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A collection of marine fishes from Angola, with notes on new distribution records OceanDocs
Denis Tweddle; Eric Anderson.
Collections of fishes from demersal trawl surveys to 800 m depth off the Angolan coast in 2001, 2002 and 2005 resulted in several range extensions tabulated here. Specimens of species poorly represented in previous collections allowed improved diagnoses of Myxine ios, Torpedo bauchotae, Dysommina rugosa, Pisodonophis semicinctus, Xenomystax congroides, Lestidiops cadenati, Ophidion lozanoi, Cataetyx bruuni, Dibranchus atlanticus, Diceratias pileatus, Himantolophus paucifilosus, Neomerinthe folgori, Careproctus albescens, Paracaristius maderensis and Pachycara crossacanthum. All specimens accessioned into the Fish Collection of the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity are listed and colour plates show a selection of species from the trawl catches
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fish; Trawls; Fish species; Marine fish.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Are we ready to track climate‐driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? ‐ A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data ArchiMer
Maureaud, Aurore; Frelat, Romain; Pécuchet, Laurène; Shackell, Nancy; Mérigot, Bastien; Pinsky, Malin L.; Amador, Kofi; Anderson, Sean C.; Arkhipkin, Alexander; Auber, Arnaud; Barri, Iça; Bell, Richard J.; Belmaker, Jonathan; Beukhof, Esther; Camara, Mohamed L.; Guevara‐carrasco, Renato; Choi, Junghwa; Christensen, Helle T.; Conner, Jason; Cubillos, Luis A.; Diadhiou, Hamet D.; Edelist, Dori; Emblemsvåg, Margrete; Ernst, Billy; Fairweather, Tracey P.; Fock, Heino O.; Friedland, Kevin D.; Garcia, Camilo B; Gascuel, Didier; Gislason, Henrik; Goren, Menachem; Guitton, Jérôme; Jouffre, Didier; Hattab, Tarek; Hidalgo, Manuel; Kathena, Johannes N.; Knuckey, Ian; Kidé, Saïkou O.; Koen‐alonso, Mariano; Koopman, Matt; Kulik, Vladimir; León, Jacqueline P; Levitt‐barmats, Ya’arit; Lindegren, Martin; Llope, Marcos; Massiot‐granier, Félix; Masski, Hicham; Mclean, Matthew; Meissa, Beyah; Mérillet, Laurene; Mihneva, Vesselina; Nunoo, Francis K. E.; O'Driscoll, Richard; O'Leary, Cecilia A.; Petrova, Elitsa; Ramos, Jorge E.; Refes, Wahid; Román‐marcote, Esther; Siegstad, Helle; Sobrino, Ignacio; Sólmundsson, Jón; Sonin, Oren; Spies, Ingrid; Steingrund, Petur; Stephenson, Fabrice; Stern, Nir; Tserkova, Feriha; Tserpes, Georges; Tzanatos, Evangelos; Rijn, Itai; Zwieten, Paul A. M.; Vasilakopoulos, Paraskevas; Yepsen, Daniela V.; Ziegler, Philippe; Thorson, James.
Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of data availability, and mismatch between data and real species distributions. To assess the extent of this challenge, we review the global status and accessibility of ongoing scientific bottom trawl surveys. In total, we gathered metadata for 283,925 samples from 95 surveys conducted regularly from 2001 to 2019. We identified that 59% of the metadata collected are not publicly available, highlighting that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom trawl survey; Climate change; Demersal fish; Fisheries policy; Global data synthesis; Open science; Species distribution; Transboundary conservation.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC): a generic tool to estimate the food profitability in coastal fish nurseries ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Le Bris, H.; Brind'Amour, Anik.
