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A model for the phenotypic plasticity of North sea herring growth in relation to trophic conditions ArchiMer
Shinn, Yunne-jai; Rochet, Marie-joelle.
An adaptation of the von Bertalanffy growth model is formulated to describe the phenotypic plasticity of fish somatic growth in relation to trophic conditions. The model is developed for the North sea Downs herring (Clupea harengus). II suggests that annual growth variability during 1974-1990 was mainly due to the combined effects of herring abundance and wind-induced turbulence (coincident with the spring stratification of the water column). Springtime turbulences cause reduced and delayed planktonic blooms preceding the annual foraging period of Downs herring. The negative relation observed between herring abundance and growth is hypothesized to be due to intra-specific competition for trophic resources. Incorporated into the calculation of yield per...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle de croissance; Densité-dépendance; Plasticité phénotypique; Clupea harengus; Hareng de mer du Nord; Gestion des pêches; Growth model; Density dependence; Phenotypic plasticity; Fishery management; Clupea harengus; North sea herring.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Contribution à l'étude de la dynamique du thon rouge Atlantique - Approches écologiques et océanographiques ArchiMer
Royer, Francois.
[1] The spatial and temporal dynamics of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, are here investigated through data analysis and statistical modelling. The local, regional and global scales are considered successively. A phenomenological approach is favoured, as well the extended use of image processing tools and estimation theory techniques. Their potential role in partially observed or ill-defined problems in marine ecology is presented and discussed. The acute need for frequency-explicit methods is in particular stressed out. Hypothesis testing and significance testing of ecological space/time processes are further discussed. [2] The first chapter depicts how surface fronts can structure the pelagic habitat: dedicated detection and mapping tools are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Archival tags; Kalman filter; Density dependence; Oceanic fronts; Time series; Thunnus thynnus; Marques archives; Filtre de Kalman; Densite dependence; Fronts oceaniques; Series temporelles; Thunnus thynnus.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Density-dependent growth of bivalves dominating the intertidal zone of Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania: importance of feeding mode, habitat and season ArchiMer
Van Der Geest, Matthijs; Van Der Lely, Jorge A. C.; Van Gils, Jan A.; Piersma, Theunis; Lok, Tamar.
Accurate predictions of population dynamics require an understanding of the ways by which environmental conditions and species-specific traits affect the magnitude of density dependence. Here, we evaluated the potential impact of season and habitat (characterized by sediment grain size and seagrass biomass) on the magnitude of density dependence in shell growth of 3 infaunal bivalve species dominating the tropical intertidal benthic communities of Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Two of our focal species were filter feeders (Senilia senilis and Pelecyora isocardia) and one was a facultative mixotroph (Loripes orbiculatus), mainly relying on organic carbon provided by sulphide-oxidizing endosymbiotic gill-bacteria (i.e. chemosymbiotic). Distinguishing 2 seasons,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carrying capacity; Chemosymbiosis; Density dependence; Environmental heterogeneity; Feeding guild; Seagrass; Soft-sediment habitat.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Does the concept of spawning per recruit make sense? ArchiMer
Rochet, Marie-joelle.
Density dependence means that exploited fish populations exhibit earlier maturity, a faster growth rate, increased fecundity and reduced egg size. Here, the consequences of these effects on population dynamics, the estimation of spawning biomass per recruit and associated biological reference points are examined by a simulation model. The model is a self-regenerating model in which the population parameters (age at maturity, growth, fecundity, egg size) vary according to three classes of population abundance. Early life stages are characterized by a size-dependent growth and mortality model. It is concluded that spawning per recruit is an ambiguous concept because, if density dependence occurs in the adult population, the spawning biomass of a cohort is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Teleost fishes; Population dynamics; Life history; Density dependence; Biological reference points.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Effects of stocking density on dispersal behavior of Brazilian freshwater dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) in a subtropical river headwater Neotropical Ichthyology
Schulz,Uwe Horst; Leal,Mateus Evangelista.
Juvenile freshwater dourados (Salminus brasiliensis Cuvier) were stocked in two batches of different size (61 and 133 individuals) with a time lag of 41 days in the headwaters of the Sinos River. A subsample of 25 fish was radio-tagged. Released juveniles displayed a density dependent dispersal pattern. During the first ten days mean covered distance of tagged batch 1 individuals (low density) was approximately 24 m d-1, while batch 2 individuals (high density) moved 296 m d-1. Activity of batch 1 fish increased after the release of batch 2 and remained high (459 m d-1) until 90 days. Activity of batch 2 fish during this period was in same range. After this period, activity levels of both batches decreased to about 60 m d-1. Increased movements in higher...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Density dependence; Dispersal; Intraspecific competition; Movements.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impact of Environmental Covariation in Growth and Mortality on Evolving Maturation Reaction Norms ArchiMer
Marty, Lise; Dieckmann, Ulf; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Ernande, Bruno.
Maturation age and size have important fitness consequences through their effects on survival probabilities and body sizes. The evolution of maturation reaction norms in response to environmental covariation in growth and mortality is therefore a key subject of life-history theory. The eco-evolutionary model we present and analyze here incorporates critical features that earlier studies of evolving maturation reaction norms have often neglected: the trade-off between growth and reproduction, source-sink population structure, and population regulation through density-dependent growth and fecundity. We report the following findings. First, the evolutionarily optimal age at maturation can be decomposed into the sum of a density-dependent and a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phenotypic plasticity; Growth-reproduction trade-off; Source-sink population structure; Density dependence; Selection gradient.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Introduced herbivores and the Allee effect in animal-pollinated plants Ecología austral
Vázquez,Diego P.
