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Antinociceptive activity of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and interactions with neurotropics and analgesics BJPS
Rašković,Aleksandar Lazar; Kvrgić,Maja Petar; Tomas,Ana Drago; Stilinović,Nebojša Petar; Čabarkapa,Velibor Spasoje; Stojšić-Milosavljević,Anastazija Ðurica; Kusturica,Milica Nada Paut; Rakić,Dušica Branko.
The plant world represents an important source of potential therapeutic agents, but concomitant administration of herbal and conventional medications may result in interactions with subsequent beneficial or adverse effects. This study was designed to examine the analgesic effect of thyme tincture and thyme syrup, two commonly used thyme formulations, and their interactions with codeine, paracetamol, pentobarbital and diazepam in mice. The identification and quantification of thymol and carvacrol were carried out by GC/MS and GC/FID. The analgesic activity was studied using a hot plate method. Effects of thyme syrup on diazepam-induced motor coordination impairment in rotarod test and on pentobarbital-induced sleeping time were also determined. Thymol...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thymus vulgaris; Hot plate; Analgesic; Interactions; Pentobarbital; Diazepam.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Dose-related effects of propericiazine in rats BJMBR
Cechin,E.M.; Quevedo,J.; Barichello,T.; Machado-Vieira,R.; Gentil,V.; Kapczinski,F..
We evaluated the effects of the neuroleptic agent propericiazine on animal models of anxiety and memory. Adult male Wistar rats (250 to 350 g) received intraperitoneal injections of propericiazine (0.05, 0.075 and 0.1 mg/kg), diazepam (1 mg/kg), saline, or diazepam vehicle (20% propylene glycol and 80% saline) 30 min prior to the experimental procedure. Animals (10-15 for each task) were tested for step-down inhibitory avoidance (0.3-mA footshock) and habituation to an open-field for memory assessment, and submitted to the elevated plus-maze to evaluate the effects of propericiazine in a model of anxiety. Animals treated with 0.075 mg/kg propericiazine showed a reduction in anxiety measures (P<0.05) similar to that observed in those treated with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Propericiazine; Memory; Anxiety; Diazepam; Elevated plus-maze.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Effects of diazepam on Mycobacterium bovis-induced infection in hamsters BJMBR
Righi,D.A.; Pinheiro,S.R.; Guerra,J.L.; Palermo-Neto,J..
The in utero exposure of hamsters to low doses of diazepam results in impaired host defense against Mycobacterium bovis during adulthood. Delayed developmental immunotoxicity, however, represents a specific situation that might not be general. The present experiment was undertaken to investigate the effects of diazepam on hamster resistance to M. bovis using adult animals. The effects of diazepam treatment on serum cortisol levels were also studied. Adult hamsters (N = 10 for each group) were treated with diazepam (E1 = 1.0, E2 = 2.0 or E3 = 3.0 mg kg-1 day-1 subcutaneously) or with control solution (C) for 30 days. Seven days after the beginning of the treatment, the animals received identical inoculum concentrations of M. bovis. Hamsters treated with the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mycobacterium bovis; Host resistance; Macrophages; Diazepam; Immune system.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Interference of propylene glycol with the hole-board test BJMBR
Lourenço da Silva,A.; Elisabetsky,E..
Experimental drugs and/or plant extracts are often dissolved in solvents, including propylene glycol. Nevertheless, there is evidence for psychoactive properties of this alcohol. In this study we found that in the hole-board test 10% propylene glycol did not modify the head-dipping behavior. However, 30% propylene glycol induced an increase in the number of head-dips (46.92 ± 2.37 compared to 33.83 ± 4.39, P<0.05, ANOVA/Student-Newman-Keuls), an effect comparable to that obtained with 0.5 mg/kg diazepam (from 33.83 ± 4.39 to 54 ± 3.8, P<0.01, ANOVA/Student-Newman-Keuls). These results demonstrate that 30% propylene glycol has significant anxiolytic effects in this model and therefore cannot be used as an innocuous solvent.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Screening; Anxiolytic drugs; Propylene glycol; Diazepam; Solvents; Hole-board.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Magnesium chloride alone or in combination with diazepam fails to prevent hippocampal damage following transient forebrain ischemia BJMBR
Milani,H.; Lepri,E.R.; Giordani,F.; Favero-Filho,L.A..