The benthic production of prey seems to be one of the main drivers among many environmental factors that influence the quality of fish nurseries and potentially limit their carrying capacity. However, the contribution of food availability in the growth and survival of juveniles is still controversial. The Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC) aims to assess the trophic profitability of benthic invertebrate prey; this concept reflects the combination of energy richness and availability of prey. A value of the coefficient was associated with each prey species. This value was calculated from the product of 4 components: (1) mass energy, (2) productivity, (3) regeneration, and (4) accessibility. Thus, this coefficient is expressed as a quantity of energy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predator-prey relationship; Secondary production; Prey availability; Demersal fish; Nursery habitat; Carrying capacity; Bioenergetics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Bony fish bycatch in the southern Brazil pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis and F. paulensis) fishery BABT
Vianna,Marcelo; Almeida,Tabajara.
Trawling for pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis and F. paulensis) catches also large quantities of fish, mostly bony fish, which are discarded, as they have no commercial value. Their composition and abundance were studied in an area that corresponded to the southeastern coastline of Brazil. Ninety one species were registered. Incidental fishing affected mainly small individuals and occured throughout the year. The year round rate of bony fish to shrimp catches was 10,5:1,0. Three assemblages of bony fishes could be identified, influenced by the seasonal variation of the water masses, the predominant group being associated with the Coastal Water, another with the penetration of colder waters onto the platform (SACW) and a third group of a more...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bycatch; Bony fishes; Demersal fish; Shrimp fisheries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Deep-sea demersal fish density estimates compared from simultaneous net catches and photography ArchiMer
Russell, Ra; Serafy, J.
The numbers of fish caught and photographed in the eastern North Atlantic (49-52°N and 10-15°W) were compared from 46 hauts, made between 1979 and 1983 using an epibenthic sledge with an ancillary camera. There were 1966 specimens captured and 258 photographed. Fish species of similar appearance were grouped to aid identification from photographs. The 20 speciesjgroups common to both gears were represented by 83.6% of the specimens captured. Although there was good correlation between the numbers, catch density was about one third of that photographed, demonstrating how much such estimates may be at variance. Larger species showed a greater discrepancy, to suggest net avoidance. A bow-wave might sweep aside less active animais. The camera also demonstrated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthos; Faune démersale; Densité de poissons; Photographies; Deep-sea; Demersal fish; Fish densities; Photographs.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Diversidad de peces demersales en la plataforma continental del Ecuador OceanDocs
Coello, D.; Herrera, M..
A partir de información colectada de cuatro cruceros de investigación a bordo del B/l Tohalli, se analiza la diversidad de peces óseos y elasmobranquios presentes en la plataforma continental del Ecuador. Los valores medios de diversidad estimados indican que tanto las poblaciones de peces óseos y condrictios demersales hasta los 120 m de profundidad presenten heterogeneidad, con un grado significativo de organización. Las fluctuaciones en el índice de diversidad en las diferentes subáreas y estratos estarán relacionadas probablemente con la variabilidad climática. Los mínimos observados se deducen como resultado de la dominancia de Raja equatorialis, R. velezi, Pomadasys sp., y Prionotus stephanophrys, así como un descenso en el número de especies...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fish; Species diversity; Biological sampling.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Diversity and stability of demersal species assemblages in the Gulf of Guinea OceanDocs
Koranteng, K.A..
The structure of demersal fish assemblages on the continental shelf and upper continental slope of the Gulf of Guinea is described. Community structure is determined primarily by depth and type of sediment on the seabed. Changes in the composition of the identified species assemblages over a 25-year period are examined. The dynamics of the assemblages are influenced by physico-chemical parameters of the water masses, mainly temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, which are periodically modified by the seasonal coastal upwelling that occurs in the western Gulf of Guinea. Increased irresponsible fishing operations (like the use of explosives) that lead to habitat alteration and other anthropogenic activities like oil and gas exploration which have the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Assemblages; Ecosystems; Demersal fish; Ecosystems; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Dynamics of harvested demersal fish communities: analysis of the species diversity in the Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) and in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea). ArchiMer
Blanchard, Fabian.
