. Other four elements (Cd, Cr, Pb, and Ni) are considered environmentally important heavy metals in farmland soils. Thus high contents of these metals in cropland might go eventually unnoticed. In this paper we present an approach that can be used to monitor the contents of the nine elements in farmland soils using advisory soil testing. A total of 13,416 soil samples from 21 Brazilian states, 58% of them from the state of São Paulo, sent by farmers were analyzed. Boron...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil analyses; Micronutrients; Heavy metals; Deficiency; Toxicity; Interpretation limits.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Selenium in bovine plasma, soil and forage measured by neutron activation analysis 45
Gil,S.; Hevia,S.; Dallorso,M.; Resnizky,S..
A deficiência de selênio já foi identificada pela medição da atividade da enzima glutationa de peroxidase no sangue de animais (vacas) criados em certas regiões do Pampa Úmido, mais especificamente na cidade de Nueve de Julio (Buenos Aires - Argentina). Em trabalho anterior, a análise de ativação neutrônica confirmou esses baixos níveis de selênio em uma determinada fazenda de cria para gado de corte. Neste trabalho, foram analisados os níveis de selênio no solo, na forragem e no plasma dos animais do mesmo estabelecimento. A população analisada (n=60) apresentou níveis de selênio abaixo do normal (30,1 ± 4,6µg/ml). De maneira semelhante, a concentração de selênio da forragem consumida - matéria seca igual a 30% - proveniente de uma área de baixada do...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Selenium; Deficiency; Cows; Neutron activation analysis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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