In the central nervous system, magnesium ion (Mg2+) acts as an endogenous modulator of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-coupled calcium channels, and may play a major role in the pathomechanisms of ischemic brain damage. In the present study, we investigated the effects of magnesium chloride (MgCl2, 2.5, 5.0 or 7.5 mmol/kg), either alone or in combination with diazepam (DZ), on ischemia-induced hippocampal cell death. Male Wistar rats (250-300 g) were subjected to transient forebrain ischemia for 15 min using the 4-vessel occlusion model. MgCl2 was applied systemically (sc) in single (1x, 2 h post-ischemia) or multiple doses (4x, 1, 2, 24 and 48 h post-ischemia). DZ was always given twice, at 1 and 2 h post-ischemia. Thus, ischemia-subjected rats were assigned...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerebral ischemia; Hippocampal lesion; CA1 cell loss; Magnesium chloride; Diazepam; Neuroprotection.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Morphological Alterations in Mouse Placenta Induced by Diazepam International Journal of Morphology
Márquez-Orozco,María Cristina; Gasca-Ramírez,María Verónica; de la Fuente-Juárez,Graciela; Márquez-Orozco,Amalia.
Diazepam (DZ) is a benzodiazepine that belongs to the group of minor tranquilizers with myo-relaxing and anticonvulsant properties. DZ and its metabolites cross the placental barrier in human, monkey, hamster, and mouse, and accumulate in the placenta. Our aim was to investigate, through histological techniques, and semifine sections if DZ induces morphological changes in the placenta. Twenty female mice of the ICR strain were distributed randomly in two groups. One group (DZ) was treated from days 6 to 17 of gestation with a single daily subcutaneous (sc) dose of DZ of 2.7 mg/kg/ (bw); the second, control group (C) was treated with saline solution. All females (10 DZ and 10 C) were killed by decapitation. Placentas were extracted and fixed in...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Benzodiazepine; Diazepam; Mouse; Placenta; Histology.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Oral lactate intensifies insulin toxicity during severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia in mice BJPS
Vilela,Vanessa Rodrigues; Antunes,Marina Masetto; Godoi,Vilma Aparecida Ferreira; Travassos,Patricia Batista; Souza,Helenir Medri de; Bazotte,Roberto Barbosa.
ABSTRACT We investigated whether oral lactate could prevent seizures and deaths in mice with severe hypoglycemia induced by a high dose of insulin. For this purpose, mice were fasted for 15 h and then given an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (5.0 U/kg or 10.0 U/kg). Immediately after insulin injection, the mice received an oral dose of saline (control), glucose (5.5 mmol/kg), or lactate (18.0 mmol/kg). Glucose and lactate levels were measured in the blood and brain before and after the seizures began. Glucose and lactate delayed (p < 0.05) the onset of seizures associated with severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Elevated (p < 0.05) brain levels of lactate were associated with an absence of seizures in mice that received glucose or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactatemia; Oral glucose; Diazepam; Seizure; Anticonvulsant effect.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Strain-dependent effects of diazepam and the 5-HT2B/2C receptor antagonist SB 206553 in spontaneously hypertensive and Lewis rats tested in the elevated plus-maze BJMBR
Takahashi,R.N.; Berton,O.; Mormède,P.; Chaouloff,F..
The 5-HT2B/2C receptor antagonist SB 206553 exerts anxiolytic effects in rat models of anxiety. However, these effects have been reported for standard rat strains, thus raising the issue of SB 206553 effects in rat strains displaying different levels of anxiety. Herein, the effects of SB 206553 in a 5-min elevated plus-maze test of anxiety were compared to those of the reference anxiolytic, diazepam, in two rat strains respectively displaying high (Lewis rats) and low (spontaneously hypertensive rats, SHR) anxiety. Diazepam (0.37, 0.75, or 1.5 mg/kg; 30 min before testing) increased in a dose-dependent manner the behavioral measures in SHR, but not in Lewis rats. On the other hand, SB 206553 (1.25, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg; 30 min before testing) failed to alter...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anxiety; Diazepam; Elevated plus-maze; Lewis rats; Spontaneously hypertensive rats; Locomotor activity; M-chlorophenylpiperazine; SB 206553.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Ultrastructure of Fetal Mice Hepatocytes Exposed in Utero to Diazepam International Journal of Morphology
Márquez-Orozco,María Cristina; de la Fuente-Juárez,Graciela; Márquez-Orozco,Amalia.
Previous research has shown that fetal mice hepatic cells from females treated with diazepam (Valium) during pregnancy depict cytoplasmic and nuclear modifications when observed with photonic microscope. The purpose of this work is to investigate if diazepam administered subcutaneously (SC) to pregnant mice females induces ultraestructural alterations in the cytoplasmic organelles and nucleus to fetal hepatocytes. Transmission electron microscopy observations of fetal hepatocytes from pregnant females treated with a single daily dose of diazepam 2.7 mg/kg/bw/SC administered from 6th to 15th days of gestation revealed that they frequently presented disorganized and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterns, membranous elements, abundant Golgi complex and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Benzodiazepines; Diazepam; Fetal hepatocytes; Ultrastructure.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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