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Desmin: molecular interactions and putative functions of the muscle intermediate filament protein BJMBR
Costa,M.L.; Escaleira,R.; Cataldo,A.; Oliveira,F.; Mermelstein,C.S..
Desmin is the intermediate filament (IF) protein occurring exclusively in muscle and endothelial cells. There are other IF proteins in muscle such as nestin, peripherin, and vimentin, besides the ubiquitous lamins, but they are not unique to muscle. Desmin was purified in 1977, the desmin gene was characterized in 1989, and knock-out animals were generated in 1996. Several isoforms have been described. Desmin IFs are present throughout smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, but can be more concentrated in some particular structures, such as dense bodies, around the nuclei, around the Z-line or in costameres. Desmin is up-regulated in muscle-derived cellular adaptations, including conductive fibers in the heart, electric organs, some myopathies, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Desmin; Intermediate filaments; Muscle; Myogenesis; Myopathy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Dynamic expression of desmin, α-SMA and TGF-β1 during hepatic fibrogenesis induced by selective bile duct ligation in young rats BJMBR
Gonçalves,J.O.; Tannuri,A.C.A.; Coelho,M.C.M.; Bendit,I.; Tannuri,U..
We previously described a selective bile duct ligation model to elucidate the process of hepatic fibrogenesis in children with biliary atresia or intrahepatic biliary stenosis. Using this model, we identified changes in the expression of alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) both in the obstructed parenchyma and in the hepatic parenchyma adjacent to the obstruction. However, the expression profiles of desmin and TGF-β1, molecules known to be involved in hepatic fibrogenesis, were unchanged when analyzed by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Thus, the molecular mechanisms involved in the modulation of liver fibrosis in this experimental model are not fully understood. This study aimed to evaluate the molecular changes in an experimental model...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alpha smooth muscle actin; Desmin; Hepatic fibrogenesis; Selective bile duct ligation; RT-PCR; TGF-β1.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The cytoskeleton of the electric tissue of Electrophorus electricus, L. Anais da ABC (AABC)
The electric eel Electrophorus electricus is a fresh water teleost showing an electrogenic tissue that produces electric discharges. This electrogenic tissue is distributed in three well-defined electric organs which may be found symmetrically along both sides of the eel. These electric organs develop from muscle and exhibit several biochemical properties and morphological features of the muscle sarcolema. This review examines the contribution of the cytoskeletal meshwork to the maintenance of the polarized organization of the electrocyte, the cell that contains all electric properties of each electric organ. The cytoskeletal filaments display an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the highly specialized membrane model system of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Electrophorus electricus; Cytoskeleton; Desmin; Actin; Alpha-actinin; Vinculin.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Three days of intermittent stretching after muscle disuse alters the proteins involved in force transmission in muscle fibers in weanling rats BJMBR
Gianelo,M.C.S.; Polizzelo,J.C.; Chesca,D.; Mattiello-Sverzut,A.C..
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of intermittent passive manual stretching on various proteins involved in force transmission in skeletal muscle. Female Wistar weanling rats were randomly assigned to 5 groups: 2 control groups containing 21- and 30-day-old rats that received neither immobilization nor stretching, and 3 test groups that received 1) passive stretching over 3 days, 2) immobilization for 7 days and then passive stretching over 3 days, or 3) immobilization for 7 days. Maximal plantar flexion in the right hind limb was imposed, and the stretching protocol of 10 repetitions of 30 s stretches was applied. The soleus muscles were harvested and processed for HE and picrosirius staining; immunohistochemical analysis of collagen...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Immobilization; Vimentin; Desmin; Intermittent stretching; Collagen.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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