Species diversity variations between the demersal fish assemblages of the Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) and of the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea) are analysed on a decade scale. The aim of this study is to interpret the dynamics of these two communities characterised by different level of fishing intensity. Data come from trawl surveys carried out for the direct evaluation of the demersal stocks abundance from 1983 to 1997. Diversity indices used are the Hill's indices N1 and N2, the species richness S, the evenness J', the K-dominance curves and the life strategy of the dominant species. Three demersal fish assemblages are defined in the community of the Bay of Biscay and in that of the Gulf of Lions: coastal, continental shelf, and continental slope....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lions; Bay of Biscay; Demersal fish; Community dynamics; Species diversity.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Effets de l'exploitation par la pêche sur la dynamique de diversité des peuplements de poissons démersaux : analyse comparée du rôle des interactions entre espèces dans le golfe de Gascogne et dans le golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Blanchard, Fabian.
This work deals with the fishing effects on the diversity dynamics of demersal fish communities, focusing on the biotic interactions. Multispecies indices are used in order to characterize the demersal fish community dynamics of the Bay of Biscay and of the Gulf of Lions. These are the diversity indices, the temporal variability of the total biomass and of the slope of the number size spectra and the slope of the species-area curves (spatial segregation). The yearly bottom trawl surveys EVHOE, CHALIST and MEDITS, carried out in these two areas since 1983 by IFREMER for the stocks assessment provide the data. The differences between areas are related to a fishing index (mean value of the annual landings of demersal fish per surface area). Other areas are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lions; Bay of Biscay; Medits; Chalist; Evhoe; Fishing effect; Diversity; Demersal fish; Golfe du Lion; Golge de Gascogne; Medits; Chalist; Evhoe; Descripteurs; Diversité des peuplements; Poissons démersaux.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Ensambles de peces en los arrecifes norpatagónicos: diversidad, abundancia y relaciones tróficas y con el hábitat OceanDocs
Galvan, D.E..
This study describes the structure and seasonal dynamics of the reef fish assemblages that inhabit the Nuevo and San José gulfs of the Argentine coast. It analyzes relationships between the structure of the assemblage and several habitat variables, with emphasis on shelter availability and refuge characteristics. The diets and feeding strategies of the most conspicuous fish species are described and their impact on the density of one of their preys is evaluated. The northern Patagonian gulfs are in a temperate region (41° – 43° Lat. S) and are characterized by large extensions of sandy bottoms scattered by patches of rocky outcrops that form reefs. The fish assemblage associated to these reefs is low in species richness and has components of the...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reef fish; Demersal fish; Ecological associations; Assemblages; Feeding; Feeding; Ecological associations; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Estimation des stocks de poissons des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : 2 – Stocks des poissons de fond et des poissons associés aux récifs coralliens ArchiMer
Kulbicki, M; Labrosse, Pierre; Letourneur, Y.
Fish stocks found on lagoon bottoms and near reefs are characterized by a high diversity and heterogeneous habitat which make stock estimation difficult. In particular, it is necessary to combine several methods in order to evaluate the major components of these stocks. The present study aimed at estimating reef fish stocks in the Northern Province of New Caledonia, a region where they represent a major target for the local fishermen. These estimates were based on experimental fishing with handlines and bottom longlines. Handlines were used to assess the stocks near reefs, and longlines for those in areas away from reefs and on lagoon soft bottoms. Handline stations (363) were sampled in three different regions (west, north and east lagoons) and three...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Poissons démersaux; Évaluation de stocks; Palangrottes; Lignes à main; Fonds meubles; Récifs; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Océan Pacifique; Demersal fish; Stock assessment; Handline; Longline; Soft bottoms; Reefs; SW New Caledonia; Pacific Ocean.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Estimation par chalutage des ressources démersales du plateau continental mauritanien:Missions du N/O N'Diago ND 8703D (septembre-octobre 1986 et mars-avril 1987) OceanDocs
Girardin, M..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Estimation population; Fishery technology; Fish counters; Demersal fish; Demersal fisheries.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Etat des stocks de poissons demersaux dans la zone économique mauritanienne OceanDocs
Overko, S.; Boukatine, P.; Ly, B.; Tchernichkov, P. P..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish stocksocks; Demersal fish; Hydrology; Ichthyology; Species; Demersal fisheries.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Laurec, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel; Biseau, Alain; Durand, Jean-louis; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques; Dupouy, Herve; Le Louarn, G.; Leroux, L..