Interspecific interactions can be modulated by the community context in which they occur. In this paper I focus on plant-pollinator interactions and their modulation by introduced herbivores through changes in plant population density. I first develop a mathematical model that relates the population density of an animal-pollinated plant species with pollinator visitation frequency, pollination, reproduction and per capita growth rate. This model allows me to investigate how several pollination-related parameters -including relative abundance of the focal plant species, pollinator specialization, pollination quantity and quality and pollen limitation of reproduction- influence the relationship between per capita growth rate and population density. I then...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Allee effect; Density dependence; Introduced herbivores; Mutualism; Plant reproduction; Pollination; Pollinator specialization and generalization; Population dynamics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Isotopic and elemental compositions reveal density‐dependent nutrition pathways in a population of mixotrophic jellyfish ArchiMer
Djeghri, Nicolas; Pondaven, Philippe; Stockenreiter, Maria; Behl, Stephan; Huang, Jessica Y. T.; Hansen, Thomas; Patris, Sharon; Ucharm, Gerda; Stibor, Herwig.
Mixotrophic organisms are increasingly recognized as important components of ecosystems, but the factors controlling their nutrition pathways (in particular their autotrophy–heterotrophy balance) are little known. Both autotrophy and heterotrophy are expected to respond to density‐dependent mechanisms but not necessarily in the same direction and/or strength. We hypothesize that the autotrophy–heterotrophy balance of mixotrophic organisms might therefore be a function of population densities. To investigate this relationship, we sampled mixotrophic jellyfish holobionts (host, Mastigias papua etpisoni; symbiont, Cladocopium sp.) in a marine lake (Palau, Micronesia) on six occasions (from 2010 to 2018). Over this period, population densities varied ~100...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Density dependence; Jellyfish; Marine lakes; Mixotrophy; Stable isotopes; Symbiosis; Zooxanthellae.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Novel approach for testing the food limitation hypothesis in estuarine and coastal fish nurseries ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Le Bris, H; Saulnier, E; Le Pape, Olivier; Brind'Amour, Anik.
Survival success of early life stages of fish is regulated by density-dependent effects, but the limiting factors explaining these effects have not been well identified. In coastal habitats, juveniles of many fish species occur in high concentrations and possibly compete for food resources. This study compared the ratio of food consumption to benthic prey production to test whether food availability is a major factor defining the carrying capacity of fish nurseries. We developed a method to quantify the exploitation efficiency (also called ecotrophic efficiency) of the juvenile fish feeding on benthic prey, expressed as a ratio of food consumption to food production. This method includes many sources of uncertainty and a key parameter of prey...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exploitation efficiency; Predator-prey relationship; Food consumption; Fish juvenile; Nursery habitat; Bioenergetics; Density dependence; Carrying capacity; Secondary production.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Recurrent and density-dependent patterns in long-term fluctuations of Atlantic bluefin tuna trap catches ArchiMer
Royer, Francois; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
We present a methodology for the non-linear analysis of long-term ecological time series. Using a time-delay embedding procedure, we investigated the complexity of 1-dimensional signals and compared their structure to their stochastic counterparts. Recurrence-based statistics and surrogate testing were used for this purpose. The method was first tested on elementary models for illustrative purposes and its potentialities and limits reviewed. We then investigated the time structure of 6 Mediterranean bluefin tuna trap catches known to display long-term fluctuations. These time series showed significantly more determinism than linear stochastic processes, displaying more recurring patterns/states than stochastic surrogates. The short term structure of these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Embedding; Surrogate testing; Density dependence; Recurrence; Thunnus thynnus.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Regulación denso-dependiente del crecimiento individual de la almeja púrpura (Amiantis purpurata, Lamarck 1818) OceanDocs
Pappalardo, M.P.; Morsan, E.M..
In this study we analyze growth, mortality and estimated biomass trend of purple clam, Amiantis purpurata, population placed in Playa Villarino, (Northern San Matias gulf, Argentina) in the southern most boundary of its geographical distribution. Previously, the population structure was described composed by three consecutive cohorts settled among 1978-1980, and the individual growth rate showed high spatial variability. The hypothesis to test in this study is that growth rate is regulated by local biomass. We choice four sites with different densities, to assess growth rate, natural mortality and retrospective estimated biomass trend. During February 2003, densities and growth rate (using external growth bands measurements) were analyzed matching with a...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth rate; Clam fisheries; Mortality; Growth curves; Density dependence; Biomass; Growth; Biomass.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Understanding patterns and processes in models of trophic cascades ArchiMer
Heath, Michael R.; Speirs, Douglas C.; Steele, John H..
Climate fluctuations and human exploitation are causing global changes in nutrient enrichment of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and declining abundances of apex predators. The resulting trophic cascades have had profound effects on food webs, leading to significant economic and societal consequences. However, the strength of cascades-that is the extent to which a disturbance is diminished as it propagates through a food web-varies widely between ecosystems, and there is no formal theory as to why this should be so. Some food chain models reproduce cascade effects seen in nature, but to what extent is this dependent on their formulation? We show that inclusion of processes represented mathematically as density-dependent regulation of either consumer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom-up; Density dependence; Food chain; Food web; Harvesting; Model; Predator-prey; Simulation; Top-down.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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