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Inclusion of crude glycerin with different roughages changes ruminal parameters and in vitro gas production from beef cattle 65
Paschoaloto,Josimari Regina; Ezequiel,Jane Maria Bertocco; Almeida,Marco Túlio Costa; Fávaro,Vanessa Ruiz; Homem Junior,Antonio Carlos; Carvalho,Vanessa Barbosa de; Perez,Henrique Leal.
ABSTRACT: The increasing availability of crude glycerin from biodiesel production has generated great stock in the industries. To solve this problem, crude glycerin is being used as an energy source to replace corn in livestock diets. This study evaluated the effects of the association of crude glycerin (10% on DM of diets) with different roughages in Nellore cattle diets on ruminal pH and ammonia, degradability, digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, and greenhouse gas production. Six ruminally cannulated Nellore steers were assigned to a 6×6 Latin square design. The following treatments were evaluated: Hydrolyzed Sugarcane associated or not with crude glycerin, Corn Silage associated or not with crude glycerin or Tifton-85 Hay associated or not with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Byproducts; Degradability; Digestibility..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Nutritional characteristics of sorghum hybrids hay (sorghum sudanense x sorghum bicolor) 2
Lima, Mário Henrique Melo e; Pires, Daniel Ananias de Assis; Moura, Marielly Maria Almeida; Costa, Renê Ferreira; Rodrigues, José Avelino Santos; Alves, Kamila Antunes.
This study evaluated the nutritional characteristics of hay of nineteen hybrids between sorghum and Sudan grass. The experimental design was a randomized block with nineteen treatments and three replications. The chemical characteristics of the respective hays were analyzed 52 days after sowing and 45 and 49 regrowth days. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, and when the F test was significant, the treatment means were compared by the Scott and Knott test at 5%. Genotypes 1013026 and 1014020 showed similar dry matter content. As for ether extract content, the highest values ranged from 2.20 to 2.66%. Higher values of minerals were observed in hybrids 1013026 and 1011005. In relation to crude protein, higher content values were reported for hybrids...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nutrição animal; Forragicultura; Produção Animal sudan grass; Chemical composition; Digestibility..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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