The general study, scheduled from 1984 to 1986, aims at providing a judgement about the fisheries in the Celtic Sea. This area has been chosen because it is frequented by EEC vessels with, for the time being, a large majority of French vessels. Activities there are easier to monitor than anywhere else as coastal fisheries are little developed in the area. The final product will consist of a certain number of hypotheses about the planning strategies that could be implemented in the Celtic Sea. The main idea is, firstly, to conduct analytical studies, stock by stock, in order then, to synthesize them into a model integrating the interactions between fleets in relation to their target species. A bio-economical model, deriving from the latter, will enable the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monk; Cuckoo ray; Blue whiting; Cod; Hake; Ling; Common dab; Data bases; Fishing statistics; French fisheries; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Baudroies; Raie fleurie; Julienne; Cardine; Morue; Merlu; Merlan; Base de données; Rejets; Statistiques de pêche; Pêcheries françaises; Poissons demersaux; Langoustine; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique (phase 1) ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain; Noel, Philippe; Ottenheimer De Gail, G.; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
This study of the demersal and benthic fisheries in the Celtic Sea is the logical continuation of the works conducted on the scampi fisheries since 1978. The program of the first phase of the study consists of 1 - A description of fisheries in the Celtic Sea. 2 – An assessment of the rejection of the marketable species in each fishery, with a special mention for fish fisheries. 3 – The constitution a computerized database including international fishing statistics since 1980. 4 – The sampling of the unloading of seven main species or groups of species: - cod and whiting, already sampled (length and age) regularly since 1978 in order to provide data to the CIEM workgroup. "Irish Sea – Bristol Channel", - scampi, sampled since 1980 in the scope of the CIEM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cartography; Ray; Monk; Common dab; Hake; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Cartographie; Rejets; Raie; Baudroie; Cardine; Merlu; Poissons demersaux; Langoustines; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Fishing effects on the diversity dynamics of demersal fish communities. Comparative analysis of the role of the interactions between specices in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gulf of Lion (France). ArchiMer
Blanchard, Fabian.
This work deals with the fishing effects on the diversity dynamics of demersal fish communities, focusing on the biotic interactions. Multispecies indices were used in order to characterise the demersal fish community dynamics of the Bay of Biscay and of the Gulf of Lions. These are the diversity indices, the temporal variability of the total biomass and of the slope of the number size spectra and the slope of the species-area curves (spatial segregation). The data were provided by yearly bottom trawl surveys EVHOE, CHALIST and MEDITS carried out in these two areas since 1983 by IFREMER for stock assessment. The differences between areas are related to a fishing index (mean value of the annual landings of demersal fish per surface area). Other areas are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Demersal fish; ANE; Bay of Biscay; Gulf of Lions; Fish communities; Fishing impact; Biodiversity; Biotic interactions; Spatial segregation; Biomass variability; Size spectrum.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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High-Resolution Acoustic Cameras Provide Direct and Efficient Assessments of Large Demersal Fish Populations in Extremely Turbid Waters ArchiMer
Artero, Celine; Marchetti, Simon; Bauer, Eric; Viala, Christophe; Noël, Claire; Koenig, Christopher; Berzins, Rachel; Lampert, Luis.
Monitoring fish species populations in very turbid environments is challenging. Acoustic cameras allow work in very poor visibility but are often deployed as a fixed observation point, limiting the scope of the survey. A BlueView P900-130 acoustic camera was deployed in rocky marine habitats off the coast of French Guiana in order to assess the total abundance, size structure and spatial distribution of a demersal fish population. The relevancy of using an acoustic camera to achieve these three objectives was evaluated by comparing acoustic data to those obtained from fishing surveys. The detection and identification of large demersal fish species were possible with the shape and size of the acoustic signal and acoustic shadow silhouette as well as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish stock survey; Turbid waters; Acoustic camera; Demersal fish; Distribution; Detectability.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Influence of food availability on the spatial distribution of juvenile fish within soft sediment nursery habitats ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Brind'Amour, Anik; Woillez, Mathieu; Le Bris, H..
Soft sediments in coastal shallow waters constitute nursery habitats for juveniles of several flatfishes. The quality of a nursery is defined by its capacity to optimize the growth and the survival of juvenile fish. The influence of biotic factors, such as food availability, is poorly studied at the scale of a nursery ground. Whether food availability limits juvenile survival is still uncertain. A spatial approach is used to understand the influence of food availability on the distribution of juvenile fish of various benthic and demersal species in the Bay of Vilaine (France), a productive nursery ground. We quantified the spatial overlap between benthic macro-invertebrates and their predators (juvenile fish) to assess if the latter were spatially covering...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predator-prey relationship; Nursery habitat; Flatfish; Demersal fish; Benthic invertebrates; Spatial overlap; Food limitation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Mudanças temporais na abundância e diversidade da fauna de peixes do infralitoral raso de uma praia, sul do Brasil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Godefroid,Rodrigo S.; Spach,Henry L.; Santos,Cesar; MacLaren,Guilherme; Schwarz Jr.,Roberto.
Abundance and diversity of the fish fauna in the shallow infralittoral region of Atami Beach, Paraná, Brazil, were studied through monthly collections between July 1998 and June 1999. A total of 7553 fishes from 70 species and 26 families, mainly juvenile forms, was captured in the area. The mean captures in number of species, number of fish and biomass were larger from the end of spring to the middle of autumn; seasonal tendency in richness, diversity (number) and equitability indices were not observed. The largest mean dissimilarity in the composition of the ichthyofauna occurred between June and May in comparison to the period between July and October. The species that contributed most to this dissimilarity were Selene setapinnis (Mitchill, 1815),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Demersal fish; Temporal variation; Abundance; Diversity; Brazil.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Projet ANCRE-DMX2 : Indicateurs biologiques et écologiques pour une gestion durable des stocks de poissons DéMersauX profonds (100–700 m) d’intérêt halieutique à La Réunion ArchiMer
Roos, David; Aumond, Yoann; Huet, Jerome; Bruchon, Franck.
L'usage de la ligne à main mécanisée (moulinet électrique) s'est développé à La Réunion au cours des années 2000. Ce métier s’est développé à la suite d’une campagne de prospection des ressources halieutiques profondes (200-700m), menée conjointement par le CRPMEM et l’Ifremer en 2000. L’objectif de cette campagne par pêche au moulinet électrique visait à identifier de nouvelles ressources démersales à des fins de diversification pour la petite pêche artisanale côtière professionnelle réunionnaise. Ainsi, les premiers résultats de cette étude avaient mis en évidence l'existence de nouvelles espèces et des stocks encore peu exploités à l’époque. Leur exploitation par la pêche professionnelle mais aussi par la pêche plaisancière s’est dès lors développée...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Poissons démersaux; Pêche profonde; La Réunion; Pêche artisanale côtière; Indicateurs biologiques et écologiques; Stock halieutique; Lutjanidae; Bramidae; Epinephelidae; Squalidae; Ligne à main mécanisée; Isotopes stables; Contenus stomacaux; Génétique; Sclérochronologie; Demersal fish; Deepwater fishery; Reunion island; Artisanal fishery; Bio-ecological indices; Fish stock; Lutjanidae; Bramidae; Epinephelidae; Squalidae; Electric reel fishing gear; Isotopic analyses; Stomach contents; Genetic; Sclerochronology.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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